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Standing Rock: 250 tribes protest pipeline. Violence and arrests. Bail/counsel denied

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Mess that's only getting worse---I'm not sure how they can ultimately prevail against these evil wastes of life, but somehow or another I hope they can. If they manage to pull this off in full, down to the dogs and all else, it will become an unholy harbinger of what is soon to come as it only escalates from there once it gets a foothold.

It is getting some attention at least, but nowhere near enough alongside action from up top to take up their entirely just cause. Now would be a good time for Maher's show and VICE to get back on the air for the next season...

I think I saw a Vice post (or several) about this issue. The people protesting are there with good cause, if corporations want to 'make an example' out of them, let the eyes of the world see. There are people with influence that are aware, some of them must be good and just.
The posts help, but compared to the reach of HBO Late Night to ring in a Friday with full on video...

I don't know----too often has history took the worst possible side imaginable when it came to Native issues while ultimately not even attempting to right the ship after the fact even out of sheer guilt, and given the long term implications when it comes to water troubles and whatnot looming, I could all too easily see them yet again getting the worst end of it as the "easiest start" to escalating this sort of nonsense on populations/regions across the country.

East Lake

AMY GOODMAN: Can you tell us that list of 17 banks?

HUGH MACMILLAN: I can. Citibank is the bank that’s been running the books on the project, and that’s the bank that beat the bushes and got other banks to join in. So, we have Wells Fargo, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Mizuho Bank, TD Securities, ABN AMRO Capital, DNB First Bank—and that’s actually a bank based in Philly; it’s not the DNB Bank based in Norway, which is actually provided several hundred million to the Energy Transfer family separately—and ICBC London, SMBC Nikko Securities and Société Générale.

AMY GOODMAN: Now, it’s Citibank—is that right?—that’s running the books, as the report points out, for Energy Transfer and Sunoco Logistics, which own the Dakota Access pipeline?

HUGH MACMILLAN: That’s right, by and large. So they have the largest share, and they’ve spearheaded the effort. So, what we published in LittleSis was the 30-plus banks that have provided general financing for Sunoco Logistics and Energy Transfer Partners. Through working with Rainforest Action Network, we were able to—who has access to Bloomberg Terminal, we were able to determine these 17 banks that I just listed, who are providing the direct financing for the Dakota Access project and, in addition, for an Energy Transfer Partners project to extend this pipeline on down to Texas. So, collectively, this pipeline would run from near the Canadian border on down to the Gulf Coast of Texas over 1,800 miles.

AMY GOODMAN: So, Hugh MacMillan, as we wrap up, what do you think is most important for people to understand about the corporate structure of the company, Dakota Access pipeline, that is building the Dakota Access pipeline?

HUGH MACMILLAN: Well, I think it’s important to see the forces behind this particular pipeline as the same forces behind numerous other pipelines across the country, both for—both to support fracking for tight oil as well as fracking for shale gas, all toward maximizing production of oil and gas, when the science is clear that we need to maximize what we keep in the ground. Our current policy has not made that switch. And if you look at the Department of Energy’s Quadrennial Technology Review published a year ago, you’ll see, under clean energy technologies, permeability manipulation is included, along with improved understanding of well integrity and improved understanding of injections and how they’re causing earthquakes, such as occurred over the weekend. The Quadrennial—

AMY GOODMAN: In Oklahoma.

HUGH MACMILLAN: That’s right, in Oklahoma. The Quadrennial Technology Review speaks of a future mastery of the subsurface toward maximizing production.

The posts help, but compared to the reach of HBO Late Night to ring in a Friday with full on video...

I don't know----too often has history took the worst possible side imaginable when it came to Native issues while ultimately not even attempting to right the ship after the fact even out of sheer guilt, and given the long term implications when it comes to water troubles and whatnot looming, I could all too easily see them yet again getting the worst end of it as the "easiest start" to escalating this sort of nonsense on populations/regions across the country.

We're in the era of easy publishing. If a decent name attaches itself, i could see this spreading over social networks. The Justice League cast did their part. If the right kind of traction happens, there will be hell to pay.


Op-Ed Bill McKibben: Hillary Clinton needs to take a stand on the Dakota Access Pipeline

Inflammatory article, but understandably people are frustrated that this major issue isn't being addressed by the head of the most progressive party. I hope someone asks her about it.

The argument that wary progressives should fall in line behind Hillary Clinton boils down to two points. First: Donald Trump is terrible. Second: The Democratic platform is great, and maybe there’s a chance she’ll pay attention to it.

