i wonder if we'll ever get anything canon about the royal guards in the new films
those guys looked so cool
With exception to the obvious Nazi-imagery, there was a scene in the original movie where one of the guards in the Death Star refers to Chewbacca as a "thing". It's very small, but couple this Nazi-imagery, it wouldn't be a stretch at all to say that the Empire had traces of xenophobia.
They're in some of the leaked concept art, if I recall correct. I doubt there will be anything big about them, but maybe we'll get a small fight scene involving them or something?i wonder if we'll ever get anything canon about the royal guards in the new films
those guys looked so cool
They're in some of the leaked concept art, if I recall correct. I doubt there will be anything big about them, but maybe we'll get a small fight scene involving them or something?
Some are hoping that the guys from The Raid were cast to be those guys.
Plus Chewie doesn't even get a medal! The rebellion were just as anti-alien as the Empire man. The Mon Cals are just a bunch of Uncle Toms and Lando probably has old ball chin on some lifetime slavery contract like Han and Chewie.
Ooh, maybe they won't bring back the fucking life debt.
lol. Well I mean there are historical parallels. In the US Civil War the north was fighting against slavery...but most people (and the government) still believed them to be inferior and not deserving full rights, just not being slaves.
And in World War II people were shocked by the Nazi treatment and killing of Jews, but most of the western world was pretty anti-Semitic at the time too, they just didn't think they should all die.
So I guess there would be a chance that the rebels believe aliens should have more rights...just not as many as humans.
Anyone care to speculate on why the empire still exists?
Anyone care to speculate on why the empire still exists?
I'd say the immediate effect of the Emperor's death is the fracturing of the Empire. The Emperor had no clear heir, unless you count Vader though he died as well, and anyway a heir would have to be strong leader (since the Empire was new, it had no tradition of getting a new leader) to keep things together.
Warlords, Moffs, others probably start setting up their own kingdoms the moment they heard the Emperor has died, and Vader and the inner circle (i presume those robed guys following the Emperor in ROTJ where his inner circle) with him.
Some may have joined the Rebels, and some gain dominion over the others.
I reckon TFA will have a single relatively big Empire remnant left and the New Republic (or whatever it will be called) dominating most of the explored galaxy.
Damn, I just don't want ROTJ to be TOO irrelevant lol.30 years is such a grey area. Powers certainly could have consolidated in that time, but then again in-fighting can last much longer than that. In a way, the Emperor's death could be the worst thing to happen for the Rebels.
30 years is such a grey area. Powers certainly could have consolidated in that time, but then again in-fighting can last much longer than that. In a way, the Emperor's death could be the worst thing to happen for the Rebels.
What's the point in speculating? The first paragraph of the opening crawl will likely cover all of it.
What's the point in speculating? The first paragraph of the opening crawl will likely cover all of it.
As someone who lurks this thread. A lot of the posts lately have been people arguing over Lucas and the prequels because there were no rumors/news to speculate on.What's the point in speculating? The first paragraph of the opening crawl will likely cover all of it.
Anyone care to speculate on why the empire still exists?
I don't know, Palps could keep things focused when and how he wanted to. Do note that in ROTJ they specifically attack when the Emperor's aboard the Death Star. I'm guessing the highest leadership of the Rebellion did now Palps was a Sith Lord (via Yoda and Bail Organa), and knew what that meant for the galaxy.
Without Palps leading the Empire, i figure the Rebels could cut deals with warring warlords at least, if not outright defeat them.
Well let's say that on 9/11 Bush was on the flagship of the US Atlantic fleet and Bin Laden took out the ship with Bush on it. Would the US just go "well, Bush is dead...so I guess Osama is our new leader"?
Presumably there would either be:
A) A line of succession
B) An internal fight amongst the admirals or grand moffs.
The Empire would be weakened, no doubt, since Sheev was the glue holding everyone together in fear...but they would also be afraid of letting it all apart and how the rebellion would hunt and kill them, so it would force some amount of working together to keep it around.
A Mystery of the Sith, you say?How this new sith fits in is still a mystery but it seems like the war from Jedi is still very much underway.
Eh, that's a terrible argument. You can't compare a term limited elected executive to a lifelong dictator.
Besides, the Empire are still obviously a very real threat. The trailer establishes that quite well. How this new sith fits in is still a mystery but it seems like the war from Jedi is still very much underway.
What's the point in speculating? The first paragraph of the opening crawl will likely cover all of it.
I don't think it does, actually. We saw storm troopers, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the Empire (as a cohesive whole) is still around. It could be that the local garrisons have fallen under the control of various Moffs and Governors, and what we saw were some of those.
^^^^Nah, just speech. Think what you like.
Well that's all pure conjecture. Most people see stormtroopers and TIE fighters and they naturally assume that means the Empire are still the bad guys.
It's all conjecture until we get some more info![]()
I was talking about the trailer. Seeing TIEs and stormtroopers and thinking it means the Empire are in the film isn't really conjecture.
Anyone care to speculate on why the empire still exists?
Wasn't the Empire just the same governmental system as the Old Republic but with more assholes in charge? It would take more than just the destruction of the Death Star 2 and the unconfirmed death of the Emperor to grind it to a halt. There would be bureaucrats on Coruscant and elsewhere who would just switch to Plan B. There were too many Imperials with power and prestige--and undoubtedly the wherewithal to maintain it-- for it all just to end because Lando got a lucky shot.
Or there was another pair of Siths hanging around who took over.
if Tarkin didn't Perish in the first Death Star, i would have said he'd be a shoe-in to pic up the pieces of the Empire
Wasn't the Empire just the same governmental system as the Old Republic but with more assholes in charge? It would take more than just the destruction of the Death Star 2 and the unconfirmed death of the Emperor to grind it to a halt. There would be bureaucrats on Coruscant and elsewhere who would just switch to Plan B. There were too many Imperials with power and prestige--and undoubtedly the wherewithal to maintain it-- for it all just to end because Lando got a lucky shot.
Or there was another pair of Siths hanging around who took over.
So was I. You even called it an assumption earlier![]()
An assumption isn't the same thing as conjecture and you weren't talking about the trailer. There was no mention of moffs or governor in it. If you go just by the trailer, the Empire are in the film. It's that simple.
I... was talking about the trailer, though? If you go by just the trailer, there are strong indications that the empire is in, but it's not spelled out explicitly or anything.