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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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Great: …
Good: Sakura Quest, Love Tyrant, Virgin Soul, Saekano
Okay: AoT, MHA, Tsukigakirei, Boruto, SukaSuka

My problem with this season is nothing stands out. Compared to winter where Konosuba, Rakugo, and Scum's Wish were all incredible. Nothing this season looks like it'll be able to hang with them which is why it's been so meh for me.
Re:Creators - 02

Yup, going from last week and this episode this is a sort of Fate/Zero: Otaku version. I have adjusted my expectations of what's to come out of this show, and as such I know what to expect. This probably won't be getting anywhere near F/Z in any way, shape or form, but I am not against flashy, dumb popcorn watches, and that's what this is.

We now have Madoka and a Persona user in the mix lol.


Isn't that what the three episode test is for...or is that already considered out of date? I don't know.

For every show that immediately grabs people in one episode and never lets go, there are usually several others which, for whatever reasons, may take a while to do so.


MHA S2 ep.2
Deku you crazy bastard, that was good. Pretty cool way for him to be resourceful and cone out on top. Then again, he's always been that way.


Isn't that what the three episode test is for...or is that already considered out of date? I don't know.

For every show that immediately grabs people in one episode and never lets go, there are usually several others which, for whatever reasons, may take a while to do so.

Even that is an investment with so much product being churned out these days.
Isn't that what the three episode test is for...or is that already considered out of date? I don't know.

For every show that immediately grabs people in one episode and never lets go, there are usually several others which, for whatever reasons, may take a while to do so.
It's unfair to push that kind of idea on everyone. Not all people have that kind of time. It's the same argument people have about RPGs that take dozens of hours to get good. Maybe you and I can wait 12hrs for the plot to start, but there are people that don't. A show definitely shouldn't be showing its sleeve early just in order to captivate a viewer from the get go, but at the same time, if you can't gauge some interest or curiosity in your first episode, with the amount of media that we have these days, folks will just move on to the next thing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Good: Uchouten Kazoku 2, LWA
Disgusting Filth: Saekano 2, SukaSuka, Grimoire of Zero, Dungeon of Brown Girls
Planetes 11

They opened the compass in the OP... :(

I can't say I'm too fond of the romantic entanglements developing around Hachimaki and Tanabe, but the central story this episode of a would-be entrepreneur and inventor from a war-torn South American country struggling to get his spacesuit taken seriously was well done. Most narratives set in space start treating the Earth as a singular entity for simplicity's sake, setting it against either space colonies or alien races, so it's nice to have a space series that retains some of the complexities of international relations on the real Earth.
Dragon Ball Super 86

So Android 17 has a wife and kids too.

And...now Uub is canon. Again? Wheres that put the last chapter of the Dragon Ball manga if he's just growing up now? Maybe theres no contradiction and the timelines line up?
Another - Completed

So yeah, with these 12 episodes series, I've basically been binging one a day lol. Today's series ended up being Another. Going into it, it definitely gave me Higurashi vibes, what with the Kouichi's classmates keeping him out of the loop with what the mystery of his class was. Kouichi actually rolled with the punches rather well all things considered. This was definitely a slowburn where it took a while for the plot to get rolling but once it did this was a really interesting ride. The horror in the second half was definitely effective, especially when things suddenly went from Higurashi-lite to fucking Battle Royale.
So, seeing a divide between people here on it being a good or bad season, I'm curious: How many shows have to wow/entertain you in a given season for you to say it's either a good season or a bad one?

There's 30+ anime every season and so the way I personally see it is that if I can find 15 shows I'm actually excited to see the second episode of, then it's a good season and a great one if there's more than I can reasonably keep up with over the next three months.

If theres at least 5 new shows that I would actually buy on BD then its a good season.
Dragon Ball Super 86

So Android 17 has a wife and kids too.

And...now Uub is canon. Again? Wheres that put the last chapter of the Dragon Ball manga if he's just growing up now? Maybe theres no contradiction and the timelines line up?

Last chapter of DBZ took place 10 years after the Buu saga. Pan and Bula being born means Super is currently ~5 years post-Buu saga.

Goten and Trunks are seriously overdue for a growth-spurt lol.


Eromanga sensei episode 2

DICKS! All girls love DICKS! Megumi is going to be really fun
or really annoying.
Also the ED is god tier--I wonder if it's one off thing or the real ED. Either, it's cute and awesome.
Dragon Ball Super 86

Fights at sundown are always rad.


