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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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They/Them A-10 Warthog
Rebels need a vehicle to counter the AT-STs.

A-Wings should have speed boost not shield.

Tie Fighters should have shield and not speed boost.

Xwings and Tie Interceptors are okay.

DL-44 should be a 3 hit kill.

SCE-14 needs a distance nerf.

Rebels need Chewy hero.

Empire needs IG-88 hero.

That is all.
Rebels need a vehicle to counter the AT-STs.

A-Wings should have speed boost not shield.

Tie Fighters should have shield and not speed boost.

Xwings and Tie Interceptors are okay.

DL-44 should be a 3 hit kill.

SCE-14 needs a distance nerf.

Rebels need Chewy hero.

Empire needs IG-88 hero.

That is all.

Counters for the AT-ST? It's a death trap on anything but Endor.


Rebels need a vehicle to counter the AT-STs.

They aren't that much of a problem. Ion cannon, turrets, smart rocket and vehicle turret power ups are plenty.

Ground troops need a quicker antiaircraft weapon. The ion cannon is too slow to lock/recharge to be effective.


Right now at-st are killed inmediatly by awings on every map not named endor. Ties are useless to the point i see many people avoiding the powerup.
They aren't that much of a problem. Ion cannon, turrets, smart rocket and vehicle turret power ups are plenty.

Ground troops need a quicker antiaircraft weapon. The ion cannon is too slow to lock/recharge to be effective.

Yep, or use the Ion grenade if you can get close enough. Pretty sure 2 of those pretty much kill an AT-ST


Neo Member
I'm starting to notice some players on the PC with extremely high accuracy. I'm wondering how rampant cheating is becoming.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
They aren't that much of a problem. Ion cannon, turrets, smart rocket and vehicle turret power ups are plenty.

Ground troops need a quicker antiaircraft weapon. The ion cannon is too slow to lock/recharge to be effective.

AT-ST should also be stronger IMO.

The new movies will likely give the Republic their own ground vehicles (hopefully).


The only times AT-STs are really an issue for Rebels are when no one on the Rebel side has a hand with either the Ion Grenade or Ion Torpedo. Having that in your hand should be mandatory if you're on Rebels, especially for Walker Assault. But there's a startling amount of players who don't do this.


I've put about 12-14 hours into the game and I wanted to make a post about how I feel. For some background, I am a long time gamer, been playing since the NES days when I was 5-6 years old I never really stopped. I've played a lot of games on every major system and that has always included PC. I played Unreal Tournament, CS, Battlefield, etc.

I'd like to address several of the complaints I keep hearing as I feel that this game is getting a bad wrap. I am not saying that it is flawless, but i'm reviewing it objectively (EDIT: SUBJECTIVELY as these are my thoughts and opinions) for what it IS and not what I WANT or THOUGHT it would be.

- The game has no depth and gives players no reason to keep playing.
This statement makes me cringe. The reason we used to play games is because they were FUN. I didn't sink hundreds of hours into Unreal Tournament so I could unlock some uber gun at level 50. I kept going back because it was a tight shooter and it was really fun. I also feel that Battlefront is really fun. I unlock new cards for my hand, new guns every now and then BUT I don't feel like I'm unable to compete with those who have been playing for 70 hours. I like Battlefronts unlock progression as I think it keeps the playing field relatively even. TLDR: I play games because they are fun, not to unlock stuff. Battlefront is fun and keeps the playing field even by giving you good weapons early.

- The game requires no team work or strategy, it's a mindless shooter
Did Unreal Tournament require tons of strategy? Did Quake? Games like TRIBES did, and Battlefield but only in certain modes really. This is EXACTLY how Battlefront works. When a team coordinates on Walker Assault it is a different match. I played online with 3 friends and we were working with other groups of players on our team, it was a coordinated effort and we won. Without that strategy and team work, we probably would have lost. Just because the PLAYER BASE has changed doesn't make the game bad. When playing deathmatch, sure, there isn't as much strategy but that is to be expected. TLDR: No game requires strategy, but if you want to have a better chance at winning in Battlefront, strategy definitely helps and works, just like in many other games.

