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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Mayoiga has that creepy atmosphere the first couple of episodes of Higurashi had.
I think Higurashi did it a bit better in that there were people confirmed dead in the story within the first few episodes and there was an obvious secret/cover up at play. At no point do I get the sorta feel from Maiyoga. Slightly creepy atmosphere but no real reason to fear, yet.


I think the anime's version is better then as that final speech has little weight if it wasn't
Yashiro who saved him

Well the manga and anime go their separate ways after
Satoru is ditched in the river
and there's a lot of stuff cut out but for the most part, even though the show and manga have different paths to the end they do arrive at mostly the same conclusion
(Yashiro getting caught, Airi turning up at the end, Satoru is a super successful manga author etc)

Personally I prefer the Yashiro in the anime a little bit more, just that more deranged for me.


They're shorter than shorts.

Like, 3:30 and 4 for Usakame are just too short for shorts.

8 minutes is way better for those types.

I, on the other hand, posit that Usakame is too long at 4 minutes. It lacks the punchiness that makes Teekyu the actual best cartoon ever made.


It was announced right before the final episode aired. Not sure when it will be out though.

Ah okay. Must be relatively popular if it's getting a second season.

Well the manga and anime go their separate ways after
Satoru is ditched in the river
and there's a lot of stuff cut out but for the most part, even though the show and manga have different paths to the end they do arrive at mostly the same conclusion
(Yashiro getting caught, Airi turning up at the end, Satoru is a super successful manga author etc)

Personally I prefer the Yashiro in the anime a little bit more, just that more deranged for me.

Imagine if
didn't turn up in the end. I would've been livid.

Is there a second season in the works? I can't imagine it would be but I've been checking and it seems like Erased was pretty popular.


Ah okay. Must be relatively popular if it's getting a second season.

Imagine if
didn't turn up in the end. I would've been livid.
Is there a second season in the works? I can't imagine it would be but I've been checking and it seems like Erased was pretty popular.

Yeah, it appeared the Blu-Rays were selling pretty well also, so that definitely helps...

The story is complete for Satoru, but there is a spin-off that was announced during the season.



*insert Seo here*


Ajin 13 END

Two lovers, connected by the rope thread of fate, commit sudoku by the way of jumping off the cliff in the sundown. Who knew Rakugo wouldn't be the bl story of the season.
I think I said a week ago that I don't see this having a satisfying conclusion but what do you know, this was actually a pretty decent stopping point for the story, showcasing both personal growth from Kei as well as an advancement in the asspull Ajin abilities department. His farmland saga served him well.

--- -(This turned way longer then I wanted it to. Warning for incoherent rambling.)

I've had plenty of misgivings when the show saddled Nagai with planting potatoes and switched to Satou as its plot moving force, in the wake of which came a few subpar episodes but at the end of the day, it worked well enough. Just like advertised, the immortality of the titular Ajins, various but still limited abilities of their IBMs ( pretty much their Stands) as well as grounded nature of their opponents, (most of the engagements in the show pit Ajins against various police forces and later Japanese SWAT lookalikes ) with both sides trying to work around their own limitations as well as that of their opponents make the fights pretty interesting and something a bit different then what you will see in the shows if this ilk. The last episode betrays this concept a bit with power of desperation granting Nagai new powers and revealing him to be a special snowflakes but ehhh it was handled pretty well all things considered.

The main protagonist of the story, Nagai Kei, is himself a welcome departure from your usual insufferable "I need to save the world/protect everyone" idiots that anime is filled with. He puts himself first and doesn't have any qualms about doing some unsavoury stuff to save his own skin. I guess the last episode makes it clear that his character arc is in part about shedding a bit of that personality but I dare have hope that it will be handled deftly. If I had to complain here about something it would be his bizzare personality switch in the lab episode, where in the span of few seconds he goes from scaredy cat to someone who coldly betrays his saviour to save some lab workers. Even if you take that as a sign of his hidden but ever present empathy, I don't think this was handled well.

I'm a bit disappointed that there was not even one scene depicting Kei's sister or his friend, both of whom were pretty important characters at the beginning. Izumi was also underutilised, I kept waiting for her to get some focus but nah, didn't happen. I guess that comes on later.

The CG is not really something I can comment at length, this being my first show of the kind. After a few episodes, I simply got used it. Even then, it looks pretty ugly at times.(Or most of it depending on your tolerance.)

Ajin is by no means a masterpiece but it's a passable enough show with a pretty refreshing take on the entire battle focused story business. If that's something you desire and you can stomach the CG, it might just tickle your fancy.

TLDR This show hasJiraiya Ootsuka Houchuu hamming it up as an awfully trigger happy terrorist. If that's not enough reason to watch it then I don't know what is.


Baby Steps 20

People should push this show on street corners. Its so damn addictive. My heart cant take these constant teases between Eichiro and Natsu(who still hasen't got to play).

