M Mr Cola Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris Apr 16, 2015 #551 Cant handle the remix, too dank
M mcrommert Banned Apr 16, 2015 #555 Another reason i don't go to stuff like this. Music and atmosphere is fucking cringe inducing
G Grover Cleveland Member Apr 16, 2015 #556 Turn to the stream and they're playing Star Wars dubstep with nerds bumping their hands up and down
C CosmicQueso Member Apr 16, 2015 #557 "Make some noize????" Who is this clown? A DJ? WTF? "On the count of three make noise... Let them feel your love" Oh gawd.
"Make some noize????" Who is this clown? A DJ? WTF? "On the count of three make noise... Let them feel your love" Oh gawd.
B Blader Member Apr 16, 2015 #564 Grover Cleveland said: Turn to the stream and they're playing Star Wars dubstep with nerds bumping their hands up and down Click to expand... lol
Grover Cleveland said: Turn to the stream and they're playing Star Wars dubstep with nerds bumping their hands up and down Click to expand... lol
F fallengorn Bitches love smiley faces Apr 16, 2015 #569 Huh, same crowd work guys from NYCC. I guess Reed POP just hires them for everything.
S Sn4ke_911 If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me. Apr 16, 2015 #572 Dat crowd!
BFIB Member Apr 16, 2015 #573 Its sad that DJ Elliott was doing a gig instead of hanging out on Alderaan.
J JohnTinker Limbaugh Parrot Apr 16, 2015 #578 remind me not to use dj elliot for my next bar mitzvah
H HeisenbergLannister Member Apr 16, 2015 #591 Aw yassss, Bon Jovi and Star Wars finally combined. IM CRYING
M Mr Cola Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris Apr 16, 2015 #595 The laptops stuck on repeat Shuffle pls
F Faiz Member Apr 16, 2015 #600 Stream crapped out on me just as it was starting. Now won't restart just a black screen :/