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Star exhibits strange light patterns which could be a sign of alien activity

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incredible how our collective perspective would change if we Found Out
You mean how we'd still be fighting over oil, other natural resources and deities but this time in the name of arming ourselves against the bad aliens aka the bad guys 1480 light years away from us?
Neither of those two scenarios are worse than the aliens finding us before we find them.

Isn't this assuming they would even want to kill/harm/enslave us? We don't know what they would want, and it could literally be anything. We don't even know anything about life that isn't Earth related, and we are still figuring that out.


Even if it were blindingly obvious, I can't imagine something nearly 1500 lightyears away will be proven in our lifetimes. It will remain speculative until we can get a much, much better look at it.

Well if we find radio waves coming from the star that should give us an idea.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Chance we ever reach them is very slim. Chances they allready know we're here is far greater i would say

But i get your point. Better safe than sorry

Our radio waves haven't been broadcasting as long as theirs. It might be a lot harder to find us, than us find them.


Why? I never really got that argument. Yes, we were very bad news for the native Americans and Africans and every other society we discovered and weren't as advanced as we are. But if you want to draw historical lines -> society tends to get more morally advanced with time too. If you reason they had a similar advancement as ours, their views on alien life like us that is far less advanced could be 'live and let live', because moraly they are in a place were they don't look down anymore on other, less advanced cultures... They could have the Star Trek rule of 'don't intervene' for all we know.

(But it is bullshit anyway to draw historical comparisons. We don't know how an alien race would be culturaly, or how they would've evolved)

And anyway, if this is a sign of alien life, we're looking at their world 1400 years ago. Who knows what has happend in that time.
Not only that, but people are so used to think aliens in terms of movies. But is hard to believe that any society that has a way to build an Dyson Sphere has any need for "resource" and thus attack our planet. They probably get more and better concentrated resources with asteroids, they also most probably have Strong AI, complete automation, indistinguishable VR, atomic 3D printer, complete understanding of "genetic" manipulation, it also probably means that Fusion Reactor is a very hard, if not a impossible, problem.

As we now look at animals, primitive tribes and societies to understand why and how we behave the way we do (not caring for their resources), they probably would do the same, as it would be a great window to learn ways that an intelligent being can evolve from hunter and gatherer to an technological civilization.
As we now look at animals, primitive tribes and societies to understand why and how we behave the way we do (not caring for their resources), they probably would do the same, as it would be a great window to learn ways that an intelligent being can evolve from hunter and gatherer to an technological civilization.

Because they are so advanced, they probably understand the ramifications of an alien species coming close to another alien species. Even if they've completely eradicated all forms of disease and biological infection from their species/world, they still would probably avoid directly interfering with us. They likely have drones, telescopes, and many other unimaginable technologies to observe us without even the slightest chance of us noticing them.

So, while developed nations on Earth observe isolated tribes in New Guinea by planes, boats, or foot, this advanced alien species is using a handful of telescopes to record and process every movement on Earth in 540,000p resolution from hundreds of light years away.

What if those aliens looks exactly like us? Like just humans living on another planet?


In fact, I believe there is a theory that states that if the universe is truly infinite, somewhere out there right now is an identical version of myself typing this exact same post. In fact, there are infinite copies of myself typing this exact same post.


So what if it's abandoned tech?

Nothing to be done about it, right?

We could send a probe, but that's how we end up with Adam Sandler movies.


Maybe if we do find aliens, then maybe the world can start putting more emphasis on science and start developing future tech instead of believing in fairy tales.

We have a millenia to develop some powerful weapons.


What if those aliens looks exactly like us? Like just humans living on another planet?

Than we'd better we find some kryptonite.

So what if it's abandoned tech?

Nothing to be done about it, right?

We could send a probe, but that's how we end up with Adam Sandler movies.

It's too far to send a probe with current tech. Maybe it could get there but it would take so much time that I doubt the people with the money would green light it.


I wonder what aliens' observational sense(s) would be like. They would not have eyes or ears since we wouldn't share any common ancestors with them.

I guess they'd seem like sentient plants to us.

Or maybe my post is really dumb. I can't tell right now because I'm experiencing a food coma. /Yawn

One could get an idea based on their star's location in the Yerkes spectral classification system. If, for example, the star is a red dwarf, perhaps they see in the infrared band. If the star is a high luminosity blue star, assuming they can evolve in the relatively short span of time a blue star exists, radiation would probably negate the development of eyes as we know them. Maybe they communicate with pheromones. Science fiction speculates all kinds of fun.

What's worse, never finding aliens, or finding them but never being able to reach them?

