I've put about 12-14 hours into the game and I wanted to make a post about how I feel. For some background, I am a long time gamer, been playing since the NES days when I was 5-6 years old I never really stopped. I've played a lot of games on every major system and that has always included PC. I played Unreal Tournament, CS, Battlefield, etc.
I'd like to address several of the complaints I keep hearing as I feel that this game is getting a bad wrap. I am not saying that it is flawless, but i'm reviewing it objectively (EDIT: SUBJECTIVELY as these are my thoughts and opinions) for what it IS and not what I WANT or THOUGHT it would be.
- The game has no depth and gives players no reason to keep playing.
This statement makes me cringe. The reason we used to play games is because they were FUN. I didn't sink hundreds of hours into Unreal Tournament so I could unlock some uber gun at level 50. I kept going back because it was a tight shooter and it was really fun. I also feel that Battlefront is really fun. I unlock new cards for my hand, new guns every now and then BUT I don't feel like I'm unable to compete with those who have been playing for 70 hours. I like Battlefronts unlock progression as I think it keeps the playing field relatively even. TLDR: I play games because they are fun, not to unlock stuff. Battlefront is fun and keeps the playing field even by giving you good weapons early.
- The game requires no team work or strategy, it's a mindless shooter
Did Unreal Tournament require tons of strategy? Did Quake? Games like TRIBES did, and Battlefield but only in certain modes really. This is EXACTLY how Battlefront works. When a team coordinates on Walker Assault it is a different match. I played online with 3 friends and we were working with other groups of players on our team, it was a coordinated effort and we won. Without that strategy and team work, we probably would have lost. Just because the PLAYER BASE has changed doesn't make the game bad. When playing deathmatch, sure, there isn't as much strategy but that is to be expected. TLDR: No game requires strategy, but if you want to have a better chance at winning in Battlefront, strategy definitely helps and works, just like in many other games.
- The game has no class system and lacks customization
The "hand" system in this game, combined with the many many cards you can load essentially lets you create a pseudo-class. You have LOTS of customization options with creating your hand-load out so I feel classes aren't necessary. Want to be a "heavy" then take a rocket launcher and explosives, want to be a sniper, take the sniper rifle, etc. Not an issue.
- Complaints about hero tokens and vehicle tokens on the battlefield
This is a fantastic, FANTASTIC thing. At first I thought "this is really dumb". Then, the first time I got into an AT-AT I realized something, that these token pickups on the battlefield are actually solving 2 big problems with shooters.
1. It keeps people from standing around vehicle "spawns" and crowding around under an AT-AT waiting to try and get in. Instead it allows people to just PLAY THE GAME and if they see a token that allows them to fly an X-Wing they can go pick it up.
2. The hero tokens - this solves the problem of what I like to call "skill-runaway" in online shooters. In COD a lot of times the team that has the best player or two eventually starts to run away with the match about halfway through as kill streak rewards start to stack up and decimate the other team. Battlefront side steps this issue by letting whoever becomes the hero be random chance. This allows players who aren't doing so great to try it out and have some fun. The most skilled players will still likely win, but it keeps them from running away with the match.
TLDR: Hero tokens and Vehicles tokens solve 2 big online shooter problems by letting players focus on the match and not standing around vehicle spawns.
In conclusion, I'm enjoying this game a lot, it's a solid 8/10 for me and I expect it to be a 9/10 after a few expansions. I agree that it needs 1-2 more maps for each mode, especially Walker Assault. However, what maps ARE in there are very solid and gorgeous to experience. I had no expectations going in, I'm simply playing the game they delivered.
Should EA and DICE's business practices of (possibly) withholding content for future expansions be rewarded with your purchase...that's a really tough question. I will say this though, I feel like the game is worth 50-60 dollars. I paid $45 and am more than happy with it and feel that what IS there is worth that amount of money. 4-5 dollars an hour for 10-12 hours of entertainment is less than the cost of a movie's 2 hours...