Twin Tails
My fave episodes coming up!
Hell yeah, episode 23 is so good.
My fave episodes coming up!
With love in every stitch.
A true BEATER.TUSR#1139
i wont flame anyone i play with
Overwatch comes out in 19 hours so anime is pretty much dead. Thank you Blizzard.
Yamato 2199's music was actually written by the son of the composer of the original Yamato series.
Feels like that makes it all the more personal of a production.
Interviewer: It seems Director Izubuchi said there was no point in doing it if it didn’t use the music of Mr. Miyagawa.
Miyagawa: To the extent that Yamato‘s music was only made by my father, I think it has become an indispensable part of the work. However, since so much has been done to redesign the picture with such extensive use of CG, it is illogical to use the old tracks, so I decided to re-record all the music father left behind.
Since the score was lost, I rewrote it by ear by listening to commercial CDs. At this stage, I corrected parts that I considered to be performance errors and thought about the sound I wanted. I carried out little trials in the new recording. In the performance and recording of such music, a metronome is essential because of the need to work with computers, but it probably couldn’t be used at the time of the original broadcast.
---------------------------------------Interviewer: You’ve not only revived old tracks, you’ve also written new ones.
Miyagawa: When I got the offer from Director Izubuchi, he wanted me to make about 30 new tracks, such as the Gamilas national anthem and the music used during the picture book scenes in Episode 9, “A Clockwork Prisoner.”
Unofficial mashup? That's just a high quality rip from the show.I assume this is some sort of unofficial mashup. The lyrics barely match up with the song beats.
I sincerely regret not watching part 3 Jojo in preparation of part 4. I know it's not entirely necessary but I'd watch it serially.
Based Blizzard saving me from bad decisions.
Re:Zero 08
This episode was cool because right at the start we see Subaru thinking in game logic. The paths he took had clear steps and outcomes, so he traced those back and got a lead. The delivery when he was onwas pretty damn good.Emilia's lap crying
Also just realized, we are about 1/3 into this show. I'm gonna say that we are going to get another 2 or so episodes until we finish the mansion arc.
If there is one recommendation I can give you is to soak UC4 in. Don't rush it. Trust me, I did not play at a crazy pace or anything, I beat the game in 14hrs or so, but I still wished I had taken longer with the characters before getting to the end.
Talking about Re:Zero pacing:
I was curious what the adaption rate is, because this arc does feel really long (although I don't think it dragged so far) and I was wondering if this really is just a single book.
Turns out it isn't, we've just started volume 3 and the adaption is going at a steady 4 episodes/volume (probably a bit more considering how often they skip the OP, ED or both).
Oh sweet. Me too. My account should be the same as here:
If there is one recommendation I can give you is to soak UC4 in. Don't rush it. Trust me, I did not play at a crazy pace or anything, I beat the game in 14hrs or so, but I still wished I had taken longer with the characters before getting to the end.
That actually sounds quite well paced to me.
Was it this?Saw a short clip of Kabaneri and some music played. Its Sawano isn't it?
Re:Zero 08
This episode was cool because right at the start we see Subaru thinking in game logic. The paths he took had clear steps and outcomes, so he traced those back and got a lead. The delivery when he was onwas pretty damn good.Emilia's lap crying
Also just realized, we are about 1/3 into this show. I'm gonna say that we are going to get another 2 or so episodes until we finish the mansion arc.
If there is one recommendation I can give you is to soak UC4 in. Don't rush it. Trust me, I did not play at a crazy pace or anything, I beat the game in 14hrs or so, but I still wished I had taken longer with the characters before getting to the end.
Boom boom satellites kiznaiver is the video. Blocked in america 😞
Not always.LMAO, too good.
Why do these always have "Deja Vu" though and not some other song?
That's how I played. Man I was so sad when it ended. The ending is so damn conclusive, it had me choking up remembering playing UC1 as a youngling still back in my home country.I usually only play a few hours a week, but I'll take my time to savor how damn beautiful the game is...
Star Ocean 5 (6/30) & Final Fantasy XV (9/30) will be huge time sinks once they drop..
Oh and Disgaea 5 is my go-to "break" game, but I'll have to give it and Valkyrie equal time..
I am the exact opposite of you in that I didn't even care to touch the MP. I loved the game, but coming from The Division one problem that UC has is in the controls. I think for as much shit as it gets, the controls are something that are a piece of art in that game. UC has some weird shit going on, like I kept pressing a button to go in cover and I'd jump, or shadow boxing instead of reloading my weapon lmfao.Really? I think I was burnt out in the franchise that I was ready for the story to end four hours before it did. So samey.
At least mp is fun though such a grind to get characters I want (ended up buying husbando flynn)
So good. But who are we kidding, Kiznaiver is the best everything this season. With 5 episodes left and a trend of each episode getting better each week, this show has not only found a place in my heart and somewhere at the peak of my top 10 of the year, as well as for the next year's to come as an SoL that actually made me care about its character's lives.
Yup. Again reinforcing my post just above.Wow. Kiznaiver this week was really good. I honestly never expected something like this to come out of Trigger.
Really cool.
I don't think Kiznaiver would be very enjoyable from what I've seen 2 episodes in and knowing that Okada can't write characters that genuinely feel human. I doubt that core issue I have with her will go away even when instructed by a competent director. But, given that the reception has been really rather great I'll check out another episode or two. Am not watching much this season anyways and might as well drop AoTrain soon.
/edit i guess tanaka-kun has bite-sized anime now? for those of you who are feeling a bit... um... non-motivated
Myriad Colours Phantom World 1
Yup. I agree with this.Are we still doing best song of the season?
Embrace it.
I don't think Kiznaiver would be very enjoyable from what I've seen 2 episodes in and knowing that Okada can't write characters that genuinely feel human. I doubt that core issue I have with her will go away even when instructed by a competent director. But, given that the reception has been really rather great I'll check out another episode or two. Am not watching much this season anyways and might as well drop AoTrain soon.