Never finding of course. As long as I live to know there is life in the universe outside of earth I'll be good. It's pretty unreasonable to suspect we'll ever "reach" them in any of our lifetimes.
So what if it's abandoned tech?

Nothing to be done about it, right?

We could send a probe, but that's how we end up with Adam Sandler movies.

i'm no scientist but i think it would be pretty hard for an abandoned structure to stay in perpetual close orbit of a star without being ridiculously massive!


In fact, I believe there is a theory that states that if the universe is truly infinite, somewhere out there right now is an identical version of myself typing this exact same post. In fact, there are infinite copies of myself typing this exact same post.

that movie had an amazing soundtrack!
This discovery might help explain so many things. This UFO account has always bothered me for some reason. It just seems like something we might do with a probe.

JAL Flight 1628




In fact, I believe there is a theory that states that if the universe is truly infinite, somewhere out there right now is an identical version of myself typing this exact same post. In fact, there are infinite copies of myself typing this exact same post.

Does this mean that somewhere in the universe, WE are the ayyy lmao's?
One of my favourite quotes is by Arthur C. Clarke that will always remain true:

"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."

What if we really are the best in terms of intelligence and progress the universe has, all situated on a small blue planet.


I agree. I always found the arguments that a super intelligent alien species to likely be callous, ruthless and lacking in empathy to be rather unrealistic.

In order for a species to grow and expand to such an advanced point and not destroy itself IMO, it would likely require a very high level of empathy for its species and its own environment/planet/co-inhabitants and possess a strong understanding of how to ultimately grow technology in a careful and self sustaining and self-preserving way. A highly intelligent species that evolved along a path of ruthless conquest or a lack of concern for anything but itself would likely die out before ever reaching an extremely advanced level of intelligence.

Self preservation for another high intelligence species on another planet does not have to equal empathy towards other species. You can't take progressive mindset of human beings and use that to forecast how empathethic aliens would be, lol.

Even using us humans, I'm not sure we would just let life just go on in another planet if we deemed ourselves superior to them in intelligence.
Wright and his co-authors say the unusual star’s light pattern is consistent with a “swarm of megastructures,” perhaps stellar-light collectors, technology designed to catch energy from the star.

I don't understand this statement. It's "consistent" with a theoretical construct - nay, a swarm of them - that we have never actually seen but can extrapolate how it would change light patterns? At some point this devolved from "well, I mean it could be something else" to "we totally made it fit our existing ideas of how an alien civilization would progress".

That being said, I hope it's aliens.


We are also observing light from when we were in the dark ages and Islam wasn't even founded.

I just hope we find some more concrete proof of it being ET in nature because that can change the entire mindset and politics of nations on earth.
Because they are so advanced, they probably understand the ramifications of an alien species coming close to another alien species. Even if they've completely eradicated all forms of disease and biological infection from their species/world, they still would probably avoid directly interfering with us. They likely have drones, telescopes, and many other unimaginable technologies to observe us without even the slightest chance of us noticing them.

So, while developed nations on Earth observe isolated tribes in New Guinea by planes, boats, or foot, this advanced alien species is using a handful of telescopes to record and process every movement on Earth in 540,000p resolution from hundreds of light years away.


In fact, I believe there is a theory that states that if the universe is truly infinite, somewhere out there right now is an identical version of myself typing this exact same post. In fact, there are infinite copies of myself typing this exact same post.

That's not how infinity works. It's not if our universe is infinite, it's if there are infinite realities of our dimension with a constant splitting of each possible reality, which creates an infinite branching of realities.
It's entirely possible that a Type 2, Type 3 civilization on the Kardashev scale couldn't solve FTL travel. It would not shock me to realize that there was a civilization capable of developing a dyson sphere, but still had relatively poor means of interstellar travel--it could be for all intents and purposes impossible.
It's going to have a natural explanation. I don't expect to ever discover alien life in my lifetime. I'd love to be wrong, but I won't be.


We don't even know what universe is. We don't have a clue where or what we are... never mind anything else.


So it doesn't matter how advanced they are, they can't observe us until our light reaches there, right? I mean, all they'd see is a planet, with maybe evidence of some kind of life due to our atmospheric makeup, but they can't be observing evidence of an advanced society.
“When [Boyajian] showed me the data, I was fascinated by how crazy it looked,” Wright told me. “Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build.”

You mean like...this?


To the OP's question of "what if it isn't?: It would be one of the biggest discoveries in human history, and confirmation of what many have already figured. I assume that life is out there, somewhere. It's just that we haven't found it yet.

Pesky physics, and all.
The most mindblowing thing to me is that it doesn't matter what we're looking at, but that we are looking at the past. That will never cease to amaze me.
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