- The game has no class system and lacks customization
The "hand" system in this game, combined with the many many cards you can load essentially lets you create a pseudo-class. You have LOTS of customization options with creating your hand-load out so I feel classes aren't necessary. Want to be a "heavy" then take a rocket launcher and explosives, want to be a sniper, take the sniper rifle, etc. Not an issue.

- Complaints about hero tokens and vehicle tokens on the battlefield
This is a fantastic, FANTASTIC thing. At first I thought "this is really dumb". Then, the first time I got into an AT-AT I realized something, that these token pickups on the battlefield are actually solving 2 big problems with shooters.
1. It keeps people from standing around vehicle "spawns" and crowding around under an AT-AT waiting to try and get in. Instead it allows people to just PLAY THE GAME and if they see a token that allows them to fly an X-Wing they can go pick it up.
2. The hero tokens - this solves the problem of what I like to call "skill-runaway" in online shooters. In COD a lot of times the team that has the best player or two eventually starts to run away with the match about halfway through as kill streak rewards start to stack up and decimate the other team. Battlefront side steps this issue by letting whoever becomes the hero be random chance. This allows players who aren't doing so great to try it out and have some fun. The most skilled players will still likely win, but it keeps them from running away with the match.
TLDR: Hero tokens and Vehicles tokens solve 2 big online shooter problems by letting players focus on the match and not standing around vehicle spawns.

In conclusion, I'm enjoying this game a lot, it's a solid 8/10 for me and I expect it to be a 9/10 after a few expansions. I agree that it needs 1-2 more maps for each mode, especially Walker Assault. However, what maps ARE in there are very solid and gorgeous to experience. I had no expectations going in, I'm simply playing the game they delivered.

Should EA and DICE's business practices of (possibly) withholding content for future expansions be rewarded with your purchase...that's a really tough question. I will say this though, I feel like the game is worth 50-60 dollars. I paid $45 and am more than happy with it and feel that what IS there is worth that amount of money. 4-5 dollars an hour for 10-12 hours of entertainment is less than the cost of a movie's 2 hours...


Gold Member
Rebels need a vehicle to counter the AT-STs.

A-Wings should have speed boost not shield.

Tie Fighters should have shield and not speed boost.

Xwings and Tie Interceptors are okay.

DL-44 should be a 3 hit kill.

SCE-14 needs a distance nerf.

Rebels need Chewy hero.

Empire needs IG-88 hero.

That is all.

They need to beef up the AT-ST's, if they are to add a vehicle for the Rebel side (which I can't see what they would add). Those things are tinfoil compared to beta. There is absolutely no fear element playing as Rebels in WA modes like Beta had. I spawn a Rebel, and all I think is, I can be AFK and still pad the win %. Only time I see Imperials win is if it is late and half the Rebels left the game and nobody joined mid.

A wing should not have shields but speed boost, agreed. The lore has them with no forwarding shields to add to speed and weaponry, yet people shield ram with them.

Ties have no shields, the Empire omitted them in boost to power and speed. They should have a slight power boost to weaponry or maneuverability should be way more effective.

Agreed with everything else.


Something About the vehicle and hero tokens that has not been mentioned is that sometimes you have to be skilled to grab them when they appear on a hot zone. Ive seen many players die running towards them or be killed before they can trigger them. Sometimes it is not that random who gets them.
Something About the vehicle and hero tokens that has not been mentioned is that sometimes you have to be skilled to grab them when they appear on a hot zone. Ive seen many players die running towards them or be killed before they can trigger them. Sometimes it is not that random who gets them.

There is a change that needs to be done to this Hero Token, a player should only be allowed to get/become one once per match, those people going 52 kills 4 deaths are not contributing to the objectives, they just memorized where the tokens spawn and camp them all day.


Have any of you faced the bug that if you're taking a vehicle-token and activates it, the circle fully loades. Then nothing happens. It's just gone :(


There is a change that needs to be done to this Hero Token, a player should only be allowed to get/become one once per match, those people going 52 kills 4 deaths are not contributing to the objectives, they just memorized where the tokens spawn and camp them all day.

