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Square responds to PS2 HDD removal


Here's the answer your looking for Sony paid Square to tease M$ into thinking it might get FFIX online and they came up with a front (Playonline) so, Square could say no. That's really all Playonline is and nothing more.
Aside from the fact that that is totally unsupported speculation, Squaresoft was pushing PlayOnline even before the Xbox. The very first footage of FFX showed players connecting to PO for hints and maps. The service itself was conceived in 2000, before the Xbox had even really been revealed.....go back in news archives and you'll see references to it from around the PS2 launch.

Why would they need a pretext to say no? Just say no =P


border said:
Aside from the fact that that is totally unsupported speculation, Squaresoft was pushing PlayOnline even before the Xbox. The very first footage of FFX showed players connecting to PO for hints and maps. The service itself was conceived in 2000, before the Xbox had even really been revealed.....go back in news archives and you'll see references to it from around the PS2 launch.

Why would they need a pretext to say no? Just say no =P
Plus the FFIX tie-in with all the game hints, and general pimpage of the website in the manual.


yeah, I remember hearing about Playonline since FF9.

remembers the first ffx vid showed (Tidus with black hair) :D

Anyone have a link to that video?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Congratulations on having the most misleading post of the month!


Border yes you right but, that was also visions of what Sony wanted to do. (Which never appeared even now) and designed to take Sega 56K is cool hip away. It was really several years later that Playonline showed up in it's pitiful shape. (No voice chat, no gathering rooms, no messaging service to contact others (like their vision showed). Hell the more you think of it XBL is closer to Sony's vision of playonline. If you can stand there and defend Sony's online vision was fully relized than your a braver man than I.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
WULFER said:
Border yes you right but, that was also visions of what Sony wanted to do. (Which never appeared even now) and designed to take Sega 56K is cool hip away. It was really several years later that Playonline showed up in it's pitiful shape. (No voice chat, no gathering rooms, no messaging service to contact others (like their vision showed). Hell the more you think of it XBL is closer to Sony's vision of playonline. If you can stand there and defend Sony's online vision was fully relized than your a braver man than I.

Sony's vision of Playonline? But Playonline is a Square product... did one of those magazine racks snap back and hit you in the head?


DarienA come on buddy you and I both know Sony and Square were working together on this from the start. We don't have to sugar coat this. It'll be one those X-files in Sony HQ somewhere.

Riddle me this: why is Playonline only on a Sony system if this is not true hmmm. (The PC equation doesn't count because back at the start of the PS2 Sony didn't care about the PC market and what games it got.)

Sony had nothing to do with POL

POL has messaging and chat rooms

POL was never supposed to have voice chat

POL WAS supposed to have a lot of other stuff that was cut, like popular manga, a music downloading service and a sports news service. The (eventually scrapped) extra features were also why the development budget for the POL service alone reached something like $10 million, which is an awful lot to spend on an excuse not to port a game to Xbox when you don't need an excuse anyway.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
WULFER said:
DarienA come on buddy you and I both know Sony and Square were working together on this from the start. We don't have to sugar coat this. It'll be one those X-files in Sony HQ somewhere.

Honestly? I have never heard before that Sony worked with Square to create Playonline, ever from anyone... do you have ANY links or articles about that? If Sony worked with Square to create PlayOnline.... how come it only supports Square products? I think you're very confused my friend... even moreso than usual.


So, you honesty believe Square took this service to Sony and said please only use our games on PS2 and PC. Why not Nintendo since Xbox wasn't a good choice? Why limit yourself if it's suppose to be a multi-platform setup (as Square said) they had a modem service just as good as M$ and it had no fee. You truly believe that Sony didn't pay a dime to keep POL their own service? (Well it's no big deal just a point that seems to show up.)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
WULFER said:
So, you honesty believe Square took this service to Sony and said please only use our games on PS2 and PC. Why not Nintendo since Xbox wasn't a good choice? Why limit yourself if it's suppose to be a multi-platform setup (as Square said) they had a modem service just as good as M$ and it had no fee. You truly believe that Sony didn't pay a dime to keep POL their own service?


Heheh I like that one Darien (not a bad movie). Should I have put a money hat out beside the POL? (I'm to tired to look for one.)


doncale said:
to the current Xbox or PS3 duh!

The one that Microsoft is hellbent on replacing before the PS3 is released? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

WULFER said:
Riddle me this: why is Playonline only on a Sony system if this is not true hmmm. (The PC equation doesn't count because back at the start of the PS2 Sony didn't care about the PC market and what games it got.)

Because the PS2 is the only console that currently has online Square games. Now what do I win?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
WULFER said:
Heheh I like that one Darien (not a bad movie).

Hey you know I did some searching and found a link... EQ2 in Japan uses Playonline... and in the US Sony provides support for FFXI and Playonline on the PC... hmmmm.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
teepo said:
you guys realize a 10gig hd is not sufficent enuff for playonline games?

