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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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Is Shana any good? I've had that on my list forever now and haven't gotten around to it. It has 3 season's in all right?




I remember the 1st couple of episodes of Shana having a high impact, what with the concept of a person just fading from existence while the people right next to the person don't even notice - but everything else about the show was off-putting, like the aesthetics - I wonder if there's anything of value past those early concepts...


2nd Season was alright, I guess.

I never watched the 3rd Season as it had been a long time since I last watched it.

Kiritobread, Shana is one of the first modern prevalent Rie Kugimiya tsunderes that catapulted those characters from mid 2000's onwards, lolol


Love Tyrant ep.9
Guri is the one that is getting zero development here and wasn't she the one Seiji was supposed to spend the most time on "fixing" her situation.. Dude is failing her miserably right now while building his harem of wackos..

2nd Season was alright, I guess.
I never watched the 3rd Season as it had been a long time since I last watched it.
Kiritobread, Shana is one of the first modern prevalent Rie Kugimiya tsunderes that catapulted those characters from mid 2000's onwards, lolol

Oh, sounds promising.... Although, I generally detest tsunderes and the stupid trope in general....


The first season of Shana is decent enough, especially if you're a seasoned connoisseur of the Kugimiya tsundere experience.

Didn't much like any of the other seasons at all though.

If you want to see the Kugimiya tsundere experience go horribly horribly wrong (and yet in some ways horribly right) check out Aria the Scarlet Ammo for some laughs.
The first season of Shana is decent enough, especially if you're a seasoned connoisseur of the Kugimiya tsundere experience.

Didn't much like any of the other seasons at all though.

If you want to see the Kugimiya tsundere experience go horribly horribly wrong (and yet in some ways horribly right) check out Aria the Scarlet Ammo for some laughs.

Don't actually do this, it will make you stop watching anime altogether.


The first season of Shana is decent enough, especially if you're a seasoned connoisseur of the Kugimiya tsundere experience.

Didn't much like any of the other seasons at all though.

If you want to see the Kugimiya tsundere experience go horribly horribly wrong (and yet in some ways horribly right) check out Aria the Scarlet Ammo for some laughs.

Don't actually do this, it will make you stop watching anime altogether.

This is the yuri one, right?


KADO Episode 8:

So this show has all of a sudden become a hot topic of debate in recent times. I am personally waiting to see how it all plays out before abscessing higher judgement but I have completely soured on the character of Saraka since her motivations for wanting to stop Yaha-kui have boiled down to xenophobia and arguing that nature is the best for humanity and that is not logic I can get behind. Not helping things is the romancing being foisted here is incredibly rote and pedestrian to the point where its inclusion feels compulsory.


Have heard surprisingly little about it I think. Maybe I'll check it out some soon.

First half resembles somehow Yokohama Shopping Log so it is worth watching. Second half is set into urban settings and a little inferior compared to first half but characters remain solid.
Shiki+the ovas are an example of good horror/thriller anime in my book. Not the best but it did have plenty of creepy moments to satisfy me.
Haibane Renmei 1-13

Pretty great. It wasn't as immediately interesting to me as Lain as its a lot more ambiguous and understated but it gradually drew me in me slowly around the mid-point when that characters and the world open up a bit more.

It's an interesting series for sure.


Is Shana any good? I've had that on my list forever now and haven't gotten around to it. It has 3 season's in all right?


I guess? It was the start of the "Rie Kugimiya voicing flat chested tsundere" craze. The actual material is alright. 3rd season starts with an interesting twist that wasn't foreshadowed at all in the anime. One of those decent watches that you forget most of it soon after you watch it.

Andrew J.

The King's Avatar 07-08

A series with this much McDonald's product placement making it a plot point that a character has become a McDonald's spokesman is too meta for me to deal with.


Since we're on recs, I'm gonna need one too. I'm looking for the essential Rie Kugumiya tsundere experience, (beside Toradora cause I watched that already) if possible in an actually good show or as close as it can get to it really. Very preferably in a finished and tied up show under 26 eps.

