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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Super Lovers Episode 1

Fantastic episode that makes me want to go and see the Alberta wildnerness for myself. Haruko chose a nice place to have a house and everything.

Pretty awesome take on the first chapter, and many happy feelings moments for the orphaned Ren finally opening up to Haru and a few more happy events finally happening with him. The moment when he got happy over the lunch basket was one of the best.


The ending though, I thought theyd put that for the second episode and not animate a portion of it here. Still very shocking and emotional just in what it shows


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I was thumbing through ANN's season guide or whatever and one of their Joker Game reviews seemed like a new low:
Jacob Hope Chapman

Rating: uuuhhhhnnnnn?

If I had to give you a pure lizard brain response to whether or not I liked or recommended "Joker Game," then I would definitely say yes. It's an immaculately produced, fluidly animated show with sharp writing, smooth pacing, and a genuinely fresh take on "spy vs. spy" where enemy spies are all ostensibly on the same side.
But when I saw "the year is 1937" pop up onscreen, that rating above is the precise noise that squiggled out of my throat, and because of the complicated reasons behind this noise, I can't give this show a specific number, much less a casual thumbs up or thumbs down.
Will the D Agency support Japan's imperialistic expansion, subvert it, or pursue an alternate goal altogether?

The answer means everything to whether Joker Game becomes a contemplative work of political fiction or just another puffed-up right-wing propaganda adventure with some extra twists thrown in. For now, I'm definitely impressed enough by Joker Game's conflicted perspective to keep watching, but I'll have one hand on the escape rope if the story gets too gross to be fun anymore.
I was thumbing through ANN's season guide or whatever and one of their Joker Game reviews seemed like a new low:

I think it's fair given I had a similar reaction. It's hard to tell what direction they'll go with this right now, but it's pretty easy to imagine it could be a hypernationalistic piece that glorifies Japan's horrific actions during the WWII era
The first episode of Joker Game did as little to justify accusations of it glorifying Japanese imperialism as The Wind Rises did to justify accusations of it glorifying Japan's involvement in World War II. I can understand why people would be wary of Japanese works that address this period of their history though, given the blindly nationalist strain in their society.
Joker Game has me worried when I saw that Greater East Asian Society sign in the opening minutes, but the rest of the episode gave me the opposite impression of a nationalistic tone.
I can understand why someone might feel apprehensive about that sort of thing.

I think it's fair given I had a similar reaction. It's hard to tell what direction they'll go with this right now, but it's pretty easy to imagine it could be a hypernationalistic piece that glorifies Japan's horrific actions during the WWII era

The first episode of Joker Game did as little to justify accusations of it glorifying Japanese imperialism as The Wind Rises did to justify accusations of it glorifying Japan's involvement in World War II. I can understand why people would be wary of Japanese works that address this period of their history though, given the blindly nationalist strain in their society.

Yes I can certainly understand that. Japanese media does tend to skip over and completely ignore stuff like the Rape of Nanking, but I'm not so certain Joker Game is some hypernationalistic thing yet. That's not the vibe I got beyond the setting. And its not like there cant be merit to that, as long as it doesn't feel apologist. Just have a little bit more nuance then Mahouka, at least.


Ace of Diamond - Season 2 END

Just a damn good binge, isn't it. Preferred the first season overall (miss the third years) but it was really good considering quite a few awesome characters left. Now I really want to see the new first years join. Need a break for a while though.
I can understand why someone might feel apprehensive about that sort of thing.

I think it's ok to put a little note about that issue in the review, but it shouldn't dominate it, even less when this first episode did have little to be apprehensive about.

edit: it was interesting how one of the ANN reviewers totally think the protagonist is going to die by doing harakiri, he understood he got played by the spies. I'm much more on the camp
that think it's clear the evidence will be planted and that's it, they are just showing how the army dude still doesn't think as a spy. There is no "cheating", no dirty tricks, there is only being successful in the mission.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think it's fair given I had a similar reaction. It's hard to tell what direction they'll go with this right now, but it's pretty easy to imagine it could be a hypernationalistic piece that glorifies Japan's horrific actions during the WWII era
There is not a single piece of the text that has a "hypernationalistic" read. Joker Game is very blunt in depicting Japan as weighing behind its global contemporaries on the political stage, and even paints blind militaristic loyalty as laughable, and ultimately hollow when the military's greatest supporter is stabbed in the back by his own nation.

