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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


So they cast Harrison Ford as young Han Solo? Bold choice but I like it.

They'll CLU him up.


Good lord this movie aged worse than I could've thought.


Guys, trustworthy or not, I need this to be real. Fassbender as Boba is like the best idea Disney has had yet if true.


Well we do have a longstanding rumor about them wanting to make Boba Fett into a "man with no name" type of character where the person under the mask possibly killed Boba and took the armor.

They are in a good position to do this since Boba wears armor at all times post-clone wars.

Course there are some details that make this harder since Lucas altered Boba's voice during a recent re-release.




They'll CLU him up.


Good lord this movie aged worse than I could've thought.

I dunno, I thought the CGI in that movie was pretty good for the most part.

But then again, I'm not the type to nitpick tiny details just to try to ruin the movie for everyone that enjoys it.
I thought this was just GAF/Reddit speculation?

That speculation didn't come from GAF or Reddit. However, it hasn't been even remotely supported by anything solid since it first hit last year.

But then again, I'm not the type to nitpick tiny details just to try to ruin the movie for everyone that enjoys it.

What's happening in that gif isn't a "tiny detail," and criticizing it isn't nitpicking. That shit looks fucking awful.


That's Temuera Morrison's voice right? Makes sense as he was an unaltered clone of his dad. Why couldn't they just have him play Boba?

Accents aren't genetic (and accents from childhood that aren't reinforced tend to diminish). Also voice can be pretty heavily affected by other environmental factors. Yet another stupid pointless change.

He didn't even have an accent in Clone Wars.


why does everyone think this needs a young han solo?
it reads more like it will take place at the same time as the sequels or at least not too long before them. definitely after episode 6.

maybey the changed the old plans because harrison ford accepted.
People still don't have a really solid idea what the story of this movie even IS, really. We're just all kinda rolling with the idea it's some sort of heist film, centered on bounty hunters. But nothing's really been said one way or the other to make that solid-ish.

All we really know is that Tatiana Maslany is the lead, Gareth Edwards is directing, and Whitta got bounced, Kinberg is overseeing, and Chris Weitz is taking over writing.


I thought this was just GAF/Reddit speculation?

It comes from Latino Review from Jan 2014... I think that's the earliest mention

Strap in, a lot of you aren't going to like this.

To counter-act the prequels, the Boba Fett spin-off movie planned for 2018 has an interesting twist pitched by Episode VII writer Lawrence Kasdan: the spin-off will start with a complete stranger killing Boba Fett and taking his armor, starting a Man-With-No-Name bounty hunter tale. So: someone kills the Boba Fett from the prequels and takes his armor and name. One this is for certain is that Kasdan didn't like the prequel and wants no Bobba Fett Clone in the spin-off film.

Sounds a lot like a Western and it sounds like it could restore a fan-favorite character that was totally a little boy with thousands of versions of his father running around. Or it could just be a lot of stupid rib-elbowing about this stranger doomed to fall into a Sarlaac pit in the most anti-climactic franchise exit ever.

Lastly I was told by 3 sources, reps etc, etc...(so call who ever you want) that Captain America director Joe Johnston is on top of the list to direct the spin-off, which makes sort of sense since he began his career as a concept artist and effects technician on the first Star Wars film. REMEMBER NOW before you all go and say he's directing the project, I never said he has the job, just that he's on top of the list, let's get that perfectly clear.

The eyes seem like the biggest giveaway in this gif, but this is still a lot better than the CG Dain Ironfoot II in BOTFA, a movie that came out 5 years after.

What makes CLU so egregious is how much he was on screen.

Five Armies needed more CG if you ask me. By my count they were at least one army short.
I'd rather they just leave Boba Fett alone. Young Han Solo too, that's just a horrible idea. I'm sure Episode VII will have enough fan service to satisfy even the most die hard nut, let's just move forward after that.


I'm sure Disney will be trying to get the non altered versions out there around the time of VIIs release meaning that the utterly stupid Boba voice retcon will be gone for good (which didn't make sense anyway)

I'm cool with the "man with no name" idea anyway. Gives them a clean slate.


I'm sure Disney will be trying to get the non altered versions out there around the time of VIIs release meaning that the utterly stupid Boba voice retcon will be gone for good (which didn't make sense anyway)

I'm cool with the "man with no name" idea anyway. Gives them a clean slate.

