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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Berserk 3


All sorts of warning bells are going off in my head.

I associate Susumu Hirasawa so much with Satoshi Kon that it feels weird to hear his music in this context. Some great stuff, though. It's also neat to hear a much younger Akira Ishida than I am accustomed to.


Sound! Euphonium - 10


Previous Eupho Reviews:
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09

- Drama time, let's go! Auditions are some serious stuff, especially when you're part of a microcosm like a band ensemble.

- What was that from Kumiko's past? Yikes! Seeing how pissed off that other girl was, even to the point of the euphonium falling over... I instinctively cringed as I saw it begin to tip. That being said, if she played better, she should be the one performing. To see Kumiko's past have an event like that is crazy.

- "What is Kumiko doing at that sink?" you may ask. She's emptying her spit-valve. When brass players perform, spit accumulates in the instrument, and brass instruments are physically built to store and have release mechanisms for spit. Tubas and euphoniums usually accumulate the most, while trumpets and trombones have the least. When enough accumulates, the spit can actually distort pitch and can audibly be heard making a gurgling sound as you perform. It's important to empty it out.

- Some ensembles have dedicated receptacles for emptying out spit, others just have hard-surface floors that are later just mopped up. Woodwinds don't have this issue, and usually just run a cleaning cloth with a weight attached to a string on one end through their instruments at the end of practice to keep the moisture out.

- French horns also accumulate a lot, but the method for emptying those is significantly more complicated than the others. For double(french horn)-horn players, they have two spit valves (one for each key of the instrument; B-flat and F), and they have to take out all of their slides, empty them out by flipping them over, then putting all the slides back in, and making sure they're at the right tuning lengths. They do this A LOT during performance and practice, and easily accumulate some of the most spit. If you ever go to an orchestra concert and wonder why the french horns are spinning their instruments in the air, it's because they're trying to move around the spit without removing their slides!


- Hopefully Natsuki isn't mean to Kumiko like that other girl. She seems like she'll be nice enough.

- I very much like this short cut of Taki-sensei conducting. They even show him using a gesture at the end of the cut with his left hand! Nice attention to detail. I also like how they show him handling the cutoff at the end of the piece, by just freezing in place. Usually most conductors will hold up to ten seconds after the end of a piece to properly let the sound finish reverberating. Depending on the room, this time could be extended or shortened just to accommodate the acoustics properly. Ensembles will also change their playing styles depending on the acoustics of a room too.

- What seems to be happening here is that they have a required duration for performance. Seems they're gradually working on increasing the tempo to the composer's specifications. As they practice enough, they're sure to get there!

- Not even a second later after I wrote that above; Oh yeah, twelve minutes! It's good to see that they're working to best present the pieces within the time limit, but not go too much or too little in terms of tempo. If I had to guess, the other piece would be a march because that's usually how these things go.


- Blankets? From home? Yep. They're typically put on the floors to deaden the reverberation of the sounds, though they will sometimes be put on the walls too. More commonly they're used on percussion the most because of how loud they can get, and because of how dominant their sound can be over most of the wind instruments. By drying out the reverberations from the percussion, the sound can be cleaned up a lot. Of course, if it's a wet hall (lots of reverberation/echo), a floor with a really hard surface, or a hall with poor acoustics or poor soundproofing they are placed under the whole ensemble in order to better control the longevity of sound after notes are played. It also helps control volume, and makes it so that you have to play louder (but still controlled!) for the sound to have better resonance. It definitely helps keep the sound clean and crisp. Sometimes it's used for spit too.

- Of course for this show, they may have another reason entirely. Maybe it's for something flashy, or visually related, although that's way more uncommon. We shall see!

- Uh-oh... What's with this rumor circle?


- Seeing Kumiko express her trauma and spit out the shake was well-done. Seeing Natsuki be so nice is kind of refreshing. And then as I mentioned last episode, yeah, Taki-sensei totally saw through them with regards to the audition selections. Of course now we know it wasn't just Kumiko he picked on. He knows where their weak spots are, being the conductor. But the resolution of this scene, Natsuki's message on the music and her resolve got me misty in the eyes ;_; I really felt as Kumiko did in that moment.

