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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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DJ Gunner

Guns are for garbage players, be honorable and use melee exclusively. *eyeroll*

The only thing I wish Dice would address sooner rather than later is Fighter Squadron. I love this mode, but playing as Imps is a total drag.


So edgy.

Let's not use the tools the game offers everyone for "reasons".

Nade spam is not for garbage players but Scan Pulse is?

Great logic.

I bet a lot of people are angry at Scan Pulse because they can't corner/door camp as much in this game because of it.

Spam? Where did I say spam? I'm betting you're one of those players that relies on wallhack *ahem* ...scan pulse. I never have any issue with killing rebels on Endor.


Spam? Where did I say spam? I'm betting you're one of those players that relies on wallhack *ahem* ...scan pulse. I never have any issue with killing rebels on Endor.

The point is grenades are cheese too and, most if not all, of the cards in this game are pure cheese and people just pick the flavor of them to abuse.

I'm betting you're one of those players that relies on wallhack *ahem* ...scan pulse.

I'm betting you're one of those players that rely on "insert card or weapon here" too! See, I can be elitist too.

I don't always use it. I like to use other things like the shield sometimes, but I would never call someone else "garbage player" just because they have a certain play style that's different than mine.


Personal shield all day. Perfect for grabbing cargo and rushing uplinks. In other words; playing the objective

"So you are one of those players that rely on personal shield to cap objectives? Why not man up and cap those objectives the "pure" way."

See, that line of thinking can be used on anything anyone ever does in the game.


The point is grenades are cheese too and, most if not all, of the cards in this game are pure cheese and people just pick the flavor of them to abuse.

I'm betting you're one of those players that rely on "insert card or weapon here" too! See, I can be elitist too.

I don't always use it. I like to use other things like the shield sometimes, but I would never call someone else "garbage player" just because they have a certain play style that's different than mine.


"So you are one of those players that rely on personal shield to cap objectives? Why not man up and cap those objectives the "pure" way."

See, that line of thinking can be used on anything anyone ever does in the game.

I mentioned three things that are horseshit and suddenly I'm a 'pure elitist'?


I don't have an issue with any of these cards, but partial invincibility isn't much different than partial wall hack.

Yes it is. The shield is only really effectively used to ptfo or get out of a messy situation. Scan pulse is a wallhack. I don't mind scan pulse if it's from a droid power up, but if you're a player camping corners and scan pulsing because you can't do shit unless you know when someone is about to turn a corner, then shame on you.


I mentioned three things that are horseshit and suddenly I'm a 'pure elitist'?


Yes it is. The shield is only really effectively used to ptfo or get out of a messy situation. Scan pulse is a wallhack. I don't mind scan pulse if it's from a droid power up, but if you're a player camping corners and scan pulsing because you can't do shit unless you know when someone is about to turn a corner, then shame on you.

If you're playing smaller modes, I could argue that Scan Pulse is the best ptfo tool you can bring for your team (if that's where you're moving the goalpost to now). Everyone around you gets that advantage and that helps when defending droids or drop pods or just getting more kills for your team. Personal Shield only helps 1 person.

but if you're a player camping corners and scan pulsing because you can't do shit unless you know when someone is about to turn a corner, then shame on you

This makes zero sense, do you really think that's whats happening when someone kills you coming around a corner? Maybe you simply lost a trade?

Anyone sitting around a corner hoping scan pulse will save their ass and make them do well will almost always go negative or just not do well at all.


Yes it is. The shield is only really effectively used to ptfo or get out of a messy situation. Scan pulse is a wallhack. I don't mind scan pulse if it's from a droid power up, but if you're a player camping corners and scan pulsing because you can't do shit unless you know when someone is about to turn a corner, then shame on you.
On supremacy, turning point, and walker assault I use smoke and scan pulse for objectives since I'm usually the only one bothering with them, and I use that combo to my advantage. Clearly the shield is optimal for games like cargo. They all have their place in my opinion.


If you're playing smaller modes, I could argue that Scan Pulse is the best ptfo tool you can bring for your team (if that's where you're moving the goalpost to now). Everyone around you gets that advantage and that helps when defending droids or drop pods or just getting more kills for your team. Personal Shield only helps 1 person.

This makes zero sense, do you really think that's whats happening when someone kills you coming around a corner? Maybe you simply lost a trade?

