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SSX |OT| Modern Boardfare

What the fuck. I'm trying to do a global event that requires the wing suit and it won't let me equip a wing suit. Fix your shit, EA.

It's no where near half of the game. Not even close. Also, you don't need to use any of the gear most of the time. I completed each DD without the required gear, besides the O2 tank because it is required, and didn't have any issues. I hate the O2 tank because it is the only one that forces you to use it. Just because it recommends that you use gear that doesn't mean you have to.

You may be able to finish some of the tracks without the recommended equipment, but that doesnt mean it's fun doing it. I just finished the headlamp deadly descent without the headlamp just to get the achievement. Do you know what my first thought was after finishing it? "Thank god. I'll never be doing that again."

I've never found myself saying that about an event in the previous SSX games. I think the narrator summed things up best as she introduced The Alps. "The key here is avoidance, not attack". An SSX game preaching "avoidance" to the player. That's not something I ever thought I'd hear. :/


What the fuck. I'm trying to do a global event that requires the wing suit and it won't let me equip a wing suit. Fix your shit, EA.

It might be one of the wingsuit runs except with a "no winguit" rule modification added to it. When you're on the run selection, look for a little red box that says stuff like "Max Gear Level 3 <> No Wingsuits." It's a temporary challenge that, once that event expires, will be replaced with a new challenge. If you want a challenge, go for these runs. If not, do something else while you wait for the current event to expire. Better yet, make your own custom event and set the event so that it's not completely private.

Hope this helps.


Beaten so I'll address BruiserBear instead.

I liked the challenge in doing it so I found it fun. People find enjoyment in different things. There's nothing wrong with you not liking them. I absolutely loathe the O2 tank drops.

Also, I have a suit for Ty that has big head and big hands turned on. Shit looks ridiculous lol.


Blurgh. It says right there in your picture no wingsuit. The event has the wingsuit option turned off. Most of them do. Even if the drop says "wingsuit required" you don't necessarily have to use one.

Once more, it's a temporary event. The events change their challenge modifiers when they expire.


Game's starting to piss me off and not feel like SSX at all, 6 DD runs into the WT mode. I just don't like the gimmicks and death holes and the trick system is like a completely different game when it comes to combos and cash-ins.


There's something so off about this game. Demo was great but somehow it's just not grabbing me. Got bored and just turned it off. Level of customization seems crap too. Can I wear a fighter pilot helmet and jetpack in this game or no?
Game's starting to piss me off and not feel like SSX at all, 6 DD runs into the WT mode. I just don't like the gimmicks and death holes and the trick system is like a completely different game when it comes to combos and cash-ins.

WT is centered completely around DD. Explore, I found, was a way more traditional experience.


Neo Member
First post on Gaf. Bought the game today and I must say I am actually positively surprised by the DD. Because of all the negative talk around here and in reviews I didn't expect much of it. I've only done 3 of them, but I do like the variation these events give.

Anyways my friend list is kinda low on people who play SSX. So feel free to add me on XBL: Deefzz (will add myself to the doc too).
It's no where near half of the game. Not even close. Also, you don't need to use any of the gear most of the time. I completed each DD without the required gear, besides the O2 tank because it is required, and didn't have any issues. I hate the O2 tank because it is the only one that forces you to use it. Just because it recommends that you use gear that doesn't mean you have to.

When you think about it the O2 tank is extra retarded because on a real O2 tank you don't need to press a valve to breathe through it. The O2 tank should instead just time-limit you on your run down the mountain. If you run out of oxygen, game over. Why do I need to press a button to breathe? That's what I really hate about it.
So I can just ignore half of the product I just bought? Really? That's your argument?

The complaints are not just about the Deadly Descents, and that should be rather obvious. Anytime I'm asked to use armor, oxygen mask, headlamp, ice pick, etc, I'm not happy, and that seems to be a good percentage of the tracks in this game.

Regarding your friend enjoying the game. If they had added guns to this game, as some people jokingly suggested upon its initial reveal, I'm certain a percentage of people would like the game. That doesn't really mean guns should be in an SSX game.

Based on the reviews, as well as many of the people who've put a substantial amount of time into the game, it seems rather clear the majority don't like the equipment this game introduces, and especially the Deadly Decents. I'm very confident when people talk about this game 6 months from now, when the launch buzz is long gone, it's going to be looked at as a very flawed product for the very reasons I'm talking about right now.

Like I said, I hope the development team gets to make another game, because I'd be willing to bet they remove half the crap they introduced with this game. As I said earlier, there was a reason they didn't show any of this new stuff in the demo.
Even if the DDs where weighted equally that would only be a third of the game. But that's besides the point. How much content is suppose to be in a game in the first place? I guarantee you there's no two games that have exactly the same amount of content. So what it really comes down to is do you believe you got your money's worth? Try to image for a second that you never heard of the DD idea and SSX released without any of it and you paid what you did for it, would you feel it was worth it? If your answer is yes then you're not ignoring a third of the game but rather ignoring a portion of the game that wasn't even necessary in the first place to get your value.

