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Square Enix CV something something FFXIV for 360


Darkman M said:
I ran FFXI on a ati 9600 compac with like 1 or 2 gig ram or some shit. No decent pc should have a problem running that game no way no how.

Thats part of the reason games like Wow are so popular you don't need powerful hardware to run them. I myself stop playing mmo's years ago with FFXI so thiings might have changed since then.

Phenom II X3 720 clocked up 10% or so, Radeon 5770. Oldschool parties are smooth as butter, but 36-man Dynamis or Campaign in Vunkerl... :lol The engine isn't multithreaded, which doesn't help either.
WoW has similarly laggy-as-fuck parts around banks and flight NPCs in major cities, I'm pretty sure.


Not surprising tbh. FFXI is already on the 360 and with FFXIII being multiplat I can see the next online FF going to both the HD consoles.
charsace said:
FF started out on a sony system and should remain there. They can just put Dragon Quest on everything else.

Funny... I can't seem to find a Sony logo on this box.


Darkman M

Mandoric said:
Phenom II X3 720 clocked up 10% or so, Radeon 5770. Oldschool parties are smooth as butter, but 36-man Dynamis or Campaign in Vunkerl... :lol The engine isn't multithreaded, which doesn't help either.
WoW has similarly laggy-as-fuck parts around banks and flight NPCs in major cities, I'm pretty sure.

Ok ill give you that.
charsace said:
If they were true fans they would have the PS3 and the FF games pre-ordered.

The ridiculous of your argument makes me wonder if you aren't trying to be funny...

I'll just let this one pass.

As for me, I'm not sure if I'll play this on PS3 or 360... party chat on 360 will be more useful, but I know one of my friends won't have Gold so it might be impossible to get together with others (though I figure this will be separate from XBL since it is pay-to-play).

What are we expecting fees to be like? WoW-like pricing or cheaper?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
theMrCravens said:
I thought the engine would prevent them from porting to 360.

You mean the engine that was designed for multiplatform development ?


theMrCravens said:
I thought the engine would prevent them from porting to 360.
As I said on the last page, according to Dragona and Aeana, it's been running on 360 since the beginning.


Kandinsky said:
I wish this was PC only, Ps2 held back FFXI so bad:lol

That might be true, but I always felt that FFXI on PS2 was just a huge achievement for the system. It may have seemed like more of a burden to people in other regions outside japan, but for a game released on PS2 in May of 2002, wow. North America didn't get a PS2 version til march of 2004, and after the PC version, so it's understandable to see it as inferior and holding the game back. Since we had already been exposed to it on PC by then.

I just like to put myself in the time the game came out. In 2002 when the game first released on PS2, no one was looking forward to a PS3 or xbox 360 yet, and there wasnt any other MMOs on consoles. It's an awesome achievement for the system I think, especially at such an early time in PS2's life cycle.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Kandinsky said:
I wish this was PC only, Ps2 held back FFXI so bad:lol
On the bright side, minimum/recommended specs will be that much lower and more optimized, which is always a good thing.
Kishgal said:
As I said on the last page, according to Dragona and Aeana, it's been running on 360 since the beginning.

It was publicly shown off running on 360 years before it was formally announced or named. :lol
Woah, at first it was all sarcastic, but the last page of this thread has gone off-world.

Yuripaw - Promises broken, FFXI (or the HDD) never came to EU PS2s. Soured me completely.
This is the MMO right? I doubt that many people care since FFXI wasn't exactly the most popular FF. Plus, aren't people already past the point of caring with FFXIII with its ridiculously long development time and not-so-kind import impressions so far.

FFXIII Vs. on 360 will be funny when it's announced, though.


I can't believe there's people still thinking that XIV was some sort of PS3 console exclusive, when the same Tanaka and Komoto had said that it was just a matter of resolving some issues with MS (Live, pricing, and stuff).

Eitherway, this isn't any confirmation at all and we are just as we were before, just knowing that it will be on 360 sooner or later.


GillianSeed79 said:
This is the MMO right? I doubt that many people care since FFXI wasn't exactly the most popular FF. Plus, aren't people already past the point of caring with FFXIII with its ridiculously long development time and not-so-kind import impressions so far.

FFXIII Vs. on 360 will be funny when it's announced, though.

FFXI's fanbase may not be as big and loud as something like WoW, but it's a steady loyal fanbase, and I think FFXI is one of the more popular MMOs. Ranking in the top 5 at least.