- Kaori is handling this maturely. I'm not surprised, but man she seems okay. You can tell she knows that Taki-sensei wouldn't do something like that, and that he just wants the best performance for what the ensemble told them they want to achieve. It seems that she wants another chance. Yuuko falling for the rumor (whatever it is at this point) brings her character flaws to the forefront. But that she doesn't relent is kind of endearing in a way, despite totally being in the wrong. She only does it out of affection.


- And as I called, it's for soundproofing. They're even doing the walls! It's good to see that Taki-sensei knows the hall, and knows how to best control the ensemble volume to have the best performance with the acoustics they're going to be performing in. He's just awesome, and you can tell he knows what he's doing.

- Yuuko... Oh, what? Why? Don't go there. Taki-sensei is handling it as a pro would. You can see that Yuuko acting in that manner is unknowingly rubbing in for Kaori, and it's totally making Kaori sad despite Yuuko's good intentions. Hell, it's making me sad. With the way the ensemble is being run, it's talent first with regards to auditions. No emotions, no personal ties, no favors owed to upperclassmen. It's clear in this case that Reina had the better audition. Reina was ICE COLD!

- Reina in this scene is golden! It's one of the first times she really loses her cool demeanor. Just seeing her run out and yell out her frustration instead of taking out on Yuuko is kind of hilarious, and you can see even she has her own breaking points too, especially with band drama. NOBODY IS SAFE FROM BAND DRAMA. NOBODY. EVER. It's good that Kumiko was there to help her.


- I've been in a situation similar to this before too! When I was a freshman in high school, I auditioned for our Jazz Band and ended up getting 2nd trumpet (a spot I kept for four years because I was great at soloing and improvisation). Significance? 2nd Trumpet is the part that has the solos/improvisation parts in high school jazz bands (because high-schoolers are obviously not professionals). In pretty much every jazz chart there are always solos. My upper-classmen were all upset at me (I was the only freshman that got in from the auditions), and I totally pulled a Reina to their faces even though I was a bit shaken by their initially oppressive attitudes, something I confided in with my friends. My director and the guy who did the auditions handled it for me, and helped resolve everything. My talent ended up saving me, as it was apparent to them why I had the part once we started rehearsals. This whole situation brings back a fond memory :)

- And now we get a little backstory on Reina and Taki-sensei's connection. Besides the fact that Taki-sensei is awesome, it's nice to know why Reina holds him in such high regards. Seeing Reina open up like this is great! Her motivations are finally known. Very nicely done here. Reina and Kumiko's interactions here are fun, and they play off each other nicely. Super cute.

- I like Reina's determination and how serious she is. It's cool. Another small takeaway from this scene is that Reina's dad is a trumpet player. I don't know why, but usually most of the parent/child (wind) musicians I've interacted with over the years usually don't play the same instruments. Either the children want to play something different, or more often I see the parents not wanting their children to play the same instruments as them because then they'll feel compelled to want to teach them directly, when it's best to not get to personally involved for sake of a lack of being objective or afraid to be too hurtful. I've only mostly noticed this for wind players and percussionists. Piano and string players are usually a different story, in my experience.


- Oh no, Taki-sensei is losing it a little. A slight crack in the armor. Though they should not have put that stuff away because the setup should stay the same, he definitely came off a little aggressive here.

- But this following conversion about the doubt is interesting. I don't know if Asuka will be the most tactful person in a delicate situation such as this this, though I feel that she can at least communicate her ambitions and intentions clearly. Hopefully she doesn't rub people the wrong way if she ends up being the one to fix this mess. She can be quite self-centered. This seems like a nerve-wracking situation to be put in, and Kumiko definitely expresses that sentiment quite well, haha.

