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Star Wars: Fallen Order |OT| I have a gooood feeling about this

Multiple difficulties seems appropriate for a game made with a popular movie IP like this. Lots of Star Wars fans don't play games hardly at all, and are trying to jump in on this and just getting destroyed. But it's clear the director took a lot of inspiration from Dark Souls and wants to incorporate a lot of that in his game. Seems like easy mode and hard mode (which is very hard) is a good compromise.

If you have trouble healing due to the time it takes, remember you can slow enemies with the force, then heal.

And while the main character starts weak, he keeps getting multiple new abilities that turn him into a killing machine soon enough. And along the way, you're getting training flashbacks from his old master which I personally loved, which reinforce the good Star Wars movies where you don't start invincible, but have to train for a while to get anywhere.

Yeah, I'm aware. I just wish it was a bit more focused. Hopefully in the next installment they pick a direction and go with it. Whether it's Sekiro/Ninja Gaiden style (which I won't play), Dark Souls focused (which I will play), Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy style (which I'll definitely play), or just an Uncharted/Tomb Raider thing (might play after getting it on sale with all the DLC on a Black Friday sale).

I get the multiple difficulties in that it's Star Wars so they want everyone to play it, but I think it makes the overall experience suffer for doing so.

Some of the response/reaction time of controls are quite bad at times. Plus, you're a *Jedi*, not some dude in full Havel gear. And some of the times you react/roll feel like you are. Even in Jedi Academy at the start you're better off than Cal is.

I'd honestly prefer if they go full Dark Souls and implement stats/leveling. That way you can design what kind of Jedi you are. Whether it's full force user and go into force lightning/etc, or Sentinel with force shielding, or super agile dual saber style. The game is just confused as to what it wants to be and it's a little sad when a dex build in Dark Souls can roll/maneuver faster than a Jedi.
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Finished the game last Friday, what a complete experience. I loved the ending, I honestly thought it ended on a high note. I am now very much looking forward to a DLC/sequel.

For the sequel, I'm hoping they flesh out the lightsaber combat. There's a couple of lightsaber stances as I understand, and would very much love to see them in a game.


Gold Member
finished the game. Overall enjoyed what i played. The difficulty ramp is pretty extreme for the last boss. Not to satisfied with the stories conclusion but makes sense canon wise.
It wasn’t a Sekiro spike in difficulty though. I finished it just recently. It took more patience to learn patterns. I’m on the fence about it. I like to replay the Souls games, but I feel like the plot in Fallen Order weighs far too heavy on the replay value.

I think one play through is good. Some parts are too puzzling to have that Souls feeling. It’s an obstacle or a hoop to jump through.

The load times after death are way too long. Did anyone else notice the shoulder view when going through a crack. I swear God of War 3 started that whole thing with Kratos and game(s) have had it ever since. I can only think of Kratos when he goes through a crack.
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Where is the last 5% there? That's exactly what I have lol.
It's either a hidden part of the cave next to the two large fans and a running wall (look up youtube for 95% Zeffo) or a large slide leading from Windswept Ruins (that's where you need to start sliding).
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For the sequel, I'm hoping they flesh out the lightsaber combat. There's a couple of lightsaber stances as I understand, and would very much love to see them in a game.

And they have the perfect excuse to improve it. Some of us forgot while playing that Cal is a PADAWAN and he barely knows the basics of the basics. Gosh the ending made me notice that we have been fighting against literal trash the whole game xD

Also the character (Cal) grew up on me, I thought I was going to hate him but he has a kind of charm that made me get attached to him and BD-1.


Game is way to hard

LoL it's not. It punishes being careless. On every encounter you have to think you are not inmortal, you are not "superman" and you have to priorice what to defeat first. Usually killing the ranged troopers first is the key and the "blocking while sprinting" skill is a must in this game.


LoL it's not. It punishes being careless. On every encounter you have to think you are not inmortal, you are not "superman" and you have to priorice what to defeat first. Usually killing the ranged troopers first is the key and the "blocking while sprinting" skill is a must in this game.
I have to say I was surprised about the difficulty and punishing the player for not planning each fight. It's the first proper Star Wars game in years and a lot of more casual players will surely play it. They will definitely want to feel like an immortal badass when controlling a light-saber wielding Jedi Knight. ;) Maybe the Story Mode will be easy enough them, don't know, haven't tried it.