Anyone sitting around a corner hoping scan pulse will save their ass and make them do well will almost always go negative or just not do well at all.

lol goalpost.

It has always been at the same spot. I stand by my original statement. Those items are for garbage players.


lol goalpost.

It has always been at the same spot. I stand by my original statement. Those items are for garbage players.

Hey, that's totally fine.

You are free to think only garbage players use them. The same way the guy who's trying to defend a pod or a droid thinks you are garbage for using the personal shield to cap them, or the guy that was about to kill you fair and square but you got away thanks to the shield.

Circle of life.



Hey, that's totally fine.

You are free to think only garbage players use them. The same way the guy who's trying to defend a pod or a droid thinks you are garbage for using the personal shield to cap them, or the guy that was about to kill you fair and square but you got away thanks to the shield.

Circle of life.


The difference between that guy and me is that I'm right.

leng jai

How is personal shield any less cheesy? I've lost count how many times I've damaged someone to 10% health only to have them pop the shield and run off never to be seen again. Or they round around in a circle and come back to you with full health again. So much skill there.


Purple Drazi
Man, when my best friend and I are in the air, we wreck even A-Wings together.

Fighter Squadron was pretty much included so that he and I can feel like gods.


How is personal shield any less cheesy? I've lost count how many times I've damaged someone to 10% health only to have them pop the shield and run off never to be seen again. Or they round around in a circle and come back to you with full health again. So much skill there.

You're attacking personal shields as if it will affect me in some way. I only use it in suicide runs to get objectives turned on/off (mainly WA) when my team decides to sit back and be dumb.

Personal shields are the pinnacle of skill apparently lol.

Do you normally pull shit out of thin air?
So does anyone have any tips for noobs on this game. I am utterly, utterly shit. I am regular going 1-20 or 2-25+ on the bigger modes. It's no fun at all. It's just run,run,run,die,rinse,repeat for me right now. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, I am usually ok-to-good on other FPS like CoD and Titanfall etc. Anyone have any ideas why I am so bad at this lol.
So does anyone have any tips for noobs on this game. I am utterly, utterly shit. I am regular going 1-20 or 2-25+ on the bigger modes. It's no fun at all. It's just run,run,run,die,rinse,repeat for me right now. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, I am usually ok-to-good on other FPS like CoD and Titanfall etc. Anyone have any ideas why I am so bad at this lol.

Try to suppress your ADS reflex. There is no benefit of zooming in, you just lose precious time.

Also use third person.

The DL-44 is ruining this game.

It is.


Am i the only person who prefers first person view?
To the point where i don't use third person at all (except aircraft). I do really well in first person as well, the small increase in visible space for third person view seems utterly pointless and the inaccuracies it introduces to aiming (like hitting a corner even though the reticle is clear of obstructions) most certainly are not worth it.
Are people really complaining about the Personal Shield? It's probably the best and and most well balanced charge card other than the Ion Shot.

It only lasts a few seconds and it can be taken down with one ion shot bolt. It takes a fraction of a second to activate as well. It's what I primarily use.


Are people really complaining about the Personal Shield? It's probably the best and and most well balanced charge card other than the Ion Shot.

It only lasts a few seconds and it can be taken down with one ion shot bolt. It takes a fraction of a second to activate as well. It's what I primarily use.

Nah nobody was complaining about it. Just trying to tell that one guy that personal shields could also be viewed in the same way he views scan pulse.

In his view using personal shields to cheat death is extremely skilled, but using scan pulse to help yourself and your team is somehow for "garbage players" lol.


I find most Star Cards utterly worthless or way too limited to be useful.

The Bowcaster is kind of a "i win" button at close range but that's all it is good for. Too limited to be truly useful. Just learn to shoot better and you don't need a Bowcaster.

The Homing Shot is a waste. Rather easy to dodge in most situations. It gives a person one possible kill... and nothing else. What good is one kill? Nothing. It doesn't help you unless it is your only way of getting kills but if you're that bad, you're useless anyway. It doesn't help your team either. One marginal use is killing people who have a shield but that is marginal.
Also, if someone is running with the trait that reduces explosive damage, the shot is wasted almost certainly.

The Cycler Rifle feels a bit useless due to its limited range and bullet drop. It perk, the ability to pierce shields is extremely limited. Difficult to use. Needs additional assessment.

