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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


but what about all the bothans who died to get them the information

as others have pointed out, bothans stole the plans for the second death star. if this is linked to rebels, it would be about the plans for the first one. and there is no canon source for that. non-canon it would be kyle katarn, who stole them in the awesome Dark Forces first person shooter.

but even if it was a movie about the plans of the second death star, they could make a movie about dying bothans, why not.
Talked about that on this week's Full of Sith, actually - she just said Bothans died. She didn't say how they died.

It's possible Bothans just got aced running interference for whoever it was that actually jacked the info. it doesn't mean Bothans themselves were the only group involved in the heist.

Not to reference Shadows of the Empire again, but if I recall, it's Dash Rendar who supplies the Bothans with the plans. The Bothans then get obliterated by Xizor's space ship or something.
Hey that reminds me. What Bothans are is up in the air now, because the EU is gone right? That could be potentially interesting.

Originally I imagined Bothans were just humans from a planet called Both or something along those lines, and that's why Mon Mothma looked upset, cause she was from that planet.


I was pretty disappointed when I encountered them in the Zahn novels, but I guess I really dont like furry people


That'd be a nice direction to go. The EU had them as prissy, doublecrossing cat-people, right?


I feel like even post-Legends, the EU is adhering to more than it is reinventing thus far... really wonder if we'd see a redesign of the bothans or if they'd stick to that look.


Bothans dying was in relation to the Death Star II plans. Not Death Star "I", which is what apparently the spin-offs plot. As far as we know Bothans had nothing to do with Death Star I's plans.


Bobby Roberts podcast is great. Everyone should listen to it. I was listening to it for a while before I realized Bobby on full of sith was GAFs. It blew my mind. Then months later I found an X-Men podcast and Bobby was there too! Small world.
Will we see Ashoka or JarJar Binks in upcoming movies? The last two seasons of Clone Wars series made me actually like them.

In other less active thread, I (jestingly) posited whether JarJar is the "chosen one" as his actions were central to finding Anakin and Palpatine becoming Senator, events central to bringing balance to the force.

His bumbling and stumbling across battlefields leaves corpses of droids and tanks everywhere. This has to be the force working thru him.

What if we saw the veil lift, and behind it was a Master Jedi who used this act as a foil? He'd be like the Palpatine of the Jedi, hiding in plain site. Could you forgive him?

What if the Death Star really blew up because he was onboard and tripped into the self destruct button?
I'd like for him to have a split second lapse with this village idiot facade and say some cold blooded shit and then trip into a cartwheel of Tasmanian devil death dealing. That would be the biggest surprise in the story ever.


If there had to be a Gungan character around in TPM, it should have been Tarpals. Then we could have had a slightly naive but ultimately competent alien hanging around who also knew how to fight. Jar Jar could just be his stupid son who appears in the background in one or two scenes.

Too bad Grievous killed him.

Ultimately, does anyone think that Disney will try and distance itself from anything prequel related? The prequels should be to the Star Wars universe what Chris Benoit is to the WWE. For me, the bad acting -- particularly Attack of the Clones, is hard to reconcile with the OT. I know that Disney is all about money, but do you think they might want to inoculate the entire franchise from the prequels on an artistic level, or would the fact that it was profitable make Disney feel like they have an investment in it? I know a number of celebrity fans have deliberately blocked the prequels from their memory. But it's hard to tell if the backlash is widespread or just concentrated into a small, but vocal minority.
Ultimately, does anyone think that Disney will try and distance itself from anything prequel related? The prequels should be to the Star Wars universe what Chris Benoit is to the WWE.

In the mainline movies? Kinda sorta, but not really. There's gonna be visual nods here and there to Prequel stuff in this movie (we already know there's Pods and stuff in the background of a couple shots, at least) I don't think they're gonna go out of their way to namedrop Prequel characters or anything, but the movies happened, so if there's a safe way to use that shit as a means to help the worldbuilding in the background, they probably will. But that's probably as far as it'll go.

