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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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By the way, Palps' body guards should be Red Guards, not Stormtroopers with red highlights.

And Leia's Honor Guard should be proper Rebel Honor Guard, not some blue-colored variant of normal troops.
Now this I'd be all for.

The game should always spawn you in with them too, as the last time I got the honor guard option I mistakenly spawned normally, and by the time I managed to book it to the Princess she was already dead.

I'm just a shitty honor guard I guess.


Who doesn't want to play as one of these guys?


It is from Episode 3.... So it is canon. Even if it is poor CGI.

Seriously, Palp's should have been those guys, and Leia's should be these guys:

It's not that hard, DICE!


Seriously, Palp's should have been those guys, and Lei's should be these guys:

It's not that hard, DICE!

That would be acceptable as well.

And? It's still canon and DICE has shown that it is willing to make additions. Palpatine's move set also hardens back to Episode 3.

You wrote the Camo Clone are not canon when they in-fact are. Not sure what you're arguing here.

EDIT Regardless, i sure as hell don't want to see camouflaged Stormtroopers. That's not Empire to me.
It depends. The canon absolutely trumps the gameplay from end to end in this game.

This game, at its heart, is about recreating movie moments, not being a fair and balanced e-sport. All imho of course.

It might kill the game's legs, but doesn't kill its wonder.

The more you allow individual customization (for Stormtroopers especially) the less the game recreates Star Wars cinematic moments.

The game can be focused on recreating movie moments and be well-balanced and designed.

I also feel that if jump packs, impact grenades, flash grenades, triple-shot grenade launchers, anachronistic hero outfits and settings, floating tokens, and helmetless stormtroopers don't take you out of the game, more customization shouldn't.

Easy ways they can allow customization without breaking "immersion." Specifically, for imperials, since it seems a bit harder to customize them:
  • Include officers and other ranks/outfits from the OT (already posted)
  • Allow rank or class-signifiers to be used (the ol shoulder pad, for example, which is in the game, but not a customization option)
  • Minor color modification a la PT. Simple stripes or splashes of colors would be nice, with different designs and colors available. Sheeeeit, there is even a precedent for this already in-game (Palp/Leia guardians)
  • Full customization of your head/appearance
Lastly...I realize the game looks fantastic and its presentation is top-notch, but I think this

This game, at its heart, is about recreating movie moments, not being a fair and balanced e-sport. All imho of course.

It might kill the game's legs, but doesn't kill its wonder.

is a ridiculous stance to take. Please don't bring out the e-sport strawman. Even non-esport games strive to be balanced and fair. Battlefront should be no exception.

Re: goofy looking helmets, I don't disagree, but that was a part of the samurai aesthetic/influence of the OT.

Of course, they were also wearing bulky armor, so it looked better as a total outfit :p

Also hope these links/images keep working--Imgur is down for me so I couldn't rehost, sorry.
Finally hit Rank 50, ~38 hours doing mainly Fighter Squadron and Drop Zone with friends. Gonna focus on trying to complete all the single player stuff now until they patch this game. Every time I get into AW or Supremacy there is someone glitching the invincibility. Fighter Squadron is a mess with the A-Wing hit box. Smaller modes are dominated by DL-44 which basically forces you to use it unless you just want to lose to it. Still having fun just balance issues like always. Hopefully they are fixed quick time.


The game can be focused on recreating movie moments and be well-balanced and designed.

I also feel that if jump packs, impact grenades, flash grenades, triple-shot grenade launchers, anachronistic hero outfits and settings, floating tokens, and helmetless stormtroopers don't take you out of the game, more customization shouldn't.

