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Square Enix confirms goal to bring 'Final Fantasy 16' to Xbox


Microsoft with Series S gonna be like :



Neo Member
This has to be a game pass deal, who buys games over there..that digital store front has to have 10ft thick digital cobwebs all over its front doors...unless Ms is paying for and/or doing the port themselves



“No thanks”. “You can keep it”. As noted, Xbox fans don’t buy many games, but this is especially true of most Japanese games. Never mind “money hats”. Sony can get that stuff by default.
For sure. The issue is not the game sucking, but Xbox players not buying games. We all have an Xbox at home, but zero game on it. Makes complete sense.


Gold Member
They can't prove it, they just parrot the same lie over and over again.
If it is a lie, why is Microsoft putting their games on PlayStation? Why are 3rd party companies skipping the platform altogether? Why have hardware sales declines so badly?

Should have easy answers if it’s a lie that games don’t sell on Xbox.

cireza cireza

Fact: games perform poorly/don’t sell on Xbox. Source: any sales topic regarding game units.

Refute that and then you’ll have something.
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RSI Employee of the Year
PS5 version sold 3+ million so far. Both PC and Xbox version won’t even touch the million combined. See how the PC version is right now.
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Maybe getting it to run on series S will make it run better everywhere else. I already got the plat so I'll never go back but still for future buyers it would be good.
If it does release on Xbox here is some advice to Xbox Owners.

Don't gamepass it or wait for it to be put on gamepass go and buy it full price. This is your chance to show that it is worth SE's time to release their games on Xbox consoles and on Day 1 with PS.

Why would I pay full price for a late port they accepted money to keep off of Xbox. Not that I will buy FF16 anyway, but this idea that gamers should blindly support a publisher who has treated them like second class customers just in the hope that they get treated better is nonsense imho.
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