A Alienous Member Apr 16, 2015 #653 This is by far the dankest thing I have ever seen. I didn't know what dank meant before this, but now I do.
This is by far the dankest thing I have ever seen. I didn't know what dank meant before this, but now I do.
Nialrot Member Apr 16, 2015 #665 SargerusBR said: Click to expand... /dead I'm crying.. this is hilarious with the music in the background.
SargerusBR said: Click to expand... /dead I'm crying.. this is hilarious with the music in the background.
F FunkyMunkey Banned Apr 16, 2015 #671 i already have my lightsaber out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
CassidyIzABeast Member Apr 16, 2015 #674 This makes Ubisoft's conferences look tame. Stand up and wiggle your fingers! What is this Kindergarten?
This makes Ubisoft's conferences look tame. Stand up and wiggle your fingers! What is this Kindergarten?
V vinnygambini Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs??? Apr 16, 2015 #679 make it stop pls
E EroticSushi Member Apr 16, 2015 #681 SargerusBR said: Click to expand... Can't stop watching this with the music in the background.
B Blader Member Apr 16, 2015 #691 I'm laughing way too hard at work over this ONE MORE TIME (for the third time)
C CosmicQueso Member Apr 16, 2015 #692 "Anaheim rocking out right now" "Up in the top, you guys are looking good" Just drop your pants and shit on the crowd and everything.
"Anaheim rocking out right now" "Up in the top, you guys are looking good" Just drop your pants and shit on the crowd and everything.
A Aiii So not worth it Apr 16, 2015 #694 HeisenbergLannister said: What in the fuck am I watching Click to expand... I feel kind of like it's like watching the Microsoft E3 press conference or Apple keynotes or something.
HeisenbergLannister said: What in the fuck am I watching Click to expand... I feel kind of like it's like watching the Microsoft E3 press conference or Apple keynotes or something.
S Scousefury Member Apr 16, 2015 #696 Thought the shite was gone whern lucas was gone.... we where wrong
J JohnTinker Limbaugh Parrot Apr 16, 2015 #697 "I want you to make as much noise as possible" *VERIZON AD*
G Grover Cleveland Member Apr 16, 2015 #698 nemss said: Even Lucas is watching this cringing. Click to expand... Nah he's now wishing he could have thrown DJ Elliot into the prequels somehow.
nemss said: Even Lucas is watching this cringing. Click to expand... Nah he's now wishing he could have thrown DJ Elliot into the prequels somehow.