"From now on, Square Enix plans to increase the amount of titles releasing simultaneously on each platform," Square Enix confirms more Xbox support

However, i couldn't see it any other way because the alternative doesn't make sense.
it makes total sense
Why would you start to port to a platform only AFTER we know they already lost the generation?
SE is desperate. their AAA games are too expensive and they don't sale as they should...not because there is a lack of platforms but because their games are not meeting players expectations.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Metaphor is not Persona 5.
Yeah, it's selling faster.
Why would you trust user scores on Steam over metacritic?
Because they're not paid shills.
Steam users can cry about a lot of stuff unrelated to the actual game, it's a terrible way to judge quality. They will complain about stupid garbage like a PSN log in being required. A bunch of PC shill entitled audience that cares more about settings than games.
This doesn't even make sense. What does it matter if they're "PC shills" when the games they're buying and rating are on PC anyway? And, yeah they care so much about settings that most of them are rocking mid to low-tier rigs and PC is where the highest amount of niche and indie titles become popular. Do you even think before typing?

The reality is FF is a big-ass brand that gets high metacritic scores but has miserable sales numbers compared to the other major players. Rebirth only managed 7M units. That's pathetic and XVI isn't faring any better. We both know that when Persona 6 comes out, it's going to absolutely wipe the floor with FF.
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This old article explains the reasoning well:

In short, money hats are recouped. It's not just free money on top of what you earn.

To work through a simplified example:
Sony: Here's 200m for 1 year of playstation exclusitivity
SE: Sure!
(game proceeds to sell 3.33 m copies over a year, earning 200m)
SE: Hurray! With Sony's moneyhat and the new revenue, we now have 400m!
Sony: Actually, I get 200m back. I recoup my investment!
SE: :O
(SE & Sony now both have 200m)
(Game finally launches on Xbox and Steam, but hype and sales are considerably decreased)

Now, picture the other scenario where SE launched on all platforms simultaneously, sold 3.33m on playstation (same as before) PLUS an additional 4m between PC and Xbox. They would have a LOT more money.

Since moneyhats are recouped, you should take it only if you can't fund development yourself or if you think the game would sell less than the money hat (case of Alan Wake 2 on Epic). But if your game will sell gangbusters and will exceed the moneyhat, then there's basically no reason to take it.
Yeah, it's selling faster.

Because they're not paid shills.

This doesn't even make sense. What does it matter if they're "PC shills" when the games they're buying and rating are on PC anyway? And, yeah they care so much about settings that most of them are rocking mid to low-tier rigs and PC is where the highest amount of niche and indie titles become popular. Do you even think before typing?

The reality is FF is a big-ass brand that gets high metacritic scores but has miserable sales numbers compared to the other major players. Rebirth only managed 7M units. That's pathetic and XVI isn't faring any better. We both know that when Persona 6 comes out, it's going to absolutely wipe the floor with FF.

Where is the proof it is selling faster? Steam CCU stats aren't indicative alone.

The game is already below top 100 rank on Amazon best sellers. Metaphor is a niche game. Persona 5 sold well because it had a very high metacritic in a good release window and a lot of people took a leap of faith to try it, but I think many people played it and "NOPED" out. They won't be returning. Which is kinda funny hearing you praise it because I've heard you complain about other "cinematic" games with lots of cutscenes, and these Atlus titles have an extremely ridiculous amount of dialogue and a terrible dialogue to gameplay ratio.

PC shills are worse than paid journalist shills. At least the latter is making reviews based on the actual game and not some settings that piss them off to review bomb a score.

Rebirth's numbers aren't pathetic. It's only on a single platform, next gen only. Persona 6 isn't going to sell anywhere near as well as Persona 5. People were duped by the high metacritic without realizing the game wasn't going to be for them because it's so niche.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
PlayStation's exclusivity grip on Square Enix is finally slipping
They say this but so far it's just been Switch games coming to PlayStation & Xbox ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I think they mean is they not keeping games exclusive if they know they sell a lot on another platform.


Exclusivity is the least of the probleMs for SE.

But at least be consistent SE, there are a few titles like Triangle Strategy, Harvestella or Dragon Quest Monsters that haven’t released on PS systems.
For low budget titles with fraction of Forspoken/Final Fantasy budgets it's certainly not bad strategy for SE and sometimes it could be great. The main problem lies on the AA and AAA budget games that failed to deliver.