On the other hand, if they are good hero players and constantly defend / attack an objective I do not see why you should deny them to be the hero another time :-/ Still better than someone who picks Leia and only stands in the background instead of storming a CP.
Have any of you faced the bug that if you're taking a vehicle-token and activates it, the circle fully loades. Then nothing happens. It's just gone :(

Yes had that in the beta. I think the vehicles were full (e.g. 2 people already using the AT-AT). I think this is a bug?


Im level 45 and i recall seeing someone playing the hero multiples times only a couple of matches. Personally i never had the luck to find two consecutive tokens. Vehicles are a different story people camp those all the time and they appear frequently.


Nice post Raven77. Agree with everything you said. I found it extremely frustrating reading through the first review thread and now the angryjoe one. It seems like half the people saying "Agree with everything Joe said, spot on review" are people that played a couple hours of the beta or haven't even played the game at all. Probably just read the other reviews and jumped on the hate train. If it wasn't EA I would bet it wouldn't get half the flack it does.

Yea lets praise joe's review for saying exactly the same thing every other review has said weeks ago.
I am not saying that it is flawless, but i'm reviewing it objectively for what it IS and not what I WANT or THOUGHT it would be.

Honestly, almost stopped reading your post right here. Objective game reviews don't exist unless you're just listing off things that the game includes. The moment you add your own personal assessment of value, it becomes subjective.


This statement makes me cringe. The reason we used to play games is because they were FUN. I didn't sink hundreds of hours into Unreal Tournament so I could unlock

And now it's my turn to cringe.

Can we STOP pretending that "I'M HAVING FUN" is in any sort a winning argument. It's not. It's usually the conclusion to a string, not an argument in itself. It's the most shallow thing you can say as it's so devoid of meaning to anyone else but you. You can have FUN™ with even the most substandard online multiplayer shooter or crappiest game if it's with friends. It doesn't mean it's good

The fact is: EA Battlefront is a severely dumbed down game compared to it's predecessors from 2005 that did everything current Battlefront is doing and so much more, charging 60$ plus 50 or so more while fragmenting a community that is already going steadily down, and it is a severely disappointing game except in the graphic and sound design department, banking mostly on the nostalgia of star wars imagery rather than a long lasting gameplay experience with variety.

You compare it to Unreal Tournament while forgetting completely what Battlefront was. Plus, Unreal Tournament worked because they are small-sized arena-like shooters. Battlefront is supposed to be this big expansive thing but plays like an even more dumbed down arena shooter. It's quick, expeditive for attention spans so short that it boggles my mind.

With just no singleplayer and a multiplayer that's famelic, no amount of FUN™, there are simply incredibly better options than this out there when it comes to games and it's frustrating, as battlefront should've been 3 times the game it is (and oh boy are they gonna milk that cow in the future, progressively working back features from the older games).

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there


Im level 45 and i recall seeing someone playing the hero multiples times only a couple of matches. Personally i never had the luck to find two consecutive tokens. Vehicles are a different story people camp those all the time and they appear frequently.

I saw TWO Hero pickups right next to each other on the Rebel side of Sullust WA the other day, it was odd.


Honestly, almost stopped reading your post right here. Objective game reviews don't exist unless you're just listing off things that the game includes. The moment you add your own personal assessment of value, it becomes subjective.

Where in my post am I not listing off things the game includes? I'm listing complaints that i've heard and addressing them based on my opinions. What review isn't subjective to the reviewer? Most people read a review to find out if a product is worth their time and money, my goal was to explain why I feel like it is based on my opinions.

And to MrHoot, to say that the "fun factor" doesn't matter when assessing a game is mind boggling. You can play games for a variety of reasons, I play most games to simply have fun doing so, not to feel like a strategic battlefield commander and get some sort of huge sense of accomplishment out of it. To say you can have a great time playing a game with friends but that doesn't make the game "good" is also a bit odd...


I love the token system, its a great way to keep people moving around the map in a game where you have loadouts

Honestly I don't mind the token system, however annoying it can be when you see a token in the distance and you're running toward it only to have someone else grab it right in front of you. Not much can be done about that, but it's always terrible. I will say that my only major gripe is with the hero tokens. I love the idea of them being something that people have to find, the problem is that there are a lot of people that remember their locations and horde them. I've played several games of Fighter Squadron, Supremacy, and Walker Assault where the same player(s) are heroes majority of the time.