Pablo Hidalgo from the story group stated on Facebook a little while ago that the Lucas editions of the films are the canonical versions, the theatrical cuts are "Legends", like the old novels and comics and the like. They will likely be re-released but they are not considered part of canon. Just like how the old novels and comics are getting re-released but as Legends. Making Star Wars has even said that the digital releases they hear that are likely to come later this year will be the newer edits not the theatrical editions after all.


Pablo Hidalgo from the story group stated on Facebook a little while ago that the Lucas editions of the films are the canonical versions, the theatrical cuts are "Legends", like the old novels and comics and the like. They will likely be re-released but they are not considered part of canon. Just like how the old novels and comics are getting re-released but as Legends. Making Star Wars has even said that the digital releases they hear that are likely to come later this year will be the newer edits not the theatrical editions after all.

They will say that until the unfucked with versions are announced. Once they are we'll see. Its pretty clear which versions someone like Abrams would be taking as canon.


They will say that until the unfucked with versions are announced. Once they are we'll see. Its pretty clear which versions someone like Abrams would be taking as canon.

Abrams doesn't decide the canon. The story group does. Abrams likely barely acknowledges the prequels even existing and never seen the Clone Wars. But they are 100% canon. And one of the leaders of the story group mocked people who trashed the prequels online just a few months ago for example. What Abrams acknowledges has little baring on what is kept in canon.

On another note. Hutts are in the movie and built practically Return of the Jedi style.
I heard this same information very recently from someone I really respect. That person had it confirmed from someone reputable. But there is a little more to the story. I was told four to five Hutts were constructed using the same techniques from Return of the Jedi. The puppets appear in the same shot and it was insanely difficult to do.
And one of the leaders of the story group mocked people who trashed the prequels online just a few months ago for example.

Got a link to this?

And do these people have final cut on the new movie? What's to stop J.J. from putting in a line or scene that contradicts something that happened in the prequels?


practically built hutts would be huge for me... i hope it's true.

cgi will never reach the brilliance of these well-built costumes and puppets.

they are just a marvel to look at. decades from now we'll still be looking at the various creatures in films like The Thing or the Star Wars original trilogy with awe, and even the best CGI will be a throwaway in comparison.

Not to diminish what CGI artists do... but that's just how it is.

I'd like to see more films go the Wild Things route... that mix practical with digital in a way that gets great results

Pablo Hidalgo from the story group stated on Facebook a little while ago that the Lucas editions of the films are the canonical versions, the theatrical cuts are "Legends", like the old novels and comics and the like. They will likely be re-released but they are not considered part of canon. Just like how the old novels and comics are getting re-released but as Legends. Making Star Wars has even said that the digital releases they hear that are likely to come later this year will be the newer edits not the theatrical editions after all.

They should totally do like a spinoff movie about time travel and how it causes various discrepancies in the timeline, thus explaining the originals and the revised versions have so many differences.
The original architect of Cloud City was murdered by a time traveling Boba Fett, and the new architect picked up where he left off, but said, "This place needs some damn windows!"
What about the decision to throw away Lucas' treatment, fire the screenwriter and go with a script by J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan? Who made that?


Got a link to this?

And do these people have final cut on the new movie? What's to stop J.J. from putting in a line or scene that contradicts something that happened in the prequels?

Can't find the original but a guy on Reddit compiled Pablo Hidalgo (one of the big wigs who lead the story group)'s Facebook posts from his argument he had just yesterday luckily.

The discussion started with someone mentioning doing a Boba film without him being the New Zealand Jango Fett clone from the prequels/special editions:

"Spoiler: Boba is a clone of Jango Fett. It turns up in one of the movies."

"There was this whole thing where he was a legitimate character with a developed back story and complex motivation that showed up on this show called Clone Wars. It was pretty neat. The guy who invented the character came up with it, which was a nice touch. I think it's on Netflix."

"Also - get this - there's a version of The Empire Strikes Back ("Episode V" some call it) where they went to the trouble to make Boba Fett's voice the same voice as the character who played his father. That was one of several clues woven into the movies that strongly suggest the movies released from 1999-2005 take place in the same universe, and if you think about it, are sort of the same story as the ones that came out earlier. It's pretty crazy. They're connected. Anyway, this version of it can be found on DVD and Blu-ray where such things are sold."

"Anyway, these sorts of clues are hidden all throughout the movies. The opening crawls are actually numbers if you look at it (I = 1, II= 2/... V = 5, VI = 6). if you look at it the right way, it hints that this whole thing is meant to tie together."

"You know, there was a post not a month ago that said what were the immovable objects in the Star Wars canon. The internet records such things."

