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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]






That article is really weird. It starts out by saying the Young Leia rumours gained more credibility, but then it only shows two articles about something else Carrie Fisher's daughter did casually mentioning those old rumors. No new sources, no new evidence.

Not saying that it won't happen, just that that article doesn't actually say anything new.
You wanted the prequels to be just like the original trilogy? The idea behind the Clone Wars is 1000x better than just yet another OT type of war.

Wasn't the Clone Wars in the PT just another Galactic Civil War? Honestly calling the Rebel insurrection a civil war but not referring to the Clone Wars as such makes no sense.
You wanted the prequels to be just like the original trilogy? The idea behind the Clone Wars is 1000x better than just yet another OT type of war.

When I first read about the clone wars back in the early 80ies in some Star Wars comic, I imagined the Clones being a warlike alien race that the republic is fighting against. A war where Ben Kenobi befriended Lukes father, who happened to be strong with the force.

Maybe that's nothing special compared to a war about trade union taxes, and all stormtroopers suddenly being clones, and Darth Vader being a stupid douchy brat instead of a respectable guy that I would care for falling to the dark side, but honestly, I would have preferred something that feels familiar (and "Star Warsy") to the utter and complete tripe that were the prequels.

All imo off course..


When I first read about the clone wars back in the early 80ies in some Star Wars comic, I imagined the Clones being a warlike alien race that the republic is fighting against. A war where Ben Kenobi befriended Lukes father, who happened to be strong with the force.

Maybe that's nothing special compared to a war about trade union taxes, and all stormtroopers suddenly being clones, and Darth Vader being a stupid douchy brat instead of a respectable guy that I would care for falling to the dark side, but honestly, I would have preferred something that feels familiar (and "Star Warsy") to the utter and complete tripe that were the prequels.

All imo off course..

Those have nothing to do with the idea behind the Clone Wars at all. Anakin's personality is not the idea behind the Clone Wars. And the trade union tax mumbo jumbo was for the blockade in Phantom Menace, not the secessionists in Episode II. I am talking about how the war happened. The idea it was a proxy war created by Palpatine who ran both sides to gain political power was a fantastic idea.

Oh and not to mention Stormtroopers are not clones.
Those have nothing to do with the idea behind the Clone Wars at all. Anakin's personality is not the idea behind the Clone Wars. And the trade union tax mumbo jumbo was for the blockade in Phantom Menace, not the secessionists in Episode II. I am talking about how the war happened. The idea it was a proxy war created by Palpatine who ran both sides to gain political power was a fantastic idea.

Oh and not to mention Stormtroopers are not clones.

The prequels were supposed to be Star Wars movies.

In Star Wars movies...

- I don't need to get everything explained, be it "Siths", "Midichlorians", Anakins childhood woes, or how exactly and with what kind of amazing scheme the emperor rose to power.

- I don't need a complicated and "clever" plot.

The original movies didn't have that.

They were based on pulp series from the 30ies, if i remember correctly.

Why complicate that formula to something that just isn't what the original movies were about?

Why would I want that in the prequels?
When I first read about the clone wars back in the early 80ies in some Star Wars comic, I imagined the Clones being a warlike alien race that the republic is fighting against. A war where Ben Kenobi befriended Lukes father, who happened to be strong with the force.

Maybe that's nothing special compared to a war about trade union taxes, and all stormtroopers suddenly being clones, and Darth Vader being a stupid douchy brat instead of a respectable guy that I would care for falling to the dark side, but honestly, I would have preferred something that feels familiar (and "Star Warsy") to the utter and complete tripe that were the prequels.

All imo off course..

The clones were badass and the anti-storm troopers.

Anakin sucked because the writers sucked and the acting sucked. In the actual cartoon he's a good character that uses brutal methods to get things done.
Those have nothing to do with the idea behind the Clone Wars at all. Anakin's personality is not the idea behind the Clone Wars. And the trade union tax mumbo jumbo was for the blockade in Phantom Menace, not the secessionists in Episode II. I am talking about how the war happened. The idea it was a proxy war created by Palpatine who ran both sides to gain political power was a fantastic idea.

Oh and not to mention Stormtroopers are not clones.

You could write any scenario aside from the one presented in the prequels which still portray Palpatine as a Machiavellian puppet master. They're definitely wars no matter what which means there's at least two sides so having Palpatine pulling the strings can be accomplished no matter how you frame the wars themselves.

