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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module

Wingman just said on chat that we MIGHT see some dogfighting tomorrow from the upcoming module, MIGHT. Now I'm definitely tuning into the livestream

Hmmm... Now the question is, how can I pull off watching a 4 hour live stream while at work? The way they worded it in the letter made me feel like there would be some new info about dogfighting there. Hopefully they give us a sneak peek!

Can anybody explain this game to me? I've been reading through the site and I simply don't understand what's to do in the game.

There are two games technically
- Squadron 42 - Full single player campaign, branching storyline, etc.
- Star Citizen - Persistent universe sandbox

You need to play through Squadron 42 to enter Star Citizen (well... technically you could become a pirate and forego citizenship and could theoretically not do the campaign, but that has consequences in the sandbox)

As for what to do in the game... What do YOU want to do? It's a sandbox game. Want to get a pirate ship and go do some highway robbery? Go for it! Want to become a space racer? That's there. Want to salvage derelict and destroyed ships for goods like in Firefly? There's a ship for that. Want to smuggle illegal trade goods like Han Solo? Yup, you guessed it, you can do that.

It's all about providing an immersive, persistent universe to participate in. Everyone will do something different, and what's cool is that it all takes place in the same universe.

Man... if I were them I'd stop making goals and start focusing on actually making the game and using the extra money to refine everything else.

You can't put too much on your plate.

The stretch goals are just to give rewards that are doable in the development schedule they have. Adding these ships aren't adding months per ship onto the dev timeline or anything like that. It's all very doable in the rough timeline they have set. Plus, the extra money is going towards hiring more people to work on the game which helps with the amount of content they have to create.

Eventually they'll have to start making stretch goals post-launch features I imagine, but considering we won't get the finished game for almost 2 years, they have some time to work on everything. :)


Eventually they'll have to start making stretch goals post-launch features I imagine, but considering we won't get the finished game for almost 2 years, they have some time to work on everything. :)

I'm quite sure we're well past this point already. I wouldn't expect too many gameplay expansions past the original kickstarter campaign to be in on launch day 2015. Get the foundation done well and build up from there. We're not much more than a year from launch at this point.


I bought in several months ago, (thanks mindlog for the LTI upgrade) and am waiting patiently(ish) for the dogfight module.
I know about S42 for the campaign, and am really looking forward to it, but my main concern is this, will there be an actual GAF clan to join and scout the galaxy/run errands for/protect the fleet? Or is everyone here part of other clans already, are we all supposed to just run off and do our own things?
I don't want to be a fleet commander or anything, I just want to be a reliable pilot for the good of the clan, is there a place for someone like me?

I'm sure there will be a place for you in an eventual GAF clan or 'organization', as they're called in SC, but it's much to soon for that.

Man... if I were them I'd stop making goals and start focusing on actually making the game and using the extra money to refine everything else.

You can't put too much on your plate.

Now, is there a way to force some AA in this hanger. I tried using NVIDIA Control Panel, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

That's what they've done, actually. The last few goals have been ... ships.

How to enable hardware MSAA in the hangar


Ok the hype for this game has finally hit me. I adored Wing Commander but I had a firm stance of never backing a kickstarter but I can't hold out any longer. What is the best package for the price? As of now I am looking at the next gen Aurora package for 45 as that seems to be a fairly balanced ship or should I just go with the stock Aurora?


Ok the hype for this game has finally hit me. I adored Wing Commander but I had a firm stance of never backing a kickstarter but I can't hold out any longer. What is the best package for the price? As of now I am looking at the next gen Aurora package for 45 as that seems to be a fairly balanced ship or should I just go with the stock Aurora?

Go with the next-gen Aurora package. It's just 5$ more.
That's how it starts ... :p


I'm keeping my wallet open for the chance of something cool tomorrow.

We will also unveil the first details on the next assortment of ships, as we did at the first livestream! Like the original group, these ships will be offered for sale on special occasions… including some which will be purchasable for the first time on the 26th! There will also be a limited number of LTI Idris-P corvettes available for sale to all users, offered in four allotments throughout the day to allow Citizens around the world a chance at purchasing these rare ships.

My wife would kill my ass if I got the Idris-P, but the first time offered ships on the other hand... might be mine!