Over on Rebels they're pretty consistently working in Prequel-era stuff. That show is essentially the bridge between Prequels & Original Trilogy in and of itself, which makes sense as the showrunner over there (Dave Filoni) ran Clone Wars for 6 years.

But you can tell just from what little marketing we've gotten that Lucasfilm is definitely trying to make a sequel to Return of the Jedi, and that means trying to evoke the Original Trilogy. Prequel Trilogy just doesn't have much room for representation, there. Probably shouldn't, either - by the time this movie starts, that era is gonna be close to 80 years in the past.


Ultimately, does anyone think that Disney will try and distance itself from anything prequel related? The prequels should be to the Star Wars universe what Chris Benoit is to the WWE. For me, the bad acting -- particularly Attack of the Clones, is hard to reconcile with the OT. I know that Disney is all about money, but do you think they might want to inoculate the entire franchise from the prequels on an artistic level, or would the fact that it was profitable make Disney feel like they have an investment in it? I know a number of celebrity fans have deliberately blocked the prequels from their memory. But it's hard to tell if the backlash is widespread or just concentrated into a small, but vocal minority.

honestly--and i know it's a very unpopular opinion--i'd be pissed if they completely whitewash the prequels from these movies. despite their problems they established and expanded a lot of the mythos that never existed before them (we didn't know what a Sith was, for example)... and end of the day, it's still lucas' story, the new movies still work from his general outline. truncating a huge part of the lore would just be tacky imo


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I definitely think they will focus on OT elements to the detriment of PT elements. I think they'll make little connections to the clone wars and such, but I don't think they'll be actively promoting that section of the timeline as much going forward.

Obviously the prequels will remain a part of the saga and will be included in any context where the Star Wars complete series is referenced. It's not getting dropped, ever.

It may be prudent to cash in on a certain generation's nostalgia for the prequels and clone wars TV show someday.... But for the next ten years I think it will be a focus on 3 parts future trilogy and 1 part original trilogy nostalgia to restore the brand to what it once was.
I've sort of been of the mind that they should try rebooting the prequels as seasons. You could keep the main framework, You wouldn't have Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen's horrible acting, they could actually do a Anikan/Padme romance right, pacing their relationship properly over a 60+ episode run, you could incorperate characters like Asajj Ventress and Ahsoka Tano into the stories, the way that Netherealm did with Quan Chi in the Mortal Kombat reboot.

-- You could shake up the narrative formula by giving epilogues to each of the original films. For example, Season One: The Phantom Menace, wouldn't have to necessarily end with the celebration of Naboo. You could add some more arcs into the mix, have Anakin return to Tattooine to rescue his mother, incorperate Count Dooku, Establish a few arcs that lead into Season Two: Attack of the Clones, which again, wouldn't have to abide to Lucas' original screenplay. Have Padme and Anakin's romance develop more spontaneously, like Han and Leia. One potential that Lucas blew with the Jedis is that he didn't make a good enough argument of the Jedi having indirectly playing into their own demise. Anakin should have been more sympathetic. He should have had some kernal of wisdom to him that put him on a more moral high ground than the Jedi. I felt that the only grievous transgression of the Jedi Order in the prequels were that they were all absolute morons. It would have been more compelling if they had been more bureaucratic and erudite, so as to make Palpatine a more seemingly appealing alternative.

I recently started watching some of the Clone Wars. It's actually better than the prequels. I remember listening to the Sirius podcasts of Comic Cons, wondering how the production team and voice actors were upbeat in selling this dormant IP, given how piss awful and embarrassing the prequels were, but I guess maybe they saw some hidden potential in the show. It's almost like they felt obligated to redeem the franchise in some measure.

I ask to anyone here, how would you have redone the prequels? As movies, or an ongoing animated series done by the creators of Clone Wars/Rebels?