Sony had Square pad it with gigs of useless data just so it wouldn't fit on the Xbox HD..... really.


Ok if that's true then why didn't square just say the HHD isn't big enough instead of using POL only works on open environments? In FFIX current form I don't see how it could fit on Xbox's HHD but, I'm sure the setup could be changed to support it.


WULFER said:
Ok if that's true then why didn't square just say the HHD isn't big enough instead of using POL only works on open environments?

Perhaps both are valid answers. Apparently, if the reports from BO3 are any indication, you need to jump through a lot of hoops to get EA games to work on Live because you get shunted to EA's own servers, and that's just a matchmaking system for races. I'd imagine the issues with an MMORPG are a lot more complicated.


Square never said Xbox's hhd couldn't handle FFXI. ( that I know of) I don't think they wanted to talk about it either. That would be a fun question for someone to ask them sometime.
DarienA said:
Hey you know I did some searching and found a link... EQ2 in Japan uses Playonline... and in the US Sony provides support for FFXI and Playonline on the PC... hmmmm.


As was clearly publicized when FFXI USA was announced, Square-Enix and Sony had a cross-promotion agreement in place: Sony would take the hit of marketing FFXI in america (with the HDD that wasn't being released otherwise), while S-E would take the hit of marketing Everquest in Japan.


The Xbox is dead in Japan, Square's largest videogame market (additionally its hard disk is too small for FFXI). The GameCube doesn't have a hard drive and thus cannot support an MMORPG of FFXI's scale.

Considering that FFXI is (thus far) their online PlayOnline project, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why it's only on PC and PS2.


Square never said Xbox's hhd couldn't handle FFIX.

One need only look at the damn install size to know why it can't handle FFXI (please learn how to use roman numerals), much less more than one Playonline game at a time on the HDD.

WULFER has officially entered Deadmeat SuperKyro territory with this crap.

Agent X

I don't think this is going to be as big a deal as some of the naysayers are squawking about.

There are enough North American PlayStation 2 consoles in existence that anyone who really wants to play it on that system (rather than a PC) should be able to obtain one somehow, and then get the HDD for it. There will be a market for used systems for quite some time.

Also, you know how Nintendo has retained a stockpile of older production GameCubes with the component video out, so that they could exchange them for people who buy newer GameCube systems that complain about the lack of component video? I wouldn't be too surprised if Sony is also sitting on a small stockpile of "classic" PS2 systems for a similar reason.

In any case, this isn't killing off Square Enix's market. The PC version of Final Fantasy XI will continue to be produced, and it will probably be playable online for years to come. For that reason, Sony stands to lose more than Square Enix with this move.


If you've followed PlayOnline as long as I have (and I don't think many sane people have...), you'd realize that SquareSoft didn't know what the hell it was doing. They had plans to incorporate news, internet browsing, gaming, cellphone access, chat, email, instant messaging, downloadable content, strategy guides, etc. Not only that, the original plan was supposed to allow cross-platform play between PS2s and... arcade cabinets. Seriously.

The service has changed considerably over the years, has gone from supporting 7 platforms to 2, from offering a ton of features to only a couple (email, chat, friends lists, and instant messaging), and from supporting 3 publishers' games to 2 (was originally Square, Enix, and Namco). But never in this time, at any point, was it funded by Sony. :p

Now, you want to know why it's not on XBox? Why they can't use PlayOnline? Simple. No cross-platform play.

If you don't believe me, what about the news of XBox being a supported platform?
Coming Mid/Late 2001 (US), XBox will be acquiring a major piece of the PlayOnline pie. Announcements by Japanese News Services are talking about Xbox including PlayOnline as a service, along with Squaresoft's Final Fantasy XI. "The Xbox versions of Final Fantasy XI and PlayOnline will be cross-compatible with the PS2 versions."
Source: http://www.square-x.com/news/21

Of course, this was before the announcement of Live!, which flew in the face of SquareSoft's main goal of cross-platform play between all of their users.

It's that simple. :)

border said:
Even ignoring the fact that there is not enough room on the Xbox HDD, it is too late into the life of the Xbox to try and launch an MMORPG. That's half the reason that True Fantasy Live Online got cancelled.
That is a very good point, as well. I guess I was a little too focused on simply answering the questions in here, as I didn't really think of that. :p
Die Squirrel Die said:
And it seems like there will be no PS2 version for Europe, unles they mean they've only released it on the PC so far, rather than they'll only release it on PC ever.
I believe the problem in Europe, much like in the US, is Sony. They don't seem to have any plans to release the HDD at all, and the PStwo news is probably just going to strengthen their stance on that.
firex said:
Well, I'm not wasting however much FFXI costs per month for a horrible timesink with antiquated gameplay that's more punishment than fun. I don't care that I don't know all the intricacies of FFXI (aka how devoid of anything but grinding on monsters most of the game is) though. Here's hoping Square copies WOW's design for their next MMO!
Nobody is asking you to "waste money" on the game. Nobody is asking for you to like it. You don't like it? Fine. Why would I mind?