Successful A and AA games with launch exclusive on Switch

1. Triangle Strategy sold - 1m on Switch
2. Dragon Quest Monster - 1m on Switch
3. Octopath traveller - 2.5m on Switch and flopped hard on steam(6k CCU)
4. Bravely Default 2 - 1m on Switch
5. Live Alive - 500k on Switch

Certified flopped with no sales PR from SE for AA and AAA budget games with multiplatforms/Exclusive launch

1. Forspoken - Studio was closed down after abysmal sales result
2. Star Ocean the devine force - No sales PR and only sold 56k in Japan.
3. Valkyrie Elysium - No sales PR and only sold 62k in Japan
4. Visions of mana - Flopped spectacularly after budget increased
5. Foamstar - Flopped
6. Babylon's fall - Flopped
7. Dragon Quest infinite strash - flopped

SE emphasize "Major AAA titles" when they were announcing multiplat strategy.

"For HD titles, the Group will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs. Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles"

Lackluster sales of Forspoken and Final fantasy games forced SE to adopt a new strategy.


aka IMurRIVAL69
PC shills are worse than paid journalist shills. At least the latter is making reviews based on the actual game and not some settings that piss them off to review bomb a score.

We’re at the point where the word “shill” means absolutely nothing. What a remarkably dumb post. Normal customers who buy and play games are worse shills than professional journalists.
Since moneyhats are recouped, you should take it only if you can't fund development yourself or if you think the game would sell less than the money hat (case of Alan Wake 2 on Epic). But if your game will sell gangbusters and will exceed the moneyhat, then there's basically no reason to take it.
Or, as per my theory, Sony has decided to offer an insulting amount of money in that hat that Square Enix decided it is worth taking a gamble going multiplat.

As other posters have pointed out, the issue with timed-exclusive games that don't sell well, is that it strongly affect sales on later platforms. That in some scenarios, you might be better off selling the game off hype and marketing alone on all the platforms at the same time, and you might end up with more money using good marketing before the players realized that your game sucked balls.

Still, it makes me sad. I was an ancient fan of Squaresoft in their prime, long ago. I still remember my childhood trying to download combat videos of FF7 prototypes off the school library computer overnight. Trying to see what the upcoming FF7 would look like. Back then it seemed the studio can do no wrong. And here we are, seriously contemplating the company is trying to hide the flaws of their output by having simultaneous multi-plat launches.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Where is the proof it is selling faster? Steam CCU stats aren't indicative alone.
1.8M sold after being out in Japan for over a year and in the west for 4 months.


Metaphor sold 1M copies on its first day. It's crushing Persona 5's numbers.
The game is already below top 100 rank on Amazon best sellers. Metaphor is a niche game. Persona 5 sold well because it had a very high metacritic in a good release window and a lot of people took a leap of faith to try it, but I think many people played it and "NOPED" out. They won't be returning. Which is kinda funny hearing you praise it because I've heard you complain about other "cinematic" games with lots of cutscenes, and these Atlus titles have an extremely ridiculous amount of dialogue and a terrible dialogue to gameplay ratio.
Rebirth's numbers aren't pathetic. It's only on a single platform, next gen only. Persona 6 isn't going to sell anywhere near as well as Persona 5. People were duped by the high metacritic without realizing the game wasn't going to be for them because it's so niche.
Yes, they're pathetic. The current FF games can't even beat the numbers of FF on the freakin' PS1. This isn't 2005. 7M for Final Fantasy is fucking shit. Look at games like Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Horizon, or other Sony exclusives. Their sales numbers make FF look like indie games, yet FF has a longer history than any of them and more brand recognition than all of them. XVI and Rebirth have massive budgets, huge brand recognition, and high metacritic scores, yet all they manage is 7M? The single platform excuse doesn't work, especially from someone like you who's always happy to thrash PC sales numbers whenever he can. Now you're using it as an excuse even though the sales on PC have been weak. 7 million 3.5 years is paltry in a world where big AAA games routinely sell 20M+ units in a single year.

Persona 6 isn't going to sell anywhere near as well as Persona 5.