- Is Kaori practicing the solo because they're going to do a re-audition to try and fix this? I wonder if they're going to do a blind audition. If they go that route, I wonder if they'll vote on which solo was the best by ensemble opinion versus Taki-sensei and Matsumoto-sensei's opinions.

- Asuka with the water-bottle is hilarious, haha.



- Kumiko is rather forward here. It's cool seeing her get serious, even trying to cut through Asuka's outer-shell. Asuka's answer here is about what I expected, especially after the previous episodes. She's self-centered, but serious about performing, and doesn't give a damn about this drama. It's cool to see that she's above this stuff, despite being kind of harsh and narrow-minded. At least... I think she is.

- I wonder what Haruka is up to.

- Also interesting is that Matsumoto-sensei seems to know about Taki-sensei as well. All these connections are slowly being revealed, and it's interesting how this is unfolding. I hope we get some Taki-sensei backstory soon!

- Good on Haruka taking charge. Hell yeah.

- I don't know if having them play visibly in front of everyone is a good idea because of bias, maybe it will be a blind audition. Either way, HERE WE GO. I hope Reina wins. Not because I don't like Kaori (I like Kaori), but because this was a crappy situation all-around. Honestly, doing something like this shows a lack of professionalism from the band. Yet again, they're high-schoolers so this isn't unprecedented. I understand where Kaori is coming from, especially in her position of seniority. She doesn't want to leave any regrets. Despite the way the re-audition came about was probably not how she wanted it to happen, she's still going to take another chance since it's all she has left. Depending on how it goes, I hope that both trumpet players take the high road on this one.

Phenomenal episode that covered a ton of ground. I loved all the character interactions and the way the story moved forward this episode. Super engaging episode all-around! Next episode will probably make me get a massive feeling of anxiety in my stomach during the re-auditions.


Iron Blooded Orphans 02

Series Composition: Mari Okada

This is good. Now I actually want to watch a Gundam with her on board. So far, so good while watching this on Toonami. I like the setup of it being Mars's fight for independence. Martian Lives Matter.

The beginning confused me a little. So, you mean to tell me that these nanomachines in this Barbatos Gundam is supposed to give Mika spatial awareness and thereby hooking his brain up with all of the data on the Gundam and only because it works on children whose brain aren't fully developed yet?

Man, that officer in the 1st Corps is a piece of shit. I hope Okada makes it so that Orga kicks that cretin in the dick and bloodies his face with a concussion because they're the real cowards that try to run if there's trouble. Taking all those punches to the face better be worth it if he's going to make all of them pay for it.

Kudelia Aina Bernstein. It's good that she snapped out of her self-moping and blaming herself for the deaths of all who died at the base when she visited them. I have some hopes that this blonde will be very useful and important.

Speaking of blondes, I hope that McGillis the Inspector goes and backstabs Coral for trying to start shit. That, and he doesn't care about killing kids as long as he wants to kill Kudelia. At least that old man who is forced to be ordered to kill Orga and company has a very heavy conscience about it.

I think I sort of have the characters down, haha


So, what other harem franchises bamboozled the audience by eventually turning the male protagonist into the best waifu?

The ones I can think of are:

Hayate no Gotoku
Sword Art Online
The World God Only Knows
Sakura Taisen 5

Any others?


So, what other harem franchises bamboozled the audience by eventually turning the male protagonist into the best waifu?

The ones I can think of are:

Hayate no Gotoku
Sword Art Online
The World God Only Knows
Sakura Taisen 5

Any others?

Oh, To Love Ru and To Love Ru Darkness are good ones.

We'll get a Boku Girl anime one of these days. It's not really harem-y I guess.


So, what other harem franchises bamboozled the audience by eventually turning the male protagonist into the best waifu?

The ones I can think of are:

Hayate no Gotoku
Sword Art Online
The World God Only Knows
Sakura Taisen 5

Any others?

You were looking for Kirito-chan, eh, hahaha.

I have not seen this, but I'm pretty sure I Wanna Be Twintail is more than enough to bamboozle.