Everybody has their own tastes, and I'm perfectly ok with that. I've had civil discussions with IJoel, MrCheez, Ryu, etc about the game, and they all don't really like it overall (well, IJoel just hates farming). I don't care that they don't like it. Why? Because they have reasoning.

You, on the other hand, go into damn near every single Final Fantasy XI thread simply to troll. It's obvious from your posts about the game (the "corpse retrieval" complaints, for instance), that you know absolutely dick about even the basics, have never even touched the game, and have about as much right voicing your opinion on it as I would about, say, your mom's lack of skill in bed.

So really, stay out of the threads already.
Spike said:
The only place Square-Enix is going is to PS3. Thats what happens when Sony owns 8% of you.

I think. :)
Well, what about Square Enix's titles for GBA, GC, and DS?

Square Enix is still able to develop for other platforms, and if they really want to succeed at their "#1 Videogame Publisher" ideal, they'll have to branch out, and they know this. This is why they've been developing games for Nintendo systems, why they've been talking about the possibility of development for XBox 2, and why they've been branching out into the ever-growing Japanese mobile phone market.

I believe that next gen, we'll see Square Enix on all platforms, just with the bulk of their focus going to PS3, PSP, and PC.
DarienA said:
Hey you know I did some searching and found a link... EQ2 in Japan uses Playonline... and in the US Sony provides support for FFXI and Playonline on the PC... hmmmm.
Nah, still no link.

SCEA only publishes the PlayStation 2 version in the US, and only because of the HDD. Were the title not bundled with the HDD, Square Enix would be able to publish it themselves, like they just did with the "Chains of Promathia" expansion pack. It's just a simple publishing agreement made between SCEA & Square Enix USA, and has no influence on PlayOnline itself. No link.

As for the EverQuest II portion, that's actually not a SCE thing at all. It's SOE, which is a completely different section within Sony, and thus has next to no ties to SCE. And besides, the deal was: SOE provides Game Master & technical support for Square Enix in the US, and in exchange they handle everything EverQuest II related in Japan. No link.


border said:
Even ignoring the fact that there is not enough room on the Xbox HDD, it is too late into the life of the Xbox to try and launch an MMORPG. That's half the reason that True Fantasy Live Online got cancelled.

Exactly, and add in the heavy rumours of Xbox2 not having backwards compatibility and you have your answer.


Spike said:
The only place Square-Enix is going is to PS3. Thats what happens when Sony owns 8% of you.

I think. :)

Sony's stake in Square/Enix has no bearing - none - on what platform(s) get/s their games.


xsarien said:
Sony's stake in Square/Enix has no bearing - none - on what platform(s) get/s their games.

Really? Why did Square have to create a paper company to put games on the Cube?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I don't believe that paper company, GDS iirc, had anything to do with FFTA, Sword of Mana, or FF1&II either.
border said:
Probably because of all the strings attached to the Q-Fund....

Which does put a bit of a dampener on them developing for other platforms, that so far their one game on a non-Sony console, they had the development paid by someone else.

Anyway I don't see SE just randomly sticking FFXI(-2) onto any old platform. If there is going to be 300k-odd disenfranchised PS2 players floating about Square are probably going to try pick the platform most likely to capture them.


Mejilan said:
I don't believe that paper company, GDS iirc, had anything to do with FFTA, Sword of Mana, or FF1&II either.
Because those were cheap games that they didn't want Nintendo to have a piece of....


Why do people keep saying X-BOX and GAMECUBE??? Logic alone says that it would make NO sense to "switch" from the market leader to another console this generation and the quote is CLEARLY referring to when PS2 is phased out. To me this doesn't say GAMECUBE or X-BOX, it says PS3, "Xenon" or "Revolution" instead...der!
DrGAKMAN said:
Why do people keep saying X-BOX and GAMECUBE??? Logic alone says that it would make NO sense to "switch" from the market leader to another console this generation and the quote is CLEARLY referring to when PS2 is phased out. To me this doesn't say GAMECUBE or X-BOX, it says PS3, "Xenon" or "Revolution" instead...der!
Because the PS2 that supports the HDD is being phased out (at least that is widely believed), therefore attracting new PS2 purchasers won't be an option. The only question is, would there be enough time left in this generation to support the launch of a MMORPG (FFXI) on another console platform, and on that the prevailing wisdom also seems to be no. Can S-E continue to attract customers who have an old PS2 model? Of course... But anyone who buys one of the new PS2s can't play FFXI on it.

