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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm group mocked that idea and said the Fett in Empire is 100% Jangos son. He said that late 2014 well after the script plot was laid out.
Yeah, that whole plot line just screamed "fanboy" to me. I'm totally fine with him being Jango's son, though I'd rather him be played by someone else. Even more so, I'd rather they just make new characters up and focus on them.
Uuuuuuugh, the last face I want to visualize under that helmet is a grown-up version of the snotty kid Boba.

P.S. I know he's a clone, I just hated the character they gave him in the prequels.


Alec Guiness and Ewan McGreggor don't at all alike yet they play the same character you don't need some confusing plot point to try to explain it away
I don't think people ever will. Even if the prequels were remade, people would complain how things are in the original prequels.

The biggest problem is the character was just shoehorned in. I think people would be more tolerant if it had been a different character entirely.


Gold Member
They'll CLU him up.


Good lord this movie aged worse than I could've thought.
Still looks good to me.


The biggest problem is the character was just shoehorned in. I think people would be more tolerant if it had been a different character entirely.

Dunno 'bout that. People would have just complained about something else.
I cannot recall a single thing about the prequels i haven't seen complaints about.
Except perhaps some of the starships, like the Venator Star Destroyer.
Dunno 'bout that. People would have just complained about something else.
I cannot recall a single thing about the prequels i haven't seen complaints about.
Except perhaps some of the starships, like the Venator Star Destroyer.

Most of the villains are underdeveloped, but I don't think people really have problems with them conceptually.


I liked him in Clone Wars


I'm just disappointed we didn't get more of him, because I really want to know how he ends up donning the armor.

Meet New Boba Fett...



Same as the Old Boba Fett...


(Yes, that is Daniel Logan dressed as Boba, I think the pics are from 2013)

And... here is a fairly recent video interview with Daniel. Do you think he could pull off playing Boba in a new film?


On filming the helmet scene in Episode II he said:
"he [George] basically hands me Jango's helmet and says 'i missed one little scene, i need you to kneel down, put the helmet to your head and put it back down.' [...] that's all it took. he didn't even tell me my father got his head chopped off."
I liked him in Clone Wars


I'm just disappointed we didn't get more of him, because I really want to know how he ends up donning the armor.

Meet New Boba Fett...



Same as the Old Boba Fett...


(Yes, that is Daniel Logan dressed as Boba, I think the pics are from 2013)

And... here is a fairly recent video interview with Daniel. Do you think he could pull off playing Boba in a new film?


On filming the helmet scene in Episode II he said:

Fucking awful.


I'm just disappointed we didn't get more of him, because I really want to know how he ends up donning the armor.

There was originally going to be an arc that further focused on Boba honing his skills and possibly donning the armor while with a bunch of other bounty hunters including Cad Bane (who would likely have assisted him).

Surprised to see that this MSW description of a supposed publicity photo hasn't made it here yet:

In the photo, Princess Leia is siting with her arm around the Wookiee, on his lap, as if Chewbacca is Santa Claus. Han Solo stands behind them with his arms crossed. The first photo in the gallery is really similar to the pose they’re in. Han Solo has the coat that looks really similar to the Indie Revolver concept leak, but the shirt is a little more Return of the Jedi and the duster appears to be the shorter cut, so its very much not a trench coat. His hair is gray, he’s got some mileage, sweetheart. Han’s expression is impatient but you can tell they’re having fun taking the photos.

Contrary to the bits we’ve seen of Chewbacca so far, he really does have a little more grey in his fur but not a ton, just more than the recent photos would have you think. In the “Thank You” video, I think that’s a stunt double’s costume. The Bob Iger pic had an Instagram filter on it that obscured the real look of the beast, so to speak. Basically, Chewbacca’s A New Hope mustache is back and its more serious than ever. Its pretty dark. The front of the mask has very yellowish/brown hair which allows the ‘stache to really shine. When you get to the top of the head hairline, its a little darker in tone and there’s more white/grey hair dispersed in there than the Return of the Jedi costume had. The source joked that Chewbacca’s ‘stache is almost looking a little Billy Dee in the shot. The costume looks really stellar and Chewbacca seems to have an upgraded satchel as well. In reality, the Chewbacca costume hasn’t really been revealed as the hero suit is still unseen publicly. The hair is combed straight back, classic style, no bangs for the Wookiee.

Princess Leia is wearing a solid jumpsuit. It is grayish blue. She wears a black vest which hangs below her waist. The vest is more in the style of the Tantive IV trooper than Han Solo’s classic vest. The jumpsuit has an open button-down collar and the cuffs are rolled up about two inches at her wrists. She has a thick black belt with a silver belt-buckle (very 1980). Her hair is braided and pulled over to the side so it hangs over her left shoulder in a ponytail. Her hair is grey with dark blonde tones to it. She has dark black boots on with a darker black band around the top of them.