I have an Aurora and bought the upgrade to it but it doesn't show my upgrade in the Hangar module. Anyone have any idea why:?


I'm really wanting to jump in on this but I do have a question. Would the 325A be a good starter ship? I've seen bigger stuff, and it looks amazing, but is it really worth throwing in that much more?
I've been following this game since the beginning but I still need clarification on something, if I buy a ship say for 100 after Lti cutoff and forget to renew my insurance in game and die, am I out a $100? I know it's probably not likely it will happen but I'm still curious
I've been following this game since the beginning but I still need clarification on something, if I buy a ship say for 100 after Lti cutoff and forget to renew my insurance in game and die, am I out a $100? I know it's probably not likely it will happen but I'm still curious

Yes, you will lose your ship.

You can't think of pledges as "buying a ship". Think of it as putting extra money towards development and as a bonus you get to start with various ships. So you won't be out $100. You will have lost the ship that came with your pledge towards the game, however your $100 was used in developing the game and was not lost.

Dead Man

I'm really wanting to jump in on this but I do have a question. Would the 325A be a good starter ship? I've seen bigger stuff, and it looks amazing, but is it really worth throwing in that much more?

325a is probably one of the best 'starter' ships, certainly one of the best sub 100 pledge ships. It will be able to do most things well, and the modularity CIG keep talking about means it will be able to be switched to other 300 series varients too (not the 350 which uses a unique hull). Of course, that means you are basically paying extra for stuff that can be added to a base 300 if you wanted to, saving yourself a few dollars now in exchange for slightly higher costs in game.


I've been following this game since the beginning but I still need clarification on something, if I buy a ship say for 100 after Lti cutoff and forget to renew my insurance in game and die, am I out a $100? I know it's probably not likely it will happen but I'm still curious
This has already been answered, but I'd like to add the following:

Don't forget that your non-LTI pledge ship comes with a certain time of insurance already, I think it was six months? Plenty of time to amass a small fortune.

So, don't sweat it.
This has already been answered, but I'd like to add the following:

Don't forget that your non-LTI pledge ship comes with a certain time of insurance already, I think it was six months? Plenty of time to amass a small fortune.

So, don't sweat it.

Thanks for the info guys, looking to grab one of those new ships later on but I might just hang on to my super hornet package instead


That Super Hornet package was a sweet deal.

Will Squadron 42 and Star Citizen operate off of the same client. I wonder if you'll get perks on the online version for completing the single player campaign...

And from what it seems, by the way they word it:

Starting Money: 5,000 UEC
Lifetime Insurance
Digital Game Soundtrack
Digital Star Map
Digital Squadron 42 Manual
Digital Star Citizen Manual
Beta Access
Alpha Access
Squadron 42 Digital Download
Star Citizen Digital Download

Model II Arclight Sidearm

That people will still have to purchase these two games even if they buy the ships only instead of the packages.

Will these games have an initial price without monthly costs?
That Super Hornet package was a sweet deal.

Will Squadron 42 and Star Citizen operate off of the same client. I wonder if you'll get perks on the online version for completing the single player campaign...

And from what it seems, by the way they word it:

That people will still have to purchase these two games even if they buy the ships only instead of the packages.

Will these games have an initial price without monthly costs?

I'm pretty sure its still one game overall. I doubt they would be sold separately. After all, before you can enter star citizen you have to finish Squadron 42.

They've said the final price will likely be $60 and no monthly cost. They will be creating additional "mission disks" for Squadron 42 post launch which will cost money though.


I'm pretty sure its still one game overall. I doubt they would be sold separately. After all, before you can enter star citizen you have to finish Squadron 42.

SQ42 is not a requirement for anything, they've even sold PU access sans SQ42. SQ42 is a military storyline, and one of many ways of gaining UEE citizenship, neither of which would you might want to be forced on all characters. It functions as a prequel to the events of the PU and is not integral to it.

Dead Man

That Super Hornet package was a sweet deal.

Will Squadron 42 and Star Citizen operate off of the same client. I wonder if you'll get perks on the online version for completing the single player campaign...

And from what it seems, by the way they word it:

That people will still have to purchase these two games even if they buy the ships only instead of the packages.