Let's make a bet. Whoever loses requests for their Gaf account to be banned for 3 months. I guarantee you that not only will Persona 6 crush Metaphor's numbers, but it will also obliterate Persona 5.
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1.8M sold after being out in Japan for over a year and in the west for 4 months.


Metaphor sold 1M copies on its first day. It's crushing Persona 5's numbers.

There's not enough evidence to suggest it will sell more overall. Lots of titles sell "faster" but have a far smaller tail.


Nope, just facts. It's a niche game.

Yes, they're pathetic. The current FF games can't even beat the numbers of FF on the freakin' PS1. This isn't 2005. 7M for Final Fantasy is fucking shit. Look at games like Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Horizon, or other Sony exclusives. Their sales numbers make FF look like indie games, yet FF has a longer history than any of them and more brand recognition than all of them. XVI and Rebirth have massive budgets, huge brand recognition, and high metacritic scores, yet all they manage is 7M? The single platform excuse doesn't work, especially from someone like you who's always happy to thrash PC sales numbers whenever he can. Now you're using it as an excuse even though the sales on PC have been weak. 7 million 3.5 years is paltry in a world where big AAA games routinely sell 20M+ units in a single year.

I am not saying FF sales numbers are outstanding or anything, but FF15 is likely the cause - that game was shit and tarnished the brand. It's going to take a lot to bring it back. I don't think FF7R is going to move the needle despite being good, because it's an elongated fan-service game rather than something with more broad appeal that isn't so entrenched in the title's lore.

Either way, just because it doesn't sell as well as Square hoped doesn't make them bad games, which was my point.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
The problem wasn't there missing Xbox version, but PS exclusivity, since PC is one of the strongest markets and also Nintendo is currently the strongest platform in Japan

Yep. SE was leaving money on the table by not releasing games for PS and PC simultaneously. (Switch 2 will no doubt be added to that list). Xbox doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things since software sales are so low. But Phil has probably made a deal with SE to bring more of their games to Gamepass.
Let's make a bet. Whoever loses requests for their Gaf account to be banned for 3 months. I guarantee you that not only will Persona 6 crush Metaphor's numbers, but it will also obliterate Persona 5.

Why do you think it's going to crush Persona 5 numbers when it's a highly cinematic dialogue game that you allegedly hate?
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
There's not enough evidence to suggest it will sell more overall. Lots of titles sell "faster" but have a far smaller tail.
That's what you asked:

Where is the proof it is selling faster?
It's selling much much faster and unless Metaphor's sales flatline, it'll easily overtake Persona 5.
I am not saying FF sales numbers are outstanding or anything, but FF15 is likely the cause - that game was shit and tarnished the brand. It's going to take a lot to bring it back. I don't think FF7R is going to move the needle despite being good, because it's an elongated fan-service game rather than something with more broad appeal that isn't so entrenched in the title's lore.

Either way, just because it doesn't sell as well as Square hoped doesn't make them bad games, which was my point.
Those are awful numbers. 7 million. How much money is that in revenues for SE? $250-300M? How much did the game cost to produce and market? $250-300M? Maybe more? Good thing Sony subsidized that. I'm not even sure they turned in a profit after all those years.

Why do you think it's going to crush Persona 5 numbers when it's a highly cinematic dialogue game that you allegedly hate?
Doesn't matter. I'm saying it will. Do you take the bet or not?
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Those are awful numbers. 7 million. How much money is that in SE's pockets? $250-300M? How much did the game cost to produce and market? $250-300M? Maybe more? Good thing Sony subsidized that. I'm not even sure they turned in a profit after all those years.

Comparing game dev costs in Japan to Western dev costs is a no-no.

Square said that the sales were a little less than expected, but it will make back its dev budget if it hasn't already.

The games did not cost anywhere near $300M. Japan is NOT Santa Monica in terms of costs. Japanese devs probably get paid 30% of what they do in California.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Comparing game dev costs in Japan to Western dev costs is a no-no.

Square said that the sales were a little less than expected, but it will make back its dev budget if it hasn't already.

The games did not cost anywhere near $300M. Japan is NOT Santa Monica in terms of costs. Japanese devs probably get paid 30% of what they do in California.
The OG FF VII cost at least $80M back in 1997 and took 2 years of full production. This one took 5. Inflation alone tells us that it was expensive as hell. They're also based in Tokyo. It sure as hell ain't cheap and considering the extensive marketing campaign, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this game cost a shitload of money.