Nobunaga no Shinobi



Haibane Renmei 1-13

Pretty great. It wasn't as immediately interesting to me as Lain as its a lot more ambiguous and understated but it gradually drew me in me slowly around the mid-point when that characters and the world open up a bit more.

Ohh, one of my favorites.

There's something deeply familiar about it I can't put my finger on but I'd assume it's the general sense of atmosphere it has (or partly because I just happened to watch it on Animax years before I saw it again haha). It resonates with me really well.


The King's Avatar 07-08

A series with this much McDonald's product placement making it a plot point that a character has become a McDonald's spokesman is too meta for me to deal with.

Have you seen the ED with ALL THOSE companies sponsoring this anime? Safe to say, production will look top notch with how many are throwing their names at it, LMAO


Shiki - Bruh, Toshio is fucking ice cold man.
Just according to fucking keikaku.

Kaiba 2
I think that's the first time ive ever seen anyone explode from over-sexing. :)

Ya'll are watching some good $hit right now!

Sword of Oratoria ep.8

Awesome episode, Really dug that fight until the end. We are finally going to dig more into Ais' past and find out why she's the way she is now... This party is a lot more entertaining than the main season, however, I miss all the Bell tie-ins at this point though


Kado 8

Another very anime episode, we even got classic misunderstandings of an overzealous family. I hope they won't go to the "zaShunina is actually evil" route and that the last scene was just a bit weird. It seems pretty obvious where the finale is going anyway.

Virgin Soul 9

Demons: Disgusting beings, lower than humans. Should be killed.
Demons in brothels: Totally ok.

Favaro and Nina's past interactions were fun.


Ohh, one of my favorites.

There's something deeply familiar about it I can't put my finger on but I'd assume it's the general sense of atmosphere it has (or partly because I just happened to watch it on Animax years before I saw it again haha). It resonates with me really well.

The DVDs are worth getting. They even include a small booklet with doujin art by Yoshitoshi Abe.


Moribito - #1-5
This is exactly what I wanted, at least so far. The main character is a pretty interesting, powerful and street-savvy warrior that happens to be female, can be outsmarted and wounded all the same because she's still human and the setting is mostly grounded in reality, and the people she and the runaway prince have come across so far have all had their own beliefs and motivations to want to support or antagonize them. That really makes the setting feel alive, as opposed to a construct conveniently built to deliver the story the series wanted to convey (which is the case either way, but you know what I mean).

The supernatural elements to far have thankfully been related to seers and their predictions, but I'm still wondering what's going to be the deal with the spirit that's residing within the prince...


Bahamut #9

Wait a second... Wasn't she like a massive... not very nice person in season 1? Like, didn't she kill a lot of people or something? Why is she suddenly a comic relief?

Also Mugaro is a boy and Nina is just dumb, I guessed right.
Hinako Note - 09, 4 Minutes In

i usually don't even notice things like this, but this is the first time a panty shot has made me question the nature of the show i'm watching


Twin Angel Break 9

This show has come a long way thanks to the twins. Impressive how talking things out with the befriended enemy actually convinces them to stop being bad guys. Had to work eventually. The Precure could learn some lessons from them.
Of course Mary wasn't going to just let the twins walk away. Shank her while you can! I figured they weren't going to survive, but I didn't expect them to just get blown up like that. RIP Veil and Nui. You were pretty cool. No forgiving Mary now. Hopefully Meguru can kill her painfully.
Monster Strike The Movie

Definitely a must watch movie for Monster Strike fans. Seeing Akira in the older brother role guiding and assisting his friends younger versions was sweet, as was how it ended up being a learning experience for him. But then it was also a learning experience for young HOmura Ren who had to learn to cope with the disappearance of his father, but to also trust in his friends, very emotional moment when punches were flying from him and Haruma.

Good action for the monsters, and good music though I definitely missed White Ash :(

Wish I had seen this in theaters.
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