It's unfair to push that kind of idea on everyone. Not all people have that kind of time. It's the same argument people have about RPGs that take dozens of hours to get good. Maybe you and I can wait 12hrs for the plot to start, but there are people that don't. A show definitely shouldn't be showing its sleeve early just in order to captivate a viewer from the get go, but at the same time, if you can't gauge some interest or curiosity in your first episode, with the amount of media that we have these days, folks will just move on to the next thing.

Even that is an investment with so much product being churned out these days.

Fair enough.
Great: …
Good: Sakura Quest, Love Tyrant, Virgin Soul, Saekano
Okay: AoT, MHA, Tsukigakirei, Boruto, SukaSuka

My problem with this season is nothing stands out. Compared to winter where Konosuba, Rakugo, and Scum's Wish were all incredible. Nothing this season looks like it'll be able to hang with them which is why it's been so meh for me.

Yeah, its a pretty meh season. But have you watched Kado? That's the one show that's really keeping my interest so far.
Amazing:My Hero Academia season 2
Great:Boruto, Tsuki ga kirei
Good:Kado, AoT

Seriously MHA makes this the best season, it's been so amazing so far. I mean its easily the AOTY. Of course without it this season would be meh.


If you are giving every single show streamed 3 episodes i guess. But who does that aside from Firehawk?

Firehawk doesn't even watch anime.

He's betrayed the following:
  • Yoshida
  • Kobayashi
  • mono no aware
  • cute girls doing cute things
  • probably haly

How do we talk about Firehawk so much when he doesn't even post often?

Edit: Okay, I supersede someone every time I post now.

Just gonna have to deal with it.


For me its like....

Expect to be in my AOTY 10: Eccentric Family 2, Natsume
Excellent So Far: Sakura Quest, Tsuki ga Kirei, Saekano S2, Zero,
OK: GTO Magic School, Tsugumomo, Oratoria Shuumatsu
Probably Will Drop: Love Tyrant, Hinata, GranBlue, ReCreators
Have Dropped:
Other: Monk sexy time
AoT - 28
One thing this show is particularly good at is portraying the sense of fear, tiredness and dread in people because of the Titans. The Titans themselves look pretty damn scary when the camera zooms in on their dumb faces as well. Here's just a handful of grabs of mine to show you what I mean:
It's a bleak world out there. And that basement is nowhere in sight.
Re:Creators 2

Holy info dump. The second half of the episode was better than the clunky beginning. Some of magical girl stuff and battle was fun. I did actually laugh at Mamika shitting her pants at the end with the blood and destruction. Overall this is still a fun show for me.

Looking forward to Persona dude beating up not-Madoka.

I guess it's pretty obvious, but
this is definitely Sato's fanfic come to life. Seems like he created the violin girl from the first episode and making his own sort of wish fulfillment. Would also explain why he specified that he was the narrator in the first episode.
Re:Creator episode 2 - Didn't take long for the Edgelord character to join the fray. He even has a "totally most definitely not" a Stand. This show is pretty delightfully stupid.


Eromanga sensei ep.2
Dicks, really Megumi, stop sullying the Megumi name. Megumi reminds me of wholesome wifey material, not dick jokes.


AoT Season 2 - 2&3
Ah this is so much better than the manga. Granted, things haven't
gotten stupid
yet but I imagine we'll get there by the end of the season.

At least it will look prettier than that horrid manga art.


Isn't that what the three episode test is for...or is that already considered out of date? I don't know.

For every show that immediately grabs people in one episode and never lets go, there are usually several others which, for whatever reasons, may take a while to do so.

There's a new test that works really well for all anime: Play Persona 5 instead of watching a single episode of anime.

Wait that's not a test, that's just the new AnimeGAF Curse. :(


Re:Creators 2


My doubts are gone; this show's just bad. I might have forgiven the patronizing info-dump if I thought this was going to lead somewhere interesting, but the wet fart of a main character and the show's reckless handling of its magical girl stand-in take things too far.

The biggest issue is the complete lack of any kind of coherent character motivation. The fictional characters all have some vague ideas about using their creators to do something, but none of them really know what they want, because coming here wasn't their idea in the first place. But they don't seem that interested in returning home, either. This haziness makes the action setpiece at the end of this episode feel hollow. The show leans on our knowledge of magical girl tropes to try to draw drama out of Mamiko's dilemma, without even establishing what she wants or why she wants it (or who she even is). Why should I care about her or her feelings?