I think it's safe to say it's legit, given Making's track record with this stuff; there aren't really any serious surprises outside of (besides Chewie's slightly aged state) Leia's outfit, which may hint at more of a combat-oriented role in the film than previous rumors have indicated. Hopefully, we can't be too far off from a Classic-era cast reveal if this stuff is already "in the wild".


Surprised to see that this MSW description of a supposed publicity photo hasn't made it here yet:

I think it's safe to say it's legit, given Making's track record with this stuff; there aren't really any serious surprises outside of (besides Chewie's slightly aged state) Leia's outfit, which may hint at more of a combat-oriented role in the film than previous rumors have indicated. Hopefully, we can't be too far off from a Classic-era cast reveal if this stuff is already "in the wild".

Posted on the last page but glad to see it get mentioned again since it got lost in the shuffle. Can't wait to see the legacy characters.

As for the bionic arm that concept art looks to not have panned out as far as we have heard so far.


A report on Courthouse News Service states that Lucasfilm has filed a subpoena request against the popular image-hosting website ImageShack in an attempt to track down the user "Darth_Simi" for posting a leaked image of a character from Episode VII back on October 29, 2014.

Here is the account, not sure which images they are talking about (obfuscated the link to prevent searches from seeing it. remove spaces and *s)
imageshack.com/ user/ D*arth_Sim*i
Looking around, it appears that Kylo Ren broadsaber pic actually originated with him, although most people have seen it because Star Wars Underground swiped it and stuck their fatass watermark all over it. So that photo is probably why LFL is going after him.


I liked him in Clone Wars


I'm just disappointed we didn't get more of him, because I really want to know how he ends up donning the armor.

Meet New Boba Fett...



Same as the Old Boba Fett...


(Yes, that is Daniel Logan dressed as Boba, I think the pics are from 2013)

And... here is a fairly recent video interview with Daniel. Do you think he could pull off playing Boba in a new film?


On filming the helmet scene in Episode II he said:

Awesome photos!



Confirming what we all suspected and kind of knew was happening, and then spin offs in between. Whether they are good or bad, at least 5 years of Star Wars films, all the DC and Marvel films, Jurrasic World, reboot of Terminator, new Mad Max; and all the other supposed films were getting in the next few years like Power Rangers, what a time we live in. my younger self would never have ever expected all these to be happening so close to each other.


First spinoff/Standalone movie is about......The episode Seven Characters??

I read this on screen rant, and the metro.co.uk that, Disney CEO Bob Iger spoke to "get your geek on" podcast

Get your geek fb link with their message.

If you dont have facebook heres the quote

Get Your Geek On
29 January at 09:42 ·

The word from Bob Iger (Disney CEO):

"As one of the few people allowed to visit the set during filming….and one of the fewer who’s seen most of the footage…I can assure the millions of Star Wars fans who have spent the last decade hoping for a new movie this one will be worth the wait. And it’s only the beginning of a new era of exceptional Star Wars storytelling; next year we’ll release our first standalone movie based on these characters, followed by Star Wars: Episode VIII in 2017, and we’ll finish this trilogy with Episode IX in 2019."

And here

Unless it's a mistake


That Harrison Ford comment surprised me. Did they really get a good performance out of him or is Anthony Daniels known for embellishing the facts.

Daniels basically plays C3P0 for anything, regardless of quality really. Nothing wrong with the guy, but he knows how to sell cars.

Really hoping we'll get a good bit of Harrison Ford out of this though. As long as he's enjoying himself he's fine. If he's not, you can tell he doesn't really give a shit.
More spoilers from makingstarwars.net, although they make it clear that this particular source (while having been right before) is second-hand.

- Snow planet is named "Ryoome"

- "Rey" is an alias.

- There is a new Death Star:

Leia, has to make an incredible decision to use a Death Star to destroy a planet. The planet is inhabited apart from Imperials. The Death Star? It was being built in secret by the New Republic. Leia discovers whats been going on and then has to make a decision whether to use it or not.

- Finally, not everyone involved in the movie is happy about it:

. Several people have told me they feel like they are just ‘going over old ground’ with the things they are being asked to work on. The feeling is that The Force Awakens is a rehash of the original movie and doesn’t have enough new ideas in it.

I thought the rumor was that an inhabited planet IS the superweapon this time around.

edit: I've always wondered if "rey" is supposed to be short for "Kira" somehow.
I thought the rebels and empire were rumored to be at a stalemate. Where would the rebels/republic find the resources to build a death star, and in secret no less?
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