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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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John Blade


If you want an animated movie which show the beauty of hand animation and set a benchmark of which other anime films would be judged at during it's time and even today time, Macross Do You Remember Love might be one to consider. Even over 30 years later, it still look great to watch and now in Blu-ray, it look even more amazing. One of the few anime movie which look more better when convert to Blu-ray.

The story of this movie is very similar to the TV series but quite a few things have change. Most of the major change come down to either remove all the slower part from the TV show, try to develop more of the main character in the story, and try to make the pacing of the movie smooth. Now, all this change have a upside and downside depend on if you're fans of the TV show or just coming in for the 1st time. For me, the change in this movie is fine for the most part as I think this movie as a retelling of the story I have already watch but like to see it once more in the big screen. In reality, you can watch this movie for the 1st time without any knowledge of the TV series, but it really is mean for us the fans.

One thing I still like in this series is the music. The music is still a major plot point for this movie which you found out more later on the movie. Also, the soundtrack is really good to listen to, helping to push the tone of the scene more powerful like the entire climactic battle sequence near the end of the movie. Still love the song from that scene.

The character development is very limited to the main characters (Hikaru, Misa and Minmay). Unfortunately, this mean the other characters you love from the TV show is now put on the back seat with very limited development on them. This isn't a bad thing as it help push the love triangle between those three characters and you start to see the mature of Hikaru from a young inexperience person to someone who mature at the end of the movie after going through the stuff he see during the movie.

Overall, one of my favorite movie I have watch for a while. As a fan of the original Macross, watching this once more make me love the series much more and would recommend everyone to go watch it if you can as this is a classic anime movie.
Flying Witch 10

Seeing Nao learning to cook was way too funny ahahah. This episode also taught me that microwaving an onion before cutting it won't make you cry. Anime folks.

This show is so peaceful though. I hope we get something like this next season.

Amaama to Inazuma (Sweetness and Lightning) should be the fluffy/relaxing show of next season.


Kiznaiver ep.10
Damn, my man is even more broken now; wtf you sick bastards. I'm surprised Tenga did just pop sensei in the facenter after that stunt. He's a piece of shit through and through.
Voltron: Legendary Defender 2-5

Okay, for whatever flaws this show might have, Pidge is pretty awesome.

Also, the others were right, this show is better when Voltron isn't at the front and center.
Helga is a yandere, did you miss the fucking statue she made of Arnold's head from chewing gum he spit out that she makes out with passionately in her closet? Tsundere is only her cover.


i called a girl at a house party helga once

she looked like her too

her boyfriend wanted to fight me until i told him why she was upset at me

we had a good laugh and are good friends now


Helga is a straight up anime character stuck in a Nickelodeon cartoon, she even has the horrible parents/family situation thing down pat.
Fafner 18

I'm not sure what the point of that trial was - since the island doesn't answer to the Neo UN, there's no higher government or law they need to answer to, so if the island leaders don't want to punish Maya's sister for falsifying her test data there's no need for them to anything. Maya's dad has no authority there. Unless they were just trying to embarrass him with the "everyone did it" routine.


Nah. Gahara verbally abuses Koyomi 90% of the time, but they actually do share moments as a happy couple as well.

Yea, Gahara is more a balanced Yandere/Tsundere.

Helga is a straight up anime character stuck in a Nickelodeon cartoon, she even has the horrible parents/family situation thing down pat.

Her parent/family situation isn't great but I wouldn't call it horrible exactly, they have their moments that show it isn't as bad as it appears and they do stick together when the need arises. In fact, some of the best family episodes were surrounding her parents and sister.
One Piece 745

I don't remember the bit about the people who swore allegiance under Luffy ending up causing a massive incident and being "a tale for another time" in the manga. Maybe it was there.


I got a temp job recently and have been too tired to watch lots of anime, but I have tomorrow off, so I'll be binge my heart out.

That being said:

Luluco Season 4 episode 2:

Didn't expect an inferno cop episode. And one that's not crazy random or dumb. Its just kind of a chill episode with 2 characters talking about stuff. Double surprise i guess. It worked super well too. Liked some of the jokes too; had a good time. Very surprised that I'm the same age as Inferno Cop...