I love how much this show actually explored its premise. Normally shows like this just use the premise as a spin on a normal high school comedy, but this one actually runs with it all the way. That the first experiment failed we pretty much already knew, but the idea that the damn thing reversed into Sonozaki is god damn horrible. It explains so much, like why everyone will do so much for her. So many of the researchers must feel so guilty all the time.

Also explains why Yamada is such a piece of shit. I mean, it's not suprising considering what he went through. Watching all those kids that he was so close with just get utterly destroyed through his research must have torn him up inside. You either come out of that a piece of shit or find done coping mechanism like the rest of the researchers.

Chidori really failed to redeem herself again though. I was expecting her to turn on Tenga for beating up Katsuhira, but once again it's all about her. Not that I'm complaining though, I'm absolutely loving how much Chidori sucks. I normally hate entitled childhood friends so watching one be shown off as selfish as she is is great. I do kind of hope she gets it together by the end though.

Oh, and Nico continues to be a shining beacon of fucking light in this show. That scene with her spinning was wonderful after what they all went through last episode.


Big Order - Ep. 9
You know, when you are ripping of Code Geass, you should probably skip the very worst part of it.
Then again, this anime cleary can't tell the different between a good and a bad idea.

Speaking of trash : Koutetsujou no Kabaneri - Ep. 9

This episode was just awful.
Mumei continues to be the stupidest person on the planet and the villains is simultaneously very stupid and hypocritical.

Kiznaiver - Ep. 9-10
These episodes on the other are some of the best this season.
It keeps getting better with each episode. Well, to be fair, 10 wasn't as good as 9, but only because 10 was just this fucking good.

To my suprise Sakamoto desu ga? is still fun. I thought it would get boring after a few episodes.


Legend of Galactic Heroes Overture to a New War

As I've been told, this adds so much context and exposition to the events of the first episode I saw recently and boy was it glorious. Despite all that I still find myself rooting for Count Reinhard over Lap and Yang. He has little to be likeable in terms of his personality but his utter disregard for things that don't aid his goal make him interesting. There is a sense of pride but it is on his ability to see things for truly what they are.

While the first episode ended at a critical point, the movie has a proper conclusion to the battle and it ends on a satisfying note. I've had my fill of a space opera for the moment so I'm gonna take a while before I resume watching the show.
This episode was so great. The best yet.
Aizawa getting demolished was so much more brutal animated. His bones just snapping and twisting.

I dont remember the ojiro fighting scene but that was cool.


Someone from here went to assist this year's AnimeNEXT panels? Jarmel, perhaps?

I went but I didn't assist at any of the panels. I should probably try and set up a blog and get a Press badge one of these days though so I can do the interviews.

Anyway I only went to two panels, the Inferno Cop one and the Black Lagoon one. There's the Luluco panel today but I don't feel like driving five hours to go just for that one, especially after how somewhat underwhelming the Inferno Cop one was.


To my suprise Sakamoto desu ga? is still fun. I thought it would get boring after a few episodes.
It's to be expected, really. The source material is good and they've done well so far with pacing the comedy. That's all they really need to keep the show on track.


Speaking of AnimeNEXT panels, Discotek has theirs coming up soon! I'm really excited to hear about the announcements!


My Hero Academia 11

This episode was the most stand out in terms of the amount of action sequences so far and boy did it have some intense moments and a heart pounding finish. I cannot wait for the next episode.
I would've been sooo upset if something happened to Tsuyu but that Deku smash was gratifying


Haifuri 10



Real spotty art this filler episode. Imagine they're pumping this one out to put some real effort into however the final arc plays out now that they've reacknowledged that other ship.


