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Square Enix will "aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs"


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Yes He said this about Square now focusing on being multiplatform now lol.

Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals


You do know we are talking about JRPGs right?
You didn't specify either. But it doesn't matter, you have many examples of JRPGs that have been released on XBOX. In fact, this generation, despite all the circumstances, is the one with the largest number of JRPG games of all kinds coming to Xbox. And I'm already telling you that not all of them have been launched because MS has paid.

Remind me of how the recent iteration of Xbox has been gold mine of moving software for SE on the titles that have made it to the platform......

No need, that wasn't the issue and now you're trying to change. The question was whether releasing games on XBOX is interesting for publishers, like Square, and the answer is there... Square itself has given it to you.
And if Sony had not paid for or exclusivity of several big games, those would also be on XBOX today.
Let's not act like MS hasn't been paying developers to port games either. The fact of the matter is certain games do not sell well on the Xbox platform.
MS has most likely encouraged Japanese publishers to release their games on Xbox, yes. Another thing is to try to make people believe that every Japanese game or JRPG that comes to XBOX is because it has been paid for🤷🏻
That said, finally we agree that Square releases games ports on XBOX because it seems interesting and lucrative to do so even if it is not the platform where most sales are concentrated. There are many other reasons why it may be interesting to do so and Square itself has graphically explained several.

And yes, XBOX financing the port to XBOX, Gamepass agrement, participating in the marketing or reducing part of the 30% that corresponds to each game are also reasons why publishers and Studios may be interested in launching those types of games that, historically, It usually has a smaller audience on Xbox.

Developers are doing this very same thing to psvr2 and no one is putting the cape on for that.h

Comparison with PSVR2 is not very accurate. It is not that each and every VR game is being launched on PSVR2 even with Sony's $ efforts to encourage them. Perhaps because, despite everything, PSVR2 does not have a sufficient and interesting user base even for a port financed by Sony.
It is just as true that if Xbox did not have a minimum interesting user base, this type of agreement would not be possible, no matter how much MS financed a port in its entirety.
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Identifies as young
Yeah they have been multiplatform for a long time but I think this argument is disingenuous. It’s almost random which platform (s) would get a game at launch, which ones would get it later, and which ones wouldn’t get it at all.

Presumably this means they’ll launch on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and maybe Switch/Switch 2 all on day one. You know, like most of the other big 3rd party publishers do it.

I think that's exactly what it means. SE is already a multiplatform publisher, but obviously not every game is on all platforms. Eurogamer.pt is being a bit obtuse here. The numbers they threw out don't tell the whole story and they know that.


But wasn’t PS/Nintendo/PC like their default strategy except for some titles.

Honestly I don’t see why releasing for Xbox makes any sense, Xbox doesn’t sell and Japanese games sell much less on the Xbox.

Xbox has roughly half the installed base of PS5. Imagine any company reducing its potential consumers by half!

And even if a small percentage of Xbox users buy Japanese games (which I'd say isn't the case for titles like FF that have global appeal) it still wouldn't be an insignificant number.

Clearly Square executives saw that and hence the change in focus.


Xbox has roughly half the installed base of PS5. Imagine any company reducing its potential consumers by half!

And even if a small percentage of Xbox users buy Japanese games (which I'd say isn't the case for titles like FF that have global appeal) it still wouldn't be an insignificant number.

Clearly Square executives saw that and hence the change in focus.

But releasing games on Switch, pc and ps5 but not on xbox isn't reducing your customer base to half.


Not everything has to be profit. Sometimes it is interesting for other reasons that also lead to better ROI and more sales. The boss of Sqyare himself has described them.

I don't think MS has used wallet money for each and every game released on XBOX. The games that Square has released on XBOX have clearly been made because they have seen interest in do it, as do each and every game publisher. I don't think anyone doubts that if Sony had not paid for the FF exclusivity, these would also have come out on XSeries.

All companies have problems growing right now. From the moment in which to grow you need to sell more and more expensively. That is why publishers are turning towards multiplatformity to reach a larger user base. Reaching more users on more platforms not only translates into greater sales, but also greater visibility and free marketing.