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there

No. No, it's not at all. 30+ hours says otherwise. If this is the way you feel that's one thing, but not everyone feels the same and it's apparent.
Where in my post am I not listing off things the game includes? I'm listing complaints that i've heard and addressing them based on my opinions. What review isn't subjective to the reviewer? Most people read a review to find out if a product is worth their time and money, my goal was to explain why I feel like it is based on my opinions.

"Objective" means uninfluenced by your own biases, opinions, etc. Your review is "I disagree with X position because I am enjoying it for Y reasons."

Which is fine--but there's no need to posit it as an objective evaluation. All of your positions are your own thoughts/feelings. Which, again, is fine. I just don't see the point of saying "I'm doing an objective look" while implying that the opposition must have projected their own wants onto the game.


I'm somewhere in the middle. Have put in a solid 30 hours am loving the game but still agree with the criticisms about lack of content, that the game has some serious issues with map complexity, and spawns.


"Objective" means uninfluenced by your own biases, opinions, etc. Your review is "I disagree with X position because I am enjoying it for Y reasons."

Which is fine--but there's no need to posit it as an objective evaluation. All of your positions are your own thoughts/feelings. Which, again, is fine. I just don't see the point of saying "I'm doing an objective look" while implying that the opposition must have projected their own wants onto the game.

Shit...didn't even realize I used that word. Edited my original post. Obviously my entire post is subjective...Thanks, and sorry for that confusion.


No. No, it's not at all. 30+ hours says otherwise. If this is the way you feel that's one thing, but not everyone feels the same and it's apparent.

It's nice that you're enjoying it but that's no more an indicator of a games quality, just of your standards for things.

It's a nice, straightforward and dumb star wars simulator I'll give it that. But that's it. As a battlefront game, being part of this license, it is utterly disappointing as it's a case where you can clearly put the new and older games on a scale and see why.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
And now it's my turn to cringe.

Can we STOP pretending that "I'M HAVING FUN" is in any sort a winning argument. It's not. It's usually the conclusion to a string, not an argument in itself. It's the most shallow thing you can say as it's so devoid of meaning to anyone else but you. You can have FUN™ with even the most substandard online multiplayer shooter or crappiest game if it's with friends. It doesn't mean it's good

The fact is: EA Battlefront is a severely dumbed down game compared to it's predecessors from 2005 that did everything current Battlefront is doing and so much more, charging 60$ plus 50 or so more while fragmenting a community that is already going steadily down, and it is a severely disappointing game except in the graphic and sound design department, banking mostly on the nostalgia of star wars imagery rather than a long lasting gameplay experience with variety.

You compare it to Unreal Tournament while forgetting completely what Battlefront was. Plus, Unreal Tournament worked because they are small-sized arena-like shooters. Battlefront is supposed to be this big expansive thing but plays like an even more dumbed down arena shooter. It's quick, expeditive for attention spans so short that it boggles my mind.

With just no singleplayer and a multiplayer that's famelic, no amount of FUN™, there are simply incredibly better options than this out there when it comes to games and it's frustrating, as battlefront should've been 3 times the game it is (and oh boy are they gonna milk that cow in the future, progressively working back features from the older games).

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there

LOL. This guy wants to be right so bad.

Sorry brosef, Battlefront is fun as hell and I have put more hours into it than I have put into the majority of linear CINEMATIC single player games. I purchased TWO copies of the game on PS4 and will purchase TWO season passes so the wife and I can continue to enjoy playing a wonderful multiplayer shooter.

I did not want a shitty DICE singleplayer and I don't think $60 is too much for this game as I have gotten my money's worth.

Content != worth. Time of enjoyment == worth.

4 hour campaign? Not worth $60.

20 hours of mutliplayer or single player? Worth $60
I genuinely loled at that post, what the hell. We're not allowed to have fun with Battlefront, guys! DON'T YOU DARE

btw I can't wait to get home and play some more :D
The fact is: EA Battlefront is a severely dumbed down game compared to it's predecessors from 2005 that did everything current Battlefront is doing and so much more, charging 60$ plus 50 or so more while fragmenting a community that is already going steadily down, and it is a severely disappointing game except in the graphic and sound design department, banking mostly on the nostalgia of star wars imagery rather than a long lasting gameplay experience with variety.

