The bear of bad news
final fantasies
nintendo finally gettin bigs third parties support??
final fantasies
nintendo finally gettin bigs third parties support??

You honestly think they'll be spending that kind of money on GamePass by then?Part 3 on PC with FF7 Remake Trilogy Complete Edition on Xbox day 1 game pass.
Yes please,,, The casual version failed, they need to go back to their roots.Just give me a ff7 remaster, true to the original.
Listen, I know realizing that you guys let down Hironbu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu, Tetsuya Nomura, Yuji Horii, Masato Kato and Hiroyuki Ito is a lot to take in. I get it. I'm not even saying that I'd be instantly able to swallow that guilt. I'd be bargaining too. But listen, these guys needed you. You say their expectations were too high, but man they're just telling you what they need. I mean why even buy a PS5 if not to purchase a Final Fantasy VII Remake? These guys crafted childhoods man, like fucking angelic artists, and you're hung up on how many copies they need to sell of their art to break even and not have to sleep in the gutter?!Yeah, try again. XVI sold more in 3 days on a single platform than both RE4 Remake and Street Fighter 6 sold in multiple weeks on 3 platforms.
But yeah, keep pretending it's because no one bought the game. It's funny how when Square-Enix had unrealistic sales expectations for Tomb Raider remake, everyone criticized them for that, but nowadays if they had unrealistic sales expectations for XVI or Rebirth that's Sony's fault?
We still don't know how powerful Switch 2 will be. If it's at least as powerful or more powerful than Steamdeck then I wouldn't worry about porting games to Switch, especially if it also utilizes VRR and DLSS.Folks cheering for this are failing to acknowledge that making the game run on a Switch as a PS5 means said game is gonna be gimped beyond belief.
If ya'll balked at the pervasiveness of cross-gen games at this gen's commencement, then you should be raging about this.
SE games on Switch have done just fine over the generation, and Switch 2 doesn't have to be anywhere near Playstation/Xbox levels of power to be successful for SE or anyone else for that matter.People are acting like SquareEnix was fully exclusive to Sony. Most of their support was for Sony, but they still supported Switch and on occasion, XBox(FF14 Online). I don’t think SE will be in a much better place even with an aggressive multiplatform strategy. Xbox gamers don’t buy games, Switch isn’t powerful enough to run most SE games unless they make a Switch exclusive version or something, so this leaves PC/Steam. They’ll probably procure decent sales on PC, but I don’t know what will happen with Nintendo unless the power in Switch 2 is closer to PlayStation.
HD titles.
People are determined to talk that game down ever since it was first announced as exclusive at launch. Now people are saying it looked like an Atari game and bankrupted squareWhy are people creating the narrative FFXVI didn’t meet expectations? Didn’t SE themselves say it did? Or are we just reaching?
We still don't know how powerful Switch 2 will be. If it's at least as powerful or more powerful than Steamdeck then I wouldn't worry about porting games to Switch, especially if it also utilizes VRR and DLSS.
Some Developers can be extremely resourceful with optimizing for less powerful hardware, which has been proven time again on Switch.
Exclusive Switch games have performed fine, but I mean if they want to port something like Final Fantasy 16 or FF7: Rebirth later. They will probably have to make huge sacrifices to get it to run and look decent on Switch and maybe even the Switch 2.SE games on Switch have done just fine over the generation, and Switch 2 doesn't have to be anywhere near Playstation/Xbox levels of power to be successful for SE or anyone else for that matter.
Switch 2 is likely to be ~ PS4 levels of power and that's fine (if devs know what they're doing) and it would be easy enough for them to make the FFVII R trilogy on Switch 2 if those specs are correct. I think that level of graphics will be perfectly fine to get most third party games on Switch 2 and make the Japanese and US/EU handheld fan bases happy.Exclusive Switch games have performed fine, but I mean if they want to port something like Final Fantasy 16 or FF7: Rebirth later. They will probably have to make huge sacrifices to get it to run and look decent on Switch and maybe even the Switch 2.
Essentially asking, would SE develop two separate versions of a game at the same time or just keep porting exclusive SE games over to Switch that are actually developed with Nintendo hardware in mind?
Exclusivity is not anti consumer."Xbox is going third party"
GAMING is going third party and thank God. If you're actually still hoping for the anti-consumer practice of exclusivity, you have been brainwashed by the makers of a plastic box or the other plastic box.
We should want a type of nuclear disarmament here. One by one back and forth each side gives up and exclusive (or all at once!) until everything is everywhere and we can made decisions about hardware based on the HARDWARE rather than some forced scarcity equation based on exclusive games.
Yeah, try again. XVI sold more in 3 days on a single platform than both RE4 Remake and Street Fighter 6 sold in multiple weeks on 3 platforms.