Then, not only is it not growing, it is that profits have fallen sharply by almost 26-30% in the Q where FFVII rebrith launches. This announcement of betting "aggressively" on multiplatformity has a reason. And it is clear that the exclusivity agreements have not had the result they believed.

The fact is that they surely know that it would be even more difficult for them to be successful with a new IP. It's not that Forspoken has been a success either. Foamastars has been nonsense in all aspects.

Capcom went through its bad times a few years ago and saw what the best path was. It's in Square's power to do it. It has good and large IPs that could be made better use of.

Sony is paying exclusivity, but that’s a mutual affair. SE may state they want multiplatform day 1 now, but that hasn’t always been the case, especially with the OG Remake.

Sales for FFXV also weren’t good on XBO. So if MS isn’t helping to fund the port, that’s probably why SE skipped launching on Xbox.
PC/Steam & Nintendo are a different ball game. If the NSW could run 7 Remake, it would be on it. NSW is too popular of a platform.

I also believe some are a bit fatigued with Final Fantasy. XVI just released less than a year ago and they jumped right into another huge FF game with Rebirth.

They need other franchises though. SE’s lack of vision outside of a few franchises are the one of the main issue with growth, outside of exclusivity with Sony/Nintendo.


But releasing games on Switch, pc and ps5 but not on xbox isn't reducing your customer base to half.
I was referring to the half of the PlayStation base which is the console that they are releasing FF. That's still a significant number.


Unfortunately for them their issues are far deeper.
The reality is that they ruined their IPs with a decade of missteps, their fans are still the same from the 90s and early 00s because after that there haven't been many reasons to be their fans and it shows, younger generations don't care about their games.
How many failures it took to deliver a game like FF7 Rebirth that is what they should have done with the series since XIII?
And the sea of mediocrity they have released in the meantime, wasted opportunities with new IPs like Forspoken and Foamstars.
Unfortunately they're now realizing that only their core fans are left but it will take many great games and also a bit of luck to create some unexpected new hit to get out of the situation.
Basically it will take years, multiplatform (which they already did for many of their games) is not a magic wand that will create interest that doesn't exist per se, it's a help and the easiest way though.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
Hmmmm, Nintendo platforms eh....accident reveal of an actual powerfull console in addition to switch 2? Ok I may be grasping, but one can dream......


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Is it at least decent now? I never refunded it on steam so I might as well give it another go cause I do love Chrono cross

Yes, I can't find it right now but DF followed it up in one on their Directs after the patch came out, and its pretty much locked 60 now.

A remarkable thing to say about a PS1 port running on PS5.


Maybe stop putting out garbage like Flopspoken, Flopstars, Babylon's Flop, and also abandon the deranged NFT/live service push.
I think that's exactly why they took a loss. They've mostly cancelled those projects. They cited numerious cancelled projects as the reason for their losses. People try to pin their woes on FF exclusivity but its other failed projects that have caused the majority of issues they're having.


There's plenty of room for FF. Their lack of consistent quality and release schedules sucks. That and bringing in new fans. XVI was a good attempt and XVII could be too.

Not to jinx Capcom, but learn from them.

I'm sure they'll be fine. Probably need to play it safe for now. Get those ports going, get KH4 released...
Finally! Excited to see potentially FFVII remake releases on next-gen Switch and Xbox. I will not buy a PS5 for a FF game. And I'm sure FFXV did reasonably well on Xbox One.
Hmmmm, Nintendo platforms eh....accident reveal of an actual powerfull console in addition to switch 2? Ok I may be grasping, but one can dream......
Definitely grasping. But Nintendo's said a Switch successor is coming, not like it's a secret any longer. And no one expects current Switch to get anything.
They're not making new Parasite Eve, Front Mission, Xenogears, Bushido Blade etc.

Actually there was a Front Mission remake, but from the same people who did the Panzer Dragoon remake (which launched in a rough state). They were supposed to be doing a Front Mission 2 remake but haven't much about that.