And your gun example, I just find it funny that you feel like the game would deliver if it included less content, but since they added the extra bit you psychologically feel like you must get enjoyment out of it even though you already got as much enjoyment as you expected from the game from all the other stuff. It's like you love pizza but hate the crust, but since the crust is part of what you purchase it somehow ruins the rest of the pizza, so people should stop making pizza with crusts :p

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
First post on Gaf. Bought the game today and I must say I am actually positively surprised by the DD. Because of all the negative talk around here and in reviews I didn't expect much of it. I've only done 3 of them, but I do like the variation these events give.

gaming side is extremely negative about most things. it's a testament to this game that i'm even posting in this thread so much.
Ok the reverse camera races are ridiculous. What were they thinking?

They're interesting. I didn't have as much trouble as I thought I would with them, and actually kinda enjoyed them (I thought I was going to HATE them initially, so maybe my low expectations helped). I made it down both of them in World Tour in two attempts each. But I doubt I'll ever go back to them. It's just too... weird. Interesting idea though, not bad, just too different.
Does anyone else think they retconned the name of SSX to "Snowboarding, Surfing, Motorcross" so that if the game is successful they can make spinoffs like a SSX off road racing game using some of the characters and stuff?
Does anyone else think they retconned the name of SSX to "Snowboarding, Surfing, Motorcross" so that if the game is successful they can make spinoffs like a SSX off road racing game using some of the characters and stuff?

They definitely retconned it for some reason, it used to stand for snowboard super cross if memory serves. Maybe they're going to make a Freekstyle reboot next!


Oh yeah everyone forgot about that right, well not me!
After playing through some of the Himalayas, I can safely say that whoever thought binding the oxygen intake to the stick that is used for manuals was a good idea must have been high at the time.


Death zone was brutal at first, but only ended up taking like 6 tries. Once you memorize it, you can figure out where to boost. Most important thing is getting enough of a lead at the beginning, being able to go quickly through the tunnels, and not messing up the wingsuit section (i.e. rewinding will screw you).


Neo Member
Death zone was brutal at first, but only ended up taking like 6 tries. Once you memorize it, you can figure out where to boost. Most important thing is getting enough of a lead at the beginning, being able to go quickly through the tunnels, and not messing up the wingsuit section (i.e. rewinding will screw you).

I don't have a wingsuit equipped! Are you supposed to have one? I don't get an item equip menu before the event.
The global event gear is level locked, your wingsuits are probably too high a level.

No. They just made the the challenge more challenging by not giving you the crutch of Wingsuits. In WT mode, they force you to wear Wingsuits so every player, not just the elite, have a chance of surviving.


They definitely retconned it for some reason, it used to stand for snowboard super cross if memory serves. Maybe they're going to make a Freekstyle reboot next!


Oh yeah everyone forgot about that right, well not me!

Nah we had a light detour on it earlier. Game was awesome and done with current gen tech would be amazing.
Dear EA,

The rewind mechanic in racing games was created so a single screw up wouldn't ruin your entire race, and to make the racing experience more pleasant and less frustrating.

The way it is implemented in this game, where when you rewind other racers keep going forward past you, and you get a time penalty on top of that, MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE. You may as well not have bothered since you seem to have completely missed the point.


PS Despite all my bitching I do actually like the game lest I appear to be an ogre.


Ok the reverse camera races are ridiculous. What were they thinking?

I have the feeling they pulled the camera out and used that angle so they could process all the physics effects for the avalanches. The draw distance and field of view are much narrower than every other course.

I agree that it's kind of terrible. Those snow effects looked kind of nice, but that's it.
Quick question: I copied 36 songs onto my PS3 to use in SSX. Made a playlist, set it up, all that jazz. Occasionally though, while playing, I'll get a notification that says "Music Error: File Type Not Supported" and then I have to go the race without music. I went into the XMB and played every track; they're all either MP3 or M4A and they all play. Anyone encountered this? Amazing game otherwise. Loving it to death.


I have the feeling they pulled the camera out and used that angle so they could process all the physics effects for the avalanches. The draw distance and field of view are much narrower than every other course.

I agree that it's kind of terrible. Those snow effects looked kind of nice, but that's it.

It took me a minute to get used to the controls, but once I did, it was like playing the snowboarder in one of those extreme snowboarding videos where they drop down from ridges like 200525 feet onto the snow below. I loved it, especially as someone who watches a lot of snowboarding videos. :p
Dear EA,

The rewind mechanic in racing games was created so a single screw up wouldn't ruin your entire race, and to make the racing experience more pleasant and less frustrating.