I've sort of been of the mind that they should try rebooting the prequels as seasons. You could keep the main framework, You wouldn't have Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen's horrible acting, they could actually do a Anikan/Padme romance right, pacing their relationship properly over a 60+ episode run, you could incorperate characters like Asajj Ventress and Ahsoka Tano into the stories, the way that Netherealm did with Quan Chi in the Mortal Kombat reboot.

-- You could shake up the narrative formula by giving epilogues to each of the original films. For example, Season One: The Phantom Menace, wouldn't have to necessarily end with the celebration of Naboo. You could add some more arcs into the mix, have Anakin return to Tattooine to rescue his mother, incorperate Count Dooku, Establish a few arcs that lead into Season Two: Attack of the Clones, which again, wouldn't have to abide to Lucas' original screenplay. Have Padme and Anakin's romance develop more spontaneously, like Han and Leia. One potential that Lucas blew with the Jedis is that he didn't make a good enough argument of the Jedi having indirectly playing into their own demise. Anakin should have been more sympathetic. He should have had some kernal of wisdom to him that put him on a more moral high ground than the Jedi. I felt that the only grievous transgression of the Jedi Order in the prequels were that they were all absolute morons. It would have been more compelling if they had been more bureaucratic and erudite, so as to make Palpatine a more seemingly appealing alternative.

I recently started watching some of the Clone Wars. It's actually better than the prequels. I remember listening to the Sirius podcasts of Comic Cons, wondering how the production team and voice actors were upbeat in selling this dormant IP, given how piss awful and embarrassing the prequels were, but I guess maybe they saw some hidden potential in the show. It's almost like they felt obligated to redeem the franchise in some measure.

I ask to anyone here, how would you have redone the prequels? As movies, or an ongoing animated series done by the creators of Clone Wars/Rebels?

Disney wants $$$ for international markets not to try and redeem ep 1-3.
honestly--and i know it's a very unpopular opinion--i'd be pissed if they completely whitewash the prequels from these movies. despite their problems they established and expanded a lot of the mythos that never existed before them (we didn't know what a Sith was, for example)... and end of the day, it's still lucas' story, the new movies still work from his general outline. truncating a huge part of the lore would just be tacky imo

Lucas destroyed the mythos with the prequels not expanded it. He set ridiculous precedents and put stupid ass rules and laws in place that became permanent in the history and lore of the series that forced everyone who ever wanted to contribute or add into SW to have to abide by and work around. Don't wanna sound like an EU fanboy but the writers and artists working in the EU have contributed more to SW post-RotJ than Lucas ever has. Sith, the Force, and the SW universe in general had been explained and handled much better and long before Phantom Menace poked it's little head out.

I'd been happily fine accepting EU as completely non-canon if the prequels were retconned as well. FUCK Lucas. >:|


I definitely think they will focus on OT elements to the detriment of PT elements. I think they'll make little connections to the clone wars and such, but I don't think they'll be actively promoting that section of the timeline as much going forward.

Obviously the prequels will remain a part of the saga and will be included in any context where the Star Wars complete series is referenced. It's not getting dropped, ever.

It may be prudent to cash in on a certain generation's nostalgia for the prequels and clone wars TV show someday.... But for the next ten years I think it will be a focus on 3 parts future trilogy and 1 part original trilogy nostalgia to restore the brand to what it once was.

I think part of the reason they kept Clone Wars as canon (I honestly doubt Lucas was as adamant about it as he was about the PT itself) is because they plan to use it and it's going to be their touchstone to that era more than the films. I expect that they'll take from OT, Clone Wars, then the PT in that order. At least for the near future.

In 10 years? I bet we'll be getting a bunch of jar jar crap. Believe it or not, the kids who grew up with the PT as their only/primary introduction to Star Wars will eat it right the fuck up.
I think part of the reason they kept Clone Wars as canon (I honestly doubt Lucas was as adamant about it as he was about the PT itself) is because they plan to use it and it's going to be their touchstone to that era more than the films. I expect that they'll take from OT, Clone Wars, then the PT in that order. At least for the near future.

