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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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Not so long anymore untl Jakku :)

I hope we will get some glimpses from the Season Pass DLC this year. But i doubt it.

"The first expansion pack will be released in early 2016. Stay tuned for more details on Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass* in the coming weeks." From the official site.


I'm sure someone in this thread was saying January '16 for the first DLC pack from the season pass. Is there any official confirmation of that? I think it seems a bit hopeful!


I'm sure someone in this thread was saying January '16 for the first DLC pack from the season pass. Is there any official confirmation of that? I think it seems a bit hopeful!

The first DLC-pack for BF4 launched only ~1 month after release so, maybe? :)
Personally I love the number of weapons that this game has and I love that there aren't a million attachments you can slap on each one of them. More for the sake of more is not a good thing and often leads to a final product that is massively unbalanced due to the sheer number of variables and combinations.

In this game you've got blasters that are fairly close facsimiles to the archetypal weapons we're used to in most shooters. You've got assault rifles, SMGs, LMGs, a shotgun, and a sniper rifle. There are a couple that are slightly more difficult to categorize like the T-21 but for the most part these concepts are familiar.

I really appreciate this approach because I don't have to spend ages trying to figure out which of the 15 SMGs is worthwhile and which are complete throwaway trash, which is almost always the case in games that feature so many weapons of a similar type. It reminds me a lot of Killzone 2 or the older Halo games which had excellent weapon balance. I'm not saying the balance is perfect in BF but a few minor balance patches should level the playing field pretty fairly, as opposed to games like CoD where some weapons and attachments will just never feel very useful.

When I see someone complain about there being "only" 11 primary weapons I wonder how many good shooters they've actually played.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Ok as primarily a PC FPS gamer, can anyone offer any suggestions to ease the transition to dual analog? I have always hated it, because I sucks with it in shooters, and this is no different. I did switch to FPS, but the sticks are too twitchy. If I lower sensitivity it helps the twitchiness but then in too slow to turn around. Someone suggested stick extenders from Gamestop for my DS4. I love this game but am worried I wasted my money on the PS4 version still (after 15 years) having a hard time adjusting to dual analog controls in a competitive environment.


There are a couple that are slightly more difficult to categorize like the T-21 but for the most part these concepts are familiar.

A battle rifle, with T-21B being perhaps a designated marksman rifle?

Ok as primarily a PC FPS gamer, can anyone offer any suggestions to ease the transition to dual analog? I have always hated it, because I sucks with it in shooters, and this is no different. I did switch to FPS, but the sticks are too twitchy. If I lower sensitivity it helps the twitchiness but then in too slow to turn around. Someone suggested stick extenders from Gamestop for my DS4. I love this game but am worried I wasted my money on the PS4 version still (after 15 years) having a hard time adjusting to dual analog controls in a competitive environment.

You need time. Eventually you can do small enough movements the twitchiness goes away.
I've never used stick extenders but perhaps you could try, in principle they could help, especially if the game's sensitivity and deadzones and acceleration, etc. are slightly lacking.


Ok as primarily a PC FPS gamer, can anyone offer any suggestions to ease the transition to dual analog?

There are no tips really. I've always been pc focused since the mid-late 90s but got bfbc2 and bf3 on 360 since lots of friends were on em. It took me a fair bit of time and lots of deaths to make the switch.

Never did feel as useful with a pad. Glad to be back on pc for this :)


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Anyone sticking with first person and having success? I have gone with third because of the widened field of view but I have always preferred FPS to TPS so I'm secretly hoping first person is not only viable but a solid option. I'm thinking about switching back tonight and just giving it a shot for a few matches.

I prefer first person generally, feels more accurate to me. But I switch at times. Say I was playing Blast on the sulfur fields map earlier, I switch to 3rd person because I know there's a rebel up on a rock behind a big rock I'm hiding behind. I can now see over the rock and see the rebel, see them drop and come running around so I can start pre-firing. Boom, no more rebel.

So big open spaces I tend to go third, mostly first though for me.


Ok as primarily a PC FPS gamer, can anyone offer any suggestions to ease the transition to dual analog? I have always hated it, because I sucks with it in shooters, and this is no different. I did switch to FPS, but the sticks are too twitchy. If I lower sensitivity it helps the twitchiness but then in too slow to turn around. Someone suggested stick extenders from Gamestop for my DS4. I love this game but am worried I wasted my money on the PS4 version still (after 15 years) having a hard time adjusting to dual analog controls in a competitive environment.

The stick extenders will make a huge difference if you are overshooting. The longer the better. Also, try and focus on just hip fire for a few matches. ADS is always easy to get used to. Avoid using it on purpose for a few matches (you will die a lot while you're adjusting) and you'll adapt to the twitchiness much quicker. Its all just muscle memory. I'm having the opposite problem, I suck on KB/M but I love it and I'm trying to get better.


What's the cheapest place to get this on PC? I know it was like 25% off at GMG a week or so ago. Now it's like 15% off and I can't find a voucher that will stack.