Game was okay, hope the sequel allows us to customize our character way more.

One thing I hated:
the double-sided lightsabre, I get why they have them but I think they look extremely stupid... I take 2 sabres, one in each hand over a double-sided one. Sucks that it was only one skill that allows us to split it... hopefully the sequel allows us to have either a permanent single one or 2 instead of one double.


The game made me feel like a padawan instead of a jedi. I feel like everyone else can do cooler stuff than me. I mean, Cal is supposed to be at padawan level... but it left me wanting more. It feels to grounded for a star wars game. Either that or I'm just too used to the Jedi Knight games. (also, that double jump is a joke)
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Just finished it, I really liked it, whoever designed the puzzles needs a promotion I really enjoyed all of them, level design is also pretty good but it could certainly use the fast travel that so many are talking about, combat felt okay to me not too slow, not too fast and very dark soulsy in boss fights, the story was meh from beginning to end but at least the characters were likeable, I would definitely buy a sequel for this game.


Just finished the last boss fight in Dathomir. Gonna have to downgrade this game to a 6/10. The parries sometimes come out and sometimes don't. Don't know if it's tied to Cal's recovery animation after suffering a counter parry but I've had this issue throughout the game. I'll sometimes be able to parry perfectly and sometimes Cal just sits there and doesn't even bring up his lightaaber.

I got by most of the other boss fights by relying heavily on dodging and parrying here and there but this fight just broke the game because you have to rely heavily on parries to whittle down the boss's guard.
OMG, just finished the game! What an awesome journey this was! I've got goosebumps at the ending, it was amazing with lots of awesome surprises. This game was pure Star Wars, it resurrected the fan in me. I have been waiting for this game since Jedi Academy and although I was skeptical a bit since it seemed rushed, this can be only seen on the technical side. Don't get me wrong, it's also very good technically, just lacks a bit of a polish. Despite not being open world it was still long enough without filler bullshit, with one of best level designs I have seen in recent years. The characters (I already liked the main char's actor since Gotham) were likeable, especially our buddy droid, the music and atmosphere was what we want from a Star Wars movie/game. All in all this is among my favorite games this year besides Control. Long live awesome single player games! Thanks Respawn and EA, please make a nextgen sequel, I'll be there day one!
I hate solving a puzzle just to be rewarded with a shitty ship skin or something. This game should've had armor pieces with badass masks.
Lightsaber customization is not really interesting. 99%of the time the only thing that matters is the color of the blade.


Neo Member
They just gave up with the jedi skills and were like, :"fuck it, the lightsaber hits harder now."
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I hate solving a puzzle just to be rewarded with a shitty ship skin or something. This game should've had armor pieces with badass masks.
Lightsaber customization is not really interesting. 99%of the time the only thing that matters is the color of the blade.
Exploring is the only thing that’s rewarding in this game. Other stuff comes with progressing in the game


I think the game is alright, the backtracking takes the piss though. Head all the way back through Dathomir, do the ice level, then back through Dathomir, do some bits, then trapse back to the ship again. Shortcuts do help, but overall it feels a bit too much to make the game a classic. Maybe a sequel can improve on this, but maybe not since I seem in a minority with this annoyance

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just realized this is part of Origin's $15 monthly plan. I might subscribe to it over the holiday break and try to run through it.


I think the game is alright, the backtracking takes the piss though. Head all the way back through Dathomir, do the ice level, then back through Dathomir, do some bits, then trapse back to the ship again. Shortcuts do help, but overall it feels a bit too much to make the game a classic. Maybe a sequel can improve on this, but maybe not since I seem in a minority with this annoyance
For me, I'd probably check this game out on PS+, if and when it comes on there.....instead of this game, I'll check out Force Unleashed Part 1, as outside of the demo I've never played the full-title...and if I am correct if there was/is any backtracking in that game at least it isn't as arduous, and you don't get penalised if you did a manual save, where as here the minute you choose to meditate and save, you are inviting trouble...
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For me, I'd probably check this game out on PS+, if and when it comes on there.....instead of this game, I'll check out Force Unleashed Part 1, as outside of the demo I've never played the full-title...and if I am correct if there was/is any backtracking in that game at least it isn't as arduous, and you don't get penalised if you did a manual save, where as here the minute you choose to meditate and save, you are inviting trouble...
You can meditate without resting to avoid enemy respawns.