In 10 years? I bet we'll be getting a bunch of jar jar crap. Believe it or not, the kids who grew up with the PT as their only/primary introduction to Star Wars will eat it right the fuck up.

You mean like we're all right now dying for a new Ewok movie? Oh wait...we aren't...

Jar Jar is never going to come back in a big way (or likely even small way)


You mean like we're all right now dying for a new Ewok movie? Oh wait...we aren't...

Jar Jar is never going to come back in a big way (or likely even small way)

Eh. If they hadn't already made awful Ewok stuff (other than when they were in Return of the Jedi that is), we might be getting just that.
In the mainline movies? Kinda sorta, but not really. There's gonna be visual nods here and there to Prequel stuff in this movie (we already know there's Pods and stuff in the background of a couple shots, at least) I don't think they're gonna go out of their way to namedrop Prequel characters or anything, but the movies happened, so if there's a safe way to use that shit as a means to help the worldbuilding in the background, they probably will. But that's probably as far as it'll go.

Over on Rebels they're pretty consistently working in Prequel-era stuff. That show is essentially the bridge between Prequels & Original Trilogy in and of itself, which makes sense as the showrunner over there (Dave Filoni) ran Clone Wars for 6 years.

But you can tell just from what little marketing we've gotten that Lucasfilm is definitely trying to make a sequel to Return of the Jedi, and that means trying to evoke the Original Trilogy. Prequel Trilogy just doesn't have much room for representation, there. Probably shouldn't, either - by the time this movie starts, that era is gonna be close to 80 years in the past.

I gotta agree with Booble here. It would be weird to completely ignore the prequels. I think people blur the lines between what actually was presented in the OT and what was a prequel thing quite often.

It would be a mistake to do what the prequels did and check up on every character from the OT and PT in TFA bit they can't just ignore the prequels and I don't think they would be better off if they did. There's things added in the prequels that we just consider part of Star Wars now and they didn't exist in the OT or weren't fleshed out.
The problem is that the prequels added nothing that the backstory in the OT didnt. In fact, I think there'd be more goodwill to episode 7 had the prequels had never been done. i just can't see how Jar Jar will mesh well in the new trilogy if Abrams is in fact going to make good on his intentions of keeping TFA old school.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I think part of the reason they kept Clone Wars as canon (I honestly doubt Lucas was as adamant about it as he was about the PT itself) is because they plan to use it and it's going to be their touchstone to that era more than the films. I expect that they'll take from OT, Clone Wars, then the PT in that order. At least for the near future.

I find myself swayed by your point. I can see Disney really not wanting to de-canonize the current kid-friendly TV show, the most active part of the 4 billion property they were buying. It would be silly business-wise to do so, actually..... especially circa 2012/2013 when it was the current face of modern Star Wars.

I don't know if that means they have immediate plans to cash in on that... but you certainly don't strike it from existence, like you are free to do so with culturally irrelevant books and games from the 90s.

In 10 years? I bet we'll be getting a bunch of jar jar crap. Believe it or not, the kids who grew up with the PT as their only/primary introduction to Star Wars will eat it right the fuck up.

This is where I divert from you... I don't think the Prequel generation likes Jar Jar either! (or all aspects of the prequels... and yes, I know Jar Jar was just your example there)

Anakin and young Obi? Yes. Asoka and the Clone Wars? Sure. Some elements are certainly the Star Wars for a current generation.

But even kids didn't love Jar Jar and a lot of the iffy prequel stuff that the older fans complain about. For all the "kids love the prequels and it's the same as the OT was for 80s kids" talk I've heard, I don't think it's actually true. Jar Jar didn't register as a favorite in the kids' zeitgeist at all. Having a Barney-like character in Star Wars was an experiment that really didn't work.... while it may have snagged a bunch of early childhood viewers, those viewers would come to hate those elements after the age of 10.

