Pai Pai Master
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Holy shit. :lol
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Nairume said:Doesn't mean they can't work a 360 port that uses its own strengths, while not hampering the PS3 version. The game is being made with the Crystal Tools engine, right? It's not like it'd really cause them that many issues.
And that evidence would be?cosmicblizzard said:For any other company I'd agree with you but there's evidence FF13 was gimped because of the 360 version. It isn't definitive evidence mind you, but knowing how Wada works, I wouldn't put it past him.
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Nairume said:And that evidence would be?
Pai Pai Master said:Holy shit. :lol
I seriously doubt the 360 version is the culprit behind the game's linearity.cosmicblizzard said:I'm not convinced Square spent 4 years making such a linear game. Again, this is just speculation and we'll most likely never find out, but it just seems very odd.
cosmicblizzard said:I'm not convinced Square spent 4 years making such a linear game. Again, this is just speculation and we'll most likely never find out, but it just seems very odd.
1. Great news thenNairume said:Considering all four versions of FFXI play together, there's almost no way they wouldn't have the three versions of FFXIV be able to play together.
What other reason could you possibly have for the later if the former is true?
Nairume said:I seriously doubt the 360 version is the culprit behind the game's linearity.
ULTROS! said:Square Enix can go multiplatform for all I care as long as they can deliver their games especially on the home consoles.
cosmicblizzard said:When it causes delays and gimps the game?
cosmicblizzard said:I'm not convinced Square spent 4 years making such a linear game. Again, this is just speculation and we'll most likely never find out, but it just seems very odd.
Kagari said:Considering an alpha build of the game was complete on PS3 before the 360 port announcement... yeah, going to say they planned it to be linear.
cosmicblizzard said:Hmmm. I thought you were the one that brought up this conspiracy in the IRC in the first place. Never mind then.
Pai Pai Master said:Aside from the auto-attack, how does it not? You have normal attacks, spells, special attacks and abilities, and the Weaponskills that serve as the traditional "limit breaks." Characters have specific roles like Warrior, White Mage, Black Mage, Thief, etc. and contribute to the battle using their specific skill sets. There are normal encounters and boss fights. It's pretty much Final Fantasy in a nutshell.
PROOP said:does anyone know if 360 is popular in south korea? if it is, that might be a reason why they'd make it multiplat (other than huge install base in USA).
ethelred said:The thing that makes you so special as a poster is that you always find creative new ways to demonstrate complete idiocy.
cosmicblizzard said:It's either that or they're an incompetent team that needs twice as much time to make a game that's actually of lesser quality. Seeing as this is the only team at Square I still care about, I'd rather believe some conspiracy theory.
Sorry, what I meant was that Square Enix should deliver quality games on the home consoles. :lolKagari said:Rapture was 360/PC from the start with a PS3 version later, then somehow became PC/PS3 with a 360 version later. Anyone who actually cares about the game knows this.
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Nairume said:Incompetent is the wrong word. They still made what is apparently a good game. It might not be as great or open as previous games, but, by all accounts, it's still a competent game that I'm sure everybody in this thread that will play it will find it adequately enjoyable, including yourself.
As it stands, they've openly admitted that, at the very least, they couldn't do open towns like they used to because it would have been far too much effort to go through and render everything in full detail. It hardly sounds like an issue caused by the 360.
The conspiracy theory doesn't hold up and it's silly to cling to it.
cosmicblizzard said:When it causes delays and gimps the game?
Honestly, lack of exclusivity should be near the bottom of the "Square doesn't care about its fans" list. There's a ton of other reasons to hate them before even mentioning platform.
cosmicblizzard said:Glad I have a fan.
Final Fantasy 14 announcement: 85
Final Fantasy XIV revealed as MMO: -58
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Hey, at least he admitted he was wrong in this case.ethelred said:Oh, absolutely. From the inability to play games that have (meaningless outside of the cosmetics) first-person battle systems to this newfound gem of truther beauty, it's hard not to admire. And besides, never before had I seen someone so eager to boast of possessing a kindergarten reading level with such gusto and sheer bravado!
Its his forum persona. It also helps that its typically fueled by others' stupid comments.Enron said:Why is it whenever I see ethelred post, it's always something condescending? What a pleasant fellow.
Kenak said:2. When a game is exclusive it is made for the system 100% and takes full advantage of it. PS3 has a lot of strengths and power to throw around, so it would be nice to see one of the three Final Fantasy games coming out take advantage of it. As I own both a 360 and a PS3, and I'd expect the PS3 version to be better anyway, it being multiplatform doesn't benefit me in any way. Hope that explains it.
The fact that it was in development since last gen probably means nothing.cosmicblizzard said:For any other company I'd agree with you but there's evidence FF13 was gimped because of the 360 version. It isn't definitive evidence mind you, but knowing how Wada works, I wouldn't put it past him.
OldJadedGamer said:This is the job of the first party studios... not the the third parties.
neptunes said:The fact that it was in development since last gen meant nothing I guess
markot said:Bodes even more poorly for the PC version >_< Double consolification of an mmo? It has no chance!
Kagari said:Maybe the 360 version will have separate servers like Monster Hunter Frontier :lol
Nothing's been officially confirmed yet though, so topic title should probably be changed for now until S-E puts out a press release.
Kagari said:Maybe the 360 version will have separate servers like Monster Hunter Frontier :lol
Nothing's been officially confirmed yet though, so topic title should probably be changed for now until S-E puts out a press release.
I don't understand how people can think such a major game design decision can be made so late in development.Kagari said:Considering an alpha build of the game was complete on PS3 before the 360 port announcement... yeah, going to say they planned it to be linear.
Mandoric said:Why should picking the best tool for the job and doing an excellent job with it be solely a first-party task? The extent of this sentiment is arguing that no game should have assets for over 480p, yet all should only use dpad and two buttons, because those are the only features shared marketwide. Or that Live and HDTV support on the Xbox last gen was misguided.
Adam Blade said:I'm canceling my pre-order. This is ridiculous. All I ask for is one lousy exclusive and Square decides to kowtow to MS. At least Versus will still be exclusive.
Firestorm said:I don't understand how people can think such a major game design decision can be made so late in development.
That would cause more meltdowns per square mile than XIII going 360 ever did.xtheEnemy said:Wouldn't surprise if Versus XIII is going to the 360 too.
Because it was the last FF to go multiplatform, so it's used as a reference.Forbiden said:What I really don't understand though, is how this ended up being a debate over Final Fantasy XIII when it's supposed to be about XIV....