Kizunaiver 10:

Very good episode that kicks you right in the gut while you're down. Its a good thing that we are getting 2 episodes to work things out. Seems like the right length to do so. I hope we get a nice clean ending without any strings attached. Lots of set up this episode with regards to Tenga and Chidori, etc so I'll look forward to next week.

And damn, what happened to those kids is fucked up. But I'm glad they finally explained Sonozaki's condition. Man, those final scenes... the colour change... the crying...

Cuts deep.
It Hurts

Hopefully the ending of the second arc of Re:Zero lifts my spirits...


Berserk 1

With all the hubbub over the new TV anime coming soon, I decided it was time to try my hand at the original. I can't believe there are people who think this looks bad. Sure, there's copious use of stills in action scenes, but they're very good stills - a lot of Dezaki-esque postcards - and used in a stylistically appropriate manner. The oppressive atmosphere is almost unbearable.

We've started in medias res, and between that and the lone fighter out for blood this reminds me of the first episode of Gungrave. Only the medieval fantasy setting here works a lot better than the science-fiction silliness of Gungrave. The bar scene in particular was strongly reminiscent of an early bar scene in The Witcher 3. The two works are clearly cut from the same dark fantasy cloth.
A sign of good anime.


Berserk 1

With all the hubbub over the new TV anime coming soon, I decided it was time to try my hand at the original. I can't believe there are people who think this looks bad. Sure, there's copious use of stills in action scenes, but they're very good stills - a lot of Dezaki-esque postcards - and used in a stylistically appropriate manner. The oppressive atmosphere is almost unbearable.

We've started in medias res, and between that and the lone fighter out for blood this reminds me of the first episode of Gungrave. Only the medieval fantasy setting here works a lot better than the science-fiction silliness of Gungrave. The bar scene in particular was strongly reminiscent of an early bar scene in The Witcher 3. The two works are clearly cut from the same dark fantasy cloth.
The series has its fair share of stills and wonky-shots but for the most part the art direction really carries the series. There are plenty of great looking sequences (especially in the finale).

Well, that's what I've always argued, at least. I'm sure people who complained about the quality of the original series have to be dismayed that now, years later, we're getting a continuation which looks far worse.
I don't think I've seen people lump this with the CG movies
You haven't been in the recent thread about the new Berserk anime then.
I can confirm that the opinion about the TV show looking bad has been around for years. It's not a recent development.
A sign of good anime.

Amen, brother.

The series has its fair share of stills and wonky-shots but for the most part the art direction really carries the series. There are plenty of great looking sequences (especially in the finale).

I did notice some weak character art in mid and distance shots in the second episode, though the close-ups were still consistently excellent. The art direction is great; it's amusing how the style looks exactly like the style the art director would use in his last work, Milky Holmes.

Well, that's what I've always argued, at least. I'm sure people who complained about the quality of the original series have to be dismayed that now, years later, we're getting a continuation which looks far worse.

I have seen a couple people say "At least the action scenes are moving now!" Which... I guess?
You forget that in the anime that character is voiced by the same person who voices Kuroko.

Granted, they also got Amuro and Char's actors for the Renho arc.

It really is funny though how at first the gag was that they were stealing the premise, then the episode was a two parter and it ended up being that it's a real character and it really was a flashback arc as they wanted haha

I doubt he'll ever appear again but that was great.
Berserk TV anime is great, better then the manga's golden age arc even. Still, more actual animation would've been appreciated. But the one real issue I have with it are the few battle-shounen-esque commanders they're fighting. They even have their titled special attacks. Feel just out of place.


Berserk TV anime is great, better then the manga's golden age arc even. Still, more actual animation would've been appreciated. But the one real issue I have with it are the few battle-shounen-esque commanders they're fighting. They even have their titled special attacks. Feel just out of place.
The whole point of those characters is that they have no business fighting in a real war and are actually outclassed by proper soldiers hardened by battle.

Also nobody forget to point him to the english dub outtakes after he's finished the series.
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