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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


The way I saw it, yes, it started out great in an "ends justify the means" kind of way. But along the way, it got to the point that he was just evil now, period. Yeah, dark side corrupts, etc etc. But it just made the arc way less interesting to me. I also didn't like how cheaply they dispatched him either. Basically had to have him fight while crippled and heavily distracted in order to kill him.

I don't remember Revan "losing himself" to the extent Caedus seemed to. Hell even Darth Bane's motivations remained more coherent and logical. But as I said, I understand why they did what they did with Caedus (to the arc's detriment in my opinion); to parallel Vader's fall.

As for your claim about 10:1 ratio of good to bad, well, it's subject to opinion I guess.

But how about darksaber, sun crusher, ysalamiri, all palpy's clones, crystal star (space werewolves? Luke joins some weird alien cult?), ewok adventures, holiday special... and on and on.

Don't get me wrong. There was plenty of great stuff. I wouldn't own 40+ EU novels if there wasn't, plus an assortment of comics. But a lot of it was batshit insane.

You forgot to mention Luke's
Body snatching computer waifu Callista
For Fucks Sake who approved that load of shit.


You forgot to mention Luke's
Body snatching computer waifu Callista
For Fucks Sake who approved that load of shit.

Man. You're right. That one had slipped my mind. Wish it had stayed that way... And they even manged to find a way to bring her back (sort of) with that whole Abeloth devourer of souls debacle. That whole arc didn't 'feel' like Star Wars. At all.


More rumors about the characters and plot.

Basically, Luke's gone a little crazy protecting a Sith shrine from being opened by Kylo Ren (the Sith guy), who is looking for the key to the shrine, which is embedded in a lightsaber held by Rey.

Rey went into hiding to protect the key; she is Han and Lea's daughter.

Finn defects from the Empire and teams up with Poe - a rebel - while they are in the brig.

Also, there are people in the Republic who are kind of shady, making superweapons now, which prompted Dominic Gleeson's character to switch from the rebels to the Empire (because they are so trustworthy).
That rumor seems to be hinting at the idea that Domnhall Gleeson is playing Luke's kid.

Still don't know what's up with Kylo Ren's identity, either.

So, if that rumor works out, this could be a movie where Han Solo's daughter teams up with Han and Luke to stop Han Solo's son from accessing a Sith Temple, while Luke's son is hunting Han's daughter's new best friend.


That rumor seems to be hinting at the idea that Domnhall Gleeson is playing Luke's kid.

Still don't know what's up with Kylo Ren's identity, either.

So, if that rumor works out, this could be a movie where Han Solo's daughter teams up with Han and Luke to stop Han Solo's son from accessing a Sith Temple, while Luke's son is hunting Han's daughter's new best friend.

I feel like that this rumor basically makes Kylo Ren being a Solo extremely unlikely.

Otherwise, yeah, it gets a little ridiculous with the family drama.
I feel like that this rumor basically makes Kylo Ren being a Solo extremely unlikely.

It'd definitely make things pretty tangled. Although, should the idea that Han ends up biting it at the end of this film plays out, you could end up with Episode 8 & 9 essentially being the story of a Solo & a Skywalker up against a Solo & a Skywalker.


I wonder if Gleeson is Wedge's son. He grew up with the Rebels but later defected. Luke hasn't been seen since the end of Jedi, and at that time there was no remote possibility of him having a love interest. Can't see him leaving the Rebels, having a child elsewhere, and that child finding his way back to the Rebels without Luke being involved in his life.

Then again, Wedge isn't a "huge character". So I'm probably wrong.
My money's on Gleeson being Wedge's son. He grew up with the Rebels but later defected. Luke hasn't been seen since the end of Jedi, and at that time there was no remote possibility of him having a love interest. Can't see him leaving the Rebels, having a child elsewhere, and that child finding his way back to the Rebels without Luke being involved in his life.

I don't think Wedge could be reasonably described to be a "huge character" in any real manner, though.

edit: heh, you hit on it before I finished my response. Sorry.
It's Trioculus!



I don't think Wedge could be reasonably described to be a "huge character" in any real manner, though.

edit: heh, you hit on it before I finished my response. Sorry.

Hehe I wasn't fast enough for you, Bobby. ;)

Thinking some more, although Wedge isn't a huge character I suppose he's one of the more considerable ones outside the trio+droids+Chewie. I dunno, I can somewhat imagine someone describing Wedge as a "huge" character in the sense of his character's importance and role in both major Death Star battles, rather than purely screentime. But yea, it's probably Luke. Poetry and all that!


I wonder if Gleeson is Wedge's son. He grew up with the Rebels but later defected. Luke hasn't been seen since the end of Jedi, and at that time there was no remote possibility of him having a love interest. Can't see him leaving the Rebels, having a child elsewhere, and that child finding his way back to the Rebels without Luke being involved in his life.

Then again, Wedge isn't a "huge character". So I'm probably wrong.