Whatever the case, for such a big name with such a history with that big of a marketing budget to turn in 7 million units after 3.5 years is laughable.

Are you taking that bet or not?
The OG FF VII cost at least $80M back in 1997 and took 2 years of full production. This one took 5. Inflation alone tells us that it was expensive as hell. They're also based in Tokyo. It sure as hell ain't cheap and considering the extensive marketing campaign, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this game cost a shitload of money.

Whatever the case, for such a big name with such a history with that big of a marketing budget to turn in 7 million units after 3.5 years is laughable.

Are you taking that bet or not?

FF7's original budget was $45M, not $80M.

$45M in 1997 = $88M in 2024 dollars. I suspect that the games may have cost around $200M, but claiming they are as expensive as the most expensive games being made today is not really true when considering the huge gulf in compensation in Japan vs. California.

Furthermore, it's not comparable. Back in 1997, Japan was actually more expensive than the US for development. Japan was still working off the huge bust of the early 90s that sent their economy into 3 decades of stagnation. Now, nearly 30 years later, the Japanese yen has greatly depreciated vs. the USD and Japanese salaries are much less than US equivalents in California, the most expensive place in the world to make games.

I'm not taking any bet that is going to require me to wait like 10 years to see if it's actually going to play out. You can have fun with that though.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
FF7's original budget was $45M, not $80M.

$45M in 1997 = $88M in 2024 dollars. I suspect that the games may have cost around $200M, but claiming they are as expensive as the most expensive games being made today is not really true when considering the huge gulf in compensation in Japan vs. California.

Furthermore, it's not comparable. Back in 1997, Japan was actually more expensive than the US for development. Japan was still working off the huge bust of the early 90s that sent their economy into 3 decades of stagnation. Now, nearly 30 years later, the Japanese yen has greatly depreciated vs. the USD and Japanese salaries are much less than US equivalents in California, the most expensive place in the world to make games.
I was including the marketing budget too, not just the production budget. Anyway, yeah, $200M is a safe bet.
I'm not taking any bet that is going to require me to wait like 10 years to see if it's actually going to play out. You can have fun with that though.
No, it won't. Stop being a coward. When it sells like 5 million the first two months, that will be enough and you won't have any excuse to fall back on.
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No, it won't. Stop being a coward. When it sells like 5 million the first two months, that will be enough and you won't have any excuse to fall back on.

Nope. Sorry, it will take longer than 2 months to tell. And who knows when Persona 6 is coming out. Like I said, you have fun with that though. I don't do those kinds of bets, they serve no purpose. I could be wrong, I am just stating my opinion.
For low budget titles with fraction of Forspoken/Final Fantasy budgets it's certainly not bad strategy for SE and sometimes it could be great. The main problem lies on the AA and AAA budget games that failed to deliver.

Successful A and AA games with launch exclusive on Switch

1. Triangle Strategy sold - 1m on Switch
2. Dragon Quest Monster - 1m on Switch
3. Octopath traveller - 2.5m on Switch and flopped hard on steam(6k CCU)
4. Bravely Default 2 - 1m on Switch
5. Live Alive - 500k on Switch

Certified flopped with no sales PR from SE for AA and AAA budget games with multiplatforms/Exclusive launch

1. Forspoken - Studio was closed down after abysmal sales result
2. Star Ocean the devine force - No sales PR and only sold 56k in Japan.
3. Valkyrie Elysium - No sales PR and only sold 62k in Japan
4. Visions of mana - Flopped spectacularly after budget increased
5. Foamstar - Flopped
6. Babylon's fall - Flopped
7. Dragon Quest infinite strash - flopped

SE emphasize "Major AAA titles" when they were announcing multiplat strategy.

"For HD titles, the Group will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs. Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles"

Lackluster sales of Forspoken and Final fantasy games forced SE to adopt a new strategy.
You forgot other switch exclusives like Harvestella or DQ treasurers, or other multiplatform titles like The Diofield Chronicles that also flopped.

Again, exclusivity isn’t the biggest issue for SE, output quality is.


This old article explains the reasoning well:

In short, money hats are recouped. It's not just free money on top of what you earn.