Easy ways they can allow customization without breaking "immersion." Specifically, for imperials, since it seems a bit harder to customize them:
  • Include officers and other ranks/outfits from the OT (already posted)
  • Allow rank or class-signifiers to be used (the ol shoulder pad, for example, which is in the game, but not a customization option)
  • Minor color modification a la PT. Simple stripes or splashes of colors would be nice, with different designs and colors available. Sheeeeit, there is even a precedent for this already in-game (Palp/Leia guardians)
  • Full customization of your head/appearance
Lastly...I realize the game looks fantastic and its presentation is top-notch, but I think this
Very good suggestions and ideas.
But DICE gonna DICE, i guess.
(I very much doubt we'll get these even for Battlefront 2, or whatever it will be called.
The game can be focused on recreating movie moments and be well-balanced and designed.
That's now how I meant it, but that is how it reads, and yeah, saying the game can't be both balanced and a fitting recreation is ridiculous.

As long as the heart and soul of it isn't lost in the process that's a-OK by me.

I'm not against balance nor do I think that the game can't both be balanced and a high fidelity recreation, I just want any such changes to be very carefully considered so that we don't lose the magic the game does have right now.
Kill 10 AT-STs is borderline impossible challenge. It is an instant re-roll for me.
For one thing, it is only viable in some modes (unless you can do challenges in Missions?).
Then it is only possible half the time... you play as an Imperial, you're screwed.
And finally, AT-STs are pretty tough, and killing them means you get the killing blow. Good luck with that...

Kill Snowspeeders is easier because they can be shot down with fighters reasonably. But it still sucks.

AT-STs are pretty easy to kill while in an X-wing or A-wing, as long as hes not looking at you (due to the lock on missile they have), but yea, its still pretty situational. The other team has to be sleeping on air support.

Dont even bother with stressing about them, just buy the challenges and get past it.


I'd be in the dick
Agree with many of the customization suggestions. Would be cool even if they had a planet base that you couldn't change but at least modify a bit, like with the red stripped Stormtroopers. I would also love to see the Crimson Guard and the Rebel flight suits make it in. I think that more customization options like that would go a long way into making the game more interesting.


I think they were going for this with emperor guards:

The other red guys only had a spear as a weapon i think. Maybe using that would have been cool.
I think they were going for this with emperor guards:

The other red guys only had a spear as a weapon i think. Maybe using that would have been cool.

Which is why I don't completely buy their OT-only stance. There are some pretty obvious prequel influences throughout the game.

I guess what I'm saying is: DICE, add a goddamned Jango Fett skin for Boba Fett and give us dual-wield blasters.


I think they were going for this with emperor guards:

The other red guys only had a spear as a weapon i think. Maybe using that would have been cool.

Yes, that's what DICE was after obviously. Red Guards would be about million times cooler though.

As for the spear... it is called Force Pike. Basically a spear with electroshock capability. Pretty sure they do carry blasters as well.

I'd probably have them use a blaster in-game (something based on the Senate Guard's ornate blaster and E-11), with one ability being a powerful melee attack (pull out a spear, sweep around and shock everyone or something like that) and probably a rocket launcher as a secondary. Or something like that.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Shaking tails just comes down to accelerating one direction since the "lock" has an issue once you start making fast turns. Then hitting your "evasive manuever" flip once you think you got out of the persons view(2-3 seconds after starting the turn). Quickly change directions again and you'll evade the majority of people. Most people get disoriented if you make them go up and lose the horizon. The trick is to not even know where you want to go after the flip(as long as it is not into a wall). Make sure to go for the cooldown refreshes if you are close to the ground.

On top of that Fighter Squadron is just all sorts of messed up right now. Let me explain.

The fact that A-Wings are hard to kill(broken hitbox) means that if the Rebels have enough A-Wings it is practically impossible to eliminate players(unless you get into the Slave 1) fast enough. So what ends up happening is Rebels have a huge uptime in the battlefield constantly killing AI AND Human targets that there comes a point where an Empire is instantly targeted the moment he gets out of spawn. Since they are only one of a handful of targets out there.

As an Empire it is practically impossible to take out an A-Wing instantly unless you get lucky by surprising them with a ton of laser damage and then a missile up their butt before they can react. If an A-Wing reacts(to avoid the missile) though you are basically left hung out to dry to die to the other 3-4 A-Wings in the area.