MHA 11

Not perfect but a fucking massive step up from the past few rather languid weeks. MHA shines as a team effort bouncing between multiple characters and the midpoint of the USJ arc did not disappoint. Eraserhead's fight and subsequent takedown was both far more brutal and heroic than in the manga, and Shiragaki's VA managed to bring an incredible, creepy, disturbing sense of menace the anime art alone is failing to bring across. Even heavy with the occasional flashback as this episode was, the pacing was far faster and more frenetic than usual, managing to bring across a palpable sense of threat and excitement to what had last week seemed entirely lackluster. The 'grab' sequence in particular was an excellent adaption (though I wish it had a higher budget, the slow-mo was not as cool looking as I'd hoped)

I will continue to say this though, I still think there are problems with the way stuff is framed in shots and especially with the backgrounds which absolutely do not pop in any way most of the time. The last shot here was very disappointing compared to the manga and it is really the voicework and music carrying a lot of great moments which looked astounding in the manga and merely competent at best here.


Girls und Panzer der Film
- Way too long.

- The "our silly school is going to get closed again" is not only a weak ass plot excuse for the events of the movie to transpire, it retroactively undermines the entire TV show. And they still dare to spend 40 minutes on it.

-The movie feels "empty' in that none of the characters have anything interesting going for them, sans maybe Miho's reconciliation with her family. Which too is weaksauce.

- I liked the shift to the annihilation battles. Thanks to that the final battle avoids what marred a lot of duels in the show proper, namely Miho pitted against overwhelming odds and getting in a bullshit lucky shot on enemy flag tank.

- A number of times when they went full bonkers [Rail Gun, Finnish (apparently, seriously who are those people) tank going ham or Anzio with their antics.] was pretty fun and I think in general, I prefer it to pretending there's any kind of logic to these duels.

- Cause it's all fundamentally undercut by a complete disregard for the ranges at which the duels were mostly fought or the penetrating power of the guns. Hell there is not even a speck of internal consistency. Miho's Panzer IV gets hit at sides and the back from the Centurion's gun yet 30 seconds later, they make a major drama of said Centurion getting in Miho's rear and having (and wasting) an occasion to shoot. And I'm supposed to care why exactly ? Miho's tank was already shown to be invulnerable from that angle. Likewise the entire battle is magically decided cause Plot-sama decides that this time, he'll allow the enemy tank to be penetrated, despite it earlier withstanding shots from PZIV and Tiger. Absolutelydisgusting.jpg

-What's up with that ending ? Oh hey, the battle ended, let's just roll credits immediately.



armour-piercing in GuP is addressed sufficiently enough my suspension of disblief is not really ruined by 'sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't'. Of course, I don't really care enough to look stuff up, so maybe I'm not the intended audience for such related criticism.

so long as broad strokes logic is consistent (x tank has paper armour, this gun will blast through anything but sucks at y range, etc) I don't mind stuff where medium-range guns glance off heavy-grade armour or blast off the armour skirts


Girls und Panzer der Film

- Way too long.

- The "our silly school is going to get closed again" is not only a weak ass plot excuse for the events of the movie to transpire, it retroactively undermines the entire TV show. And they still dare to spend 40 minutes on it.

-The movie feels "empty' in that none of the characters have anything interesting going for them, sans maybe Miho's reconciliation with her family. Which too is weaksauce.

- I liked the shift to the annihilation battles. Thanks to that the final battle avoids what marred a lot of duels in the show proper namely Miho against overwhelming odds getting in a bullshit lucky shot on enemy flag tank.

- A number of times when they went full bonkers [Rail Gun, Finnish (apparently, seriously who are those people) tank going ham or Anzio with their antics.] was pretty fun and I think I in general I prefer it to pretending there's any kind of logic to these duels.

- Cause it's all fundamentally undercut by a complete disregard for the ranges at which the duels were mostly fought or the penetrating power of the guns. Hell there is not even a speck of internal consistency. Miho's Panzer IV gets hit at sides and the back from the Centurion's gun yet 30 seconds later, they make a major drama of said Centurion getting in Miho's rear and having (and wasting) an occasion to shoot. And I'm supposed to care why exactly ? Miho's tank was already shown to be invulnerable from that angle. Likewise the entire battle is magically decided cause Plot-sama decides that this time, he'll allow the enemy tank to be penetrated, despite it earlier withstanding shots from PZIV and Tiger. Absolutelydisgusting.jpg

-What's up with that ending ? Oh hey, the battle ended, let's just roll credits immediately.