I kind of want Gleeson to be an original character. The less familial connections, IMO, the better.
Who is the character that is going to reintroduce us to the plot since Jedi and everything that's been going on? You know, kinda like Luke in the original.


Seems weird that they're still just "The Rebels" after 30 years. Would almost seem to minimize the weight of the victory at the end of ROTJ. If they hadn't won, and hadn't killed Vader/Palpy, it's unlikely those two would still be alive 30 years later anyway. But maybe I'm just so used to the idea of a New Republic from EU.

But I guess we'll see exactly what direction they go in. In my mind though it'd be strange if the Empire is still the overwhelmingly powerful force, with "The Rebels" still being extremely ragtag by comparison (though if the Rebel superweapon thing is true, they must have vast resources compared to OT era). Eh, we'll see.
The cutscenes are frigging wonderful.
Sure, they're hammy and narmy... but that's why they're so awesome.
Besides, you can see at least Jerec's actor loved the job, he keeps suppressing a smile constantly.

Exactly. The Force Unleashed was all the way over the top, in the best way possible.


I wonder if Gleeson is Wedge's son. He grew up with the Rebels but later defected. Luke hasn't been seen since the end of Jedi, and at that time there was no remote possibility of him having a love interest. Can't see him leaving the Rebels, having a child elsewhere, and that child finding his way back to the Rebels without Luke being involved in his life.

Then again, Wedge isn't a "huge character". So I'm probably wrong.

I feel like that "Luke has been gone for 30 years" rumor has lost a considerable amount of steam lately.
The cutscenes are frigging wonderful.
Sure, they're hammy and narmy... but that's why they're so awesome.
Besides, you can see at least Jerec's actor loved the job, he keeps suppressing a smile constantly.

I'm pretty sure that's just a side effect of whatever those things are hanging from the edges of his mouth.

Still they aren't as bad as these cutscenes.

Although to be fair, there are short clips of the films peppered throughout. So for a couple of seconds or so here and there, they're the best cutscenes in a videogame ever.

I just want anyone who may doubt my love of Star Wars to know that I spent £49.99 of my own money on that game. I was 11. I had saved for months, birthday money, christmas money, pocket money, I'd done chores for my elderly relatives. I got two or three games a year if I was lucky and I wasted it on that turd. Command and Conquer was sitting on the shelf right next to it for £34.99 (I'd have had £15 change!) but I bought the Star Wars game. I learned an important lesson once I reached the TIE level.


When I was a kid and tried to picture what the "Clone Wars" must have been I pictured it as something really horrific. Like clone troopers who previously mindlessly fought the Republic's wars gaining self-awareness and staging a rebellion.

Actually, that's not far off from what the Clone Wars were originally written as in the EU. The Republic Grand Army was made up entirely of clones, so people wouldn't have to just sign up and die. Something happened where they suddenly rebelled against the Republic, and all hell broke loose.

And honestly, it would have been a slightly better story than what we ended up with, since it would have show the Republic as the corrupt pile of shit that it was supposed to be.

Seems weird that they're still just "The Rebels" after 30 years. Would almost seem to minimize the weight of the victory at the end of ROTJ. If they hadn't won, and hadn't killed Vader/Palpy, it's unlikely those two would still be alive 30 years later anyway. But maybe I'm just so used to the idea of a New Republic from EU.

But I guess we'll see exactly what direction they go in. In my mind though it'd be strange if the Empire is still the overwhelmingly powerful force, with "The Rebels" still being extremely ragtag by comparison (though if the Rebel superweapon thing is true, they must have vast resources compared to OT era). Eh, we'll see.

TO be fair, the EU was a best case scenario for the rebellion. The Empire shattered and imploded in an amazing fashion right after Endor. The warlords actually did most of the work for the Republic in the end, wiping each other out en masse instead of skullfucking the rebellions few worlds right after Endor, and THEN tearing themselves apart. So combine that with some amazing dumb luck (Zsinj and Thrawn dying how they did was bullocks imo) and you have the perfect setup for a ragtag group taking down an EMpire spanning a galaxy with a fleet numbering in the hundreds of thousands
More rumors about the characters and plot.

Basically, Luke's gone a little crazy protecting a Sith shrine from being opened by Kylo Ren (the Sith guy), who is looking for the key to the shrine, which is embedded in a lightsaber held by Rey.

Rey went into hiding to protect the key; she is Han and Lea's daughter.

It sounds like they've been combing through the old star wars drafts (which I wouldn't doubt) if true. I recall the kaiburr/kiber/kyber crystals being a significant mcguffin in the original drafts, and something important somewhere was stored in the hilt of a lightsaber at one point. It seems like they are bringing back this McGuffin as according to this rumor the key is a crystal specifically:

"The old guy reveals to Rey that the crystal in the lightsaber they are holding has the ability to open the tomb Luke is guarding."

Actually, googling this stuff I've come across this little tidbit (google also shows I'm not the first, of course, but bringing it up again because I feel it is relevant) from the third draft of star wars:


Three SITH LORDS are on their knees praying before a shining crystal placed on a tall altar. They mumble a strange electronic chant.