First two days I played in 1st Person view and was doing pretty good, had a 1.5 KD ratio which for me is damn good.
Switched to 3rd person view as I kept reading people saying it was better, and while I enjoyed playing in that view, meaning I was having fun, my KD ratio slip down to .7
Switched back to 1st Person last night and got it back to .98 in 2 matches.
So for me I am more effective using 1st person view.
I do agree in 3rd person view you can see more, but seeing more does not really matter all that much if you also cannot aim just as good, at least for myself.

So really I think it is all about personal preference.

Also for the first time in I cannot remember how long I had a dream about a game. All I remember in my dream was walking down the street with some friends and an AT-ST crashing out of a backyard. This game has taken a deep hold. LOL
Also for the first time in I cannot remember how long I had a dream about a game. All I remember in my dream was walking down the street with some friends and an AT-ST crashing out of a backyard. This game has taken a deep hold. LOL

Hopefully you had a few ion weapons equipped in your dream.


Ok as primarily a PC FPS gamer, can anyone offer any suggestions to ease the transition to dual analog? I have always hated it, because I sucks with it in shooters, and this is no different. I did switch to FPS, but the sticks are too twitchy. If I lower sensitivity it helps the twitchiness but then in too slow to turn around. Someone suggested stick extenders from Gamestop for my DS4. I love this game but am worried I wasted my money on the PS4 version still (after 15 years) having a hard time adjusting to dual analog controls in a competitive environment.

Slowly move your sensitivity up. Start with something that feels comfortable to move with and not slow. As it becomes feeling to slow to aim and shoot you bump it up further until you begin feeling slow again. I play on or near max sensitivity with most of my games and it helps once you are comfortable. I also don't play with a DS4, so I'm not sure how it handles compared to an xbox controller (not debating just don't play ps4). You probably want to do some training / horde matches while first tuning your sensitivity as well.


Gold Member
This Battle of Jakku, what is it gonna be exactly? I know it's supposed to give a bit of background story in time for the movie but this game doesn't have a campaign. Is it gonna be multiplayer maps or solo/co-op content?
This Battle of Jakku, what is it gonna be exactly? I know it's supposed to give a bit of background story in time for the movie but this game doesn't have a campaign. Is it gonna be multiplayer maps or solo/co-op content?
I assume it will be like the other planets, one large map for Supremacy/WA and a couple smaller maps for the smaller modes. Maybe that is overly optimistic on my part though...


Anyone having trouble with the Companion App? I cannot get it to update my stats from the game. Still shows I am rank 1 but I am rank 13 in the game.
I assume it will be like the other planets, one large map for Supremacy/WA and a couple smaller maps for the smaller modes. Maybe that is overly optimistic on my part though...

Sadly all it will do for people against the game is whine how it's basically just a Tatooine reskin and there are still no maps in the game.
This Battle of Jakku, what is it gonna be exactly? I know it's supposed to give a bit of background story in time for the movie but this game doesn't have a campaign. Is it gonna be multiplayer maps or solo/co-op content?

It's just a map. The Battle of Jakku still took place almost thirty years before TFA so it won't provide any kind of story background. Just a peak at why Jakku is filled with crashed X-Wings and Star Destroyers.


DICE are wizards. Endor on PS4 is ridiculous. 60fps and looking that good. GTFO DICE.



While I'm not a fan of Hero Hunt, in my last game I got to play as Princess Leia and I went from 0 kills to 50, not dying once. Self healing, shields, one hit pistol kills. She's the best!


Wow this is more unbalanced than the beta, is running now slower than during the beta? also what did they do to that glorious sniper rifle! its worthless now


Anyone on XBO pleasr tell me your aim sensibiiity configuration and if you use aim assist or not... I'm really really bad at this game... :(

I have a 0,81 ratio


I have to admit this is one of the first games in a while that has me going back for the graphics. They really nailed the look and feel of Star Wars. I can't wait to see how they mix in prequel and sequel heroes/themes. They gotta do Jar Jar for the luls.
This Battle of Jakku, what is it gonna be exactly? I know it's supposed to give a bit of background story in time for the movie but this game doesn't have a campaign. Is it gonna be multiplayer maps or solo/co-op content?

It's just a post-RotJ battle.

Lost Stars spoiler:
Empire gets lured into a trap and loses. Badly.


Played a match of Supremacy on Endor, Imperial side, couldnt see any rebels god damn.

Was getting killed left and right though, on day time I have not much trouble but it was almost night in this match and I had lots of trouble seeing anything.


Played a match of Supremacy on Endor, Imperial side, couldnt see any rebels god damn.

Was getting killed left and right though, on day time I have not much trouble but it was almost night in this match and I had lots of trouble seeing anything.
The Endor levels looks fantastic but it's sooooo hard to find anyone.


Are the speederbikes in the same locations every time? If so, any nearby landmarks?

I've yet to see one (aside from people flying past me on em!)


Neo Member
After playing COD the past two weeks this is a welcome change of pace. I don't feel like I need to down a Red Bull and sit inches from my T.V. with twitch like reflexes to play. My first couple matches had me doing really well and it was welcome to actually have time to shoot people..lol.

What seems to be the consensus on the best game mode?
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