So far argument No. 1 is holding. Every red-faced bullying speech that Trump gives makes clearer our national peril. But argument No. 2 is weakening with each day that Clinton stays silent about the drama unfolding on the high prairie, where native Americans are bravely resisting the further destruction of their water and land.

At the Standing Rock Sioux reservation straddling the border between North and South Dakota, the Army Corps of Engineers seems poised to give final permission to run a pipeline under the Missouri River, a pipeline that would carry oil from North Dakota’s Bakken Shale. It was originally supposed to cross the river near Bismarck, but as officials pointed out, a spill there would imperil the water supply for the state capital. So now it will imperil the water supply for one of the nation’s poorest census districts, the Sioux reservation.

When native protesters tried to get in the way, the company sicced guard dogs on them...And not a peep from the woman who would be president.
Worse yet, digging the pipeline corridor requires destroying Sioux burial grounds and sacred sites. In fact, last week, hours after the tribe had supplied a federal court with a list of those sites, the company building the pipeline brought in bulldozers and did its best to obliterate them. (Some speculate that it used the court list as a roadmap.) And when native protesters — or protectors, as they’ve styled themselves — tried to get in the way, the company sicced guard dogs on them. The photos are dead ringers for Birmingham, 1963.

And not a peep from the woman who would be president. (Well, one of the women. The other, Green party candidate Jill Stein, showed up to meet with the tribes and back their fight). This despite the fact that the Democratic platform devotes more space to protecting Native American rights than any single other issue. The section was written by a Bernie Sanders appointee, veteran tribal campaigner Deborah Parker, but it was approved unanimously and without debate by every single member of team Clinton, who were in constant contact with their campaign headquarters.

More at the link. Sharing here because it's getting a bit of traction on twitter. I hate the fact that Jill Stein has shown up but Hillary is silent, because Stein isn't someone I would vote for in a million years.


It's always sad when a good thread is stuck with a single page.

When a protest gets too big and mainstream coverage, these people will come out from woodwork telling marginalized groups to be a little more patience, little more peaceful and a little more conforming.

When it's a relatively small news, they will gladly be indifferent to it.


I live in Iowa and Bakken is currently trying to cross the Des Moines river through my home town Boone. There are people down on the banks right now protesting. It rained all day and Bakken tried to continue in the rain, which is a violation of the terms of the agreement. The protesters called the cops and shut them down but they will be back tomorrow to try to poison my hometown's water. My mom still lives there.

FFS, I can't handle these greedy bastards. Our shit-for-brains Governor self-appointed a three person committee that got the permits passed in Iowa to start this and so much bullshit has been going on that I get irrationally angry when I go over it all so I'll just drop the John Oliver special on Bakken here and be done with the thread so I'm not up all night thinking about it.



30 plus nations have now officially come together against this.

Another great article.



Protesters at Standing Rock are in need of supplies, including pots, pans, utensils, blankets, non-perishable food, tents, batteries, and drinking water.
You can find an entire list of needs here. Supplies may be sent to the following address:
Bldg #1, N. Standing Rock Ave
PO Box D
Fort Yates ND, 58538

You can also donate to the DAPL Fund on their site to help with supplies and legal defense.

You may also adapt the sample letter here for the use of your organization to support the efforts of #NoDAPL and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Call North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple at (701) 328-2200. You can leave a message stating your thoughts.

Call the White House at (202) 465-1414.

Sign the petition to the White House to stop the DAPL.

Lastly, do not let news of this be drowned out by the theater of national politics. Regardless of who is elected, this $3.8 billion project will want to advance.
Not sure if those pictures are of the same place, but you can see here that similar shit happened there anyway:


No more pedantic argument about the validity of the photos. The after picture in your article, plus description are horrifying. In other news, I just stayed up, waited for my paycheque to roll out and made a donation. I implore anyone who is able to do the same. This is the anti-Bundy scenario. If people were willing to donate to that cause, there should be people willing to support this one.


Unconfirmed Member
Are you referring to
Rob Port

What makes this worse is that the ND governor and politicians don't want to hear any of the natives complaints and have threatened to call in the national guard to get rid of them.
I sure am! Mr. Port truly needs to delete his account.

Jill Stein at Standing Rock. Any attention is good attention I guess.

Can we get Hillary there? I know you are reading the forum abuela get on it!

Hell, get Trump there. At least the media would follow him, since him showing his ass is always national news.

Outside of risking livelyhood, I suggest everyone to hit their social media with this news. I managed getting retweeted with my fuck all for Twitter account. The more the news spreads, the better.

