I hated the S1 characters, with a passion. No hyperbole to call them the worst in Star Trek's long history.
- girl who talks about going into space for the first time, like this is something new to her the way it would be to us--but she's supposed to be a high-level researcher in artificial intelligence. According to the world of TNG-era, she absolutely would have regularly traveled in space to conferences and events if she was in that field. Why do the writers of this show seem so confused about the nature of life in the TNG/DS9/VOY universe? Not to mention that she's given a pass on a murder as if nothing happened
- 7 of 9, never a great character to begin with. Why revive a shitty character brought on halfway through Voyager for sex appeal to help its ratings? Not to mention, she's a complete psychopath now, violent and frankly disgusting
- Mr. I'm-a-Roguish captain dude, whose first scene in the most unintentionally comedic bit of bad writing I've seen in years. To recap: shirtless and manly, he downs some hard liquor before manually removing a piece of shrapnel from his shoulder, while spouting off some kind of rouge-ish Han-Solo-wannabe lines that sounds like they were written by a kid playing a badass character in DnD
- Picard's dear old friend raffiki, who we are told is a dear old friend and who calls him "JL" so that we can know she must be a friend. This doesn't fit his personality at all, nor his friendship patterns in terms of their relationship. It's so obviously weird and incongruent, and then they randomly shove in some story about her son which does nothing but try to get sympathy
- Ninja boy who will "bind his sword to Picard's quest." What the hell is this, and who mixed fantasy tropes into Star Trek? Once again, his relationship with Picard is forced and inauthentic