Raging Spaniard
If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Made this for Star Wars day, figured this thread would dig it 

Do we really need to know how maz aquired the saber?
Made this for Star Wars day, figured this thread would dig it
IIRC, JJ didn't realize the issue with Maz having nothing to do at D'Qar until after they were deep into editing, so they couldn't kill her - they could keep her around or just edit her out. Since she's playing a larger role in the overall story, cutting her in TFA lets her get fleshed out in the later episodes. But it was too late to solve the problem of her disappearing act. Like Bobby said, too many balls in the air at once. I'm sure there will be some pruning as we go.
The issues with the editing come down to just a few items, though. Maz's disappearing act and some pacing when transitioning from the 2nd to the 3rd act (which might be the same issue, actually). But outside of Maz I'd say editing is one of TFA's strengths.
The issues with the editing come down to just a few items, though. Maz's disappearing act and some pacing when transitioning from the 2nd to the 3rd act (which might be the same issue, actually). But outside of Maz I'd say editing is one of TFA's strengths.
Some day I'd like to do a big post convincing you guys that the editing in the film is actually pretty damn good for the most part, and why I can understand the editors in the industry would think it warrants a nomination,
I don't disagree with either of you, but that transition from the 2nd act to the 3rd, and a few decisions made in the third really stuck out to me on the first two watches. Again, most of the rest of the movie is edited very well, but that last third has juuuust enough problems that it jumped out at me.
It got that full head of steam going and then kinda just broke loose like a freight train. Got a little out of control. And not that Mad Max good kind of "out of control" either. But the "oh shit, the handbrake on this minecart just snapped off" kind. Granted, I'm probably confusing some of those decisions with story/script cuts that came before editorial dept. had any chance to start putting things together, too.
(Minecart ride was still fun as shit, though)
This is really TFA related, but that thread's pretty much dead so I'm posting it here. Mark Hamill confirmed that the much rumored "hand floating through space" scene really was the original opening for TFA:
Made this for Star Wars day, figured this thread would dig it
I honestly like that they didn't explain how Maz got the lightsaber. It didn't need to be explained, all that matters was that it got from Bespin to Maz. Shit like Luke's hand floating through space still holding the lightsaber is dumb because then the audience wonders how it got from Bespin into fucking space and how it managed to travel a significant distance at seemingly sub-light speed.
First, as if we needed any more evidence so that people will shut up about it, Pablo is adamant that Plagueis is dead and not coming back to life.
I need to know as much as I needed an explanation on how the Force works.
So the opening shot of TFA was gonna be the cover art for Dead Space?!
Wouldn't a human hand disintegrate in space
Wouldn't a human hand disintegrate in space
Sorry if it's been posted but Pablo confirmed that Plagueis is dead and that Lucas actually had a female heroine planned for EP7. He also guesses that we may see George's treatments only after the current trilogy.
Apparently Young Han Solo was George's idea too...
Han Solo and whatever the third spinoff movie is (probably Boba Fett) were both Lucas ideas. Rogue One came from John Knoll.
Lawrence Kasdan wanted it. He was looking forward to writing for Han again before TFA was even happening. Though I'm not hugely enthusiastic about it, his enthusiasm and getting Lord and Miller on board has made me more hopeful. Like everyone else I'd have preferred an Obi-Wan spin-off with Ewan. I'd prefer a Han prequel to one based on Sidious or Yoda as well though.Surprising considering he generally at least tried new things with the prequels. Solo/Fett spin-offs feel incredibly lazy in terms of picking preexisting characters.
Do we even know one person who wanted these films before they were announced?
Hell, even Vader, Sidious or even Yoda (as much as I would hate them to ruin the mystery of his character with background info) feel vastly more ambitious than either of the above films.
Lawrence Kasdan wanted it. He was looking forward to writing for Han again before TFA was even happening. Though I'm not hugely enthusiastic about it, his enthusiasm and getting Lord and Miller on board has made me more hopeful. Like everyone else I'd have preferred an Obi-Wan spin-off with Ewan. I'd prefer a Han prequel to one based on Sidious or Yoda as well though.