That is by no means a bad idea. The execution was off as everyone agrees but McDiarmid definitely had his moments and the basic idea behind Palpatine is pretty good.

But everything else about the Clone Wars was botched. There was nothing interesting or involving about the Separatists as villains. I don't really know what they want and they lacked a personality.

The secret clone army wasn't a particularly intriguing plot point in the first place and it went nowhere. The Senate intrigue side of it was mishandled, battle droids were completely non-threatening and the war itself was simply not shown in any real fashion.

I much prefer the small rag-tag group of kids tackling the monolithic empire. It's so much more filmic as well. Both the empire and the rebellion have tangible personalities. It's reflected in the costume design, production and set design of their respective bases and most importantly the personalities and characterisation of their members. The cinematography even helps establish the relative strength of these two groups.

The numerical superiority and sheer scale of the Empire is always reflected, even in the action set-pieces, contrast it to the opening sequence of Episode III. I have no idea what ship belongs to who.



I don't need a Luke Skywalker who says "Compassion is for those who deserve it."


Furthermore, what was the context of that line? Seems like anything could be cherry picked out of place.

But honestly, I wouldn't consider compassion the message of Star Wars, redemption perhaps, but compassion doesn't embody the series.


What is the "message of Star Wars?" More often than not the Expanded Universe took established characters in new directions *snip*

I agree, to a point, but you have to acknowledge that some stuff in the EU was absolutely horrific. The whole Darth Caedus arc was handled completely incompetently. It started out with a ton of potential, until he had his "killing younglings" moment, and a switch was flipped. I guess "making it rhyme" was important there... And the Yuuzhan Vong... eh...

Almost all the Zahn stuff was great though. The Abeloth business was strange. But so was the Mortis arc in Clone Wars (which is canon). And there's a TON of throwaway garbage. Lots of the books, even more of the comics, etc. I can't get behind the "more good EU than bad EU" argument.

As for the debate going on here between Cheebo and others, I have to lean towards Cheebo's side. We all acknowledge that the prequels had their serious problems, and the "trade dispute" opening to TPM plus JarJar and a whiny kid, was not getting off on the right foot. But the Palpatine arc was great (even in execution at times; McDiarmid was good; but definitely in concept).


I agree, to a point, but you have to acknowledge that some stuff in the EU was absolutely horrific. The whole Darth Caedus arc was handled completely incompetently. It started out with a ton of potential, until he had his "killing younglings" moment, and a switch was flipped. I guess "making it rhyme" was important there... And the Yuuzhan Vong... eh...

Almost all the Zahn stuff was great though. The Abeloth business was strange. But so was the Mortis arc in Clone Wars (which is canon). And there's a TON of throwaway garbage. Lots of the books, even more of the comics, etc. I can't get behind the "more good EU than bad EU" argument.

As for the debate going on here between Cheebo and others, I have to lean towards Cheebo's side. We all acknowledge that the prequels had their serious problems, and the "trade dispute" opening to TPM plus JarJar and a whiny kid, was not getting off on the right foot. But the Palpatine arc was great (even in execution at times; McDiarmid was good; but definitely in concept).

I never read all of the Legacy of the Force series, but from what I did read and gather his arc flowed really well. The impression I get of Caedus, and what the Abeloth series implies, is the ends can justify the means. Jacen's fall was interesting because it was similar to pre-TOR Revan in terms of justification. Revan became a Sith and started a war to "cull the weak" and prepare people for what was to come. There is something similar with that in terms of Jacen's transformation. I thought it worked and honestly, I love the notion of Luke kicking ass on a burning Kashyyyk.

And I never got the hate for the Yuuzhan Vong. The Sith and Jedi have had their differences boiled down to color at this point, there are none of those philosophical differences presented in better stories(KotOR 2) left and TCW took the sports team mentality(RvB) and ran with it. The New Jedi Order actually brought something different to the table as opposed to recycle the exhausted color coding. The Yuuzhan Vong were different than anything the universe had seen before, and that made things interesting.

I can't get behind the "more good EU than bad EU" argument.

For every "bad example" of EU I can give you 10 good examples.


As for the debate going on here between Cheebo and others, I have to lean towards Cheebo's side. We all acknowledge that the prequels had their serious problems, and the "trade dispute" opening to TPM plus JarJar and a whiny kid, was not getting off on the right foot. But the Palpatine arc was great (even in execution at times; McDiarmid was good; but definitely in concept).