The guy who made those posts is one of the key people at Lucasfilm deciding what is canon. If it wasn't clear he is pretty damn adamant they will not be doing any sort of Boba Fett retcon.


Regardless of how the movie turns out -- and I'm honestly pretty confident in JJ knocking this out of the park -- at the very least, I really really appreciate this push for going practical as much as possible. A lot of directors say similar things and then almost immediately renege on them (e.g. Spielberg and Indy 4), so it's really nice to see that JJ is actually following through on that in a big way with this film.
Can't find the original but a guy on Reddit compiled Pablo Hidalgo (one of the big wigs who lead the story grouo)'s Facebook posts from his argument he had just yesterday luckily.

The discussion started with someone mentioning doing a Boba film without him being the New Zealand Jango Fett clone from the prequels/special editions:

The guy who made those posts is one of the key people at Lucasfilm deciding what is canon. If it wasn't clear he is pretty damn adamant they will not be doing any sort of Boba Fett retcon.

After reading up on the story group on wookiepedia I find it hard to believe any of these people have any actual script authority on this or any other film.
The guy who made those posts is one of the key people at Lucasfilm deciding what is canon. If it wasn't clear he is pretty damn adamant they will not be doing any sort of Boba Fett retcon.

To be fair, as I understand it, Pablo and Leland aren't necessarily deciding where stories go and what direction the storytelling takes. They're more like fact-checkers. I think it was in this thread, but earlier I compared them to the Okudas on Star Trek: They make sure things don't trip up, and they make sure details line up and such, but I'm not sure that either of them are actively shaping the narrative of the spinoffs or the main series. I believe that's more Kennedy/Kasdan/Kinberg.


To be fair, as I understand it, Pablo and Leland aren't necessarily deciding where stories go and what direction the storytelling takes. They're more like fact-checkers. I think it was in this thread, but earlier I compared them to the Okudas on Star Trek: They make sure things don't trip up, and they make sure details line up and such, but I'm not sure that either of them are actively shaping the narrative of the spinoffs or the main series. I believe that's more Kennedy/Kasdan/Kinberg.

It's more that this was posted in late 2014, well after he would have read the draft of the supposed Boba Fett/Han Solo spin-off film. If they were retconning Boba's origin at all in the film he wouldn't have made such a flamboyant mocking of someone suggesting it on his Facebook page. He may not control the script but he has read the script and yet mocked someone for suggesting Boba Fett would not be the version in the prequels/special editions. There is no way he would have ranted like that at someone if that was at all at risk of changing in the Fett/Solo spin-off.


I know, I was just addressing the idea that they could be steering the direction of the storytelling, when I don't think that's their role in the story group.

I agree. It was just more to point out that there is no way this spin-off is going to be retconning the SE/Prequel Boba Fett or else this Lucasfilm employee who has clearly read the script would mock someone and the idea for suggesting it. :)

Meaning that based on what we have seen Pablo say recently the 2016 spin-off (and Force Awakens) won't be contradicting the prequel/SE origins of Boba Fett.

I was actually surprised how much this idea got under his skin though, he want on a message board sort of fight there.
Sometimes you just see people talking without even taking into account the possibility they have no clue what they're talking about, and you go in.

Not that I'd know what that's like or anything.

on EITHER side of that line, in fact.


That's Temuera Morrison's voice right? Makes sense as he was an unaltered clone of his dad. Why couldn't they just have him play Boba?

Star power I imagine, Boba Fett has his own pull, but sticking a well known and popular actor would help too. Especially for what I imagine the big wigs would be expecting to be a big film. Temuera was fine as a side character but will the people putting millions of dollars into the film be ok with him leading the film?

Depending on what they decide to do will likely decide how they explain away the newer edits. If a different actor takes up the role they will likely fall back on the rumoured reasons we have already, Fett being a mantle passed down, the real Boba being killed and replaced. The voice issue from the dubbing could just be a voice modulator or something to hide the fact it's someone else.

It's a shame really, if they get a well known actor they will likely want to show his face a lot. Personally I'd like a Judge Dredd like rule to the character, in that we never see his face because the helmet never comes off.


Depending on what they decide to do will likely decide how they explain away the newer edits. If a different actor takes up the role they will likely fall back on the rumoured reasons we have already, Fett being a mantle passed down, the real Boba being killed and replaced. The voice issue from the dubbing could just be a voice modulator or something to hide the fact it's someone else.
Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm group mocked that idea and said the Fett in Empire is 100% Jangos son. He said that late 2014 well after the script plot was laid out. He shit all over the suggestion that it would be anyone else so that idea is out.
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