Will these games have an initial price without monthly costs?
It is very possible to pledge for a ship and not have game access. That is one of the gripes I have with their store, it is not very clear all the time what is needed to do what. Their 'about the game' page is better than it used to be though, so that helps. All pledge packages (not just a ship or add on) do come with access to the entire game. The game will not have monthly subs.


Neo Member
Yes, you will lose your ship.

You can't think of pledges as "buying a ship". Think of it as putting extra money towards development and as a bonus you get to start with various ships. So you won't be out $100. You will have lost the ship that came with your pledge towards the game, however your $100 was used in developing the game and was not lost.

I know that's what a lot of people say and that's how we should think.... and how CIG would like us to think and......... how we liketo think thats what CIG would like us to think -- but lets be real here.

The ship is the difference between someone backing 40 bucks and 1000 bucks at this point. All the true believers in what your saying did it last year during the original kickstarter campaign. Anyone who is paying more than 60 bucks is doing it for the ship(or possibly even for the physical goods). Even CIG is dropping the charade at this point, though they would love everyone to think they are paying towards a common goal and nothing else.

To still position 'your not buying a ship, your funding the next great space sim' when there are such large amounts of money on the table simply out of pure altruism is an insult to the person your explaining it to.

Everyone seems to get the first expansion disk for free anyway though, since it was a stretch goal.

just to be clear does EVERYONE get it or only people who pledged before that goal was met?

I'm pretty sure its still one game overall. I doubt they would be sold separately. After all, before you can enter star citizen you have to finish Squadron 42.

ironic you said that, during the aurora LX sale last week, they literally sold two packages, one WITH SC persistent universe, one WITHOUT it at a 10 discount. If anything, you can buy ONLY single player, or buy single player PLUS multiplayer.


So this module only allows to see the ships, no space flight at all?

That's right. There will be a dogfighting module released in December in which you will at least be able to fight AI. Multiplayer will probably be available at launch but may be delayed due to the MMO backend not being ready yet. Check OP for an explanation of the modules
I bought a 325a and a Cutlass, both with LTI.

The LTI means that even if your ship is destroyed, you get it replaced with a baren hull or stock ship, or dimthing along those lines, with no upgrades, so it really us lifetime insurance.

I wish I could have bought a Constellation with LTI but $225 was just two much for me...rather gave two smaller ships so I have some variety, and still cheaper than the Constellation...still, wish I had one though. Oh well, there us always in-game with regular insurance.

Dead Man

Stats are up for both as well:

Xi’An Scout



Cargo Capacity

Max Crew

Upgrade Space

Max Power Plant Size

Max Engine (Primary Thruster)

Maneuvering Thrusters
18 x TR2

Max Shield

Class-1: 2x Size 4
Class-2: 4x Size 2

NOTE: Ship specifications are preliminary and subject to change as the game is further developed and balanced.
Banu Merchantman Specifications
Banu Merchantman

Merchant Clipper


Cargo Capacity

Max Crew

Upgrade Space

Max Power Plant Size

Max Engine (Primary Thruster)
2 x TR6

Maneuvering Thrusters
8 x TR2

Max Shield

Class-1: 2x Size 4
Class-2: 5x Size 2
Class-5: 2 available

NOTE: Ship specifications are preliminary and subject to change as the game is further developed and balanced.

That max powerplant size and low upgrade slots are keeping the money in my wallet. For now.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Should we have a separate thread for the anniversary live stream?

Naw. Save the next thread for the dogfighting module release. No point in continuously making new threads over not THAT big of an announcement. This thread doesn't get super busy anyway so we might as well discuss it here.


Based on the stats I'd guess the Banu is most similar to a Constellation - same crew, similar hardpoints - but the Constellation is probably faster (4x TR6 vs 2x), has a larger powerplant, has way more upgrade slots, and has the snub fighter while the Banu has almost twice the cargo capacity, and may or may not have some alien stuff going on that further differentiates it (from an operational POV).

Edit: Mind you, with them terming it a "Merchant Clipper" it could be fast despite the engines and be a sweet blockade runner etc. type ship
The Banu merchantman is tempting, but will hold off. That or the Carrack will be my new first in-game goal.

My Hornet/Freelancer duo just needs to hold out for one more day...
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