And let's reflect that we already had a generation of young kids grow up on the prequels, and they're now in their 20s. Not a whole lot of un-critical fondness there, really! Actually, they usually tend to come around to the views of the older Star Wars fans.

I think the prequels can be tapped as a minor vein of nostalgia someday. But I don't think there is this coming junior wave of super-love for everything prequel. The first generation who grew up on that is already here with us on GAF right now and they're not sucking at Jar Jar's teat (yes that image is in your mind now).

On the contrary... I think Disney sees that Star Wars can be a stronger brand by restoring it back to the elements that represented it in the 70s-80s... Those who love the prequels love the Jedi aspect the most, and that is fully present in a future trilogy era that stays close to the OT cloth.

Even aside from marketing-based decisions (which I don't think favor the prequels as much as you'd say), I think the ideology of all the people within Disney and without are mandating a return to what Star Wars was. That will be the way forward for the brand from now on... and that kind of approach will probably catch all of those who were introduced through the prequels anyway.


This is where I divert from you... I don't think the Prequel generation likes Jar Jar either! (or all aspects of the prequels... and yes, I know Jar Jar was just your example there)

Well, my anecdata disagrees with this, but I don't really want to get into an anecdata battle so I'll leave it at that. There is, though, more than one age group that grew up with the PT. I don't think all of them will feel nostalgia for Jar Jar, but I do think some will.
Boco, do you think in this age of reboots, such as Mortal Kombat 9, Superman Returns, and X-Men: Days of Future Past, we might one day see a re-imagined retelling of the prequels in some manner or the other? I just don't see the marketability of the prequels going forward. Not if you're trying to raise the prestige of an entire franchise. I personally, never cared for Mortal Kombat series, but I really liked what Netherealm did in reinvigorating its faltering license with a story that returned to its roots, jettisoned the crap, and highlighted what worked -- both story and gameplay. Lucas is a talented world builder, but not much of a director. The Clone Wars is decent, despite the prequel aesthetic. You think on day Disney might entertain that possiblity once Lucas passes on? And to what were the stipulations made by Lucas to Disney concerning the prequels? Did they have to treat them as sacred to be respected going forward? Is he really proud of the prequels, or is he being stubborn and obstinate?

I know that Spielberg today acknowledges his failures of the past, but is that because he has a reasonable track record when it comes to his more artistic endeavors? He seems more candid and practical about it, knowing that the criticism is there. With Lucas, it's like that pink elephant in the room. I saw a recent interview he had with Charlie Rose, and the prequels were never brought up. Lucas can't be that dense to know how polarizing those films were.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Well, my anecdata disagrees with this, but I don't really want to get into an anecdata battle so I'll leave it at that. There is, though, more than one age group that grew up with the PT. I don't think all of them will feel nostalgia for Jar Jar, but I do think some will.

I think there should be formal polling done! haha

Boco, do you think in this age of reboots, such as Mortal Kombat 9, Superman Returns, and X-Men: Days of Future Past, we might one day see a re-imagined retelling of the prequels in some manner or the other? I just don't see the marketability of the prequels going forward. Not if you're trying to raise the prestige of an entire franchise. I personally, never cared for Mortal Kombat series, but I really liked what Netherealm did in reinvigorating its faltering license with a story that returned to its roots, jettisoned the crap, and highlighted what worked -- both story and gameplay. Lucas is a talented world builder, but not much of a director. The Clone Wars is decent, despite the prequel aesthetic. You think on day Disney might entertain that possiblity once Lucas passes on? And to what were the stipulations made by Lucas to Disney concerning the prequels? Did they have to treat them as sacred to be respected going forward? Is he really proud of the prequels, or is he being stubborn and obstinate?