BREAKING PlayStation owners KILL Final Fantasy by not appreciating it’s exclusivity and buying it
Good news. Releasing on multiple platforms means more people can enjoy games like FF's without being restricted onto a certain platform. In this case the mainline FF's on PlayStation. And smaller AA games funded by Nintendo. Only downside is that it could prolong some development cycles, but I'll take it if there are day one releases on PC.
Got to be a hit for Sony though.
I can't believe it took until post 290 for this. It's not good enough, GAFSquare just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase SquareEnix games for any of the systems,. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.
Square, publicly apologize and cancel the Multiplatform strategy for Nintendo, Xbox and PCs or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Aggressively remake games that never got released outside of Japan or elsewhere the same way you did Trials of Mana.
Square Enix, Yuzo Koshiro Really Wants 'Illusion Of Gaia' And 'Terranigma' Remakes, Thanks
"We’re eager to see remakes of these masterpieces"
Some Of The Original Terranigma Team Want To Revive The Classic SNES RPG
Digital re-release or remaster, we don't
Agree with the speculation that part of the reason is perhaps Sony has pulled out after the various bombs with the exclusives
Square Enix is turning its back on console exclusives
Will also make a ‘shift from quantity to quality’
Babylon’s Fall - discontinued shortly after release
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - they refuses to reveal the numbers
Forspoken - bombed so hard that it killed the developer studio
Foamstars - average reviews that nobody care
Final Fantasy 16 - failed to meet expectation
Three of those games are terrible or not even actual games, like Babylon's Fall. What has Sony have to do with that? Ask Shift Up's CEO if he's happy about exclusivity.
Exclusivity is not anti consumer.
Folks cheering for this are failing to acknowledge that making the game run on a Switch as a PS5 means said game is gonna be gimped beyond belief.
If ya'll balked at the pervasiveness of cross-gen games at this gen's commencement, then you should be raging about this.
People here thinking SE is actually considering Xbox as a platform to succeed in sales are actually delusional. They are going balls deep on Switch 2/PC releases day 1, they need to put everything on Steam to make real money imho. The JRPG players are now playing mainly on Switch and PC, they left PlayStation a long time ago and for good reason
Sorry to break it to all 2 Xbox only fans that buy jrpg games. But they aren’t wasting resources bringing their games to Xbox. Multiplatform means PC and Nintendo.
Switch 2 is supposed to provide visuals better than base PS4, with a much better CPU, significantly better VRAM and modern I/O.
That’s good enough as a low end baseline.
PS5 consumers didn't buy enough copies. They have to try and target more systems.Folks cheering for this are failing to acknowledge that making the game run on a Switch as a PS5 means said game is gonna be gimped beyond belief.
If ya'll balked at the pervasiveness of cross-gen games at this gen's commencement, then you should be raging about this.
So, lower budgets, shorter dev times and pressure to have the game actually offer something interesting that isn't graphics? I'm in.Folks cheering for this are failing to acknowledge that making the game run on a Switch as a PS5 means said game is gonna be gimped beyond belief.
So you bought both Octopaths, Live A Live and Triangle Strategy?So, lower budgets, shorter dev times and pressure to have the game actually offer something interesting that isn't graphics? I'm in.
Epic ExclusivePart 3 on PC with FF7 Remake Trilogy Complete Edition on Xbox day 1 game pass.
We still don't know how powerful Switch 2 will be. If it's at least as powerful or more powerful than Steamdeck then I wouldn't worry about porting games to Switch, especially if it also utilizes VRR and DLSS.
Some Developers can be extremely resourceful with optimizing for less powerful hardware, which has been proven time again on Switch.
Switch 2 is supposed to provide visuals better than base PS4, with a much better CPU, significantly better VRAM and modern I/O.
That’s good enough as a low end baseline.
PS5 consumers didn't buy enough copies. They have to try and target more systems.
So, lower budgets, shorter dev times and pressure to have the game actually offer something interesting that isn't graphics? I'm in.
Nothing is held back. It wouldn't exist due to lack of proper funding unless they target more players. You're comparing a game that is canceled vs. a game on Switch 2 as the low end graphics setting.And? If that means games get held back by inferior hardware, am I supposed to be happy about that?
This is delusional.Nothing is held back. It wouldn't exist due to lack of proper funding unless they target more players. You're comparing a game that is canceled vs. a game on Switch 2 as the low end graphics setting.
It's more complex than that. People are just waiting for the better Steam version nowadays. This is what I think happened to FF7 rebirth. People know they are going to play a better, cheaper and more cusotmizeable version on their PC. Why bother with the $70 / 80€ playstation tax now?Not having your game day one on PC, hurts PC sales. No way around that. The exclusive money isn't worth missing out on that many day one full price purchases. You make PC players wait a year or more and they'll just wait even longer at that point until they see it on sale or deep discount.