Yep, JarJar and the trade stuff as well as MANY other details were serious problems but the overall high-level arc of Palpatines rise with the war and how he created the Empire was fantastic.

Using only the OT as context Palpatine was just this crazy old evil Wizard who shot lightening out of his hands. As great as he was in ROTJ he was a very much one-note villian.

The prequels turning him into a master politician greatly benefited his character.

I think a lot of people forget just how little about Palpatine we knew from just the OT and take for granted his back story at this point.
Wasn't there a rumor that it is a solar system buster instead of a planet buster this time around?

The Death Star rumors sounds fake.

The Sun Crusher in the EU was a dumb "up the ante" move that never sat right with me. Explore new ground, don't just keep making bigger bombs.
So, what is this leaked pic that I keep seeing headlines about Disney going after?

It was mentioned earlier in the thread, but it appears to be the photo of Kylo Ren and his broadsaber. It's said that photo originated from the imageshack account - although most people saw it only after Star Wars Underground slapped their watermark on it and shared it.
Yep, JarJar and the trade stuff as well as MANY other details were serious problems but the overall high-level arc of Palpatines rise with the war and how he created the Empire was fantastic.

Using only the OT as context Palpatine was just this crazy old evil Wizard who shot lightening out of his hands. As great as he was in ROTJ he was a very much one-note villian.

The prequels turning him into a master politician greatly benefited his character.

I think a lot of people forget just how little about Palpatine we knew from just the OT and take for granted his back story at this point.

But he was a puppet master in ROTJ. The entire Rebel attack was a trap he lured them into. Famed rebel spy Manny Bothans was played like a fiddle and would have died for nothing but for General Han Solo and his Ewok army, saviours of the galaxy.
When I was a kid and tried to picture what the "Clone Wars" must have been I pictured it as something really horrific. Like clone troopers who previously mindlessly fought the Republic's wars gaining self-awareness and staging a rebellion.

Like, there were two human sides in a war and in their desperation they get a hold of illegal cloning technology. People would be created just to die and the casualties would just exponentially increase as they keep pumping out more and more troops faster and faster...

Maybe they start genetically modifying them in the cloning process until they start to not even resemble humans (or whatever alien they cloned) anymore. Maybe eventually the creatures put out by this cloning technology are abominations, huge fleshy monstrosities with a hive mind who wake up one day and decide to unite against the opposing factions who've been treating them like soul-less cannon fodder.

That sounds a little more like if HP Lovecraft wrote Star Wars though, so maybe not. Not that I've put a lot of thought into it, or anything...


The Death Star rumors sounds fake.

The Sun Crusher in the EU was a dumb "up the ante" move that never sat right with me. Explore new ground, don't just keep making bigger bombs.

They could still do weapons of mass devastation, but they could be something completely different.
Why not introduce an ancient Sith Lord that has the power to do what Obi did to the weak-minded troopers and do it on a grand scale. Enslave the minds of millions. Turn them into "zombies", paranoia ensues, heroes can't trust anyone, etc.

There is so much stuff that you could do that is more than "yup, that is bigger and blows up better"
That's just how movies are made. Writers just go through drafts and drafts. Studio films often go through multiple writers. It's all so public with this movie because of how high-profile the production is.

Drafts are one thing, but why do they need new writers each time? Makes it seem like they don't even know what they want.


Why are these movies all going through so many rewrites.

Empire Strikes Back is widely considered the best Star Wars movies of all time. This is how many re-writes it went through:

George Lucas wrote the story outline
Leigh Bracket wrote the first draft based on the outline
Lucas scrapped Bracket's draft and wrote the second draft and third draft himself
Lawrence Kasdan came in and wrote the third and fourth draft.

Three separate screenwriters.

Drafts are one thing, but why do they need new writers each time? Makes it seem like they don't even know what they want.

Most Star Wars movies have gone through multiple writers.

Episode IV: Lucas and uncredited re-writes from Gloria and Willard Hyuck.
Episode V: Lucas, Brackett, and Kasdan
Episode VI: Lucas and Kasdan
Episode I: Lucas
Episode II: Lucas and Jonathan Hale
Episode III: Lucas
Chris Weitz? Err... the last time I heard from that guy, he said he was frustrated and done making movies after making Twilight: New Moon. This instills me with so much hope.


