Wrong thread, you had it right the first time.
EDIT: Wrong thread
EDIT: Wrong thread
Does anyone else just hate the pickup system?
Wrong thread, you had it right the first time.
Different postI posted the score here because someone was just talking about IGN.
does anybody else have the issue where sound stops working randomly? It's pissing my off since I have to restart the game to get it working properly...
Oh ok! I was confused why you moved it.
Yes, happens to me in vehicles quite often.
Is the Jakku DLC a code or is it already in the game?
Is the Jakku DLC a code or is it already in the game?
The 1 week early access is a code, Best Buy e-mailed it to me and I had to redeem it on PSN.
Same here and I redeemed it but when I went to check my hard drive I didn't see any DLC file.
Wait so im wrong thinking that gold ion shot card i bought is only 25 total uses then I have to rebuy it?
Im confused now. Can someone explain haha
There are pickups during matches that will bring the count back up. Buying more charge is optional.Wait so im wrong thinking that gold ion shot card i bought is only 25 total uses then I have to rebuy it?
Im confused now. Can someone explain haha
Ahhh ook. So they do run out. Wasn't sure if it was 25 per match or 25 total then gone until you bought more. Ive yet to actually use it yet thats why im slightly confused. Purchased it then I had to sign off for the night. Thanks!There are little lightning strikes on the maps that you pick up and it gives you +1 charge. If you go through them quickly though there is an option of just buying 10 charges with credits.
So is the general GAF consensus that the reviewers are giving this game a hard time that it doesn't deserve just because of content?
damn, most walker assault matches are ending after just the 2nd batch of y wing bombers today.
Yeah, doesn't help that the uplinks are in really hard to reach or difficult to locate areas. I don't think I've ever seen anyone of the Empire actually manage to disable the one in the trees. Endor is just way too dense.Endor is some bullshit right now, with the Cammo on the rebels and only 1 walker to destroy its super easy to win as rebels.
I have yet to see an imperial victory on that mode. Rebels now have the advantage it seems.
This Stormtrooper doesn't give a fuck/knows how to make an entrance:
Must have been the way it synced with the music, but in the moment I found this to be hilarious. Probably enough video games for today.
Endor is some bullshit right now, with the Cammo on the rebels and only 1 walker to destroy its super easy to win as rebels. That's fine but they nerfed Hoth for the Empire so now it's pretty easy to win as rebels all around.
So is the general GAF consensus that the reviewers are giving this game a hard time that it doesn't deserve just because of content?
Yeah, Endor is a map where the dedication to the OT has proven to not be a great game design decision. Wearing bright white in a forest is an inherent disadvantage.
Jump Packs will be crucial for the Empire on that map once everyone unlocks them, though. So stupid that it's a Level 13 unlock.
I don't understand--why would it not deserve a "hard time" if they weren't satisfied with the content? They're just criticisms, IMO, and they're echoed across reviews, impressions, gaffers, etc.
No way to use L1/R1 to aim and shoot? Boooooo
That option took awhile to get patched into Battlefield. Hope they patch it in quick here
Also, how long does this Darth Vader mini game drag on? Was kinda fun for five minutes but I'm going on about 20 now with no way to quit.
I've got it on PS4 and the typical install bar on the dashboard finished 15 minutes ago and the patch has downloaded and installed but the game is still making me do the play as Darth Vader mode while I wait for the game to finish installing. Any idea how long this takes? I already tried exiting and loading it up again.
Very fun so far. What happened to the sound mix?! This does not live up to the amazing soundtracks Dice is known for. Why is the soundstage so lackluster?
Man the DL-44 it the gun I get killed by the most lol.
Man the DL-44 it the gun I get killed by the most lol.
I'm not sure what your listening to. The sound in this game is the best i've heard all year