Darth, did you feel that?

Darth stands and stares at the crystal.

Was it an omen? What is it?

Something old has been awakened. The Force has suddenly grown stronger. We must travel future paths with caution.

That "Did you feel that" and "something old has been awakened" sound really familiar...


The part that would make that a bit sad was the actress in connection with Obi-Wan's granddaughter for a while was half-black. I loved the idea of going somewhere different rather than some young guy who looks kind of like Ewan McGreggor or Alec Guiness.


The part that would make that a bit sad was the actress in connection with Obi-Wan's granddaughter for a while was half-black. I loved the idea of going somewhere different rather than some young guy who looks kind of like Ewan McGreggor or Alec Guiness.

I'm not sure that the race of a character alone automatically makes the character more or less interesting. Somehow I missed this one, and this is the first I'm hearing of a potential Obi-Wan grandchild. Interesting. Had some time on his hands early on in his exile perhaps?


I know. both Sellers & Nyong'o were up for the same role. Nyong'o actually got it. That role was the one rumored to be connected to Kenobi somehow.
I wonder if she is indeed kenobi's granddaughter we will get racists coming out of the woodworks acting like idiots like what happened with boyega.


I wonder if she is indeed kenobi's granddaughter we will get racists coming out of the woodworks acting like idiots like what happened with boyega.

She'd be a tough sell as being part white. Maaaybe 25%. Regardless, a little kenobi sexytime never hurt nobody. The looong desert nights may have gotten to him.


You mean the one that Disney is suing over? I think it's this one, maybe?

Is that the actual thing they're making a fuss over?

If this isn't the case I would love a PM...

I haven't been able to find anything new on google.


There is something brutal in that "broad-lightsaber". It looks somehow larger than a standard lightsaber. I still think the cross-guard is kind of silly but there's a lot of silly stuff in Star Wars that is easy to ignore, like the Stormtroopers' obviously awkward armor.

And in that teaser, the way Kylo Ren moves and reveals the blade, there's something animalistic about that. I really hope he (it is a he, right?) will be a good, evil villain, not a wimp like Grievous ended up being. (No, i haven't watched the Clone Wars. And even though i've heard he is kind of badass there, it won't wash away his portrayal in RotS.)


It sounds like they've been combing through the old star wars drafts (which I wouldn't doubt) if true. I recall the kaiburr/kiber/kyber crystals being a significant mcguffin in the original drafts, and something important somewhere was stored in the hilt of a lightsaber at one point. It seems like they are bringing back this McGuffin as according to this rumor the key is a crystal specifically:

Yeah I saw somebody post those lines a day ago and it certainly sounds similar.

So either the rumor-maker was thinking the same thing or JJ/Kasdan.
Isn't that largely what Splinter of the Mind's Eye is about, which was meant to be the fall back script for Star Wars if it underperformed?
There is something brutal in that "broad-lightsaber". It looks somehow larger than a standard lightsaber. I still think the cross-guard is kind of silly but there's a lot of silly stuff in Star Wars that is easy to ignore, like the Stormtroopers' obviously awkward armor.

And in that teaser, the way Kylo Ren moves and reveals the blade, there's something animalistic about that. I really hope he (it is a he, right?) will be a good, evil villain, not a wimp like Grievous ended up being. (No, i haven't watched the Clone Wars. And even though i've heard he is kind of badass there, it won't wash away his portrayal in RotS.)

He looks feral, yeah. I think the idea is to contrast him with Vader who in Empire and Jedi at least is very cold and calculating with little to no extraneous movements. Compare the way Ren puts his whole body into activating his saber to Vader standing seemingly immovable and absolutely still in Empire as he activates his.

It makes the decision to mask him seem strange, though I'll wager we're going to see plenty of this guy's face.


Isn't that largely what Splinter of the Mind's Eye is about, which was meant to be the fall back script for Star Wars if it underperformed?

That's what I heard. A cheap sequel if SW bombed. Could you imagine the alternate universe where people didn't name their kids after SW characters and line up for action figures?


I don't want to live in that world.
I've been reading the first Making Star Wars book recently. I always thought the crystal sounded like a cool idea but it was completely unnecessary in the end.


That's what I heard. A cheap sequel if SW bombed. Could you imagine the alternate universe where people didn't name their kids after SW characters and line up for action figures?


I don't want to live in that world.

The idea of the blockbuster as franchises likey never would happen, at at least not in the way it turned out to be. Genre sequels prior to Star Wars tended be associated with being cheap cash-ins that often, if rarely ever have the original cast and or director/writer due to with the cheap lesser quality stigma that was associated with sequels.

Would be quite a different movie industry. Not to mention all the other impacts. We would never have gotten the Star Trek revival that lead to that franchise becoming what it was, would have just remained a semi-forgotten cult 60's tv series. We would have never gotten a lot of the sci-fi pictures greenlit in the wake of Star Wars like Alien. Harrison Ford's career would have never taken off. Lucas would likely never be able to get Paramount to greenlight Indiana Jones....list goes on and on.
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