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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


I don't think he was using the force to make people not see his true face. Perhaps he was using the force to maintain that appearance against his age and he wasn't able to hold it up under concerted attack, though. If he actually looked like that before the attack, I would think we'd have seen him using that appearance when speaking to the people who knew him as Sidious, but what you can see under his robe's hood he still looks pretty normal throughout the prequel era, iirc.

Yeah but as we all know the hood was so he wouldn't be seen as Senator Palpatine while concocting his inside upheaval with his cronies. I just figured he flipped it on when he had to make his video calls. ;)

And I agree that he was just a drained old fart more or less and not scarred but used that appearance to explain how his appearance changed so radically and so quickly.

I honestly don't dig much into the prequels like I did the original trilogy. As someone who saw ANH at the drive in in the 70's, my heart just isn't in them...whereas I scanned over every minutiae of the OT as a kid onward...so if this has been explained already, I am obviously ignorant of that. These are just how I have interpreted the prequels in the handful of times I could stomach them. :p

Luke suffers Force lightning for quite a long moment in ROTJ but doesn't get any facial scars.

And see this just reinforces my view on all this, however, you also have to factor in the whole "Duh, it's Lucas" slant and then it leaves you even more confused and back to square one. :|
e: Watching ROTJ right now and it's a bit irritating how Palpatine refers to lightsabers as Jedi weapons. They were never meant to be exclusively Jedi weapons, even back then, right?
e2: Also, the Ewoks are just as bad as the Gungans.

So lets say episodes 4-6 didn't exist and all the shots of sidious in 1 and 2 were changed to Maul and Dooku acting as a Proxy for their unseen master would you have guessed he was palpatine by his reveal in episode 3?

Lets not, because that's now he was portrayed in the movies at all. He was acting really suspicious just as a politician alone, trying to cling to that power.

I don't know about that. I'm a good judge of character and I think he's a good man.


Oh, absolutely. Super trustworthy face. Enough to convince the senate that the guys who were peace keepers for a thousand of generations suddenly turned evil and deserved to be killed, including the kids (because you never know!).

I've had it with these motherfucking Sith in this motherfucking Senate.

It's funny, because he clearly senses that Palpatine is using the dark side and should've gotten him right away.


So we've probably been over this a million times before, but I can't remember what the general consensus was; will we ever get rereleases of the original versions of the OT? I watched ANH yesterday, and all that shit is distracting as fuck, especially the stuff in Mos Eisley and the scene with Jabba.


So we've probably been over this a million times before, but I can't remember what the general consensus was; will we ever get rereleases of the original versions of the OT? I watched ANH yesterday, and all that shit is distracting as fuck, especially the stuff in Mos Eisley and the scene with Jabba.

Disney like money, will probably happen eventually is where I stand on that now that the roadblock has been removed.


Sooo apparently this is an 'accurate' sketch of Leia's costume from Ep VII


Well. huh.

Who cares about Leia, where's the Luke leaks



I looked around and that's the only Twitter account attached to his name. When you search "Domnhall Gleeson official twitter" that's what comes up, and he's tweeted promo stuff about his other movies. It's hard to tell.

Edit: if it isn't really him, this radio station is pretty dumb for tweeting a fan account.

He spelled his own name wrong.


He spelled his own name wrong.
Yeah, I thought that might point to it being fake, but if you search for @domhnallgleeson (the correct spelling), it's been taken by an abandoned account in 2011. Maybe he had to take a different spelling.

And I looked through some of his past tweets too, and there's lots of retweets from official media outlets that mentioned his handle in their tweets. I don't know, I'm leaning more towards it being his real account the more I look at it.
Yeah, I thought that might point to it being fake, but if you search for @domhnallgleeson (the correct spelling), it's been taken by an abandoned account in 2011. Maybe he had to take a different spelling.

And I looked through some of his past tweets too, and there's lots of retweets from official media outlets that mentioned his handle in their tweets. I don't know, I'm leaning more towards it being his real account the more I look at it.
Is it a verified account? Checking that should always be your first move, and someone like him would most certainly have one if he was on twitter.

Sorry man, it is always best to assume fake unless you see the little blue checkmark.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I don't think he was using the force to make people not see his true face. Perhaps he was using the force to maintain that appearance against his age and he wasn't able to hold it up under concerted attack, though. If he actually looked like that before the attack, I would think we'd have seen him using that appearance when speaking to the people who knew him as Sidious, but what you can see under his robe's hood he still looks pretty normal throughout the prequel era, iirc.

