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STALKER: Call of Pripyat |OT|

Picked this up this weekend...really enjoying it. My mods:

AtmosFear 2 - Greatly increases weather effects/ambience
FOV Switcher 1.7 - Changes FOV
Shadow of Pripyat - Sort of an offshoot of S.M.R.T.E.R. mod but just a lot more toned down and less contemporary; keeps the spirit of the STALKER series.
Iron Sight Fix 1.1 - Iron Sights are way off for some guns by default
Improved Sound Effects - Weapon/other sounds have never been STALKER's strong point. This helps.

I also used this Clear Sky tweak guide to get an idea of which settings I can lower/turn off without losing too much image quality.


Question guys, I just got this game and I immediately installed the Redux mod with all of those different enhancements on it at once. I haven't started playing yet.

However I looked at the notes on the mod and got a bit worried... apparently they removed all the stashes and made the game much harder, with no upgrades for weapons and such.

I like hard games but should I really be experiencing the game for the first time in such a different state than the developers made it? Any advice? Should I just go in cold ?

Thanks :)
play it vanilla, it's pretty bug free with out mods and the upgrading system is pretty much what makes this game stand out from the previous games.
Technosteve said:
play it vanilla, it's pretty bug free with out mods and the upgrading system is pretty much what makes this game stand out from the previous games.
Definitely play it vanilla. Its very different from SoC and its worthwhile too see it the way it was originally intended/made. Also you will probably have a better feel for what mods you want or need after spending some time with.


Thanks guys, I will uninstall the mod :D
But I guess the visual modifications are OK right?

Also what's the best mod pack for STALKER 1 ?
It´s not the rigid character animation, 2 cents cinematics, low quality sound design. What kills the game for me its that grass materializing from thin air. Would have been smart if the devs justified that by calling it ¨the grass anomally" or something to that extent.

And you can´t turn it off. not even through console. The other one its terrain detail at distance, it looks flat shaded.

Amazing and unique game anyways. With more polish it could be among the top dogs, dare i say even above Bioshock.
I just bought this and really want to play it, but whenever I try and start a new game I get the error "XRay 1.6 engine stopped working" and it crashes to desktop.

I've tried validating files, running on lower settings, lower resolutions, running as admin, etc etc, but nothing works. Loads of people on the Steam forums have had the same issue but I've yet to find a solution. Generally they're idiots over there, though, and GAF knows much more, so I was hoping somebody here has come across the problem?

Phenom X4 955 3.2ghz
Radeon 5850
4GB Ram
Windos 7 64bit
Foliorum Viridum said:
I just bought this and really want to play it, but whenever I try and start a new game I get the error "XRay 1.6 engine stopped working" and it crashes to desktop.

I've tried validating files, running on lower settings, lower resolutions, running as admin, etc etc, but nothing works. Loads of people on the Steam forums have had the same issue but I've yet to find a solution. Generally they're idiots over there, though, and GAF knows much more, so I was hoping somebody here has come across the problem?

Phenom X4 955 3.2ghz
Radeon 5850
4GB Ram
Windos 7 64bit

Try turning off the overlay. I seem to recall having the same issue.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I just bought this and really want to play it, but whenever I try and start a new game I get the error "XRay 1.6 engine stopped working" and it crashes to desktop.

I've tried validating files, running on lower settings, lower resolutions, running as admin, etc etc, but nothing works. Loads of people on the Steam forums have had the same issue but I've yet to find a solution. Generally they're idiots over there, though, and GAF knows much more, so I was hoping somebody here has come across the problem?

Phenom X4 955 3.2ghz
Radeon 5850
4GB Ram
Windos 7 64bit

It's probably a program that you have running. It was FRAPS and Xfire for me.
I would like to buy this from Amazon because it is currently $5 there for the download version. However, it is a "loyalty edition" requiring an install of a previous STALKER game. I have the original, but it is the Steam version. Does anyone know whether I can play the loyalty version?

Edit: Well It is on sale for $5 today on Amazon, so I guess this question is no longer relevant.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Loading it up without FRAPS worked, thanks :)

It's not like I need screenshots of a game this ugly anyway :lol

I have seen lots of great screenshots of this game

From this thread

DennisK4 said:
They definitely still work.



Foliorum Viridum said:
Me too, but it's not representative of the game on the whole. All of Dennis' shots make it look like a Crytek quality game almost.

This is what it looks like for me, in DX11, with everything maxed. (It seems I can load FRAPS up once the game is running :\)

It's the same with the first two STALKER games as well. Moments of absolute beauty, but overall a very ugly experience.

But hey, I'm not in it for the graphics with this series!

Atmosfear mod motherfucker!


Foliorum Viridum said:
Looks interesting :) I'm downloading it now.

I can sympathize with your reaction to the game being ugly. They drop you off in the middle of the field so when you first start the game it is terribad levels of ugly. Installing Atmosfear alleviated pretty much all of my issues with the visuals (except for the scatter shot AA).


Just got the bundle off of steam, but from what I've been reading it's stalker 1 and 3. Am I missing much by not owning Clear Sky?
I like emergent games like this one.

A squad of 7/8 Monolith troopers is patrolling Prypiat. Tried to ambush them with a failed nade attempt. So they scater, trying to flank me and overwhelming with constant fire. Slowly, start to back away from the killzone going from cover to cover. Suddenly an emission erupts, and randomly turns out im the one closest to the nearest safe zone. So i get there, set position, face the only entrance point to shelter and prepare myself for a second ambush attempt.

