Can't imagine that won't get brought up on some stage or another. I remember at the 2015 Celebration there was a panel specifically for Rogue One - was supposed to also include the Boba Fett movie, but Josh Trank melted down on Fantastic Four and his appearance (and the movie) got pulled.
I would guess we might see photos of the cast in costume.
I open the thread.Don't take it personally. Working the marks is what I do for a living.
My buddy and I are doing it. We'll be there by midnight tomorrow for the 40th panel, and probably closer to 8 on Thursday for the Last Jedi panel. Go big or go home
But I've got to be in that room, Bobby!
JJ isn't directing this one.
Do a little research before you embarrass yourself with a post like this.....
I've got to be in there too!! Going to hit the OCCC tomorrow at 8 and stay there until about 7pm Friday night then off to Disney Studios for their Star Wars night. Once in a lifetime!
We're stressing about when we need to get in line to get into the main room for the 40th lol. Getting to the hotel around 3pm which is within walking distance and if we're getting in line before midnight we'll obviously opt to catch some sleep beforehand... so just playing it by ear I guess.
Bwhahaha, take that, you Christensen haters !
Yup. They invited him back and I'm sure he'll be on a panel.
Glad he's there as well. Dude deserves to be there.
He's speaking at the 40th and is doing autographs.
BUT his appearance in general does make me curious. If he randomly walked out on stage during the VIII panel... lmao
With a solid performance as a force ghost Hayden could easily resurrect his fandom in the community, give him good lines and good direction and at the very very worst hell be good enough and good enough in comparison to the prequels is above bar.
Watched Revenge of the Sith last night and I still think he's fine in it. Instances of bad line deliveries are also instances of straight up shit writing IMO.
Yeah, as if any actor in the world could have done a better job with stuff like "the sand line".
That's why there are directors, writers, actor directors, scripts etc... usually that are not just one person. Lucas was doing all that himself and he is the absolute worst and worked with people that never questioned him so...
Also question, I am in Europe.
How do the streams work ? Do you have to pay for it ? Can you rewatch them "not live" because timezone will make me miss them I'm sure.
I might be misremembering but didn't someone talk about how George would direct Hayden to purposely act wrong? Like a lot of the weird decisions in his acting weren't his fault but just George not knowing how to direct people.
Anyway, Hayden was pretty good in Episode III. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him show up in some expect in a later movie.
I sorta do only for the sake of the fan base.I want Hayden redemption too.
I might be misremembering but didn't someone talk about how George would direct Hayden to purposely act wrong? Like a lot of the weird decisions in his acting weren't his fault but just George not knowing how to direct people.
Anyway, Hayden was pretty good in Episode III. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him show up in some expect in a later movie.
Chilling in my hotel tonight and most of tomorrow to rest up for a long night. Starting to feel that excitement finally.
last year it was all archived for free, there were certain panels that were not streamed and not archived (Such as future filmakers panel) but insofar as im aware nothing related to the films is like that this year. Its all free, you will be able to watch them on youtube after the event or on
Hayden is is going to be at a panel?
Man I'd lose my shit if he and Ewan anounce that their going to be working on the Obi Wan movie everyone wants
The salt alone would sustain me for years
Battlefront 2 is looking amazing, brehs
I saw a bunch of stuff that wasn't gameplay and character models that still looked completely awful, so I'm still just... well, waiting to see gameplay lol
Teasers like that for videogames do nothing for me but I'm sure there'll be a lot more shown in a few days!
Just landed in Orlando. Ready for 4 days of Star Wars come Thursday.
As this is not only my first celebration, but my first con of any kind, what advice can the GAF vets give me?
Yeah I see where you're coming from.
I'm just hyped that we're getting stuff from every era.
Of course.
I'd pay $15 each per Rebels character as heroes...
Episode 3 era Obi-Wan better be in the base game though.
I hope they improve combat in general. It's pretty ass.Prequels confirmed for Battlefront II then ?
I hope they improve melee combat :/ ...
Of course.