The way it is implemented in this game, where when you rewind other racers keep going forward past you, and you get a time penalty on top of that, MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE. You may as well not have bothered since you seem to have completely missed the point.


It's funny cause it's true. I had the exact same thought cross my mind.


They definitely retconned it for some reason, it used to stand for snowboard super cross if memory serves. Maybe they're going to make a Freekstyle reboot next!

Oh yeah everyone forgot about that right, well not me!

I haven't forgotten, I played this game and had some fun with it. Wasn't great but wasn't that bad. I'm sure this time around there'll be flying blades, chainsaws, ninjas and holes to avoid...

The rewind mechanic in racing games was created so a single screw up wouldn't ruin your entire race, and to make the racing experience more pleasant and less frustrating.

The way it is implemented in this game, where when you rewind other racers keep going forward past you, and you get a time penalty on top of that, MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE. You may as well not have bothered since you seem to have completely missed the point.

Lol the first time I hit rewind during a race event I was shocked that the other riders appeared to be getting further away.
Dear EA,

No I do not want to skip this event and move on. I know that if I select yes, I will still receive character XP and event earnings. While I appreciate you mentioning this over and over again like I have suffered brain damage and am experiencing some kind of severe memory loss, I intend to keep racing Moby over and over in this bullshit race full of surprise bottomless pits until I beat it. At this point it's a matter of principle, as I have stopped enjoying myself a long ago.

I hate death holes. I hate DD. I hate that difficulty was added by using death holes but removed from where it really mattered - timing and landing tricks.

I do like some of the global events where an item is normally required, but not allowed. I'm a fan of not using wing suits on runs that normally require them. Puts a real premium on timing your jumps. That's the kind of skill I want to emphasize in SSX. Not the ability to memorize where all the fucking death holes are.


love on your sleeve
Does anyone else think they retconned the name of SSX to "Snowboarding, Surfing, Motorcross" so that if the game is successful they can make spinoffs like a SSX off road racing game using some of the characters and stuff?

I thought about that and then cringed and tried to forget it.


Here's the thing with Deadly Descents.

The idea is wonderful. A challenging course where the danger is highly thematic is a welcome addition to the franchise. The problem is the execution.

I feel that they had a few good ideas with the survival elements (the wing suit), which were gameplay concepts that were fundamentally change the way you play the game. They had a design meeting and wrote "wing suit" and "pick axe" on the white board, and then some guy said "we need 5 more." So they come up with headlamps, solar panels, oxygen tanks and so on, putting those at the same level as the wingsuit. The problem comes when those changes do not alter the way your character controls or plays.

Let's go down the list.

Wing Suit: Gives you a Mario World glide ability, for the first time giving you control of your trajectory after the jump. Useful in every track.

Ice Picks: Gives you the ability to maneuver around ice. Useful in some tracks.

Oxygen Tank: Does not give a new skill. Instead a new skill is given to your opponent (the mountain), to be countered with the press of a button. Useless on any other track.

Solar Panels: Does not give a new skill. Instead a new skill is given to your opponent (the mountain), to be countered by avoiding certain areas. Useless on any other track.

Headlamp: Does not give a new skill. Instead a new skill is given to your opponent (the mountain), to be countered by memorizing a path. Useless on any other track.

Pulse Goggles: Does not give a new skill. Instead a new skill is given to your opponent (the mountain), to be countered by... equipping an item. Useless on any other track.

So as you can see, the great majority of the upgrades you get are gimmicks so specific that they don't add anything to the core mechanics. How about a hookshot to grapple and swing vertically from cave ceilings or horizontally using trees? Or a snow bazooka to shoot opponents down (since shoving was removed in this iteration)? Things like that would be useful in almost every course.

As it is though most of the gimmicks are unimaginative. Even the ice picks were kinda gimmicky, as the only way to make their use mandatory was swiss cheesing the mountain with death holes. There's literally tiny death holes in the middle of the course that are impossible to avoid unless you know they're there. One of the basic design rules of SSX games has always been to only have death pits on the extreme edges of the terrain, a rule that had to be broken to make ice picks meaningful.

I have the most fun at the game when I avoid the gimmicky gear along with the courses associated with them, and never find any use (or fun) in them after the mountain that was custom made around the gimmick.


love on your sleeve
Dear EA,

The rewind mechanic in racing games was created so a single screw up wouldn't ruin your entire race, and to make the racing experience more pleasant and less frustrating.

The way it is implemented in this game, where when you rewind other racers keep going forward past you, and you get a time penalty on top of that, MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE. You may as well not have bothered since you seem to have completely missed the point.


PS Despite all my bitching I do actually like the game lest I appear to be an ogre.

It's the same in trick it. If you bail on a combo, the penalty is so damn harsh that you're better off just restarting the event. The only time it isn't useless is when you perform a duplicate trick.
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