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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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Is it the 8th yet? I really want to play this game again.

Also, I wish they'd force out the free DLC via patches. Having it as separate content that needs downloaded means there is always a population that is too obvious to download it. Battlefield 4 has this problem with the free maps.


Some of that might be just normal disuse--I predicted it before the release. Same issue as Battlefield games: too many modes. It eventually becomes a perpetual cycle. Because people want to get into matches quickly, the most popular modes are played, so the least popular modes are neglected and matchmaking for them is shitty.

That's why I always say I prefer less modes, but people call me crazy. I really hope they do not put in more modes with the addons, they wont be played as much unless they can replace the big and popular modes.


Also, I wish they'd force out the free DLC via patches. Having it as separate content that needs downloaded means there is always a population that is too obvious to download it. Battlefield 4 has this problem with the free maps.

Well, in Battlefront when you enter the mode select, there's a big notice over the Turning Point mode saying: "You haven't download this content yet."
So I think most people will download it.


from reddit


lmao A wings.

Sometimes I do Fighter Squadron if I'm bored but if I get imperials I'll just leave


After 35 hours of playing i still cant really find my perfect gun. I like the DH17 and can play really well with it on Blast but outside Blast i still struggle wich gun to use. The DH17 is not really good for WA because of the longe ranges. And any long range gun like the E11 and the T21 dont do it for me for some reason. They are alot of hit and miss every match.


lmao A wings.

Sometimes I do Fighter Squadron if I'm bored but if I get imperials I'll just leave
You gotta lose some, to win some. That's why I have a 50% win/loss ratio. Nearly every map and mode is heavily biased towards one side over the other.


Better incentives may get people to play other modes. "Capture 25 Droids" for 250 credits and 1500 xp probably won't cut it.

Of course, having the modes be fun enough for people to want to without incentives is ideal.


The DL-44 doesn't need to use a star card charge to enable it's full potential.

Don't get me wrong,I absolutely adore my SEC-14 but the DL-44 can literally one shot or two shot you crazy fast without having to use a star card at all.
I posted this video yesterday and yeah,the SEC-14 is great,but I would have gotten more kills at the end there with the DL-44.

To some of us we don't get to use the DL-44 until we reach a high enough level to unlock it, thus the SEC-14 as an alternative can be just as good (more if combined with the explosive shot, especially long range combat) which bridges the gap of getting 1-2 shotted from the DL-44 until we can use that gun.

Does the DL-44 overheat faster then the SEC-14 when you have more then a few people around you to take down?


To some of us we don't get to use the DL-44 until we reach a high enough level to unlock it, thus the SEC-14 as an alternative can be just as good (more if combined with the explosive shot, especially long range combat) which bridges the gap of getting 1-2 shotted from the DL-44 until we can use that gun.

Does the DL-44 overheat faster then the SEC-14 when you have more then a few people around you to take down?

I literally just unlocked the rank for the DL-44 yesterday and haven't bought it yet. XD
I have to agree. I think they needed to start of with no helmets and different equipment as rank incentives. No point in really buying the different head skins until you get to like level 40.

Please god no. Someone post that relevant Michael Scott gif because that's how I feel about this.
Guys, guys, A-wings are NOT overpowered. You just can't hit them at all in a dogfight. There's a big difference!


Someone else posted the trick earlier but Ill reiterate.

Dont lock on to the A-wing as soon as you see them. Follow them around until they start lining up to attack someone else. Then lock on and fire away. Most of the time you can kill them before they can react.

It doesnt solve lop sided matches though since it takes longer to kill A-wings, and good pilots are still hard to pin down.


Helmetless trooper is the best. Only because if my enemy is anything like me, the lack of helmet always throws me off for a splitsecond. "oh it's a rebel...no wait.."


Someone else posted the trick earlier but Ill reiterate.

Dont lock on to the A-wing as soon as you see them. Follow them around until they start lining up to attack someone else. Then lock on and fire away. Most of the time you can kill them before they can react.

It doesnt solve lop sided matches though since it takes longer to kill A-wings, and good pilots are still hard to pin down.

That's good advice. Unfortunately it works just as well for the enemy as it does for you, so it's not really a trick, it's just a tactic. It also requires you to outnumber your opponent. It might work from time to time in squadron mode, but it is going to do virtually nothing in any of the other modes as there will almost always be even numbers. A-wings will win nearly 100% of the time unless you get lucky and the rebels spawn a couple x-wings in there to be fodder.

Edit: You guys must really think the people complaining about the A-wings are horrible pilots if you think just following this advice makes the fight in any way more balanced. It doesn't, they are straight up broken.
That's good advice. Unfortunately it works just as well for the enemy as it does for you, so it's not really a trick, it's just a tactic. It also requires you to outnumber your opponent. It might work from time to time in squadron mode, but it is going to do virtually nothing in any of the other modes as there will almost always be even numbers. A-wings will win nearly 100% of the time unless you get lucky and the rebels spawn a couple x-wings in there to be fodder.

