Rez sees where I'm coming from, Mandoric less so. FFXI has outlasted countless other MMOs, and while I didn't enjoy the time I spent with it that much, it's impossible to deny its success.
I was questioning GAF's interest in the game. Sure, there will be a niche that liked FFXI and are looking forward to FFXIV, and good for them. But there is always a lot of undeserved energy around "exclusive" console titles on GAF. People were willing to prop up shit like Quantum Theory, not because it looks remotely fun, but because at the time it could be used as ammo in their "console wars". And then you get the other side desperately waiting for the "betrayalton" so they can feel better about their purchase decisions. I suppose the bright side of a game going multiplatform, beside more people having an opportunity to play it, is that the console warriors can finally stop pretending like they care about it and the threads will only contain people actually interested in the game.
Hell, I shouldn't have even posted in this thread, as FFXI did not make me too interested in playing another FF MMO. I guess the "drama" these threads bring pulled me in like a magnet.