(I guess that turned out to be a basic summary of this thread...)


I'm quite sure an Xbox version of FFXI is feasible, if the server situation could be agreed between MS and Square.
- The Xbox is quite effective at reading data from DVD as well as HDD so they could come up with a system where only the dynamic stuff is stored on the HDD and textures and sounds are all loaded from disc.
- The broadband issue doesn't need to be addressed because Xbox Live users are broadband only anyway. But Square would still limit the connections to narrowband size so they don't kill their servers.

But the article is clearly talking about the next generation. Personally, I hope they don't port FFXI to any next generation machines. The effort involved would be much better spent on creating an all new online Final Fantasy. One with non-broken gameplay and that doesn't rely on 8 gig installs. I know they keep saying they are undecided between keeping FFXI going and starting a new game instead, but I think deep down they know they have to go with the latter. FFXI has reached a threshold in terms of audience. What they gain in Europe and America is being lost in Japan nowadays. The new servers being added to cope with the EU launch could potentially be the last new servers in the lifetime of the game.


Scott said:
Nobody is asking you to "waste money" on the game. Nobody is asking for you to like it. You don't like it? Fine. Why would I mind?

Everybody has their own tastes, and I'm perfectly ok with that. I've had civil discussions with IJoel, MrCheez, Ryu, etc about the game, and they all don't really like it overall (well, IJoel just hates farming). I don't care that they don't like it. Why? Because they have reasoning.

You, on the other hand, go into damn near every single Final Fantasy XI thread simply to troll. It's obvious from your posts about the game (the "corpse retrieval" complaints, for instance), that you know absolutely dick about even the basics, have never even touched the game, and have about as much right voicing your opinion on it as I would about, say, your mom's lack of skill in bed.

So really, stay out of the threads already.

Haven't really entered anything but 2 threads; one dissuading based on my play of the beta (which was over a year ago and I didn't touch the game in retail) and this one, so I'm sorry that I don't have all the details memorized. Doesn't mean the game isn't horrible suckage played by people who want to feel l33t by triumphing over the awful gameplay mechanics, or Square fanboys, though. I can say it did a couple things right: the auction houses and not requiring you to make an alternate character to try out all the classes (although that's more of a plus because the game just isn't fun to play). I got into the WOW alpha not long after the FFXI beta ended and quite frankly it's a sea change to a much better game. So really, I'm sorry I didn't remember if it had corpse runs or not, although what's more important to me about FFXI's death penalty is that the leveling down was retarded, antiquated, moronic gameplay... and the game is just plain fucking atrocious on a keyboard and mouse compared to pretty much every other MMORPG out there (it isn't really unplayable, but when you're better off buying a ps2 gamepad adapter instead of using pretty much the basis of the PC, it's just bad design), the game itself is one big PVE grind (which is mainly why I say it has no endgame - yeah, there are the big encounters, but nothing I saw was fresh or interesting, and really all you can do is win those points for your faction as far as "pvp" goes, at least from how far I played - maybe they implemented some real pvp/dueling in the game), the heavy grouping requirements for most jobs, or that the job system isn't as flexible as I wish it was (i.e. you pretty much have to pick one good pair of job + subjob or else you tend to be screwed, rather than having the versatility of FF5). I find it kinda funny, though, that kiryogi is ragged on for playing Ragnarok Online or PSO (and admittedly, RO is shitty as well, and PSO isn't worth the online fee for the most part) yet both of those games seem to do a LOT of things better than FFXI did (namely, providing fun content and not forcing people to group up to do most of the game content). Plus, FFXI has all the problems of MMOs from a generation or two ago: boss stealing, camping, training, etc. that make the community horrible. If they'd do something as simple as instance a lot of the major quests and so on, the game would be be a lot better even with all the other flaws. But it seems to me like Square-enix would prefer keeping it pretty bog-standard, and why not? Japanese gamers (quite naturally the target audience) who don't get to play a lot of the better MMOs aren't going to realize the genre can be done so much better. And, as proven by things like Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts, Square can put FF into almost anything and make it sell on name alone.


Way out of context quote. A British website (I think it was CV&G, but I can't remember which) asked about the future of FFXI in an interview preceding the European launch. Square Enix said they hope the game continues after this generation ends and they could bring it to other platforms like X-Box 2 or PS3 so the game could continue after this generation. It has absolutely nothing to do with the new PS2 model.


border said:
The GameCube doesn't have a hard drive and thus cannot support an MMORPG of FFXI's scale.

Isn't that thing that Nintendo was making to extend the life of the Gamecube supposedly a harddrive.....


border said:
The GameCube doesn't have a hard drive and thus cannot support an MMORPG of FFXI's scale.

They could bundle together one of those IBM microdrives and FFXI if need be. Not likely to happen, but you make it sound as if there is no possibility whatsoever.
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