Everything just comes down to how broken the A-Wings are right now. Once that is fixed the balance will be back in this mode.

The Falcon also dunks on the Slave with the shield. Rebels have a pretty big advantage all in all.


I'd be in the dick
Which is why I don't completely buy their OT-only stance. There are some pretty obvious prequel influences throughout the game.

I guess what I'm saying is: DICE, add a goddamned Jango Fett skin for Boba Fett and give us dual-wield blasters.
Has DICE officially stated OT only? I'm still wondering what the DLC will bring.
Enjoying the game. But it almost feels like a test run. Hopefully EA wont rush Dice to release the next game before the next movie.

Single player SW game in Fall 2016 from EA Visceral to coincide with Rogue One (maybe related?). I can't imagine a scenario where this doesn't happen.

I think if they try to push out a new Battlefront in 1.5 years when Episode 8 comes out, there will be a big backlash, given how thin this game is on content. Fall 2017 seems probable though.


Anyone else having difficulty getting the game to properly save a second Hand? It always either clears both or the second hand overwrites the first. Been having this issue for a few days now and it really makes it tough to switch between my standard and anti-vehicle loadouts.

Hands are picked from presets. You can make as many presets as you want but can only take 2 hands per game. Go to the right and down in the hand menu.


Pretty sure one of the producers said Season Pass content would all be "OT timeline."

Though i don't really like prequels, i do feel EP2/3 battles (Geonosis and Kashyyk) would make for superb Battlefront maps. Walker Assault is easily made with the AT-TE (or Juggernaut/Turbo Tank for Kashyyk).

I will be surprised if there won't be a full The Force Awakens DLC though, whether part of the Season Pass or not. I mean something with the new X-Wing and weapons and etc., not just that Jakku DLC.


Though i don't really like prequels, i do feel EP2/3 battles (Geonosis and Kashyyk) would make for superb Battlefront maps. Walker Assault is easily made with the AT-TE (or Juggernaut/Turbo Tank for Kashyyk).

I will be surprised if there won't be a full The Force Awakens DLC though, whether part of the Season Pass or not. I mean something with the new X-Wing and weapons and etc., not just that Jakku DLC.

I'm going to be hugely disappointed if we don't get Kylo Ren as a villain option. What a waste of an opportunity it would be not to jump on the E7 bandwagon. In fact there could and should be a full 3 v 3 set with all Force Awaken characters.

Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and General Hux


Rey, Finn, and Old Han Solo


I'm going to be hugely disappointed if we don't get Kylo Ren as a villain option. What a waste of an opportunity it would be not to jump on the E7 bandwagon. In fact there could and should be a full 3 v 3 set with all Force Awaken characters.

Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and General Hux


Rey, Finn, and Old Han Solo

You forgot Poe Dameron. Even if he will have a lesser role in EP7, i figure he'd be more suitable than Han Redux. Han could get an alternate skin though, that would be neat.

Saving Ep 7 stuff for the single player game is my guess.

I doubt that, there has been some hinting that the single player game is about Han Solo... if so, i very much doubt it will be post-ROTJ game.
I'm going to be hugely disappointed if we don't get Kylo Ren as a villain option. What a waste of an opportunity it would be not to jump on the E7 bandwagon. In fact there could and should be a full 3 v 3 set with all Force Awaken characters.

Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, and General Hux


Rey, Finn, and Old Han Solo

Given that the Season Pass is adding 4 heroes total, doubt that will happen :-\ However, I'm sure that at least 2 of them will be from TFA. It just makes too much sense, business-wise.

I really thought they would add at least two heroes per DLC pack.
By the way, Palps' body guards should be Red Guards, not Stormtroopers with red highlights.

And Leia's Honor Guard should be proper Rebel Honor Guard, not some blue-colored variant of normal troops.
I'm all for the Imperial Guards as playable units, though the red shock troopers as body guards to Palpatine has been canon before Battlefront. For instance, they show up quite a bit in The Clone Wars protecting the chancellor.