To work through a simplified example:
Sony: Here's 200m for 1 year of playstation exclusitivity
SE: Sure!
(game proceeds to sell 3.33 m copies over a year, earning 200m)
SE: Hurray! With Sony's moneyhat and the new revenue, we now have 400m!
Sony: Actually, I get 200m back. I recoup my investment!
SE: :O
(SE & Sony now both have 200m)
(Game finally launches on Xbox and Steam, but hype and sales are considerably decreased)

Now, picture the other scenario where SE launched on all platforms simultaneously, sold 3.33m on playstation (same as before) PLUS an additional 4m between PC and Xbox. They would have a LOT more money.

Since moneyhats are recouped, you should take it only if you can't fund development yourself or if you think the game would sell less than the money hat (case of Alan Wake 2 on Epic). But if your game will sell gangbusters and will exceed the moneyhat, then there's basically no reason to take it.

Sony isn't paying anywhere close to $200 million for exclusivity, try 1/10th of that. Nintendo paid around $6 million for MH Rise (that's the singular six, no zero missing)--which is a much bigger, much higher selling franchise than Final Fantasy in today's market.
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You forgot other switch exclusives like Harvestella or DQ treasurers, or other multiplatform titles like The Diofield Chronicles that also flopped.

Again, exclusivity isn’t the biggest issue for SE, output quality is.
Those are low-budget titles, and DQ treasurers shouldn't be put with the other two. It managed to sell 312k units physically in Japan

With budgets as small as this, I believe it turned out to be a successful game for SE.

AA and AAA budget disappointments are the problems for SE.

AA budgets flopped


AAA budget flopped that resulted 2 studios closure.


Exclusivity isn't a problem for low-budgets game since it's easier for the company to accept the loss but for AA and AAA games it's going to drag SE financial down, so it's best for AAA and major titles to be released on as many platforms as possible.
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It seems to me that SE is rather arrogant than SIE, strangely enough they never blame themselves for the cause of unsatisfied quality. Anyway, multi plat to Xbox maybe a chance of increasing the revenue but not sure if they know where the fanbase of their francise is.

For me, multi plat to PC is logic, but Xbox in declining stage. The developmet cost might not worth the port.
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Their decision to heavily favor Sony over the past 10 years hasn’t done them any favors. We live in a time FIRE EMBLEM sells almost as much as a brand new entry in the Final Fantasy Series? FF16 was a very westernized styled FF, and yet it wasn’t on Xbox?

On top of this, who are you making these Final Fantasy’s for? These are JRPG’s right? The majority of Japanese console owners… have a Switch. Yes of course you want worldwide appeal, but for God’s sake at least give yourself a chance to make some money in Japan as a backup baby. These CG cutscenes ain’t worth going bankrupt, didn’t you learn from Spirits Within?

Time to move on S-E, your fanbase is elsewhere now.

PC + Switch & GamePass = $$$$


The games did not cost anywhere near $300M. Japan is NOT Santa Monica in terms of costs. Japanese devs probably get paid 30% of what they do in California.
Based on this, with todays inflation 1997 Final Fantasy 7 cost 152–275M USD develop, so it is not like all Japanese games are cheap to mame. Even ramake cost close to 200M. Forspoken was 100+M which sounds quite a lot for the game we have got.


Doesn't matter if they put everything on Xbox. The install base simply isn't there.

Xbox have shown time and again that they're not really interested in Japanese content.

There's pretty much zero interest for playing anything on Xbox in Asian markets too.

They want shooters, Gears of War type stuff.

PC on the other hand... SE should focus here.
Can we stop with this stupid mantra?


Their decision to heavily favor Sony over the past 10 years hasn’t done them any favors. We live in a time FIRE EMBLEM sells almost as much as a brand new entry in the Final Fantasy Series? FF16 was a very westernized styled FF, and yet it wasn’t on Xbox?

On top of this, who are you making these Final Fantasy’s for? These are JRPG’s right? The majority of Japanese console owners… have a Switch. Yes of course you want worldwide appeal, but for God’s sake at least give yourself a chance to make some money in Japan as a backup baby. These CG cutscenes ain’t worth going bankrupt, didn’t you learn from Spirits Within?

