So we are going to get the Last Jedi trailer on Friday, any word if we're getting a Battlefront 2 trailer or gameplay?
It's in the OP. It sounds like they'll be revealing gameplay.
So we are going to get the Last Jedi trailer on Friday, any word if we're getting a Battlefront 2 trailer or gameplay?
I and many others really want an official release of restored 4k scans of the Original Unaltered Trilogy. I don't think this is too much to ask.
Packing. 6 hour drive in the morning. Godspeed travelers.
Living in Orlando pays off
I believe even if you can't get in the room at the convention center, other rooms in the convention center will be screening what's happening in the main hall. You'll still get the experience of being in a crowded convention hall with hundreds of other people as the panel unfolds in front of you. You just won't be in that room.
I bet there'll be some sort of update on that game. Maybe footage.
There is no reason for them not to exist.
To be honest,
Any rumors going around about Filoni's new post-Rebels project? I know(?) they announced a new season for that show, so maybe that's an indication the new project is still a bit further off.
Was hoping they'd announce a big EA panel with Hennig/Raymond in attendance but I guess no DICE.
I just don't think those games are ready to be shown yet. Seems they are a ways off.
The Last Jedi trailer.
Battlefront 2 trailer.
Kenobi movie announcement hopefully.
The guy is practically an unpaid employee of Disn
Maaaaaybe a tease about what Filoni's been working on besides Rebels.
Marvel should just buy back the rights.I really hope Disney doesn't screw up Celebration.
Marvel should just buy back the rights.
Wake me for the trailer
It's not that much of a big deal, Bobby, I'm tired
Considering it. For some people it's no problem, but it's a lot for me. I really want to go to those panels though.
I believe even if you can't get in the room at the convention center, other rooms in the convention center will be screening what's happening in the main hall. You'll still get the experience of being in a crowded convention hall with hundreds of other people as the panel unfolds in front of you. You just won't be in that room.
We do expect the first panel to feature the new TLJ trailer don't we?
There's no 4K scan of the original versions.
We do expect the first panel to feature the new TLJ trailer don't we? They wouldn't keep that reveal for the actual Last Jedi panel would they? Only I've put myself in for absolutely killer shifts just so I can be home on Thursday in time for that opening panel...
I don't think they did. Expect it at the end of the panel.Don't they usually announce a time and date for the trailer before it happens? I don't remember how they handled it for TFA.
I don't see anything on the panels, but we'll get at least a bit of new info on the Han Solo movie, right?
I don't see anything on the panels, but we'll get at least a bit of new info on the Han Solo movie, right?
Are you asking me to personally wake you?
I mean, I will, I guess.
Oh wow, another Star Wars movie with "Jedi" in the title.
How original, JJ.
Oh wow, another Star Wars movie with "Jedi" in the title.
How original, JJ.
Oh wow, another Star Wars movie with "Jedi" in the title.
How original, JJ.
JJ isn't directing this one.
Do a little research before you embarrass yourself with a post like this.....