Edit: I don't mean populating Dr. Jill Stein, but the story in general.


Outside of risking livelyhood, I suggest everyone to hit their social media with this news. I managed getting retweeted with my fuck all for Twitter account. The more the news spreads, the better.

Edit: I don't mean populating Dr. Jill Stein, but the story in general.

Yeah, I am really disliking the fact that Stein is grabbing onto this and sorta using it to up her brand, but whatever, more publicity the better. I just hope that everyone ELSE doesn't associate with 'that crazy lady running for president, so it's likely bullshit' now.
Yeah, I am really disliking the fact that Stein is grabbing onto this and sorta using it to up her brand, but whatever, more publicity the better. I just hope that everyone ELSE doesn't associate with 'that crazy lady running for president, so it's likely bullshit' now.

Unfortunately, from what I can tell, there's very little traction to begin with. This could be a big interest point for the left, should they choose to seize it, but there's no rumbling at all from the powers that be. :(

Damn this image almost brought a tear to my eye. :(


Unfortunately, from what I can tell, there's very little traction to begin with. This could be a big interest point for the left, should they choose to seize it, but there's no rumbling at all from the powers that be. :(
The Democratic party doesn't want the issue. It would be fighting for more expensive gas prices and less jobs in North Dakota (whether either of those things is true, that’s how it would be framed) for a population that's less than 3% of the country. Traditionally, Native people have done better with the courts than by counting on either party, because the math of it never makes sense to the party.


The Democratic party doesn't want the issue. It would be fighting for more expensive gas prices and less jobs in North Dakota (whether either of those things is true, that’s how it would be framed) for a population that's less than 3% of the country. Traditionally, Native people have done better with the courts than by counting on either party, because the math of it never makes sense to the party.

I hate this argument that people make (not you, as you are just illustrating it ) that this doesn't matter because Natives are such a small population. As many of the tribal leaders have said, everyone who depends on that water should be there too. The very likely possibility that the river will be contaminated should this pipeline be built means it's not just a Native issue. They aren't just fighting for themselves, but everyone downstream as well. Which is why so many Nations have come together over this.


I hate this argument that people make (not you, as you are just illustrating it ) that this doesn't matter because Natives are such a small population. As many of the tribal leaders have said, everyone who depends on that water should be there too. The very likely possibility that the river will be contaminated should this pipeline be built means it's not just a Native issue. They aren't just fighting for themselves, but everyone downstream as well. Which is why so many Nations have come together over this.
All we can really do is call on the party and its leaders to speak up about it. I'm just not particularly optimistic they will.
I've been following this for a while. The native side of my and my wife's families have made sure we were all aware of what is happening there.

I didn't see the NeoGAF thread until now.

Please lend any support you can.


Well, that's one way to get some more attention on the issue. When was the last time a Presidential candidate got arrested during an election?

Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, is facing misdemeanor criminal charges in North Dakota after she spray-painted a bulldozer at a rally protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, law enforcement officials said on Wednesday.

Warrants charging Ms. Stein, 66, and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, with criminal trespass and criminal mischief were issued after several Caterpillar bulldozers were found to have been defaced at the protest, which was held on Tuesday, according to an affidavit prepared by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.
These photos were posted around a couple years ago and I swear some gaffers came in and said they were not actually the same place. That second photo is still horrible where ever it was.

It's not literally the same spot, but the left is a pretty good sample of what the boreal forests of Canada look like, especially around the Athabasca river in northern Alberta where the tar sands extraction sites are located. You can find plenty of other examples of the same sort of thing with a simple google search.
I don't think we should be praising Stien about this. Considering her MO she was there to get herself in the headlines, not out of any altruistic goals.

The best thing is to keep this in the headlines and get the current admin to step in. The only way these pipeline people do the right thing is through shame.
I don't think we should be praising Stien about this. Considering her MO she was there to get herself in the headlines, not out of any altruistic goals.

The best thing is to keep this in the headlines and get the current admin to step in. The only way these pipeline people do the right thing is through shame.

So you're saying this is Stein's Playdough?


If Stein increases the visibility of the issue, then good on her. I'm not opposed to a little enlightened self-interest. Most politicians engage in it.


I don't think we should be praising Stien about this. Considering her MO she was there to get herself in the headlines, not out of any altruistic goals.

The best thing is to keep this in the headlines and get the current admin to step in. The only way these pipeline people do the right thing is through shame.

I agree with this, her motives, to me, seem purely about herself, not the people.