The Monolith soldiers make a dash to the zone, when they start entering the door i throw a granade. So they back away from the granade, killing 2 soldiers instantly. As for the others? All dead by the emission. :(

The end.


geeko420 said:
Just got the bundle off of steam, but from what I've been reading it's stalker 1 and 3. Am I missing much by not owning Clear Sky?

Clear Sky is the prologue to SoC, whereas CoP is the epilogue. As such, you can play SoC and then CoP without needing CS. Storywise it's CS > SoC > CoP. If you do find yourself enamoured of the STALKER world, a purchase of CS can always be performed later.

In terms of gameplay, CS is in between SoC and CoP, introducing many of the improvements seen in CoP, but not all. On the other hand, it features many (p)revisits to SoC's areas. The game fails in some of its lofty ambitions though and the ending can only be described as lacklustre; but as mentioned in another thread, it's still very much a STALKER game.
Orellio said:
I can sympathize with your reaction to the game being ugly. They drop you off in the middle of the field so when you first start the game it is terribad levels of ugly. Installing Atmosfear alleviated pretty much all of my issues with the visuals (except for the scatter shot AA).
It's definitely a lot worse than the starting areas of SoC and CS, but I was using the Complete mods with them so I'm not sure how much of the vanilla visuals were left in my experience then.


Scipius said:
Clear Sky is the prologue to SoC, whereas CoP is the epilogue. As such, you can play SoC and then CoP without needing CS. Storywise it's CS > SoC > CoP. If you do find yourself enamoured of the STALKER world, a purchase of CS can always be performed later.

In terms of gameplay, CS is in between SoC and CoP, introducing many of the improvements seen in CoP, but not all. On the other hand, it features many (p)revisits to SoC's areas. The game fails in some of its lofty ambitions though and the ending can only be described as lacklustre; but as mentioned in another thread, it's still very much a STALKER game.

Thanks for the good info :D . Will buy CS if these games tickle my fancy.


CaptainAhab said:
Pavel claimed he was going to try and get Call of Pripyat Complete out before the end of the year. Should be aaaany minute now.
Well, if he is in Europe he is runnng out of time....
Is CoP an entirely new area, or what? I was never very clear on that. Loved the first game, btw...

EDIT: Got off my ass and read up a bit. All new stuff this time around. :D


Gold Member
Really enjoying this game, but I can't help but to shake the feeling that Clear Sky had better visuals.
Orellio said:
I can sympathize with your reaction to the game being ugly. They drop you off in the middle of the field so when you first start the game it is terribad levels of ugly. Installing Atmosfear alleviated pretty much all of my issues with the visuals (except for the scatter shot AA).
Well, I installed the Asmosfear mod, along with high foliage textures and high structure textures...

This is me admitting I was wrong. Although the rest of the game still looks very inconsistent, it does look fucking amazing in places. Much better than SoC and CS.

The game so far is really good too, though I was tweaking my settings so much I've only put half an hour in. Hiding from an emission is scary shit, but I couldn't resist creeping out and looking the first time, even though I knew it was certain death. :D

Playing with no HUD is so immersive, too. I can't do it all the time because I need to know my health and whatnot, but outside of firefights I'm going to keep it off all the time.
So I'm just about to head to Pripyat and I can safely say this is the best STALKER game now. Obviously it was better than Clear Sky within the first ten minutes, but it easily matches the atmosphere and tension of Shadow of Chernobyl, something I didn't expect.

I know this is going to be controversial, but in a way I wish there was slightly more guidance with the missions that aren't on the main storyline. I love that the game is so open and allows you to just explore and do whatever you want, pretty much, but I've found so many doors I can't open, places I can't get to, etc etc. It rewards extreme exploration, I'm sure, but I'm left feeling like I'm missing out on a chunk of content. An optional hint system that gives you a nudge to the location of a key code for a door or something would be appreciated - I know it could quite literally be anywhere in the world.

Anyway, that one niggle aside, I'm loving being back in the world. It's shocking I waited til now to get around to this game.


Foliorum Viridum said:
So I'm just about to head to Pripyat and I can safely say this is the best STALKER game now.

I agree about some mission guidance as well. There were a few missions I got at the beginning of the game that by the time I was in Pripyat had still not finished (
Fate of the one gunsmiths two friends, Magpie, the bloodsucker epidemic that ended up being a cannibal, the keys for the Jeep to get the gas to destroy the bloodsucker layer
), so I ended up looking up a FAQ to figure out where I was supposed to go for all of them. And some of the story-related missions, regarding the various helicopters I wasn't sure if I'd missed anything in the 1st area when you go to the 2nd zone, for example. It didn't really detract from the game, but there definitely could have been a bit more "direction" in those missions, in both senses of the word.

But yeah, best STALKER game for sure \m/


On my computer Pripyat acts so weird. I'll never finish the game because it freezes for a minute when I save, load, or hit escape.


So I just realised I had SoC on steam already from the eidos pack, and I got the others cheap. SoC is the first one going by release so it is best to start with that one right? Are there any required mods for it?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ch0mp said:
So I just realised I had SoC on steam already from the eidos pack, and I got the others cheap. SoC is the first one going by release so it is best to start with that one right? Are there any required mods for it?

Complete mod is mandatory.


Thanks for the heads-up, will definitely grab it.

On a somewhat unrelated note, how can I mod/cheat the game so I don't have to worry about item weights? I really want to play the game, but I seriously can't be arsed bothering with item weights since it slows down the game to a crawl (I'm right in the middle of heavy studies so any removal of frustration would be swell).
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