This is a PR strategy employed by companies to divert criticism/ attention (of any nature). Kind of like a "false flag" operation.

This is a PR strategy employed by companies to divert criticism/ attention (of any nature). Kind of like a "false flag" operation.
Social media managers have come to the realization that feeding the trolls publically means more engagement and sympathy from dumbasses that live in social media.They really shouldn't keep feeding the trolls though, it only gives them more power.
Does every tweet require a thread? Could have added to the other thread.
Bah humbug
Does every tweet require a thread? Could have added to the other thread.
Bah humbug
Where have you been the last few months? OP content quality has dropped severely, sometimes it’s a poster’s own shitty YouTube content, most times it’s a random rumour that has 0 weight but they wanted to start a thread. Some low effort ban begging or unban begging, the criteria for a thread have reached an all time low on here in the past few months.Does every tweet require a thread? Could have added to the other thread.
Bah humbug
This is a PR strategy employed by companies to divert criticism/ attention (of any nature). Kind of like a "false flag" operation.
But it's more than confirmed that Cory is working on another game for a while now. Of course the main focus is the god of war game. Everyone is waiting for it at this point. The fact that's coming on PS4 as well who cares.There goes the two team per studio theory. Every single person wasting their time on a last gen game. Depressing. Corys new ip is probably 5-7 years away at this point
TLoU was announced alongside its release date 3 months before release.No sympathy. Just announce a date, stop treating it like its some super important nuclear code. Its a video game release date.
I fixed it for youFunny how it takes a service like that to get ppl to play games.
It's going to be the downfall of gaming if ppl stop buying games.
Wanting a release date makes you a sad loser?TLoU was announced alongside its release date 3 months before release.
Sony doesn't have to rush things because of sad losers lmao
TLoU was announced alongside its release date 3 months before release.
Sony doesn't have to rush things because of sad losers lmao
Maybe, but it's also very possible that some people decided to do this... Trolling is like an internet tradition.This is a PR strategy employed by companies to divert criticism/ attention (of any nature). Kind of like a "false flag" operation.
What are you on about?
Is that what the topic is? Read it again. It's about the dick pics those guys were getting.Wanting a release date makes you a sad loser?
the internet was a mistake
It's Sony Santa Monica. The place that employs people like Alanah Pierce. It's also a rather sizeable professional environment. People should expect and be, to some extent, trained to deal with the dang dirty trolls if they're going to be a public figure representing a company. Is it shit? Yes. Should it happen? No. Did it happen? I haven't seen proof beyond buzzword salad tweets. None of these people are traumatized that they've seen a picture of a penis. It's entirely sophomoric behavior that serves little end, but if you're the type to need to seek therapy or something from an ugly, small incel penis, you should probably be working at a call service.
Sony Santa Monica just shot themselves in the foot. I don't know how much the rest of you know about Twitter culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over on Twitter, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PS5 public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase GoW, nor will they purchase any of Santa Monica's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Santa Monica has alienated an entire market with this move.
Estelle, publicly apologize and admit that these penis trauma stories are overblown and you guys are just latching onto an excuse because you're not ready to reveal the release date, or you can kiss your business goodbye.
I agree, they should have gone with the classic route of the CG trailer with no release window whatsoever.Rush things? Like posting a title card and giving a 2021 date? That ship has sailed.
I agree, they should have gone with the classic route of the CG trailer with no release window whatsoever.
Is this about the dick pic stuff? Why bother responding or acknowledging it at all?
If they just ignored it, then people would stop sending them, because they aren't getting a reaction.
Deflection, something isn't going well. Be it last Gen optimization, manufacturing issues with the CE or what ever. If they were confident about a date we would know it by now.
Yup ..not only that but when devs start responding to the dregs of their "fanbase" it's already a bad sign. They typically start resenting their fanbase as a whole. Seen it with DICE, 343, blizzard, etcJoke's on them, I never had any dignity. They really shouldn't keep feeding the trolls though, it only gives them more power.
Is the previous game worth playing?
Surprise, surprise, you're whining like a little bitch again about the same things, despite having no knowledge of the inner workings of these teams.There goes the two team per studio theory. Every single person wasting their time on a last gen game. Depressing. Corys new ip is probably 5-7 years away at this point
There must be some kind of awareness building up in the corporate PR world because just a few months ago they would probably have gone after the whole fan base (or even all gamers) and called us all "toxic" or at least implied that we all were.Pathetic they made this an issue. Block and ignore and have a giggle like any emotionally stable person would do.
The people involved probably think it was an act of violence.
If you don't want to see dicks then maybe you should not be on a platform that allows the posting of dicks and hardcore pornography.
Huge hypocrisy considering Sony's puritanical stance and censorship towards sexual content in games.
A certain game announced their release date one year in advance, was supposed to release this November, and it was still delayed.Deflection, something isn't going well. Be it last Gen optimization, manufacturing issues with the CE or what ever. If they were confident about a date we would know it by now.
A certain game announced their release date one year in advance, was supposed to release this November, and it was still delayed.
Stop reaching.