Finished the game on Jedi Grand Master. Solid 8/10 from me.

The story is ok. I ended up liking Cal and BD-1, think they make a cool duo. Despite my initial assumptions, I hope they maintain the character for a future sequel. A more mature and stronger Cal would be cool to see. They could even go for coop, with Cal and Merrin, since she has to become a Jedi, and honestly deserves more spotlight time.

The final moments of the game are really good, but the ending felt a little bitter sweet for me, way to open and unclear, like Respawn doesn't know where they're going.

I hope that somehow The Empire extracted the content of the holocron, and that sets the tone for Jedi Order 2. It's a little stupid to say the least that Cal and the crew didn't even consider that and destroyed the holocron right away. "trust in the force", yeah right.

The foundation has been established, but there is definitely room for improvement:

- Combat needs to be more responsive (it's good, but not Sekiro good)
- We need more finishing moves
- Dismemberment needs to happen
- Exploration was on-spot, but rewards for those who explore every bit of the game need to be better.
- Attribute point system for Cal and BD-1, similar to Jedi Knight Academy. Put a bunch of powers/skills in the game, and let players decide what they want to use. Basically a more elaborated version of what they went for in this game.
- Fast travel
- Side stories. The crew needs more screen time, specially Greez.
- With this, conversation options.
- Make Pazaak card game return please, and let us go to tattoine with Greez and place some bets.
- Arena mode
- Customization in terms of armour and clothing, besides ponchos.
- Dual lightsabers.
- Less buggy.

Overall the game is good and it's definitely a breath of fresh air in the SW games universe. For me this is the way to go, single-player star wars games, forget multiplayer.

One of my surprises of the year, since it flew under the radar.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just subscribed to a month of Origin Premium or whatever they're calling it to play this game on the cheap. First hour definitely leaves a good impression. It's a beautiful game and feels like Star Wars. Combat seems fun so far, too, if not a bit janky. Looking forward to playing through this over the next month.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Update... played a bit more and got to one of the second planets, but the games flaws are definitely standing out. The controls just don't see as tight as they need to be for a game like this, and honestly, all of the animations and how you interact with the environment just feels really unpolished, especially in light of how impressive the visuals are otherwise.

Level design so far doesn't seem to be nearly up to the same level as a FROM game and I'm already feeling a bit like I'm just going through the motions. Doesn't help that loot is as boring as can be, making exploration feel rather unrewarding.

I'll keep with it. I hope the story picks up at the very least.


Update... played a bit more and got to one of the second planets, but the games flaws are definitely standing out. The controls just don't see as tight as they need to be for a game like this, and honestly, all of the animations and how you interact with the environment just feels really unpolished, especially in light of how impressive the visuals are otherwise.

Level design so far doesn't seem to be nearly up to the same level as a FROM game and I'm already feeling a bit like I'm just going through the motions. Doesn't help that loot is as boring as can be, making exploration feel rather unrewarding.

I'll keep with it. I hope the story picks up at the very least.
The story definitely picks up, and combat feels richer once more abilities are unlocked. Shit gets real in Chapter 4 and certainly Chapter 5. But you're absolutely right that the controls aren't quite as tight as they really should be. Not enough to make it not fun, but definitely room for improvement for a sequel. It's obvious that this was rushed just a bit. Another 6 months and it could have been a hard 9. As it stands I'd say it's a definite solid 8 for me (which could become as low as a 6 if you really don't like Star Wars and/or are terrible at Souls-ish style combat). But alas they had to have it out ahead of the movie; I get it. But hopefully in a couple years we get a really awesome sequel.