Though I have a sinking feeling ill be left hallow by the end of the second season by some "to be continued but not really go read the manga" type ending.


Seisen Cerberus ep.2
It only took until the second episode, but now he has two cute and mysterious chicks gravitating towards him. The content was kind of boring this week, but the interactions are good between all the characters and I'm really digging the tone of this show. Oh, most importantly, that annoying loli chick got a total of 2 seconds screen time... whoo hooo!


Baby Steps 20

People should push this show on street corners. Its so damn addictive. My heart cant take these constant teases between Eichiro and Natsu(who still hasen't got to play).

Though I have a sinking feeling ill be left hallow by the end of the second season by some "to be continued but not really go read the manga" type ending.

you will enjoy the second season, and it wraps up on an arc end but obviously there is more.

sadly it's a "to be continued but not really go read the manga"* ending,

*but not really because it isn't getting translated so go learn japanese to read the manga ending.

I'm still holding out hope they make another season of it.
Hundred Episode 2 – The Invincible Queen

Chris is a good design, hopefully he gets to fight too.

Obligatory fall on femchar and touch her bewbie scene ought to have been in ep 1 so we could have got it over with before this week. Now we just wait for the Emile reveal.

Emile being male would have made this a really great episode especially the date or when he bit into Emile's ice cream.


Bakuon!! 02

Blonde twintails > this particular frizzled hair.

The OP is so cool. It captured the feeling of riding with the wind so well. One of my favorites thus far.

Newcomer is sort of weird. Completely totaled the Ducati with the side car into the river just to prove she's not a chicken to The Stig, and then proclaims it feels good to be a delinquent and everyone in the Bike Club are all homies.

So long, talking Baita. There will be no more of your escapades at the driving school. Though I didn't expect that analogy of getting neutered for driving test purposes to be brought up like that, ROFL


Kiznaiver #1
So... stereotipical anime characters that have to bond together because random edgy plot reasons? Looks generic, but it might be fun to watch every now and then.

I wasn't actually wishing for a crash and burn just because it's Trigger. I really wanted an excuse to use Linkin Park lyrics, lol

I'm happy that the producer in the special episode say that this is something totally different than Klk. A different direction is good.

Seisen Cerberus ep.2
It only took until the second episode, but now he has two cute and mysterious chicks gravitating towards him. The content was kind of boring this week, but the interactions are good between all the characters and I'm really digging the tone of this show. Oh, most importantly, that annoying loli chick got a total of 2 seconds screen time... whoo hooo!

Did Kirito get himself a better sword this time and kicking ass or is he still talking a bunch of shit?


Hundred episode 2

Dense MC still didnt realize that his room mate is a girl. I can already see that this show is gonna be a special experience. Been quite a while since i watched something so trashy.


Hundred episode 2

Dense MC still didnt realize that his room mate is a girl. I can already see that this show is gonna be a special experience. Been quite a while since i watched something so trashy.

I see it's staying true to its Infinite Stratos roots. Will this be the birth of a new neutron star?


to non NA people.

in case you were interested in supporting skip beat but didn't want to give money without getting anything in return they added two more tiers that are available world wide. (they aren't cheap)

includes $15 tier, so you get so you get Special thank you message from the Skip Beat! production team, Official Backer Badge download, Weekly behind-the-scenes updates, Name on Skip Beat! Backer Wall, and Wallpaper download, PLUS watch the dub session in action via Skype!

includes $15 tier, so you get so you get Special thank you message from the Skip Beat! production team, Official Backer Badge download, Weekly behind-the-scenes updates, Name on Skip Beat! Backer Wall, and Wallpaper download, PLUS private voice class via Skype with a Skip Beat! voice actor; includes a read-through of a scene where you get to play your favorite character, plus coaching and audio recording of the session;

they are obviously geared towards people who are interested in the dubbing session or pretending to be a VA but still figured someone might want to know.


I think Higurashi did it a bit better in that there were people confirmed dead in the story within the first few episodes and there was an obvious secret/cover up at play. At no point do I get the sorta feel from Maiyoga. Slightly creepy atmosphere but no real reason to fear, yet.

Definitely. Higurashi EP1 was really interesting beause it started out as some happy SoL lookalike, but then the Watanagashi festival aftermath leads Keiichi to learning about Oyashiro-sama's curse and some scary but very real things that happened in Hinamizawa in the past, which slowly makes him more and more paranoid of the girls he though were his friends.

Mayoiga still hasn't actually shown anything worth getting scared over except for the MC's hallucinations while in the bus, but given that it's more closely related to Another I bet the whole horror thing will just end up being an excuse to kill people in overly convoluted ways for the sake of gore.

the real twist in Maiyoga will be that no one dies and there was never any danger. Based okada.