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion man.

I disagree with everything you've said. You must have some massive blinders on to think that this game is dumbed down from the original two. It's pretty on par. I can say this with authority as I spent 5 years playing SWBF2 competitively. I know that game inside and out. What it was and what it wasn't. The only significant difference is the presence of Clones Wars in the original games. That's it.

Battlefront is a game that relies on its excellent gameplay for excitement and fun rather than an excess of Pavlovian rewards and unlocks the equivalent of a participation trophy that modern shooters use. There will he a dedicated community of players for this game for years. The season pass isn't going to destroy the game or community, it's going to make it better.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion man.

I disagree with everything you've said. You must have some massive blinders on to think that this game is dumbed down from the original two. It's pretty on par. I can say this with authority as I spent 5 years playing SWBF2 competitively. I know that game inside and out. What it was and what it wasn't. The only significant difference is the presence of Clones Wars in the original games. That's it.

Battlefront is a game that relies on its excellent gameplay for excitement and fun rather than an excess of Pavlovian rewards and unlocks the equivalent of a participation trophy that modern shooters use. There will he a dedicated community of players for this game for years. The season pass isn't going to destroy the game or community, it's going to make it better.

Knowing DICE and the Battlefield 3/4 DLC I am extremely excited for everything coming to Battlefront. We are in for a treat.
And now it's my turn to cringe.

Can we STOP pretending that "I'M HAVING FUN" is in any sort a winning argument. It's not. It's usually the conclusion to a string, not an argument in itself. It's the most shallow thing you can say as it's so devoid of meaning to anyone else but you. You can have FUN™ with even the most substandard online multiplayer shooter or crappiest game if it's with friends. It doesn't mean it's good
battlefront is fun and better than its predecessors in every way except not having the space fights game mode

"Dumbed down" is far more meaningless and unsubstantiated than "fun". The game handles extremely well, equipment all feels unique and has different benefits. In game pickups encourage movement. Game modes are plentiful and diverse.
And now it's my turn to cringe.

Can we STOP pretending that "I'M HAVING FUN" is in any sort a winning argument. It's not. It's usually the conclusion to a string, not an argument in itself. It's the most shallow thing you can say as it's so devoid of meaning to anyone else but you. You can have FUN™ with even the most substandard online multiplayer shooter or crappiest game if it's with friends. It doesn't mean it's good

The fact is: EA Battlefront is a severely dumbed down game compared to it's predecessors from 2005 that did everything current Battlefront is doing and so much more, charging 60$ plus 50 or so more while fragmenting a community that is already going steadily down, and it is a severely disappointing game except in the graphic and sound design department, banking mostly on the nostalgia of star wars imagery rather than a long lasting gameplay experience with variety.

You compare it to Unreal Tournament while forgetting completely what Battlefront was. Plus, Unreal Tournament worked because they are small-sized arena-like shooters. Battlefront is supposed to be this big expansive thing but plays like an even more dumbed down arena shooter. It's quick, expeditive for attention spans so short that it boggles my mind.

With just no singleplayer and a multiplayer that's famelic, no amount of FUN™, there are simply incredibly better options than this out there when it comes to games and it's frustrating, as battlefront should've been 3 times the game it is (and oh boy are they gonna milk that cow in the future, progressively working back features from the older games).

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there
LOL the last paragraph is absolute bullshit. You can't compare this to the order at all. One has gameplay, one doesn't. One gives you complete control of your character, one doesn't.

The game is fun. It's got some pretty big flaws but I like that they made a shooter for casuals who want to have some fun.


Is the bounty trait worth it?Anyone some feedback?

When it gives you great situational power ups at the right moments it's amazing like I got a thermal imploder immediately followed by a smart rocket and then another smart rocket. I demolished people. But then you'll get a blaster cannon and well...


It's nice that you're enjoying it but that's no more an indicator of a games quality, just of your standards for things.

It's a nice, straightforward and dumb star wars simulator I'll give it that. But that's it. As a battlefront game, being part of this license, it is utterly disappointing as it's a case where you can clearly put the new and older games on a scale and see why.