Tears of Nintendo
Just finished the game and I stand by what I've said - Fallen Order is the best Star Wars game since KOTOR 2. Such a shame it won't be considered for the GOTY. I really like and love mostly everything Respawn did in this game and now that we know they're most likely will make a sequel (which is pretty much guaranteed after such a successful launch), I've a few complaints / criticism / suggestions etc. that should be addressed / fixed / improved / implemented in the next game.

1) Combat, although functional and even pretty good when you'll get all the powers and new force abilities, is far from Ideal and just not responsive, fast and fluid enough for what you're facing in the game, especially on a higher difficulty levels (I've beaten the game on Jedi Master). You need to react and move fast on Jedi Master, but more often than not you just can't do it cuz main character can't move fast enough, can't close the gap between enemies fast enough, can't move away fast and far enough from attacks, can't activate his abilities fast enough and can't even heal fast and sometimes at all, cuz BD-1 refuces to heal you for some reason if you don't ask him two times. There was far to many times (and I can't even count them at this point) I've died not cuz I'm not good enough, but cuz of everything I've said above. The games just don't let you do what you want fast enough, cuz responsiveness is not there and some of the things which could help you in combat is also not there. Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against this kind of combat and I'm freaking love Sekiro and its combat, but Fallen Order unfortunately and as of right now is just miles away from such a perfection and excelent execution (except dash forward move which I really don't like cuz you should't dash forward without pushing forward, I've died / got hit far to many times cuz of this move). They need to make this combat just as perfect, as fast, as functional, as fluid and as responsive as in Sekiro, no goddamn excuses, just do it even if it'll take a lot of time.

2) Ironout all UE4 issues you have and hire better lighting people who can light the game properly, cuz at times it looks like a game without any post and visual effect whatsoever or just doesn't look as good as in other areas (which don't have such issues and problems), like a movie in pre-post production phase - no SSAO, no shadows of any kind, very bad lighting, zero depth and all sorts of other GFX issues I wont even bother to mention cuz there's many. All these issues should not be in a SW game, especially in as good SW game as Fallen Order. Do what you must for as long as it takes, but post production phase should be looked at as a very serious and important thing and should be consideres as a movie post production phase - make the game look as good as it can be (and better) and make your amazing concept artists, art people in general and level designers be proud of what you did with their amazing work. It's not like Fallen Order looks bad all the time, far from it, but I just can't help but notice issues I've mentioned above cuz you very clearly see them and they're not even masked or hidden, quite the opposite - very visible and always in the view.

3) Having finished the game, I do think that even though and as a huge Metroid fan I simply adore and love to death what Respawn did in Fallen Order - they've basically made a Metroid Prime game in Star Wars universce with lightsabers and 3rd person Sekiro-like combat; maybe don't fallow this formula that much and to a such extend next time? Now, before anyone jump to a wrong conclusions I'll say this - It just feels great to explore such extremely well designed, amazing looking and huge interconnected levels (Zeffo alone just blows my mind cuz of how freaking ginormous it is), but for the love of god just make something up to explain fast travel between resting points. I know Metroid Prime (or any Metroid game for that matter) games don't have fast travel to make exploration faster, but Fallen Order (and next game) needs it badly, as well as showing on the map all missed chests, echoes etc. which you can't get early in the game. I mean, you can't expect me to remember every missing chest, echo etc. after 30+ hours since I've seen them the first time, not to mention that some of them extremely well hidden. 2D Metrod games did it right - you're getting a map of different locations on which you can see inaccessable areas with dots (items, upgrades etc.) and you know where you need to go to aquire upgrades, items etc. but no one is telling you how to get there you just see the room with a dot and that's it, all you have to do is figure out how to get there and the way is not always clear. Fast travel is a must in a game with such huge levels to make exploration easier and don't make you feel like it's been forever since you've done something story related and didn't wasted 4-5 hours by just looking for secrets, chests, echoes and data bank entrees. Figure out how to do it right, don't make it feel so tiresome and time consuming next time, especially if all you're gonna get is meaningless but cool looking cosmetic items (most of which don't looks so cool tbh - ugly lightsaber parts, poncho and skins) and there's just not enough of them. Also, give as an option to change the whole outfit, not just poncho and paint it in a different way. Same goes for lightsaber switch - lest us change every switch on the lighsaber and not only one of them.