Time to move on S-E, your fanbase is elsewhere now.

PC + Switch & GamePass = $$$$
After the successful trials of the Mana game on Switch, they somehow didn't think Switch was a viable platform for a new entry, and to anyone surprised, the game bombed so hard because most of their audience were on Switch.


? The whole point is that delaying release, especially for a game that has bad word of mouth, kills follow on sales.
Did Forspoken do well in comparison? Simultaneous release, "bad word of mouth".
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Did Forspoken do well in comparison? Simultaneous release, "bad word of mouth".
Obvious difference, FF16 was praised by critics and Forspoken was not. Hype was through the roof for FF16 before release while Forspoken had basically negative hype.


Obvious difference, FF16 was praised by critics and Forspoken was not. Hype was through the roof for FF16 before release while Forspoken had basically negative hype.
So you're disagreeing with him that FF16 had bad word of mouth then. He's saying something else.


I can just see how Xbox fans, who never ran to buy SE games when they came out, suddenly got together and started buying SE games. No, that won't happen. And in general, the situation won't change for them.

They're trying to solve a problem where there isn't one, and we should focus on the overall quality of games, improve development and marketing. And their games aren't being bought on platforms where they were usually bought confidently and well and had a fan base. At the same time, their competitors, like Sega, are doing great.

And it doesn't matter what, how, and where they release them, their sales are unlikely to change in any way. Since the problem isn't in the platform, they just want to solve it in the simplest way possible by throwing products everywhere - maybe people will buy them.


Doesn't matter if they put everything on Xbox. The install base simply isn't there.

Xbox have shown time and again that they're not really interested in Japanese content.

There's pretty much zero interest for playing anything on Xbox in Asian markets too.

They want shooters, Gears of War type stuff.

PC on the other hand... SE should focus here.
If I keep repeating this nonsense it will become true.



They are so funny, instead of really looking into the problem and understanding why fans stopped buying their games and their sales collapsed. They are just trying to throw shit at the fan and see what wall it sticks to.

They have dropped the bar so low that SE has gone from being a company that "I'll buy this on release day" games to a "Well, maybe when there's a sale" company. There was a time when SE could release, say, FF10 and easily make 8,000,000 sales, if you add X-2 to that, that would be 14,000,000. Then release XII and sell another 6,000,000, and that's on one platform.

Their games were expected, there was hype. Now all that is gone, people have lost faith in SE products.
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"Xbox is a somewhat healthy platform, guess we do Playstation exclusives ---> Xbox is now deleting themselfs, guess we start releasing games on Xbox" ?!


I'd say FF16 had mixed word of mouth. Some praised it and some hated it. Coming out on PC later certainly missed all the massive hype the game was getting just before the PS5 release though.

Look at the peaks of this release, simultaneous across all platforms. Games that don't have hype (usually platform driven anyway) do even worse. Look I get it, we're going to have a back and forth where you ignore the things I say to defend a platform but if a game has bad word of mouth you're not getting sales regardless.
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I'd say FF16 had mixed word of mouth. Some praised it and some hated it. Coming out on PC later certainly missed all the massive hype the game was getting just before the PS5 release though.
Yeah, this. If it had launched simultaneously, you would definitely get more PC players buying the game. The hype around that game cooled considerably just a couple months after release, since it actually turned out to be a very shallow game.
"Xbox is a somewhat healthy platform, guess we do Playstation exclusives ---> Xbox is now deleting themselfs, guess we start releasing games on Xbox" ?!

It’s bizarre timing

But then architecturally PS5 and Xbox are so similar it seems strange that they weren’t doing this already.
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Good move. Every screen is an Xbox, so this will increase the total addressable market by at least 1000-fold. Time to reforecast expected sales figures, Final Fantasy XVII will sell a billion units!


"Xbox is a somewhat healthy platform, guess we do Playstation exclusives ---> Xbox is now deleting themselfs, guess we start releasing games on Xbox" ?!
it's an excuse for poor performance by attributing it to that. The only way xbox is going to help them is if xbox start paying them for licenses which I suspect is the deal. FF14 didn't make even a small dent on xbox in terms of player numbers but I hear it was lucrative for SE because MS paid for servers. It's going to be something unrelated to sales on xbox if their saviour is xbox related.
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