Who's Gary Whitta?
Because the Cross guard of a real sword won't cut off the hands of the user. What do people think when i say "more dangerous to the user? He's going to hit his thigh with it?Not really. Real swords are very dangerous to the untrained I'd imagine even a "normal" lightsaber would be far more so. If we can accept Obi Wan handing Luke his father's lightsaber without worry, why can't we accept a cross-hilt lightsaber in the hands of a trained expert?
He's going to have plot shields around his forearms to keep his hands from being cut off by the cross guardI'd assume, for the sake of an interesting movie, that anyone who would build a crossguard into their lightsaber is skilled enough to not hurt themselves on it.
Actually it is more dangerous. Apparently you 3 and JJ are the only ones to think it an OK idea.Not anymore than a standard constant beam of hot cut through anything plasma energy sword.
Who's Gary Whitta?
Gary Whitta is no longer writing the spin-off. It appears that he has just written the first draft.
Who's Gary Whitta?
Way to speak for... everybody in the world except those three people you quoted. Seems legit.Because the Cross guard of a real sword won't cut off the hands of the user. What do people think when i say "more dangerous to the user? He's going to hit his thigh with it?
He's going to have plot shields around his forearms to keep his hands from being cut off by the cross guard
Actually it is more dangerous. Apparently you 3 and JJ are the only ones to think it an OK idea.
Actually it is more dangerous. Apparently you 3 and JJ are the only ones to think it an OK idea.
Because the Cross guard of a real sword won't cut off the hands of the user. What do people think when i say "more dangerous to the user? He's going to hit his thigh with it?
He's going to have plot shields around his forearms to keep his hands from being cut off by the cross guard
Actually it is more dangerous. Apparently you 3 and JJ are the only ones to think it an OK idea.
Dash Rendar never was in any canon media so he is not part of continuity.Stupid question probably, but is Dash Rendar still part of the official canon due to the Outrider appearing in SE of ANH or is he out of the continuity? Still hope to see that ship in a film one day, was my favorite toy back in the day.
Dash Rendar never was in any canon media so he is not part of continuity.
He's in the ship. You'll see.Dash Rendar never was in any canon media so he is not part of continuity.
There's a little too much weird 80's sci-fi in the expanded universe. Seems kinda un-Star Wars to me sometimes
Now if those early Marvel comics had become canon to the EU, then I'd agree with you...
heh - we talk a little about Jaxxon in this week's podcast, coincidentally.
With Shadows, it's not that it's just a bad book. It's that a lot of the sort of uniquely shitty aspects of 90s genre fiction/comics seem to have thoroughly stained that book. It's kinda like how people in the 90s didn't really stop to notice just how fucking stupid all those pouches and thigh-straps were on the X-Men while the 90s were going. The readers were all wearing hypercolor shirts, jorts, and fanny-packs themselves, yunno?
But then you get almost 20 years distance, and you look back and you're like "Man, what the fuck were they thinking writing a Star Wars book where a lizardy rapist sneaks a camera into Leia's changing room, screencapping footage for fap sessions with his sexdroid?"
That kinda thing. Along with the mediocre plotting and straight-up bad characterization of pretty much everyone in the book.
I've got bad news for you about fanny packs, they are in again, if not un-ironically.Maybe it's that the 2010s are a unique blip in human history where jorts and fanny packs are decried, a strange moment in human history, and soon we will come to appreciate things like Shadows of the Empire and hypercolor shorts once again?
Do yourself a favor and never re-read that novel. It aged so really really badly. Let it live in nostalgia. GAFs own Bobby Robberts podcast did a great episode about how badly Shadows of the Empire holds up.
heh - we talk a little about Jaxxon in this week's podcast, coincidentally.
With Shadows, it's not that it's just a bad book. It's that a lot of the sort of uniquely shitty aspects of 90s genre fiction/comics seem to have thoroughly stained that book. It's kinda like how people in the 90s didn't really stop to notice just how fucking stupid all those pouches and thigh-straps were on the X-Men while the 90s were going. The readers were all wearing hypercolor shirts, jorts, and fanny-packs themselves, yunno?
But then you get almost 20 years distance, and you look back and you're like "Man, what the fuck were they thinking writing a Star Wars book where a lizardy rapist sneaks a camera into Leia's changing room, screencapping footage for fap sessions with his sexdroid?"
That kinda thing. Along with the mediocre plotting and straight-up bad characterization of pretty much everyone in the book.
Oh that reminds me of bucky o hare, yikes.
serious question, any idea about if Stormtroopers are going to be more accurate in the film? i just think clumsy, bad shot Stormtroopers would be sort of out of place on screen at this point.
serious question, any idea about if Stormtroopers are going to be more accurate in the film? i just think clumsy, bad shot Stormtroopers would be sort of out of place on screen at this point.
I hope so, they should be badass and menacing. I dont want the joke we have in the OT
Colbert pretty much shut everyone up on that front.
loved the N64 game, although it wasnt really good either.
I played it again recently, and it holds up okay. Better than some games from the era. It wasn't and isn't spectacular. But pretty solid and fun imo. The first level is a highlight, but the Fett fight and final space fight were also fun and memorable for me, even a couple of the other stages were crap.I always felt like they put almost all their effort into the game into the first part on Hoth where you're taking down the AT-ATs. And it shows, it was and maybe still is the best video game representation of that particular part of ESB (which is actually saying something, it's probably one of the most reproduced parts of the trilogy in games). But from there it was all downhill.
The poor marksmanship were the Stormtroopers secretly rebelling against the Empire. They're in a position were they can't outright disobey orders, but they can secretly rebel by not hitting anything.
Because the Cross guard of a real sword won't cut off the hands of the user. What do people think when i say "more dangerous to the user? He's going to hit his thigh with it?
He's going to have plot shields around his forearms to keep his hands from being cut off by the cross guard
Actually it is more dangerous. Apparently you 3 and JJ are the only ones to think it an OK idea.
I wonder if my earlier speculation about Kinberg carrying more weight at Lucasfilm was closer to the mark than I'd believed. I mean - probably not, but still - Weisman just quietly gets moved off of Rebels, and now Whitta gets taken off the spinoff, and in both cases, Kinberg seems to be the guy doing the pushing.
edit: also, if the film IS a movie about the heisting of the Death Star plans - I'm wondering if Kinberg's rewrite is intended to actually either bring it in line, or allow for it to be linked to Rebels somehow, considering speculation about that show is that the crew of the Ghost will eventually be involved with that mission near the end of its run.
but what about all the bothans who died to get them the information
but what about all the bothans who died to get them the information
Huh? I assure, most people actually don't care. In this fantasy world, it is no more dangerous than traditional laser beam super weapons these magic-men use.
Talked about that on this week's Full of Sith, actually - she just said Bothans died. She didn't say how they died.
It's possible Bothans just got aced running interference for whoever it was that actually jacked the info. it doesn't mean Bothans themselves were the only group involved in the heist.
what a great podcast name. share a link?
If Kinberg is the reason Rebels feels like the OT without pretending the PT doesn't exist, then I think it's in good hands.