4) Don't make us learn everything from the first game all over again - all we've learned in Fallen Order is very basic and should be available at the start of the next game - unlike Samus, Jedi can't forget what he've learned and no one can took away all of this knowlage at the beginning of the game, especially considering the fact that it is not a physical thing you can easily take away like all of the Samus's powers / gadgets etc. in each new Metroid game. Do an in-depth study of different lightsaber techniques / styles (not the Sith ones obviously... or why not?) and implement them into the game with different skill trees for each one and make us choose the path which we want to follow over the course of the game cuz as I've said, in Fallen Order there's only some pretty basic stuff every Padawan can learn from his master, but there's no Jedi Knight / Master / Grandmaster stuff which is a lot more powerfull. This alone can change the combat and what you can do with it drasticaly, not to mention that you can play the game multiple times and choose other techniques and styles to play with. If the game is really good and combat as fantastic as in Sekiro, no one will complain that you'll have to beat the game multiple times just to get access to new playstyles and you can't make Terminator-like Jedi, who'll rip & tear everything on his path, not to mention that Disney and Lucasfilm will never let you do that anyway. All of this should be also tied-in to progression, story and exploration in a meaningfull way with as little gamy stuff as possible.

5) Don't throw away and don't give up on a formula and design philosophy of Metroid and Metroid Prime games cuz it works great in Fallen Order, you can do wonders with it and you can make it work and feel even better than it is now in your next game. Just take the time and figure out how to do it without hurting the flow of the main story and maybe look at Hollow Knight for inspiration - this game has a crap ton of stuff for you to discover, meet huge number of characters along the way, complete their side quests etc. Just don't make it feel gamy and fetch-ish, put some real effort to make it as memorable as the main story or at least very close to it.

6) Look at Mass Effect 2 / KOTOR 1-2 for inspiration, give as an option to have companions on the ship, let us explore their past (not literally of course) / present in dedicated series of missions aside from / over the course of the main story. Give as an option to know these characters better, bond with them over the course of the game and maybe use their knowlage / experiense during missions etc. Like, I really want to know Merrin and Greez better, to see their part of the story, what it's like for them to live their lives as they do, expirience the world and.. again, get to know them better. It doesn't have to be just always about the main plot, characters who's with you all the time and during the course of the game matter too, they should not be left out and they should not be allowed to speak their mind only in very brief conversations and story cut-scenes. You don't have to make a full-on RPG to make all of this happen cuz really good story telling, writing, well thoughtout / designed and memorable missions can do that just fine, just make it feel like ungoing and evolving story, instead of just one thing you need to do for each of the character and then forget about it for the sake of the main plot, make it as integral to the main plot as the main missions. I know I make it sound so easy and that in reality it is one hell of a thing to pull off and do right in first try, but it can be done and it will make the game better and overall story / journey / adventure richer and more memorable. You're already and sort of half way there by making Fallen Order, now all that is left is to do the next part and take as much time as you need to make it happen.

7) Stay away from open world, RPG mechanics (stats / perks / armor protection & weapon damage numbers), RNJesus, loot, damage sponginess, multiplayer, crafting, survival and just overall don't make a game about a crap tone of systems to please everyone. In other words - don't make a game about everything and a master of none. Focus on what you did in Fallen Order and make the next game even better in every way possible without drastically changing your original vision, but don't forget about the combat part which as I've said not as good as in Sekiro and it should be, cuz it'll make the game better.

8) Don't rely on the same exact traversal and climbing stuff (which works, yes, but it'll become a rutine after a while, especially with all this hunt for chests, secrets etc.) on different planets, make each planet and location unique to explore in a different ways you couldn't do before, maybe mix it up a bit more and just overall make us do different and unique things gameplay-wise while exploring planets / locations. And it doesn't always have to be planets btw ;)

9) Rip-off Shadow of the Tomb Raider underwater exploration, gameplay, animations and visual stuff - litterally rip it off and don't be ashamed, it works and looks great and SW game could use this stuff too cuz Fallen Order in terms of this stuff is a bit meh to say the least and it is certainly not the best part of the game (underwater exploration, gameplay, animations and visual stuff).

And... yeah, I think that's about it for now.