Calling for certain eras or subject matter to be verboten because of ideological differences that may have overlap with the subject matter quiets the history in its own right, and paints entire cultures as monstrous entities.
There is not a single piece of the text that has a "hypernationalistic" read. Joker Game is very blunt in depicting Japan as weighing behind its global contemporaries on the political stage, and even paints blind militaristic loyalty as laughable, and ultimately hollow when the military's greatest supporter is stabbed in the back by his own nation.

Calling for certain eras or subject matter to be verboten because of ideological differences that may have overlap with the subject matter quiets the history in its own right, and paints entire cultures as monstrous entities.

I'm not saying it should be forbidden, and I agree it doesn't seem that way yet. But I'm saying it has the potential to be, so while I enjoyed it, I'm kind of worried. Which is pretty much what Hope said. Note she says she enjoyed it and that she's just afraid it might go down that route
Bungo Stray Dogs 1

As soon as Atsushi decided he would rob the next person who showed up, and the next people to show up were a motorcyclist, marching military police, and a pair of legs floating in the water, I was on board. I'm sorry for doubting you, Igarashi.

Bungo Stray Dogs 01

Quite decent, if still predictable, (the tiger mistery) might stick around. And yes the similarities to Blood Blockade Battlefront are very apparent. From the setup of detective agency of peeps with superpowers to some visual quirks (the arrows that Rie Matsumuto likes so much ) and the style of humor, one can't help but be reminded of it.

Igarashi was using those arrows way before Matsumoto. Watch Ouran!


Blood Blockade Battlefront S2

Meh, I don't know. It certainly looks pretty and well animated (as expected of BONES), and you can see they put efforts into it (Which was also oblivious since they have been publicizing this months), but it kinda looks... generic? Like something out of Zero-Sum.

I have also heard not good things about the manga.


Bungou Stray Dogs 1

I dunno i thought it looked good, had some nice style and the little sequence by the river was pretty funny but eh didn't really feel anything one way or another towards it by the end. Might give it another episode and see what happens.

Super Lovers 1

Canada is pretty i'll tell you that for free.
Another one that im not sure what to make of it yet because i know from the OP that there is gonna be a massive timeskip.
It was a bit heavy handed setting up Haru as this perfect big brother type guy and i was told a lot of things instead of shown them(like Ren's past). So another one i might give another episode to see how it progresses.


Bungo Stray Dogs 1

As soon as Atsushi decided he would rob the next person who showed up, and the next people to show up were a motorcyclist, marching military police, and a pair of legs floating in the water, I was on board. I'm sorry for doubting you, Igarashi.

Liked that gag a lot too.

Igarashi was using those arrows way before Matsumoto. Watch Captain Earth.


Outside of some singular storyboards and directing gigs he did on shows not chiefly directed by him and that one episode of CE, I'm (fortunately/unfortunately) completely unfamiliar with his body of work.


There is not a single piece of the text that has a "hypernationalistic" read. Joker Game is very blunt in depicting Japan as weighing behind its global contemporaries on the political stage, and even paints blind militaristic loyalty as laughable, and ultimately hollow when the military's greatest supporter is stabbed in the back by his own nation.

Calling for certain eras or subject matter to be verboten because of ideological differences that may have overlap with the subject matter quiets the history in its own right, and paints entire cultures as monstrous entities.

Nobody is saying anything is verboten. You may freely show anything, but people can also freely criticize it, if they don't like it.
While i didn't really find anything really wrong with Joker game, i did find 2 things that bother me. I couldn't believe they actually put GEAS sign on the their headquarters. Also didn't like how they made the only non Japanese person in the episode so villainous, that it was almost absurd, while he was only saying he didn't do anything wrong.
I understand why the topic could be sesitive to some people , since like in the show, there actually existed real life special units working for the IJA at that same time , and some of the things they did was well documented.