The Pulse Cannon is a better sniper overall, and can damage vehicles as well so it is an okay Star Card.

The Scout Pistol is fun but... Really. Melee, blasters, other things can do what this does and are more versatile.

The Grenade Launcher is something i haven't figured out. I can't hit with it and i haven't seen most use it well either. On the other hand, it does stop enemy advance since they see a trio of grenade indicators.

The Impact Grenade is meh. It has, or had, pre-nerf, some utility in Blast and small modes if thrown reflexively but the Thermal Detonator is far more useful in general.

The Thermal Detonator is useful. Clears rooms, cover, or keeps enemies away. Also easy kills. All of my Hands have it.

The Smoke Grenade would be useful in a coordinated team. With randoms, its benefits are wasted unfortunately. But that isn't new to games like this.

The Ion Grenade might be good if it weren't so tricky to use. As it is, the Ion Shot and Ion Torpedo are way more useful in general for anti-vehicle/anti-turret purposes.

The Jet Pack is useful but it is easy to use too much it. One must not let it become a crutch.

The Ion Torpedo is really useful... if only more people used it, as it has low-ish damage. Turrets, droids, vehicles, it deals with them all.
Three or four players with Ion Torpedoes could keep skies clear without friendly air-support, or down an AT-ST in a second, or deal significant damage to AT-ATs.
Still good enough it is in my Supremacy/WA Hand, every little but helps my team after all.

As for the ability cards...

The Explosive Shot seems common but i don't see it being effective really. It does seem to have small splash damage (i killed myself with my own ES-charged bolts once) but it is so small it might as not well exists. Does it have extra damage? If yes, the amount is small enough it is mostly unnoticeable with weapons i use (ie E-11 and A280C and the machine-blasters).

The Ion Shot is truly useful. Turrets, droids, shields, vehicles (shot an A-wing with it once)... Very effective counter for all those. Excellent in Supremacy and Walker Assault, especially on Hoth where fixed-turrets are plentiful.

The Cooling Cell or whatever it was called is kind of neat with certain blasters but it has limited utility overall.

I don't have Personal Shield but based on my observation, it is only situationally useful. Sure, you survive explosions and Orbital Strikes but you cannot do much while Shielded as you cannot shoot. Many people go to melee with it but a prepared opponent wins easily. That said, it is when it is useful, it is really useful, so i don't think it is waste if people know how to use it right.
Personally i wouldn't be willing to give up the ability to shoot at will to be invulnerable, for careful approach and situational awareness accomplish the same thing often.

I don't have Scan Pulse either and it is hard to observe. Apparently it reveals enemies for friendlies as well? If so, it seems my team-mates never use it. If it reveals enemies only for yourself.... *shrug*. Careful approach deals with campers without wall-hack ability, in my experience, or i die anyway.

No comment on Focus Fire, don't have it but sure doesn't sound particularly useful in general. Similar to the Cooling Cell, i guess.

Did i forget something? Power-Ups are way more useful in general than most Star Cards, obviously.

My Hands are:
1) Ion Torp, Ion Shot, Thermal Detonator. This is for WA/Supremacy. General team-helper.
2) Jet Pack, Explosive Shot, Thermal Det. This is mostly for smaller modes, i'm testing the Explosive Shot. Should probably make a variant with Ion Shot for Supremacy/WA on Endor where the Jet Pack is especially useful.
I mentioned three things that are horseshit and suddenly I'm a 'pure elitist'?
Rrriiiggghhhttt, because it has absolutely nothing to do with how you're presenting yourself against other players.
It has always been at the same spot. I stand by my original statement. Those items are for garbage players.
The difference between that guy and me is that I'm right.
Yep, there's that totally not pure elitism chiming again.
I'm totally hooked on Fighter Squadron with HUD off. So beautiful and FUN. Matches are pretty quick too so I've been playing a few rounds in between Supremacy matches to get my flying vehicle kick and rank up faster.

HUD in general seems too overbearing in the game. I wish there was an option to keep your aiming reticle when killing the HUD though.

Loving the game overall so far. Really excited for the DLC announcements. Come on Bespin!!


Just reached level 50, feels so good!

I've used a variety of weapons, not sticking to any few guns only.