Edit: You guys must really think the people complaining about the A-wings are horrible pilots if you think just following this advice makes the fight in any way more balanced. It doesn't, they are straight up broken.

Nope not saying that the A-wings dont need to be adjusted. This is just the tactic Ive been using to take them down. They still need the hit boxes to be tweaked and its still an unfair advantage. Just suggesting using that tactic in the meantime.


It's gotten to the point where if I see three A-Wings in the air, I don't even bother going into a Tie Fighter to try to shoot them down. There's absolutely no way I survive. I may get lucky and one A-Wing suicide crashes into me.


If i look at balancing for normal gunplay i still think impact nades and DL44 need some work. Everytime you are killed by those it doesnt feel good. You really need to avoid that feeling in MP games. Impact nades less damage and DL44 get rid off the one hit kill.


Awings are a joke. I see people going 10-1 playing as one and when they switch to the empire they just leave or go negative. I dont know how this was not noticed during playtesting.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
My favourite is phase two of Sullust Walker Assault when the rebels have three A-Wings in the air.
If i look at balancing for normal gunplay i still think impact nades and DL44 need some work. Everytime you are killed by those it doesnt feel good. You really need to avoid that feeling in MP games. Impact nades less damage and DL44 get rid off the one hit kill.
Lol, when does getting killed in an online game ever "feel good"?


The funny thing is that Dice thought that Imperial air superiority during Phase 3 of Hoth Walker Assault was terribly unfair and removed Tie Interceptor spawns. How they could think that and not see how bullshit Rebel air superiority was during the previous two phases, I do not know. Now they have air superiority for all three phases.
I don't get the DL-44 hate. Other weapons feel underpowered, like you're pouring fire into people and just watching their health bar dwindle slowly.

I also don't think nerfing grenades was the right choice, the problem is that they're infinite not that they're deadly. You should spawn with one or two grenades and have to resupply from pickups. The entire loadout/card/pickup system needs an overhaul from the ground up tbh. Really hoping for a Battlefront 2.0 overhaul patch.
Awings are a joke. I see people going 10-1 playing as one and when they switch to the empire they just leave or go negative. I dont know how this was not noticed during playtesting.

I think there are two scenarios there.

1. It wasn't play tested rigorously.
2. They were aware of it but just didn't bother making it a priority to fix.

There is just no way that you do not notice this if you played the mode and tested all the vehicles. Just looking at the scores would have told you something wasn't quite right.


Lol, when does getting killed in an online game ever "feel good"?

When you have a fair gunfight. I dont might losing if somebody just shoots better at that moment or outplays me. But with impact nades and DL44 it doesnt feel good most of the time.
Because he got that lucky headshot or the first tought it throw a impact nade at your face from 2 meters.


I'm finding that I'm hitting a lot more people with the Homing Shot if I just target them but not shoot. Just let them waste their jump pack and then shoot them when they come down. Unless they land near very good cover they always die.

I was using both Homing shot and Ion Shot as my cards last night on Walker assault and I was ending at the top of my team with ~20 kills and less than 5 deaths each time. I think I will keep this setup (blaster was the T21) for WA from now on.

The Ion Shot is even more OP than the Homing Shot imo, the range it has is insane. It can basically target something from the Rebel starting place to where the Empire starts. I always start blowing up the AT-STs right where they spawn, they usually never even make it to where the fighting is going on since it only takes 3 hits to kill them. The range it has is so insane you can target air vehicles easily, I always kill a few of them (even A wings) each match.


Yay, I finally Ion Torpedoed some Y-Wings. It doesn't seem to work every time even if you get in the right position, but it feels nice.

Also, if I am the Falcon and you are Slave I, please do not try to ram me. It doesn't end well for Boba.

I always kill a few of them (even A wings) each match.

Whenever I try they just dodge it. I've only managed to get X-Wings and TIEs.


Hah, my win ratio has started to drop after my KD ratio has been improving. Don't make me play this way DICE! Although I suppose its because I've been playing more Blast then the other 2 big modes. And Drop Zone, that's fun!



So you only played for unlocks and ranks? You don't like the gameplay at all?
I played the beta for like 10 hours even after I reached the max rank so that's not it. I'm just not having fun with all the broken stuff that needs to be fixed, that's why I'm waiting til the stuff gets patched.
So, what's everyone general opinion about this game now that it's been out for a couple weeks?

I played the beta. I was having a blast and thought the world of it until about an hour or two in. Then it got bland and frustrating. Ended up canceling my pre-order. Told myself to wait and see once the full game was out.

So, did much change from the beta? I'm not expecting anything similar to Battlefield. My interest remains and seems like it might be a good game to play in 45-60 minute bursts on occasion.

Just bumping this for the new page. Though I'm getting the vibe that the game is fairly unbalanced. Thoughts?
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