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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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From Annecy comes news that Urusawa's Pluto will be getting adapted into anime and a new Patlabor project (Patlabor EZY) is happening. Presumably this is the Pluto project Maruyama had been trying to get off the ground at MAPPA, and a follow up to Yoshiura's Patlabor Reboot short.

Also new Patlabor? It'd make sense since the released that 8 minute short


Yay for Pluto finally getting animated. That should have been adapted ages ago.

I wouldn't mind seeing some more Patlabor either, though who knows what shape this one will take.


Kado 07

Hm, the Sansa turns out to be much less creepy than I thought. Missed opportunity.
In general I think the show is losing steam, you can only cruise so long on novelty and curiosity, at one point you need some conflicts. Looks like the end episode wants to tackle that, but I'm not entirely convinced the show will follow through on it.
And of course a festival, lol.

SukaSuka 10

Yeah, that massage scene wasn't exactly necessary.
That was one interesting revelation about the beasts. And Cthully's condition gets stranger.
Ah, this must be the smell of incoming tragedy.
Shokugeki no Soma Episode 3: So Soma gets into the knew school despite Erina screwing him over in the previous episode via recommendation. I kind of got a laugh at the panning shots of the supporting cast in the crowd. It was like a "guess who's actually going to be important to the plot?" game. I found the comeuppance of the two snobbish students trying to sabotage Soma a little lame.



The idol industry is a hard gig.
I have a somewhat mixed impression of the episode as a whole, which is partly why I didn't want to write it up (that and I still need to do my 08 MS Team writeup too). The episode largely serves as an infodump for Shiny Chariot's background and instead of giving her backstory justice in a fleshed out manner ala Fate/Zero or Madoka, it rushes through the emotional beats so it mostly comes across as superficial. There was enough material in the first six or seven minutes for a pretty great two parter. The writers could have focused more on the increasing pressure on Shiny Chariot and her own desperation to stay relevant. They could have also used that extra runtime to flesh out Croix and Shiny Chariot's relationship. For something that is pretty much the driving force of the entire show, it's not treated with that same prominence from the scriptwriting side.

Even Shiny Chariot's slogan was stolen. Fake Witch.
Continuing on that, the show largely walks back from some of the more serious implications from the previous episode. It reminds me of Terror in Resonance's bullshit with how the main characters were committing terrorist attacks but nobody was dying. The show essentially wants to have its cake and eat it too by brushing over ramifications that would make the characters morally gray. Part of what makes anything interesting is the thought process and decision-making behind an action. Would Kiritsugu shooting down the plane with his 'mother' on it have any weight if he didn't know she was on it? Decisions have significantly more weight when those characters have full knowledge of the ramifications of their actions. Characters gain depth when they're put into situations where they have to balance the consequences and decide what they as an individual can live with. Shiny Chariot having no knowledge of those ramifications until after the fact robs of her of that agency.
Wait wut? Then how did Akko
lose her magic?
Didn't she come from a muggle family? Questions like this again arises from how awful the world building and background info for even the main character has been. We know nothing of Akko's family or how non-magic folk handle or view magic other than just going to a bunch of light shows. There's just a big ass question mark to things like why nobody has brought up the fact that the moon has a visible crater on its surface one day. A better show might have tied an event like that to growing sentiment against magic due to how potentially dangerous it is but the show ignores that connection altogether.

I would have literally spat in Ursula's face.
Ursula's actions after the fact was actually more despicable than the act in of itself. I'm stunned at how goddamn incompetent and uncaring Luna Nova's teaching staff as a whole is. Absolutely stunned. Nobody on the teaching staff is aware that a student is missing nor does Ursula try to notify anybody about it and would rather Akko just freeze herself to death. You have what, six kids out searching for a seventh student at night in snow conditions? Outside of campus? Ursula knows Akko's mind is mentally fucked and instead of trying to talk to Akko, she would rather just sit in her office and look out a fucking window. It's not even just this one event either. Luna Nova doesn't give a shit.
Now after all of that, you might think I hated the episode. I didn't. That's mostly due to how much better I thought the storyboard was this week. Storyboarding was done by Takashi Kawabata who hasn't done any Trigger shows before so I'm not sure why Yoshinari put outside staff on such a critical episode but visually it looks better than a lot of preceding episodes even if it doesn't have any big sakuga moments. I don't think the animation was able to completely keep up with storyboarding in that some shots looked flatter than they should, however the episode looks really good as a whole and oozes atmosphere in the second half. On that note I wish Akko's funk had laster longer than it does.
I also really enjoyed Akko and Diana's talk and wish this revelation had come sooner into the show so these two could have had this conversation earlier. It serves to establish an actual emotional connection between the two in that
they're both victims of Shiny Chariot
as well as spell out how the two are rivals other than Akko just repeatedly saying it. It's Diana's best moment in the series as it contextualizes her struggles into a way that makes into a form that is less bragging and more about her own dreams as a person. This fleshed out Diana's character more than the two-parter did.
I also thought Sucy and Lotte's interactions without Akko were touching mainly in that Sucy reeled in the snark both because she knew Lotte was close to breaking down but also as a way of convincing herself. The show needed more moments where the two were interacting away from Akko just because it allows their personalities to stand out more and just have different dynamics. On that note it does highlight out how bloated this cast as Amanda, Constanze, and Jasminka do nothing other than serve as glorified cameos.
I liked it as an individual episode, however some of the larger story aspects here both detract from the twist and burn through interesting background material. It's so frustrating too because so many separate parts are fun and emotional to watch. Not to mention the storyboarding was really solid this week despite some no-namer doing it. I actually thought Otsuka directed/storyboarded this week initially.


Fukumenkei Noise ep.10
I just want to get to the concert already, lol. Sooner later these two kids will be on the same page and Nino will fall for Yuzu. Fuck Momo and his sorry bitter ass.

Sukasuka ep.10
Whoa. That big reveal there is actually pretty huge, but why would that lead him to go THERE with Ctholly? Pretty cute moment though, but this is definitely set up to shit really hitting the fan...


Everyone saying how disappointing this E3 has been I challenge you to go watch last gen conferences. It was usually a race who can make their conference suck a bit less (tons of talking, Kinect demoing etc). The new format alone (games, games and games) makes this Sony conference billion times better than their average conference from past 10 years.

Well mostly for me its a case of it being all sequels or things already announced last year. That's my issue. And I guess that's a mid cycle malaise plus long dev times.

As for Sonys conference format, I'm really not a fan of turning the show into a youtube playlist.
Outlaw Star Episodes 1-3: Watched the HD remaster on Funimation's browser. That is definitely a 90's dub lol. I remember watching a few episodes of this growing up. I know a lot of people are super nostalgic for it. Going in so far I don't quite consider it Cowboy Bebop or Trigun-tier, but it definitely has a certain charm to it. I definitely like setting and character designs.
Thought so

Not really towards Ctholly at all (same for the other two older ones). He does act like a big brother towards the older (middle school aged) girls and a father figure towards the young ones..
I disagree he treats her like a child in the vast majority of their encounters together which is what makes it all the more weird.
Akaashi Records Episode 11

Awesome work again for Glenn Radars awesome teaching skill and seeing the students manage to increase their power exponentially by fighting with great tactics.

Ending doesnt make sense due to the preview
Sensei never returned -> sensei right there back at school...


I disagree he treats her like a child in the vast majority of their encounters together which is what makes it all the more weird.

I'll concede tgat at first it was that way, but tgey have been developing that ship for awhile now and things have changed. But yeah, this week was sudden; should have gone ogre route.
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