Not Episode VII related

But I wanted to make sure all you Star Wars fans knew about the new Star Wars Humble Bundle. Charity, yo!


But to add something a bit more on topic... there is an unsubstantiated rumor that Felicity Jones is playing Sabine (yes, from SW Rebels). However she does not seem to fit the racial makeup of the character, so i'd be highly skeptical. This tidbit is being reported on some of the SW rumor sites this week.


Drafts are one thing, but why do they need new writers each time? Makes it seem like they don't even know what they want.

Sometimes they have different writers specifically for their individual strengths. So this writer is good at pacing and overall flow of narrative and writes the first draft. Then another writer comes in to punch up dialog, or add more humor, or fix technical dialog/actions to make them more factually accurate, etc.


i'm all for a Sabine movie, would flesh her out past what the show is doing, the only question is when would it take place? she maybe 2 years older than Ezra who is 15, would make her older than Luke and Leia for starters, so . i could see her doing something 10 years post Original trilogy. +/-5 years in either direction.


Well Nicholas Cage might be the only person in the world who is a fan of Hayden Christensen's performance in the prequels.
Cage singled out his co-star Christensen's work in the "Star Wars" prequels while sporting the greatest hair ever. “And so, I watched George’s movies, and the work Hayden did with George, and I was very impressed with Hayden’s sort of edgy, dangerous, dark and still soulful performance," Cage explained to IGN. "I thought it was superb. And so I really connected with him.”

Cage also really likes Hayden's sad eyes.

i'm all for a Sabine movie, would flesh her out past what the show is doing, the only question is when would it take place? she maybe 2 years older than Ezra who is 15, would make her older than Luke and Leia for starters, so . i could see her doing something 10 years post Original trilogy. +/-5 years in either direction.

10 Years after Jedi? That doesn't work with Felicty Jones's age though.
Can we have a discussion about the casting of an actress WITHOUT commenting on her physical appearance? For once?

I haven't seen much of Felicty's work outside of Theory of Everything (A film I hated, but her work was strong.) and that one episode of Girls she was in. But she definitely seems talented. Can't really picture her as a bounty hunter badass though.
Well Nicholas Cage might be the only person in the world who is a fan of Hayden Christensen's performance in the prequels.

This might be the single craziest thing Nic Cage has ever said or done.

I still think having his dream of playing Superman being dangled so tantalisingly right in front of him before being snatched away totally broke his brain.


I never read all of the Legacy of the Force series, but from what I did read and gather his arc flowed really well. The impression I get of Caedus, and what the Abeloth series implies, is the ends can justify the means. Jacen's fall was interesting because it was similar to pre-TOR Revan in terms of justification. Revan became a Sith and started a war to "cull the weak" and prepare people for what was to come. There is something similar with that in terms of Jacen's transformation. I thought it worked and honestly, I love the notion of Luke kicking ass on a burning Kashyyyk.

And I never got the hate for the Yuuzhan Vong. The Sith and Jedi have had their differences boiled down to color at this point, there are none of those philosophical differences presented in better stories(KotOR 2) left and TCW took the sports team mentality(RvB) and ran with it. The New Jedi Order actually brought something different to the table as opposed to recycle the exhausted color coding. The Yuuzhan Vong were different than anything the universe had seen before, and that made things interesting.

For every "bad example" of EU I can give you 10 good examples.

The way I saw it, yes, it started out great in an "ends justify the means" kind of way. But along the way, it got to the point that he was just evil now, period. Yeah, dark side corrupts, etc etc. But it just made the arc way less interesting to me. I also didn't like how cheaply they dispatched him either. Basically had to have him fight while crippled and heavily distracted in order to kill him.

I don't remember Revan "losing himself" to the extent Caedus seemed to. Hell even Darth Bane's motivations remained more coherent and logical. But as I said, I understand why they did what they did with Caedus (to the arc's detriment in my opinion); to parallel Vader's fall.

As for your claim about 10:1 ratio of good to bad, well, it's subject to opinion I guess.

But how about darksaber, sun crusher, ysalamiri, all palpy's clones, crystal star (space werewolves? Luke joins some weird alien cult?), ewok adventures, holiday special... and on and on.

Don't get me wrong. There was plenty of great stuff. I wouldn't own 40+ EU novels if there wasn't, plus an assortment of comics. But a lot of it was batshit insane.
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