I agree most of this point. The movie is fun but certainly full of flaw if you view it in critical way.

Finnish tank and Karl battle certainly highlight for me. It's a better final battle than the actual final battle.

I found the actual final kinda mess. I mean it have cool camera work but doesn't seem consistence in term of pacing and thrill


My Hero Academia 9

ep was the usual boring but the bit about not wanting to beat up the media in order to keep them from writing half-truths about them coupled with a later discussion about how its important to maintain popularity as a hero was neat


Seems like Discotek's panel has gone through their announcements! While there was some recap of old announcements judging from the tweets, here's the new announcements:

Black Jack (1996 film, BD+DVD)
Demon Lord Dante (2002)
Golgo 13: The Professional (BD)
Jungle Emperor Leo (BD+DVD)
Star Fleet (Dub only so far, some sort of Go Nagai puppet show?)
True Tears (BD)

I'll be honest, I'm a bit disappointed after how hyped up this was. I mean, there certainly are some big titles here, but I'm only really interested in the Black Jack film. No Angel's Egg or Urusei Yatsura films for me just yet, it seems. OTL

While this is in Crunchyroll's hands, I wonder what's taking so long for a BD release of Free S1? It's been a while since the DVD release (which seems to have been pretty successful), and I can imagine there's a lot of demand for it.


Discotek also had a few updates on previously announced licenses too:

Lupin III: Part II releasing in 2017. Current plan is to release it across 4 DVD sets.
Magic Knight Rayearth on BD and DVD will hopefully be releasing by the end of the year, but they're cramming so many extras onto it that it keeps getting pushed back.
SeHa Girls releasing on BD/DVD in the Fall, Sega is apparently very involved with the release.
Street Fighter II: The Movie BD releasing in either September or October.

They're also looking at acquiring the Strike the Blood OVAs, which would come at some point after their BD/DVD release with Crunchyroll.


MHA ep.11

I liked seeing everyone else in action and using their quirks for once. They all had a common goal, but next week will probably be a tough battle with the villains stacking the deck against All Might and his powers as seen by
Deku's ineffectiveness against
that monster.


My Hero Academia 11

all for some All Might throwdown next ep but the Eraserhead shit was kinda laughable.

dude has him prostrate before him, Eraserhead's powers require his eyes, he's there to send a message anyway, why not just pluck them out with one of your billion hands since you already acknowledged he was a surprise attack threat


So Kizu part 2 is confimed for 8/19.

Is that the JP release date? If so, is it likely that the movie will stay in theaters until halfway through September? I'll be arriving to Japan on 9/12 for this year's TGS, so I'd be really interested in watching it in theaters if given the chance.

I didn't get to watch the first movie yet, but I have read the LN so I guess I'll be able to follow whatever happened on the part I missed out on.
I just noticed I didn't watch Kabaneri's episode from last week, and as I watch it now I know why. I don't give a shit about the characters or the plot. It's a totally forgettable series, with nice shading and animation but even that is countered by the over the top direction.


I just noticed I didn't watch Kabaneri's episode from last week, and as I watch it now I know why. I don't give a shit about the characters or the plot. It's a totally forgettable series, with nice shading and animation but even that is countered by the over the top direction.

It would be nice if the production had remained consistent though. The show right now looks completely different to the first few episodes. I guess it was dumb to think that it would retain the original quality, but it is a huge step down.


It would be nice if the production had remained consistent though. The show right now looks completely different to the first few episodes. I guess it was dumb to think that it would retain the original quality, but it is a huge step down.

Never trust Wit.
Rainbow Days Episode 22

Omg. Kobayakawa should have just told Hashiba what he did. Now all this emotional torment while he's happy though he didnt confess again. I hoped they would. Next episode hurry :(

I love Hashiba faces.
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