Even that haziness is better than the protagonist, who as far as I can tell, has no desires or motivations whatsoever. Perhaps the monologue that opened the show was more telling than I thought: he is there to narrate what happens, and for no other reason.

Call me when the show gives up and everybody realizes they're trapped inside a garbage high-concept late night anime.
There's a new test that works really well for all anime: Play Persona 5 instead of watching a single episode of anime.

Wait that's not a test, that's just the new AnimeGAF Curse. :(

That's stupid, I've been playing it and have had plenty of - wait, it's Saturday?! What?!?!?


Re:Creators - Episode 2

Terrible OP.
Terrible exposition.
Terrible script.
Terrible characters.
Terrible episode.
Boring action.
Boring animation.
Boring music.
Boring cinematography.

Why didn't I just take my own advice and play another 20 mins of Persona 5. :(
Re:Creators - Episode 2

Terrible OP.
Terrible exposition.
Terrible script.
Terrible characters.
Terrible episode.
Boring action.
Boring animation.
Boring music.
Boring cinematography.

Why didn't I just take my own advice and play another 20 mins of Persona 5. :(

See you for next weeks episode!


I would have liked Aldnoah Zero 2 Slaine Awakens over this trash. The concept is so awful, it's like they wanted to check some random boxes and they did just that while not caring if it makes any sense at all, I have no idea what they are trying to do or why I should care about any of this.


There's a new test that works really well for all anime: Play Persona 5 instead of watching a single episode of anime.

Wait that's not a test, that's just the new AnimeGAF Curse. :(

Reminds me I should get into Persona 5 soon, after wrapping up Nier Automata for good.


Re:Creators 2-

I actually liked a lot of the layouts in the OP.
Hmmm. My problem with the show is that the main trio are as boring as could be. Near the end of the episode they introduced two characters, Madoka and Persona, that actually have some life in their personalities and as a result the show does briefly become noticeably more interesting. While on the other hand, the Red Hair girl doesn't really have any powers and seems more indignant about the whole thing than anything else. Librarian at least has the whole eating thing. There's just no spark to any of the character relationships. They're essentially not having fun with the concept. Hiroe does better with crazy characters so I'm thinking that Persona and the Devil Schoolgirl could give the show the shot of adrenaline it needs. The setting is open enough that the writers could essentially do anything they want and it's just way too toned down for what it is.
I couldn't help but think when watching this is how would this fare under Urobuchi and started laughing outloud because he essentially already did this in multiple shows like Madoka and Fate/Zero. The difference is that Urobuchi is good enough at creating memorable/likable characters that he can get away with making the shows 'grounded' in that regards. It feels like Hiroe is trying to emulate Urobuchi and as a result isn't sticking to his strengths as a writer. A better writer would make this one huge metaphor for religion in general in that if god did exist, he would have to be one huge piece of shit. However I don't think Hiroe is up to that task and should be more focused on the show just being entertaining.

Oh and damn this art direction is bad. Brights everywhere as far as the eye can see.
Hiroe isn't good at big, metaphorical jibber jabber. His best work is grounded, dirty, crusty shit and human relationships. Sure it gets a bit anime and melodramatic but when you have some of the moments between Revy and Rock or Roberta and Garcia you easily overlook it. The evolution of Revy/Rock and their personalities over the course of Black Lagoon is really exceptional work and I don't think I have many scenes that I love more than Rock lighting Revy's cigarette with his in that close-up in the back of a police car.

Dude needs to stick with what he's good at; Engrish swearing and hot pants.


Ojamajo Doremi 04

This episode achieved a lot by the end of it. They've managed to turn them all into witches this early and now they've even taken over the store.

There were a lot of good faces too.


This season is great:

Great: MHA2, Kado, Bahamut 2
Good: Re:Creators, ID-0, SukaSuka, Grimoire of Zero, Alice and Zouroku
Mediocre: AoT2
Fast-Food: Bastard Instructur, Armed Girls Machiavellism, Clockwork Planet, Sword Oratoria
Bad: Sakurada Reset

And there's still Digimon and LWA ongoing as well.

Also, TUSR, I just noticed that you missed the MHA OT in the first post.
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