You didn't see that coke nail?
Index finger rather than pinky is an odd choice, no? But yeah, still looks like a coke nail, haha.
You didn't see that coke nail?
Uh...Carrie Fisher is very public about the cocaine use on the Star Wars set by her and others. She has written about it in her autobiography.It's hard to tell if these coke stories are serious or not.
Mark Hamill's always been a pretty big nerd haha. But who knows?Nearly everyone in the Star Wars trilogy was doing cocaine. Bill Dee, Fisher, Ford, etc. Only one who seemed to steer clear of it was Mark Hamill.
In late November Lucasfilm posted a minute-and-a-half-long teaser trailer of the new movie on YouTube. It has since been viewed over 51 million times. The teaser shows a brief glimpse of the updated Falcon (along with a much debated, newly designed lightsaber), but our issue provides the first close-up shots.
Lucasfilm’s special effects division, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), worked with Fortune to create both the cover and opening photograph in the story, an inside look at the innovative technologies used across Disney’s diverse businesses and brands. The collaboration started with our photo shoot with CEO Iger earlier this month in New York. The photos were then turned over to ILM to, well, work their magic. Not surprisingly, the secretive division was mum about the exact process for creating the realistic shot of Iger standing right on set, casually leaning against a chunk of metal (the image seen in the opening pages of the story).
As for the cover shot, Yannick Dusseault, visual effects art director for The Force Awakens, and his team gave Fortune six options showing the Falcon in different ways. The resulting image required the custom rendering of ILM’s computer generated Falcon. According to ILM, the fabled ship was rendered in wireframe form (a skeletal version) as well as a more layered “textured render,” which were combined in Photoshop to create the final image.
I like it.
Anyone care to speculate on why the empire still exists?
New Tie fighter Concept Art
Anyone care to speculate on why the empire still exists?
"That's impossible! How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?"
"The Regional governors now have direct control over their territories."
I think this is the first time a piece of concept art from Episode VII reminds me more of the prequels than Ralph McQuarrie's old art. This TIE looks straight out of the Clone Wars.
New Tie fighter Concept Art
2 imperial guards at the ramp.
It's been pretty much answered, but has anyone given the official movie answer?
In a Galaxy spanning Empire, those territories are going to be huge, giving those Regional Governors a LOT of power. They aren't just going to give that up because the boss has died. More likely they're vying to be the next top dog.
Pretty much my guess. The Empire was held together more or less entirely by the will of the Emperor, but individual governors still had a lot of power. What happens when the Emperor died is probably what always happened when a first-generation emperor controlling vast swathes of territory dies without a clear successor; all his underlings start duking it out for the number 1 spot. Hell, it'd explain the new Stormtrooper designs as well.
That badly photoshopped picture of Luke in the post is nightmare inducing.
This is pretty cool.
Does Endor have a Winter season? Honestly it's something I've never thought about.
New Tie fighter Concept Art
It's likely a Tie Bomber.
The old ones had a side piece like that where the bombs were stored and dropped from.
Unless this is a Tie Fighter updated to have shields, life support and lightspeed.
It's likely a Tie Bomber.
The old ones had a side piece like that where the bombs were stored and dropped from.
Unless this is a Tie Fighter updated to have shields, life support and lightspeed.
My boys at Rebelscum have posted the figure listing.
Was I wrong in thinking filming wrapped?
Can't wait to see the Struzan poster, assuming the rumors of him doing it are true.
Star Wars 7 Darth Vader Voice Change Mask
So that artwork we saw of vaders burnt mask may be legit
It's likely a Tie Bomber.
The old ones had a side piece like that where the bombs were stored and dropped from.
Unless this is a Tie Fighter updated to have shields, life support and lightspeed.
They'll get him. I have a hard time believing Abrams is going as old-school as he can in as many ways as possible and he DOESN'T have Struzan doing the poster on the checklist.
That said - Phil Noto basically had a poster drafted and ready to go within the day the trailer dropped. If Struzan won't do it - get Noto.