Series first impressions, part 2!
(Part 1)
Gundam: Felt like Gundam. Iron-Blooded Orphans was a much more refreshing take. 2D mech animation is fucking beautiful though.
Kiznaiver: Incredible start, hospital scene was potent. I have no idea where the plot will go. The style they're using is really pretty and no fan service (this is a Trigger anime!?)!
Kabaneri: Not as AoT as I got from impressions. It's pretty alright decent so far, that ending shot was fantastic. Nobody in my group really understood how the protag saved himself though, one would think that if the virus was that easy to stop it would be a frequent course of action given the alternative.
Kuma Miko: This went places I never thought it could go. We were actually joking about how the bear in the backstory was going to !@#$ the maiden... lo and behold. Pretty funny.
Kuromukuro: Seems like Eva meets Aldnoah right now, who knows how its going to turn out.
Mayoiga: Suspense with no pay off so far. Some of the characters are a bit too 'anime' for a mostly human cast. Still worth continuing to see where it goes.
Girls Aren't Online: Great setup for my nerdy self, but then I realized that the group was probably going to be all from his school or some shit. And then they were, and better yet, they were a harem.
Re:Zero: I love loops, even better when they end like they did in this. It'll be hard to follow up Erased, but the setting is different enough to distinguish.
Swagamoto: I've read the manga but experiencing with people who haven't seen the material is gold.
3 Leaves 3 Colours: Opening gave strong Nichijou vibes, as did the characters for the first bit, but it turned out to not be a gag anime.

Maybe if I see some strong impressions for later episodes.
Cerberus: Generic action adventure without the style to back it up. Dragon design was cool though.
Shounen Maid: Surprisingly okay -- odd concept. Not enough to entice me but I think some people would enjoy it.
Twin Star Exorcists: The main character design makes my head shudder uncontrollably. 'Other realm' is neat at least, but the plot screams generic.
SUPER LOVERS: Could have been heart warming but it's creepy instead.
Tanaka is Listless: Put me to sleep.
Some pretty solid stuff so far. Academia and Swagamoto were the only things I was really expecting. Kiznaiver, Re:Zero and Flying Witch are the biggest surprises so far, hope they maintain it.