...I only wish it went like that. Too bad a seedy guy just abducted the MC's fated waifu with some obviously lewd plans in store for her.

I'm guessing there'll be a struggle and the guy's going to end up dead after tripping into some random thing, and the main group will find the girl sobbing and obviously broken from having killed someone by mistake, all so that the MC can try and comfort her or something.

...Again, I'd love to see the story not ending up as some edgy death game, but don't think I can keep my hopes up on that.


Did Kirito get himself a better sword this time and kicking ass or is he still talking a bunch of shit?

He's full of crap and can't even handle slimes.

Hundred ep.2

(can we just finally declare it's a girl finally)
Saw that and immediately thought of:

Not as bad as:

OK, I lost it at the boob grab. Literally LOL'd because it was soooo tropey and stupid. The rest of the battle was pretty good and the episode wasn't bad at all. It checks off all the tropey LN crap, but is entertaining, so next week should be pretty good.


...Again, I'd love to see the story not ending up as some edgy death game, but don't think I can keep my hopes up on that.
...You don't want to see them all miserably die in ridiculous ways? That's basically the only reason I'm watching.
I'm struggling to think what other possibility there could be, I mean the story wasn't meant to be taken 'seriously' from the first episode.
Just look at those characters and tell me that those could be part of a down-to-earth horror/mystery, lol.
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 20

A lot of nice character moments in this one, both from Tekkadan and Gjallarhorn.
Biscuit probably didn't pick the best time to grow a spine with Orga and I get the feeling Ein is probably going to go a dark path.
Good episode.


Imagine if
didn't turn up in the end. I would've been livid.

Is there a second season in the works? I can't imagine it would be but I've been checking and it seems like Erased was pretty popular.

I was absolutely delighted to see
her turn up in the end. Funny enough, you remember the scene with Yashiro beating up the paparazzi, in the manga it's actually Airi who beats them up (And later is the reason why Satoru regains his memory) not quite sure why they changed that, it made me think they were going to erase her from the remainder of the show.

I'm not sure how a second season could work or where it could go? For me Erased was mostly about revisiting Satoru's childhood and the bonds of friendship he established this time round. I know a spinoff manga is being made to expand on the killer's motive or something, but that was mostly covered in the manga
(he's just batshit crazy and thinks he's Buddha or something)
so I don't know what else they can do with it.


...You don't want to see them all miserably die in ridiculous ways? That's basically the only reason I'm watching.
I'm struggling to think what other possibility there could be, I mean the story wasn't meant to be taken 'seriously' from the first episode.
Just look at those characters and tell me that those could be part of a down-to-earth horror/mystery, lol.

I really liked the first couple episodes of Another when it looked like it was going to be focused more on psychological horror, but then it got all in-your-face campy horror and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Of course I've come into Mayoiga expecting an equally bad story about people who are dumb and die in dumb and ridiculously elaborate ways, but that's not the kind of thing I actually like watching at all and I'm merely abiding by the three-episode rule to avoid dropping stuff that might actually be interesting down the line. Shock for the sake of shock feels really pointless to me, and shows that base their whole premise on doing something comparable in depth and quality to one of Grisaia's subplots (and we're talking about an H game there, for crying out loud!) just aren't my cup of tea.


Aria 7-8

President Aria is my hero lol. Can't believe he got an episode dedicated to him. It was sweet though watching him try his hardest just to be useful to someone. And the little act he does achieve at the end, thats good stuff, very simple action for maximum emotional payoff. It also introduced the last of the four elements' gnomes and they mention that the planet has an underground. I hope i get to see the show explore that along with the floating island the salamanders work on, as they've only briefly touched on so far.

I liked how the training episode gave a good snapshot of the three main girls personalities and abilities. Alice is the best rower but is awful at communication. Akari is the exact opposite plus is a bit of a space case. And Aika is just kind of in the middle.


My Bride is a Mermaid ep.8
Lunar vs. Seta (manservent vs. husband) battle. I can't stop laughing at how stupid these situations are. Maki's kamikaze accident was hilarious. This is just good comedy fun.
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 21

Edmonton, what the fuck are you doing being mentioned in an anime?

That's what is sticking out for me this episode. Not the battle between Tekkadan and the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet
or Biscuit's death (can't say I expected him to make it given the last two episodes)
Just the fact that Edmonton is being acknowledged in an anime.
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 21

Edmonton, what the fuck are you doing being mentioned in an anime?

They have a big mall there though, I'll give them that.

My friends from school keep telling me to watch The Lost Village. I'm 1 click away from doing it, but I'm actually afraid of how messy it is going to be with its huge cast.


They have a big mall there though, I'll give them that.

My friends from school keep telling me to watch The Lost Village. I'm 1 click away from doing it, but I'm actually afraid of how messy it is going to be with its huge cast.

Watch it and post in the OT since nobody else will :(, lol.
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