I know that Spielberg today acknowledges his failures of the past, but is that because he has a reasonable track record when it comes to his more artistic endeavors? He seems more candid and practical about it, knowing that the criticism is there. With Lucas, it's like that pink elephant in the room. I saw a recent interview he had with Charlie Rose, and the prequels were never brought up. Lucas can't be that dense to know how polarizing those films were.

I absolutely see remakes as a possibility some day. Scratch that.. it's an inevitability now that Star Wars rests in the hands of a publicly traded company. It's just a matter of how far down the timeline (10 years? 20? 30?)

But I personally don't see a business or creative decision that sees them wanting to remake the prequels in particular. I can definitely see them making a new vision of Star Wars altogether that goes in completely new directions. I could see them remaking the OT... and then getting around to the PT in due time.

But I don't see them desiring to make Prequel remakes for any mandate to "fix the mistake", which I why I think you float the idea. I don't think the prequels are a huge blemish on the legacy of the brand in functional terms... and if it were considered a regrettable mistake by bigwigs at Disney? All the more reason to move on and pretend like they don't exist. They wouldn't desire to dig their heels in on that era again.
I absolutely see remakes as a possibility some day. Scratch that.. it's an inevitability now that Star Wars rests in the hands of a publicly traded company. It's just a matter of how far down the timeline (10 years? 20? 30?)

But I personally don't see a business or creative decision that sees them wanting to remake the prequels in particular. I can definitely see them making a new vision of Star Wars altogether that goes in completely new directions. I could see them remaking the OT... and then getting around to the PT in due time.

But I don't see them desiring to make Prequel remakes for any mandate to "fix the mistake", which I why I think you float the idea. I don't think the prequels are a huge blemish on the legacy of the brand in functional terms... and if it were considered a regrettable mistake by bigwigs at Disney? All the more reason to move on and pretend like they don't exist. They wouldn't desire to dig their heels in on that era again.

If these new films end up adopting the more old school approach going forward of hammering out decent screenplays and performances, it's really going to make the prequels stand out even more. It would be like the Joel Schumacher Batman films compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The home video merchandising of the prequels are going to be a hard sell, especially if they end up having to shoehorn them into a boxed set in order for consumers to be able to get the despecialized editions of the original trilogy.I'm aware that Fox holds the distribution rights of the original Star Wars film, but a part of me can't help but feel that a deal with somehow be made by the time episode 7 drops.


George Lucas said in USA Today just yesterday his intention was to do The Force Awakens and sell Lucasfilm AFTER that but Disney came along earlier and so he sold the company earlier than planned.


The intention was Episode VII to be done under Lucas. Very interesting.I have to admit I am sad in a way because its clear by George Lucas's initial timeline we'd have finished out all 8 seasons of The Clone Wars in this scenario. Although who knows how Episode VII would have been with Lucas still running the show, the film would likely have been very different and I assume the hype wouldn't be there to the degree it is now due to mistrust of Lucas after the underwhelming prequels.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The intention was Episode VII to be done under Lucas.

Thank god that never happened. His story ideas are always good but the man simply cannot write or direct anymore, he stopped caring about the craft 30 years ago.

The best thing about the future of Star Wars is that the guys in the chair are going to be more concerned with making a good movie than selling merchandise.


The best thing about the future of Star Wars is that the guys in the chair are going to be more concerned with making a good movie than selling merchandise.

I think the movie has a much better chance at being great under the leadership currently at Lucasfilm but I wouldn't assume this. Merchandise and toys is still the core of how Lucasfilm makes its money and will make its money for Disney and thus will always be very very significant in any decision making that is done.


Thank god that never happened. His story ideas are always good but the man simply cannot write or direct anymore, he stopped caring about the craft 30 years ago.

The best thing about the future of Star Wars is that the guys in the chair are going to be more concerned with making a good movie than selling merchandise.
And they probably won't be in a chair 90% of the time.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I find the idea of Lucas creating the first of the sequel trilogy intreguing. But ultimately we are probably better off with the Un-Lucas Disney commitee striking an entirely new note for the series.
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