Homing shot has been useful to kill people using personal shields while activating / disabling an uplink from long range, and in indoors. Managed to get a few double kills with it. It's faster then throwing a grenade and waiting for it to detonate, in which they would of had time to jump pack away or run away. If I didn't use that, I would of been limited to running up to them and getting into a melee fight which reduces my chances of success, even more if there are 2 of them.

I wonder how I can get a kill with a smoke grenade hah, strange that they list is as a star card you can kill with.



I think if I get hit with a homing shot one more time I'm going to have a panic attack. What the fuck am I supposed to do about that shit?

Jetpack if you're locked, if you have a jetpack.

Go behind cover when you see "enemy locking on" or if the missile is approaching.
The indicators are quite visible, as long as you're not on open area you're good to go with some situational awareness.

As a last resort, on open area it is possible to dodge the rocket by moving diagonally forward at the right moment (the rocket should be coming almost directly toward you for this to work), or perhaps by jumping. Requires good timing though. Also influenced by latency, so not really reliable necessarily. Done it a few times.


Junior Member
the homing shot could be balanced by making it take longer to lock on, like the ion torpedo. if you're aiming at a full body it takes like a second to fire.
Miraculously got the "Playing the objective" Trophy :D

Only thing stopping me from platinum now is "Crush 'em with one swift stroke" (Trampling 25 with AT-ST) and "Been waiting for you" (Kill 10 claiming your pod).

Any advice for those?
Jetpack if you're locked, if you have a jetpack.

Go behind cover when you see "enemy locking on" or if the missile is approaching.
The indicators are quite visible, as long as you're not on open area you're good to go with some situational awareness.

As a last resort, on open area it is possible to dodge the rocket by moving diagonally forward at the right moment (the rocket should be coming almost directly toward you for this to work), or perhaps by jumping. Requires good timing though. Also influenced by latency, so not really reliable necessarily. Done it a few times.

I shouldnt have to equip a certain item as my only means of defense against an overused weapon.
There are many levels that have a lot of open area, like Hoth for instance. I think 90% of people use the homing shot in those levels. Someone locks on to me and I frantically look around for cover but there is none, and I literally set down the controller and wait for death.

I got spawn killed like 5 times in a row by homing shots in a recently match and I just quit the game because there was no fun happening.

the homing shot could be balanced by making it take longer to lock on, like the ion torpedo. if you're aiming at a full body it takes like a second to fire.

I pretty much want them to nerf it to hell because fuck the homing shot. Take slightly longer to lock on, decrease damage so that it isnt a one hit kill at full health, and reduce its turning speed so that its possible to dodge by running horizontally to it.

The fact that the Homing Shot can loop 180 degrees and hit you in the back after you dodge it alone is pure fuckery. Give it a severely restricted ability to turn and increase the lock-on time. Make it only useful for hitting distant stationary targets.

I'm having war flashbacks. So angry.
The fact that the Homing Shot can loop 180 degrees and hit you in the back after you dodge it alone is pure fuckery. Give it a severely restricted ability to turn and increase the lock-on time. Make it only useful for hitting distant stationary targets.


The fact that the Homing Shot can loop 180 degrees and hit you in the back after you dodge it alone is pure fuckery. Give it a severely restricted ability to turn and increase the lock-on time. Make it only useful for hitting distant stationary targets.

That has never happened to me, even in open (nor have i seen it happen). You sure it can do this?

I do think it should be nerfed regardless, even though i don't find it a big threat in practice. The less people use it, the more they might use something actually useful.
That has never happened to me, even in open (nor have i seen it happen). You sure it can do this?

I do think it should be nerfed regardless, even though i don't find it a big threat in practice. The less people use it, the more they might use something actually useful.

Absolutely. There are matches where it's being used by everyone, such bullshit.


Absolutely. There are matches where it's being used by everyone, such bullshit.

Odd. I guess i'm lucky in that i don't see HS being used that much, and when it is, that it doesn't actually loop if it misses.
But then, my greatest virtue in shooters is being lucky. (Like, enemies walk in front of me without noticing me even while i fire and other such things.)


I've had homing shot loop around to hit me quite often; it's pretty terrible. I hate the jump pack + bowcaster more, though.
I do think it should be nerfed regardless, even though i don't find it a big threat in practice. The less people use it, the more they might use something actually useful.

agreed, i can play around it but its just not healthy for the game in general. it has almost no risk/reward and is just plain too easy to use.
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