Boba Fett is OP as fuck in Heroes vs Villains. Who thought it was a good idea to include a hero who can fly?

I don't think flight is a problem per se. Reduce his health (and make the wrist rocket a dumb-fired rocket rather than a seeker missile), his jetpack fuel and/or his firepower and i figure he'd be OK.

I'm all for the Imperial Guards as playable units, though the red shock troopers as body guards to Palpatine has been canon before Battlefront. For instance, they show up quite a bit in The Clone Wars protecting the chancellor.
Yeah, i know. But the Red Guard are billion times cooler than Stormtroopers with red stripes. (While i'd accept color stripes for Stormies as customization option, i don't like how they look. Pure white is their color, now and forever in my eyes.)


Sure, but as he is right now, it's really tough being on the Rebels.

I know.

I picked Boba on Hoth. Utterly insane. I didn't even fly much, beyond some hops to lob a wrist rocket (which is too good as long as you get red reticule when shooting). Should be a dumb-fire rocket only...

(We lost though, i've been part of an Imperial victory on Hoth only once. It isn't never even that close call. The final phase's open area allows the rebels to attack the walkers so easily...)
Not sure if they were glitching the game or what, but on the Hoth Walker Assault map, someone in an X-Wing was doing circles way, way in the back of the map (behind where the AT-AT's start coming from). Any other fighter that tried to take him on (myself included) were one-shot killed by the guy. However, I was able to get the edge of the playing area (one more step and I was out of the battle area) and fire my Ion Torpedo (just unlocked the Star Card for it) and after several shots, I was able to take him down. At the time, the guy had like 20-1 kills and deaths. He got no more kills that match. It was crazy watching each fighter fail against the guy.


Is the second hand broken for anyone else? I have probably remade it 20 times and it will not fucking save. I've even tried making it in the app. It shows up in the unlock menu but as soon as I get in game, it's gone.


Is the second hand broken for anyone else? I have probably remade it 20 times and it will not fucking save. I've even tried making it in the app. It shows up in the unlock menu but as soon as I get in game, it's gone.

Again change the preset on the hand. I literally just posted this for someone else.
Given that the Season Pass is adding 4 heroes total, doubt that will happen :-\ However, I'm sure that at least 2 of them will be from TFA. It just makes too much sense, business-wise.

I dunno, isn't BF1 drawing only from the OT? I think we'll see Dengar and IG-88 along with Chewie and Lando.
Yeah, I know. Game just never saves my second hand.

The game seems to have a few of these weird bugs. For example, one of the starter blasters is called the E-11 or something like that. It was a gun that I spawned with nearly every game. However, once I purchased my first weapon unlock, I was unable to add the E-11 as my primary when in the main menu. I had to pay to unlock it. It was weird.


I'd be in the dick
The game seems to have a few of these weird bugs. For example, one of the starter blasters is called the E-11 or something like that. It was a gun that I spawned with nearly every game. However, once I purchased my first weapon unlock, I was unable to add the E-11 as my primary when in the main menu. I had to pay to unlock it. It was weird.
That's because of the starting weapons for Rebels and Imperials being different. You need to unlock the gun to be able to use it freely between the two.
That's because of the starting weapons for Rebels and Imperials being different. You need to unlock the gun to be able to use it freely between the two.

That...definitely explains things. I thought I was going crazy, because prior to the match starting, I was able to select the E-11, but it never saved as my primary. And when in the main menus I couldn't select it at all because it was locked.

My fault!


So you only see 1 hand option at the spawn select screen? Can you see your partner's hands?

I go into the collection screen and have both Default and Second hand. The hand I made when I first started playing is saved just fine. When I join a game and look at my hand, my default is there but the second one is empty. I have tried equipping both Hand 2/2 on Default as well as 1/2 and 2/2 on Second. No matter what I do, second hand is always empty as soon as I join a game.
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