At the same time, I don't care, because any attention right now on this issue is good attention. Hell, I would take Fox calling everyone violent thugs at this point for some cameras on the ground.
I don't think we should be praising Stien about this. Considering her MO she was there to get herself in the headlines, not out of any altruistic goals.

The best thing is to keep this in the headlines and get the current admin to step in. The only way these pipeline people do the right thing is through shame.

The media has been completely ignoring the story, but you are sure that she was just there to get herself 'in the headlines'. The headlines at the top of all of the articles that no one is writing.


The media has been completely ignoring the story, but you are sure that she was just there to get herself 'in the headlines'. The headlines at the top of all of the articles that no one is writing.

I know a few Burnie or Busters that are now ardent supporters of hers, and they are eating this up, and Stien is really milking it, so I don't know. Again, I don't really care, any attention is good attention at this point, I just hope Stien being Stien doesn't overshadow the actual issue.
One of the things the camp is in need of is school supplies for children. Tents, tarps, cooking supplies, blankets, medical supplies, etc.. are always welcomed.

Large section of my family is from the Turtle Mountain Reservation and the Rosebud as well.

Have a few family members making a trip out there next week for 21 days.(Using all their vacation time) Donate if you can.
Isn't there a corporate head office to protest at or something? Those workers are just doing their job, and I would imagine thousands of angry people surrounding you would warrant defense.

I don't think the dogs or pepper spray can get to you if you're not right in the middle of where they're working..


One of the things the camp is in need of is school supplies for children. Tents, tarps, cooking supplies, blankets, medical supplies, etc.. are always welcomed.

Large section of my family is from the Turtle Mountain Reservation and the Rosebud as well.

Have a few family members making a trip out there next week for 21 days.(Using all their vacation time) Donate if you can.

If I lived back home I'd be there in a heartbeat.

I have some friends from MN who went there a couple weeks ago and are going back this weekend.

Edit: nvm saw the OP
Isn't there a corporate head office to protest at or something? Those workers are just doing their job, and I would imagine thousands of angry people surrounding you would warrant defense.

I don't think the dogs or pepper spray can get to you if you're not right in the middle of where they're working..

They would ignore the protest and keep on digging straight through. Stopping the progress immediately is needed.


Isn't there a corporate head office to protest at or something? Those workers are just doing their job, and I would imagine thousands of angry people surrounding you would warrant defense.

I don't think the dogs or pepper spray can get to you if you're not right in the middle of where they're working..

There's a video where a protestor is telling police just that, 'I know you are just doing your job, protecting us, we are doing the same, protecting you and your future.'

And protests at some office would be ignored.
Honest question, so what's stopping them from "protecting their land" by force? I understand that there's a lot to this, but if I can get a summary, that would be great.


Honorary Canadian.
I'm just now getting caught up on this stuff. This story is insane. I can't believe it's not getting actual media coverage that it deserves. If this was happening with a white community you couldn't throw a rock without hitting 5 people crying about it.

I went to school in Mt Pleasant, MI. Home of the Chippewas. We did a lot of work with the Saginaw Chippewa tribe and I was incredibly proud to see that they sent some people out west to help with the protests.


I'm just now getting caught up on this stuff. This story is insane. I can't believe it's not getting actual media coverage that it deserves. If this was happening with a white community you couldn't throw a rock without hitting 5 people crying about it.

I went to school in Mt Pleasant, MI. Home of the Chippewas. We did a lot of work with the Saginaw Chippewa tribe and I was incredibly proud to see that they sent some people out west to help with the protests.
Nah, man. It isn't a white thing. There are protests here in Iowa and I haven't seen anybody darker than a good tan. There were 30+ protesters on the riverbed over the weekend. There were 50+ at the Capitol building a few months back. Nobody gives a shit.

Although, you could be talking about the fact that a huge number of tribes came together for this and nobody is covering that aspect. That's true enough.
Is this all happening on their reservation? If so, how is the destruction legal?

Aren't reservations almost like sovereign nations within our borders?

This is seriously fucked.

edit: just read all of article in OP. This seriously fucked.
Is this all happening on their reservation? If so, how is the destruction legal?

Aren't reservations almost like sovereign nations within our borders?

This is seriously fucked.

edit: just read all of article in OP. This seriously fucked.
It's not happening on the reservation. It's happening half a mile above the reservation.
Isn't there a corporate head office to protest at or something? Those workers are just doing their job, and I would imagine thousands of angry people surrounding you would warrant defense.

I don't think the dogs or pepper spray can get to you if you're not right in the middle of where they're working..

lol..Might as well ask them to protest in front of their local Arby's.
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