I can't tell you enough how much I thankful to Respawn for making one of the best SW game possible, but there's still quite a lot of room for improvements, I believe Respawn can make it work, can improve upon what they've built and may the force be with them, always.

P.S. I don't have time to fix all grammar errors (if there is any left), so please excuse me for my not perfect English and I hope you'll understand what I'm trying to say.
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There is literally no point in having that crew. The game would have been better if you flew solo just with BD-1 on a X-Wing.


Finished it two days ago, but apparently there's some fights that I have missed
Some bounty hunter(s) that just didn't spawn in to wait for me after a few cutscenes / major plot points
. I am however quite sad that it was over, as I truly had a blast from start to finish. There's plenty of room for improvements to make a potentially next game even better. The ending was amazing, imo. Not even going to spoiler tag that just in case.


This is on my Christmas list, sounds flawed but I’m down for a lightsaber game. One thing that has struck me about some of the gameplay I’ve watched is how much more ‘ Star Wars ‘ it feels than say the recent films.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
OK, now that I've opened up a lot more of the force powers (particularly push and pull), the game is starting to get a lot more enjoyable. The melee combat is fine, but it's hard to look at it as anything more than a mediocre version of Sekiro. Adding in the force powers you unlock and it becomes much more interesting.

It's really a shame that this game is so marred by technical issues and a general lack of polish.


Neighbours from Hell
I started this game a few days ago and I’m really loving it. It’s one of my favorites of the year. It’s like a mix of Souls, Metroid, Uncharted, and Spider-Man. I say Spider-Man because there faaaar more crowd clearing in this game than any Souls games I’ve played, it’s not as close to Souls games as people say, it’s not nearly as unforgiving, and it has more elaborate combos and force powers and such.

My only real gripes is there is no way to put markers on the map so you remember where chests and stuff were and no fast travel between rest points within each planet. There are some chests I see but can’t access yet, I assume I’ll need some upgrade like a double jump or something to reach them and I know once I get that ability I’ll spend an hour trying to find the damn chests again, annoyingly traversing large areas all over again.

Also wish there were more weapons available. I think a blaster for ranged combat and maybe a “heavy” weapon or “quick weapons” like nunchuck types would add more diversity to combat for different styles. Also more character customization. But so far so good, this will make for a great franchise.
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So, why are there no
in this game? They are native to Dathomir, and that is canon, even in the Disney era. Seems like a missed opportunity.
Finally just wrapped it up. Origin says I played 38 hours but that’s a little inflated by idle times as I left the game paused to watch some football or eat a meal here and there during my play sessions.

I grew to love it more and more as I went. Other than weird micro-stutters that seem to be hard drive streaming related despite running from an SSD on a mod-range PC, I really can’t complain about much. Fantastic level design, great progression, fantastic audio/visuals.

final score 9.1

I understand the dev said NG+ isn’t in because it would unbalance the game, but if someone already beat the game legit on a first playthrough why would it a matter if that person played again choosing to be overpowered at the start? I mean, again, they already played it as intended anyway, what’s the harm?

NG+ is always a good thing to me.

I hope this sells a shit-ton and we get a refocused shift to single player SW games.

well done, Respawn.


Started playing it today and I’m genuinely enjoying it now that I’ve unlocked most of the Force powers. Still, I have to get better at combat though. I love Star Wars but I don’t regularly play these types of games.

My main issue so far would be the platforming, more specifically the jumping and grabbing of the ledges. It’s very inconsistent at times and frustrating. Definitely needed more polish.

With that said, can’t wait to play more the coming week.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished it! 17 hours according to Origin. Definitely an enjoyable experience overall, especially once you get most of the Force powers, but definitely heavily marred by jank and a general lack of polish. With that said, they really nailed that class Star Wars feel and I've got to commend them for that. I would certainly love to see more games in this series.


