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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Did they mention shooting them down? I can't remember. Maybe they captured the other ones. Vader was pretty insistent on questioning everyone.

I was always under the impression that particular imperial officer was a guy who followed all orders given to him as literally as possible. Afraid to piss off Vader, who is known to kill imperial officers, he was following an order along the lines of "Tractor beam in anyone who tries to escape in a pod." There weren't any life signs, so he didn't bring it in.

There's also a possibility that lots of escape pods were launched as an Imperial does say, "There goes another one!" They might have limited tractor beams so they need to make sure they only lock on to ones with life signs. That might even be a standard operation - fire all the escape pods to create a bunch of clutter so some make it through.

That being said, there is a later line where an officer tells Vader that an escape pod was jettisoned; he seemed to be implying that only one was fired which contradicts the earlier, "There goes another one." Hard to say really.
Do star destroyers even have tractor beams? I thought the blockade runner's reactor was damaged and that's what allowed the imperials to catch up and board.
The "hold your fire" line implies the orders were to destroy the others. Which doesn't really make sense.

Should have been tractor beams for everything, period.

To make it a little more reasonable, Lucas probably could have moved the Leia recording scene up to almost the very start of the movie, and had the escape pod jettison while the corvette was still on the run, exchanging shots with the Star Destroyer. A bit easier that way to justify something slipping through the cracks in the confusion.

Yeah, this could work, but you either have to establish that the Star Destroyer is ignoring the pods (plot hole remains), the pods aren't being detected (difficult to establish quickly) or that it got some but not ours which is an even worse situation. Either way, cutting it that way would destroy the quick pacing of the Imperial attack, reducing the perceived threat. A better alternative would be to have the pod scene before they're intercepted but now you've destroyed one of the most iconic opening shots in cinema.

Sometimes making a good film means writing a bad plot unfortunately.


Sorry dude, not canon.

edit: Dammit, sorry for the dp
edit: I guess my thing with the droids is they're portrayal is a bit like runaway slaves in 19th century America and the film reinforces this tremendously until they get on board the millenium falcon at which point nobody ever considers droids to be enslaved or oppressed in any fashion ever again for the rest of the franchise. That's a bit weird too to be honest, especially when you consider Threepio was built by a slave to make his slave mother's life easier. The slave of a slave and he gets no justice in six films. Someone erases his entire past at one point too, on a whim. Mind you, I always knew Jimmy Smits was a bastard. Alan Alda for life. I suppose he is declared a god at one point, but by Ewoks so it's not that good.

BAIL ORGANA: I'm placing these droids in your care. Treat them well. Clean them up. Have the Protocol Droid's mind wiped.

I always thought that was kind of heartless...pretty much the equivalent of droid murder.


I thought that Legends stuff was still canon unless contradicted by newer material?

It's the opposite, it doesn't exist but the writers are free to pick and choose what elements they want to recanonize in the new continuity.

For example, if they decided to mention Revan in something, that would make the existence of a character called "Revan" canonical, but not KOTOR.
Like I said. We dont have any canon informations regarding this anymore.

Aye don't worry about it mate. I just experienced the sweetest schadenfreude when the EU was wiped out and I'm still not fully over it. Hence screaming 'not canon' anytime it's mentioned is still absolutely hilarious to me.

It's extremely juvenile but then not so was the EU.

nitpicking every single scene of A New Hope of course.

nerd voice: "I think you'll find the subtitle A New Hope was not added until the 1981 re-release. The film in question is simply called Star Wars, ahem."

Well this sort of got lost in the shuffle. We could talk about what horrible news this is. I already had zero expectations though so who cares really.

Just get Edgar Wright to direct a Pegg/Frost comedy. Written by Wright, Pegg and Joe Cornish. Or let Cornish direct, I'll take Attack the Block over Godzilla any day.

edit: Seriously, how many people had this exact thought when they heard about the spin-offs anyway. I don't want a Boba Fett movie, I didn't want him in Jedi. I already have three Han Solo movies and I'm getting another one soon anyway. And please would you for the love of all that is holy leave poor Yoda alone. No muppet deserves such treatment. Not even Gonzo, that demented little chicken fucker.
The thread needs a fresh leak.
Oh, I can help with that.

So, I'm friends with a guy who's friend's wife's step-brother is working on the film in post. Supposedly there is a moment in the film towards the end where Luke and Leia are reunited. They share an extremely hot and passionate kiss again and they basically retcon the whole brother/sister thing out of existence. Leia and Han are also divorced. This is supposedly how they're going to acknowledge the fact that they kissed in earlier movies, since it's supposedly a big sticking point for J.J. Abrhams. Supposedly Chewie does something really funny in this scene but I'm not sure what.

That's all I know. I don't want to get this person in trouble.



A Star Wars OT probably would be a pretty good thing to allow this thread just to be for new spoilers. I nominate BobbyRoberts to make it even if he doesn't want to! He was a mod at StarWars.com that pretty much makes him as official as it gets ;)
Oh, I can help with that.

So, I'm friends with a guy who's friend's wife's step-brother is working on the film in post. Supposedly there is a moment in the film towards the end where Luke and Leia are reunited. They share an extremely hot and passionate kiss again and they basically retcon the whole brother/sister thing out of existence. Leia and Han are also divorced. This is supposedly how they're going to acknowledge the fact that they kissed in earlier movies, since it's supposedly a big sticking point for J.J. Abrhams. Supposedly Chewie does something really funny in this scene but I'm not sure what.

That's all I know. I don't want to get this person in trouble.


You have friend twice in the chain and too close together. Should have gone with "my friend's wife's step-brother's..." Better rhythm to it. Otherwise not bad.
Oh, I can help with that.

So, I'm friends with a guy who's friend's wife's step-brother is working on the film in post. Supposedly there is a moment in the film towards the end where Luke and Leia are reunited. They share an extremely hot and passionate kiss again and they basically retcon the whole brother/sister thing out of existence. Leia and Han are also divorced. This is supposedly how they're going to acknowledge the fact that they kissed in earlier movies, since it's supposedly a big sticking point for J.J. Abrhams. Supposedly Chewie does something really funny in this scene but I'm not sure what.

That's all I know. I don't want to get this person in trouble.




Yeah, a bunch of mini-Star Wars official topics makes no sense. We need one full on full community thread. There is clearly enough to discuss that is going on in the franchise for one.
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