Yes, ggs. You went ham as Imperial! Do you get on chat?Me and Orcus just wrecked the other team on Sullust.
GGs my boy.
Yes, ggs. You went ham as Imperial! Do you get on chat?Me and Orcus just wrecked the other team on Sullust.
GGs my boy.
Blaster cannon is always worse!Blaster Cannon is worse, at least in Supremacy.
Is there anything more disappointing then grabbing and power up only to get a Card Refresh?
Blaster Cannon is worse, at least in Supremacy.
Is there anything more disappointing then grabbing and power up only to get a Card Refresh?
Blaster Cannon is worse, at least in Supremacy.
Yeah, I'll take the Card Refresh over the Blaster Cannon any day of the week. The BC is so highly situational and damned near worthless in modes like Blast.Blaster cannon is always worse!![]()
The problem resolved itself after a third shutdown/restartYou try buying more charges? Maybe get more than 99 and see if it fixes the charge count.
Had a good night with this game last night. First place every fighter squadron game I played, team win every heroes vs villains game I played. I was in the zone and trash talking the characters like I knew them. Grand old time.
Also, today's reminder that if your hand includes both the DL-44 and the homing shot, you are the travesty of man.
Avoid fighter squadron if you're not rebels
Yup. A-Wings are absolute bullshit in this game.
This is the best solution until they fix the balance of the A-wing or delete it.
I hope A-wings get nerfed so they can't be used anymore ever in the time of mankind
Well played sir, well played. I wish I had the skills in the air, but I dont...
I was reading one of those Star Wars illustrated vehicle guides today, and I stumble upon a page dedicated to tWa specs of the hated A-Wing.
According to the book, A-Wings "sacrifice shields, heavy weapons, and hull armour for speed and lightning-fast acceleration."
Explain pls, DICE.
Finally level 50!
Good play but honestly... the other team sucked. 3 minutes in and no one pursued you at all... I mean... A-Wing pursuing TIE Fighter = A-Win. lol
Finally level 50![IMG][/QUOTE]
Your shadow armor will be mailed to you ASAP.
Please allow for DICE timescales for it to arrive.
I'm used to playing this in first person. I die constantly. Is it better to be third person?
Finally tried a couple rounds of Hero Hunt. Is it just me or is the guy who gets Han Solo a couple times pretty much guaranteed to win the game?
It's been a while since I played with friends, but I think that's the way to do it. Make a party, enter a server, and the rest of the party joins after.I just bought this with my friend and the party system seems really bad? Like he doesn't automatically join a lobby with me, he always has to press triangle to join when I find a game, are we doing something wrong?
... Make a party, enter a server, and the rest of the party joins after.
The more you knowAlso, today's reminder that if your hand includes both the DL-44 and the homing shot, you are the travesty of man.
Is melee effed up in this game or what?
I can be literally standing on a guys feet and melee him and nothing happens but just now playing Turning Point I got melee'd from a good 10-15 feet away from a guy. WTF?
I actually literally cannot believe it's January 11th and still absolutely nothing from Dice regarding DLC, patches, anything. Like, even ha ha worse case scenario I figured we would have gotten an inkling of a patch at the very least last Monday, and that was already being extremely generous in giving them until after the first of the year.
Honestly scratching my head now, what on earth is going on over there? Is everything super on fire and they're way behind, are they having crazy tech problems or what? Super super weird at this point.
I actually literally cannot believe it's January 11th and still absolutely nothing from Dice regarding DLC, patches, anything. Like, even ha ha worse case scenario I figured we would have gotten an inkling of a patch at the very least last Monday, and that was already being extremely generous in giving them until after the first of the year.
Honestly scratching my head now, what on earth is going on over there? Is everything super on fire and they're way behind, are they having crazy tech problems or what? Super super weird at this point.
So that holiday event.....
So what needs fixing and will realistically be fixed? I bought the game tonight and have been enjoying it even if I'm super overwhelmed by everything. In my few hours I noticed that last pistol seems insane, it was dropping me instantly. 3rd person aiming/throwing grenades seemed a bit wonky as well but that could just be not being used to controller gaming.
Use the Bounty hunter trait, increases the chance of something spawning near you.I think I've accepted that I'll never get to play as a Hero in Supremacy or Walker Assault.![]()
Oh well at least I can get one of the air vehicles now and again. Most of the time though I'll spawn just to have some asshole kamikaze me![]()
So that holiday event.....
Finally tried a couple rounds of Hero Hunt. Is it just me or is the guy who gets Han Solo a couple times pretty much guaranteed to win the game?
What star cards are you using?Any tips for Sullust survival on master difficulty? I found a guide that said I should hide behind some crates, but I always get killed on the round with three TIEs and two AT-STs.
What star cards are you using?
- DL-44 needs a range nerf. Damage should stay the same since otherwise we'll be calling for the shock blaster and T21 to be nerfed next.
- Spawn points in modes need adjustments. Endor in particular tends to spawn some teams way too far from objectives (Last 2 segments in WA spawn Imperials too far off)
- A-Wings need their hitboxes adjusted so they can take damage when they should be doing so, banking or otherwise.
- AT-STs need a small buff in health. Currently can be cutdown in seconds.
- Tie-Fighters need an adjustment. Should be equal to the Rebels pairings. Perhaps give Ties shields and Interceptors speed. Give A-Wings speed instead of shields to compensate.
- Heavily cut Hero ship HP, especially the Falcon's. Shield buffer for Falcon should probably take a small hit as well to eliminate the ramming exploit.
- Rocket tracking of Y-Wings needs to be adjusted. 80% of the time rockets fired at Y-Wings do not hit, even when on the edge of the map and locking on the ship at the earliest opportunity.
The bolded are the ones I do expect them to fix/adjust at some point.