This game has been such a fantastic surprise! Absolutely vaulting to my favorite title this year. Great puzzle/traversal elements, combat is actual combat and well done, a story that is well voiced and written and you dont need to play it for 3hrs before you start to enjoy it. Kudos to Reapawn and EA for finally getting a Star Wars game right.


have to say from the trailers this game didn't look great but after reading what people on here were saying about it I got it, it feels very Tomb Raider like which isn't a bad thing for me. I don't think I am to far from completing it now.

the worlds you visit are varied and lots to do in them I just wish the save points were fast travel points. just seems a chore at times to restart a world to get to the furthest point of the map again.

graphics were really good to and the combat seemed good with obvs stormtroopers rightly weak lol


Gold Member
i just finished it. i'm not sure what to think on the ending.
i like how Vader shows up. i was like shit now i gotta fight him? but it felt very Rogue One. loved that. however, we spend the game getting the holocron then Cal just destroys it? I know he says they should leave the destiny of the kids up to the force but wtf. Maybe they just wanted to get there first so the empire didn't get it.

What am i missing here? felt like a waste of time. I was enjoying the game right up to the last scene. urgh. oh well :)
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I hate seeing shit like this, puts me right off a game


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
i just finished it. i'm not sure what to think on the ending.
i like how Vader shows up. i was like shit now i gotta fight him? but it felt very Rogue One. loved that. however, we spend the game getting the holocron then Cal just destroys it? I know he says they should leave the destiny of the kids up to the force but wtf. Maybe they just wanted to get there first so the empire didn't get it.

What am i missing here? felt like a waste of time. I was enjoying the game right up to the last scene. urgh. oh well :)

keeping it out of the hands of the Empire was the biggest goal. I think when Cal saw the vision of what could (would?) happen if he tried to rebuild the Jedi order, he decided that he would just be endangering all of the kids by seeking them out and ultimately wanted to leave it up to fate. There's also the whole thing where they probably couldn't have considered this canon if he went out and secretly started up a new Jedi order all before Luke Skywalker's saga.


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order gets photo mode in new patch

  • BD-1’s ability to slice panels was sometimes not working as intended, preventing you from progressing. This has been fixed and should no longer occur.
  • A mural scan on Bogano wasn’t working properly, this should now be fixed.
  • The train on Bracca could get stuck in a state where grates would fall off too early, preventing progress. We’ve fixed this so that Cal can continue climbing.
  • On rare occasions Bounty Hunters would stop hunting Cal, we’ve now re-enabled their trackers, so be careful.
  • For some players, BD-1 had gotten left behind on Bogano, preventing further progression. This should now be fixed.
  • The chest count on some planets was not working as intended, this has been fixed.
  • On rare occasions Greeze would refuse to open the ship doors and expose Cal to the sunlight on Dathomir. We’ve fixed this so that the story can continue.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Holomap areas and gates from not working properly on Dathomir, Kashyyyk and Bogano.
  • An issue would sometimes occur that would cause the Holomap tutorial on Bogano to remain on-screen. This has been resolved and it should no longer occur.
  • An elevator on Zeffo could lead to Cal getting stuck in an infinite loop, our maintenance crews have fixed this particular elevator.
  • A dropship on Zeffo wasn’t showing up as intended, preventing the player from progressing further. We’ve ensured all landing zones are clear for arrival and this should no longer occur.
  • PC players were having issues selecting difficulty with the mouse, this should now be resolved.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where Cal could avoid enemies on Zeffo, to the extent that gameplay events wouldn’t trigger, halting progression to the story.
  • On rare occasions cinematics on Dathomir get stuck in an error state, preventing progress. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause world loading issues on Kashyyyk for players with double jump. We’ve optimised the level to ensure loading completes properly.
Collision fixes

  • Collision within the caves and temple on Zeffo have been improved, reducing clipping issues and lowering the possibility of Cal becoming stuck.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause Cal to become stuck in a floating state below the train on Bracca.
  • We identified a few areas on Kashyyyk where Cal could fall out of the world, this will no longer happen.
  • We’ve fixed some collision on Dathomir, preventing Cal from falling through the ground.
  • Collision on Illum has also been improved, making sure that Cal doesn’t become stuck.
  • During a fight with the Second Sister, it was possible for her to get stuck in a door. She has been freed.
  • Bogano has had its collision improved, preventing Cal from becoming stuck on world geometry.
  • In some rare cases, Cal was floating while on Kashyyyk. He has since been grounded.
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