Well, it's definitely a Star Wars game that was created with every possible Star Wars fan in mind. So it's not intimidating and is actually very straight forward to make things easier for everyone. The thing is this Battlefront game was never meant to be looked at as a sequel to the original series, but a first in a new series by EA and DICE. Is it hard to not look back and compare it to the previous games? Sure! But it's clear they wanted this to feel like something new, which is why I assume they made all of the changes they did. The overall quality of the game is phenomenal and it's unfortunate that more people haven't been giving it props. Is there enough content? Sure, I think there is, though some people may disagree. But it's clear the game has a long development timeline, so we'll just see more and more support as time progresses.


And now it's my turn to cringe.

Can we STOP pretending that "I'M HAVING FUN" is in any sort a winning argument. It's not. It's usually the conclusion to a string, not an argument in itself. It's the most shallow thing you can say as it's so devoid of meaning to anyone else but you. You can have FUN™ with even the most substandard online multiplayer shooter or crappiest game if it's with friends. It doesn't mean it's good

The fact is: EA Battlefront is a severely dumbed down game compared to it's predecessors from 2005 that did everything current Battlefront is doing and so much more, charging 60$ plus 50 or so more while fragmenting a community that is already going steadily down, and it is a severely disappointing game except in the graphic and sound design department, banking mostly on the nostalgia of star wars imagery rather than a long lasting gameplay experience with variety.

You compare it to Unreal Tournament while forgetting completely what Battlefront was. Plus, Unreal Tournament worked because they are small-sized arena-like shooters. Battlefront is supposed to be this big expansive thing but plays like an even more dumbed down arena shooter. It's quick, expeditive for attention spans so short that it boggles my mind.

With just no singleplayer and a multiplayer that's famelic, no amount of FUN™, there are simply incredibly better options than this out there when it comes to games and it's frustrating, as battlefront should've been 3 times the game it is (and oh boy are they gonna milk that cow in the future, progressively working back features from the older games).

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there

You not having fun with the game? Fair enough. But that doesn't mean many in this thread aren't. How is fun not a winning argument? No one is saying this game is perfect and above criticism. It has flaws but the flaws aren't enough to keep me away from this game and having fun with it. I'm sure the same goes for many in this thread.

And how in the world is are you comparing this to The Order? Two different games in two different genres.
And now it's my turn to cringe.

Can we STOP pretending that "I'M HAVING FUN" is in any sort a winning argument. It's not. It's usually the conclusion to a string, not an argument in itself. It's the most shallow thing you can say as it's so devoid of meaning to anyone else but you. You can have FUN™ with even the most substandard online multiplayer shooter or crappiest game if it's with friends. It doesn't mean it's good

The fact is: EA Battlefront is a severely dumbed down game compared to it's predecessors from 2005 that did everything current Battlefront is doing and so much more, charging 60$ plus 50 or so more while fragmenting a community that is already going steadily down, and it is a severely disappointing game except in the graphic and sound design department, banking mostly on the nostalgia of star wars imagery rather than a long lasting gameplay experience with variety.

You compare it to Unreal Tournament while forgetting completely what Battlefront was. Plus, Unreal Tournament worked because they are small-sized arena-like shooters. Battlefront is supposed to be this big expansive thing but plays like an even more dumbed down arena shooter. It's quick, expeditive for attention spans so short that it boggles my mind.

With just no singleplayer and a multiplayer that's famelic, no amount of FUN™, there are simply incredibly better options than this out there when it comes to games and it's frustrating, as battlefront should've been 3 times the game it is (and oh boy are they gonna milk that cow in the future, progressively working back features from the older games).

It's the second "Order 1886" of the year: Lot of flash for almost no substance. And you're willingly giving a free pass to a company to charge top price for this, fully knowing the content is just not there


The order part killed me, so kudos for that.

We play games for fun, fun is the overwhelming point in video games. One that trounces res, FPS, sound, graphics and gameplay.

But fun can be everything above or the combination of the above

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Something About the vehicle and hero tokens that has not been mentioned is that sometimes you have to be skilled to grab them when they appear on a hot zone. Ive seen many players die running towards them or be killed before they can trigger them. Sometimes it is not that random who gets them.

i like to use personal shield to go and grab them
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