Square Enix latest financial results — Net Sales: -8.4%; Operating Income: +22.1%

Because the whole trilogy was greenlit in 2015, and cancelling it would result in a catastrophic reputation loss for square

I dunno... Square (at least publicly) when the game was announced said they weren't even sure how many parts they would do or even whether they would take any future parts in a different direction than the OG. The original ending of Remake made me think that it was written that way so that if they wanted to, they could have ended the story there.

Clearly Part 3 is going to sell less than Part 2 did and I don't think there's much that can change that, short of it selling great on Switch 2.
I dunno... Square (at least publicly) when the game was announced said they weren't even sure how many parts they would do or even whether they would take any future parts in a different direction than the OG. The original ending of Remake made me think that it was written that way so that if they wanted to, they could have ended the story there.

Clearly Part 3 is going to sell less than Part 2 did and I don't think there's much that can change that, short of it selling great on Switch 2.
The whole process of remaking VII and turning it into a trilogy, spanning multiple console generations, surely has been a learning experience for Square. No question about it. But the last thing they’re gonna do is cancel the third game, which is years into production. Losing all of that time and work, to say nothing of the widespread fan dissatisfaction it would cause. The best thing to do is figure out how to release it on more than one console, if legally allowed, as soon as possible. And hope it performs well enough to at least recoup its cost, and make some money back.

I’m sure if they had to do all over again, they wouldn’t make such a humongous promise and massive undertaking. But that’s hindsight. Of course looking back, it’s odd to make a direct follow-up to something on a new platform, with a smaller install base, and somehow expect it to outperform the original. The audience for Rebirth is by definition smaller, because who would want to play it if they hadn’t played Part 1? 🤷‍♂️ Hindsight.

But again, releasing on Xbox and Switch 2 would alleviate that concern a little.
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Y'know, there was a time where some people theorized that Square would do 4 parts.
I doubt that ever got very far internally at Square. Imagine having to road map that out. But yeah I remember everyone wondering way back before they confirmed it would be tied up in three.

I don’t think they’ll ever do this again.
That I agree with. I'm sure they will continue to milk the earlier FF games but only Aish budgets at best. Maybe AA.
They can do remakes, they are clearly popular. They just shouldn’t commit to a three part remake that takes ten years and costs hundreds of millions. Spanning two or three console cycles. It’s just way too much.
They can do remakes, they are clearly popular. They just shouldn’t commit to a three part remake that takes ten years and costs hundreds of millions. Spanning two or three console cycles. It’s just way too much.

Final Fantasy as a brand isn't strong enough. I would not be surprised if Part 3 ends up being the last AAA FF game.
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