2 more question:
Which ships exactly will only be available this week, due to the livestream?
... Lacking the technical data for the M50, do you guys think it's gonna be faster or slower than the 350R?
I'm contemplating upgrading my pledge to another ship-level (either Digital Colonel or Freelancer...) and then adding the Aurora seperately... and then... maybe some more.. oh god this isn't gonna end pretty. 350R if it's faster than the M50, 325A and M50 if the M50 is faster maybe... I love the looks of the 300-series. Love how they advertise it, too lol. I wish we could see the M50 :/
Which ships exactly will only be available this week, due to the livestream?
... Lacking the technical data for the M50, do you guys think it's gonna be faster or slower than the 350R?
I'm contemplating upgrading my pledge to another ship-level (either Digital Colonel or Freelancer...) and then adding the Aurora seperately... and then... maybe some more.. oh god this isn't gonna end pretty. 350R if it's faster than the M50, 325A and M50 if the M50 is faster maybe... I love the looks of the 300-series. Love how they advertise it, too lol. I wish we could see the M50 :/