Square is already multiplatform…
How was the FF15, Dragon quest and Kingdom Hearts sales last gen On PC and XBox?

Definitely behind PlayStation, but I guess not to the point where it was insignificant.

And they have exclusives like Octopath and Triangle theory that arent on PS. Why does everyone act like Square makes games exclusively for PS and hasnt tried FF on other platforms lol

Because Phil Spencer, Satya Nadella, Brad Smith & other Microsoft cronies made it target when trying to buy ABK, and their growing kennel of lapdogs like Destin, Colt, Ryan, Tassi etc. were pushing the same narrative.

And Sony did basically nothing to knock back against it because they're a meek, quiet little mouse (apparently).

They don't have the Parasite Eve IP anymore. Couldn't even negotiate getting the name for 3rd Birthday.

That's a shame.

I don’t think you really understand how much the picture changes when the Switch 2 lands.

It’ll cost an arm and a leg to secure timed exclusivity for any major JRPG from here on…and it’s doubtful many publishers will be keen on that after seeing the outcome for Square Enix, plus the anticipated sales of Switch 2.

Oh I fully understand how things change, especially with the current climate of things. And I know that timed exclusivity for JRPGs going forward would be much more expensive for SIE.

Which, really, is why I said they could at least try going for marketing rights, even if the games are Day 1 multiplat otherwise. Though honestly, IMO they should just focus on reviving one of their own JRPG franchises and pushing that instead. If Square-Enix or SEGA/Atlus or whoever want to be fully independent and fully multiplatform, let them burden the costs for development & marketing of their own games.

BREAKING PlayStation owners KILL Final Fantasy by not appreciating it’s exclusivity and buying it

Yeah, try again. XVI sold more in 3 days on a single platform than both RE4 Remake and Street Fighter 6 sold in multiple weeks on 3 platforms.

But yeah, keep pretending it's because no one bought the game. It's funny how when Square-Enix had unrealistic sales expectations for Tomb Raider remake, everyone criticized them for that, but nowadays if they had unrealistic sales expectations for XVI or Rebirth that's Sony's fault?

So "underperformance" for games in both IP, but only one is the problem of a platform holder instead of the dev/pub. I wonder what's the difference? 🤔...

Yes He said this about Square now focusing on being multiplatform now lol.

This guy is a serial idiot.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I think it's a book originally, and I don't think he wants to collaborate with SQEX anymore. I don't know anything beyond that.

Author liked the first game. Hated the direction of PE2 and disavowed further use of their creative work. 3rd Birthday pretty much was so far removed from PE and killed the franchise.

It's real shame the IP is dead. Could of been Square's own take on Resident Evil and I really enjoyed the combat system PE had. Lots of people still want a new PE or at least a port of the 2 games. Sad that it'll never happen.
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I just hope this doesn't mean they will try to make their games more western again. This whole shitshow started most of their problems to beginn with. I still liked gen 7 sqaure enix but they chased the western audience a bit to much.

Dr. Claus


It's a nothing burger like always, exaggerated by the usual crew.

Yep. The issue isn’t FF, it is their GAAs, western led games and the low quality mobile trash that is losing traction.

But easier to claim FF failed instead of games like Avengers or Babylons Fall or foamstars or their numerous gacha games, etc.

Same ol G

Personal 5 Royal was the only version avialble on switch. It came to switch a year or so late. PS4/5 users already had Persona 5. I didn't rebuy the game for some extras. I did get it agian, on sale, for the switch. Those numbers make perfect sense knowing the context of what was avilable.
Small correction, there were 6 years between P5 and P5R they really waited untill everyone already played or lost interest.


Man this company talks PR bullshit like this since forever.

Million times they said they will do multi platforms more, plenty of times they said they will support Xbox more.

final fantasy 7 remake series is Sony exclusive on consoles. So even the third one is going to be exclusive

Final fantasy 17 ? Maybe they will be multi platform but honestly square is better off taking the money from Sony’a exclusively as it won’t sell shit on Xbox

If we are taking switch 2 in the mix, it will depends on how powerful the switch 2 really. As it might be able to run it even
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