Unconfirmed Member
This season needs to CALM DOWN with all the awesome shows. I'm watching JoJo Part 4, Academia, Re:Zero, Onmyouji, Joker Game, and potentially Stray Dogs. It's insanity!

Truly we get a season so complicated
Outside of some singular storyboards and directing gigs he did on shows not chiefly directed by him and that one episode of CE, I'm (fortunately/unfortunately) completely unfamiliar with his body of work.

Ouran, Doremi, and Nadja are worth watching.

Nobody is saying anything is verboten. You may freely show anything, but people can also freely criticize it, if they don't like it.
While i didn't really find anything really wrong with Joker game, i did find 2 things that bother me. I couldn't believe they actually put GEAS sign on the their headquarters. Also didn't like how they made the only non Japanese person in the episode so villainous, that it was almost absurd, while he was only saying he didn't do anything wrong.
I understand why the topic could be sesitive to some people , since like in the show, there actually existed real life special units working for the IJA at that same time , and some of the things they did was well documented.

Doesn't that seem like a very natural title for a spy organization to use to camouflage themselves? Something that sounds innocuous but is actually laced with irony.

I will agree that I wasn't too fond of the over-the-top "gaijin" stereotype.


The good thing about dubbed anime is that you don't have to look at the screen while drawing or doing work.

The bad thing about them is that Ecchi shows staring 15 year olds become that much more creepy!


This season needs to CALM DOWN with all the awesome shows. I'm watching JoJo Part 4, Academia, Re:Zero, Onmyouji, Joker Game, and potentially Stray Dogs. It's insanity!

Truly we get a season so complicated

It's a shame almost everything I watch (or I'll watch) airs on Friday-Saturday-Sunday. These three days are just full of shows.
Bungo Stray Dogs 01

The similarities to Kekkai Sensen and this are crazy. I wasn't too hot on the other one due to its episodic nature, let's see how I feel about this one. It had the strongest opening of the season so far, I'll give it that. Living for this soundtrack. Character designs are on point. Comedy bits were pretty good. If they don't pull a Kekkai on me, I think I'm going to enjoy this one a lot.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Bungou Stray Dogs is very FMA in its comedy. As in it wasn't funny a decade ago and it isn't now, no matter how animated the angry faces get.


Bungo Stray Dogs - 01

Was alright. I didn't feel particularly excited but neither was I bored, so... I'll give it a bit more time I think.
The production certainly looks good and the premise is indeed kind of similiar to Kekkai Sensen, although it lacks the crazy setting.
We'll see where it goes once the rest of the cast are properly introduced.

Mawaru Penguindrum - 02

I could watch those Survival Strategy scenes the whole day. So fabulous.
And the penguins and the way the brothers are using them is killing me.
Ringo is ...basically Yuno without the pink hair.
I'm curious what the Penguindrum is and wether it has something to do with her having a Future Diary™ or if that's something entirely different. And I also want to know wtf Boushi-sama did to the older brother last episode.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Bungou Stray Dogs is very FMA in its comedy. As in it wasn't funny a decade ago and it isn't now, no matter how animated the angry faces get.

I assume you're talking about FMA Brotherhood? Bungo Stray Dogs is way better. The main reason is because Bungo Stray Dogs has impeccable timing and takes good advantage of the animated format, while Brotherhood felt like a lazy copy-and-paste from the manga.


This season needs to CALM DOWN with all the awesome shows. I'm watching JoJo Part 4, Academia, Re:Zero, Onmyouji, Joker Game, and potentially Stray Dogs. It's insanity!

Truly we get a season so complicated

I haven't picked up anything today just because I need a few days of not watching Anime to make sure i don't drop the entire enterprise.



i tried watching B gata H Kei (i liked it when i first watched it)while drawing, so i gave the english dub a try.
got weirded out when they mentioned she was 15 right as a bathroom scene plays.

:/ idk i guess it feels like a level of disconnect lowers in a dub... maybe i was just tired... idk...
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