I think FFXI also had a rocky release, it came out on PC first when MMOs really hadn't exploded WoW style yet, and the PS2 release was a bit of a gamble with it's higher price tag. I'm betting FFXIV will be much more user friendly for console owners this time around, since PS3 and 360 already got their hard drives.
The game has literally been in development for all three systems from the beginning. A combination of Sony begging to announce it as an exclusive and Microsoft butting heads with Square over pay systems and servers lead to the announcement being held back.

It was never not going to be released for the 360. That's leaving money on the table.


Yuripaw said:
I think FFXI also had a rocky release, it came out on PC first when MMOs really hadn't exploded WoW style yet, and the PS2 release was a bit of a gamble with it's higher price tag.

Just a little correction, the first release was on PS2, Japan.


Khrno said:
I can't believe there's people still thinking that XIV was some sort of PS3 console exclusive, when the same Tanaka and Komoto had said that it was just a matter of resolving some issues with MS (Live, pricing, and stuff).

Eitherway, this isn't any confirmation at all and we are just as we were before, just knowing that it will be on 360 sooner or later.

But who really thought that ? After FFXI for Xbox and how Tretton worded the announcement it was clear that this was some sort of timed exclusive.


charsace said:
I am tired of Square Enix. All they care about is money and not their fans.

How does giving more people the opportunity to play the game translate into not caring about their fans?
Uhh, the development team has already confirmed multiple times that a 360 version is in development. They've also said that they're finding it challenging to find an agreement with Microsoft, I assume because of the cross-platform connectivity and the lack of Xbox-Live support. It'll probably hold up a release until early 2011 at the earliest, and it's specifically why Tretton said that PS3 will be the only console to play FFXIV "when it launches in 2010."


Put it on as many platforms as you want. I'm still not buying it....

Unless its free to play. Then it is day one on the......


so basically this is the shittiest thread ever. We all know its coming to the 360, but issues between SE and MS were holding it up, this does absolutely nothing to say that these issues have been fixed, its a fucking linked in profile page.
gcubed said:
so basically this is the shittiest thread ever. We all know its coming to the 360, but issues between SE and MS were holding it up, this does absolutely nothing to say that these issues have been fixed, its a fucking linked in profile page.

Not to mention the project began as a 360/PC title code-named Rapture. We've known that this game has been a 360 title for years.


OldJadedGamer said:
Funny... I can't seem to find a Sony logo on this box.

I did some research since I wasn't a console RPG gamer at the time and you're right, FF was on the nintendo consoles first. My research also shows that Nintendo was assholes in handling the cost of cartridges on the SNES. That was very dishonorable. In Japan honor comes before business unlike the rest of the world. Right now Square is being dishonorable. They need to keep FF games on the sony consoles for at least 3 years before releasing them on other systems. If a gamer is honorable they will boycott FF13 and 14 to teach SE a lesson.
Holy crap. This thread is awesome. :lol

It's not surprising at the least it would be on both HD consoles. I'd probably get it on PC 'cuz it should be easier. I just hope patching it doesn't take 2 hours like FFXI. =[


charsace said:
I did some research since I wasn't a console RPG gamer at the time and you're right, FF was on the nintendo consoles first. My research also shows that Nintendo was assholes in handling the cost of cartridges on the SNES. That was very dishonorable. In Japan honor comes before business unlike the rest of the world. Right now Square is being dishonorable. They need to keep FF games on the sony consoles for at least 3 years before releasing them on other systems. If a gamer is honorable they will boycott FF13 and 14 to teach SE a lesson.
LOL you just made my morning...

I'd like to think that you meant to refer to the N64, because that's where the franchise began to jump ship but even then you fail to highlight the fact that cartridges as a medium are more expensive to develop for in general, not to mention issues of space limitations. Thanks for the joke post :lol


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So surprising

Other note: Fanboys make me sad :(
adelante said:
LOL you just made my morning...

I'd like to think that you meant to refer to the N64, because that's where the franchise began to jump ship but even then you fail to highlight the fact that cartridges as a medium are more expensive to develop for in general, not to mention issues of space limitations. Thanks for the joke post :lol

In the text: successful troll is successful.
Shurs said:
How does giving more people the opportunity to play the game translate into not caring about their fans?

When it causes delays and gimps the game?

Honestly, lack of exclusivity should be near the bottom of the "Square doesn't care about its fans" list. There's a ton of other reasons to hate them before even mentioning platform.
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