I actually think the fact it won't provide background info for the main movies is an advantage, not a hindrance. I'm hoping the spin-offs will encourage a focus on less important characters and avoid worrying over filling in every little unknown detail. Most of us would agree the prequels tried to fill in too much of that background info and it ended up weighing the whole thing down. Kasdan confirming that the film's more of a random adventure a decade or so before ANH is more interesting to me than Han's 'origin story' so I've been more on board since. I don't think every film has to focus on some big event.Right but just because Kasdan wanted it doesn't mean it's a great idea. Not saying it won't be good, but my point was that there's a plethora of other spin-offs that could have been vastly more interesting. Maybe my specific examples weren't the best but, in an extension of my original point, I think spin-offs would be MUCH better suited with characters who can directly impact the major plotlines established in the OT, PT and ST. It would be nice if the spin-offs provide more information or fill in a lot of the gaps between films. A Solo movie just feels like a lazy cash grab. Again, not saying it can't be well done but really.. what has more potential to be more meaningful to fans and satisfactorily provide background information for the main movies? Obi-Wan is much more strongly connected to the backbone of the SW saga whereas Han was just off doing some adventure that's significantly less related or impactful to the universe, since he hasn't met any of the key players.
And it wouldn't be a huge deal if they wanted to eventually do a Han film as an independent adventure inside of the SW universe, but I'd personally want to start with films that have more of an impact on the franchise.. to really get people on board with the idea of doing SW films that aren't main episodes.
Obi-Wan is a fucking no brainer. Surprised they didn't want to do it first.
Obi-Wan is a fucking no brainer. Surprised they didn't want to do it first.
Obi-Wan has enough potential for an entire trilogy or series. Maybe they're waiting until after Episode IX to do it so it won't overshadow the main saga.
Variety: I loved the developing romance between your character, Finn and Rey in The Force Awakens. How is that romance evolving in the next chapter?
Boyega: I mean, we didnt establish a romance in seven; we never played it that way. Daisy and I, were friends.
Variety: So theres no romance?
Boyega: Yes, Finn and Rey theyre just friends. Finn is a stormtrooper, so he doesnt really know whats going on. So the romance thing is something thats going to be interesting in the next installment. Its not going to go the way you think its going to go.
What are people actually wanting from an Obi-Wan film? people are always going on about it but never say what exactly it should be about. Fett and Solo prequels I can understand but I don't get the need to fill in what happened to Obi-Wan post RotS outside of him staying on Tatooine to be near Luke. Why can't the guy just have led a quiet life until A New Hope.
Boyega: Yes, Finn and Rey – they’re just friends. Finn is a stormtrooper, so he doesn’t really know what’s going on. So the romance thing is something that’s going to be interesting in the next installment. It’s not going to go the way you think it’s going to go.
Because we want more Obi-Wan.
What's that supposed to mean? He clearly understands relationships ("You got a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend?") so it would be weird if they suddenly turned him aromantic because "Stormtroopers aren't allowed to have partners" or something.
Or maybe
He doesn't understand that Poe is hitting on him
Finn and Rey even got interrupted by BB8 when they were about to say something like that would usually go like "I love you" or a kiss in the millennium falcon.
Three of the main cast are filming in Ireland. Is it OK to post which actors in spoiler tags?
It's clear that Poe Dameron is a far bigger deal in Episode VIII. Rumors suggested that the filmmakers enlarged the role because of the response to Isaac's performance, but he suggests it's simply because the character is no longer marked for death. "In the new film, there's a lot more to do," Isaac says. "What happens now is the heroes get tested. All three of them" Poe, Daisy Ridley's Rey and John Boyega's Finn "get tested immensely." And how's BB-8 doing? "BB-8's doing all right. BB-8 gets tested too! Everybody gets tested! It's the dark second chapter, but not really dark."
I suppose he means its dark the way Star Wars can be dark, which is dark for Star wars but in general film terms, not immensely so.
Yeah. Empire is the "dark" entry, but it's also pretty consistently hilarious. TFA went to some pretty serious places and landed that balance as well. I'm guessing it just means this is not a chapter that ends with the good guys being neatly triumphant, which is a pretty basic second act.
Glad his role is properly fleshed out.
Also dark and serious are two different things, I hope the stakes are real and felt in the next one because other than Finn (Who we know is fine) and Han (Who isnt in 8) ep7 ended up a bright hopeful note.
I still think Reys potential turn is a very interesting idea that i hope they go with.
If no one dies, there are no steakes!