It's clear that the original idea was to have Palaptine wither slowly between TPM and ROTJ. In AOTC he had extra make-up to wrinkle around the eyes and make him more pale but then George had a brainwave and thought he needed to melt suddenly in ROTS.

The awful makeup on a flabby McDiarmid just didn't work. Should have left him looking like he did in AOTC:



Is it a verified account? Checking that should always be your first move, and someone like him would most certainly have one if he was on twitter.

Sorry man, it is always best to assume fake unless you see the little blue checkmark.
Yeah, true. I wasn't sure how big of a celebrity he was, so I wasn't sure if he'd be verified or not, but he probably would be.


So I read the first Darth Vader comic that's out now. The story has a very direct relation to the main Star Wars comic that I wasn't expecting. I liked it more than I expected (Darth Vader is a great bad guy, but I don't necessarily think that translates to a great lead character). This worked though. It's very much a set up of a larger story line, but it's very intriguing and it actually makes the story of the other Star Wars comic all the more interesting. And the last couple of pages were great.
Boba and evil Chewbacca! I'm also curious about the guy that is going to be tracked by evil Chewy. It's the first interesting new character of the new comics. Curious to see where it goes.

I wonder if the upcoming Leia comic is going to concern itself this closely with the ongoing Star Wars/Darth Vader storyline as well.
Speaking of that Darth Vader comic, this guy was in it. I don't recognize him from the movies, but he kind of fits the description of the old man cyborg character we've heard so much about in the rumor mill.
Or am I just not recognizing who this guy is..?


Speaking of that Darth Vader comic, this guy was in it. I don't recognize him from the movies, but he kind of fits the description of the old man cyborg character we've heard so much about in the rumor mill.
Or am I just not recognizing who this guy is..?

He's new I think. I doubt he's from the new movies (it seems a bit too early to start giving those characters a story already), but he feels like a long-term bad guy for at least the Darth Vader series. We all know Vader can't just beat Luke or the Emperor, so this is an interesting approach to a new rival.

Didn't make the connection with the new movie rumors though, that's a fun idea, even though I don't think that's what it will end up being.
What do you all think about the old school representations of cockpits with all kinds of random colored light buttons and pull levers for hyperspace takeoff(millennium falcon), against modern representations with minimalist design and digital Heads-up displays (eg. Prometheus)? The kid in me loves the old sensory overload style.

I was watching Indiana Jones 3 last night and I loved how old school movies used the orchestra every moment. Sometimes soft, and then bam "dun da da na, dun da Daa!" Indiana swings back up on Nazi tank and punches dude.


Great, exactly what I was waiting for. Guess I can stop giving a fuck about this game already. Yeah it's a rumor, but uh, not exactly beyond the realm of possibility.

DLC doesn't automatically make the base game worse just by virtue of it's existence. We'll see if this is true, and if so, what exactly shape it takes. If it basically follows the CoD model, there have been worse things by far.
There was always going to be a lot of DLC for this. As long as they're not purposely cutting content from the base game it doesn't bother me. I'm not a big fan of DLC but it is Battlefront so...


"DLC plan is extremely aggressive" Sigh.... Expected, but disappointing.

Don't the DICE BF's always have a truckload of dlc expansions? Not to defend dlc but if I remember correctly they always have very big expansions and like 4/5 of them during the lifecycle of the product. So it is not something out of the ordinary.


From The official Facebook Account


Star Wars
2 hrs ·
We are excited to announce that Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy will be making a special appearance at Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, kicking off the show in a big way on Thursday, 16th April at 10am PT.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is scheduled for release on 18th December, 2015

Reckon they'll show any clips?
It'll be some behind the scenes stuff, the old-trio trailer, and maybe a full-blown scene or something.

it'll all be up within the day, because again - potatophones.


Mark Hamill spoke with the SchmoesKnow guys on their show/podcast thing.

First 6-7 minutes are about Kingsman, then it switches to SW. No new news or anything, but it's nice to hear Hamill talk about the SW legacy, the approach to the new movies, etc.


That was painful to hear them ramble about Star Wars canon and the EU to a clearly very baffled Mark Hamill. Although Hamill mentioned Crisis on Infinite Earths so there is that lol.


If they can honestly make a summer release that would be incredible.

Ideally it would come out the weekend closest to May 4th, but that's probably a pipedream.

If they need all the time leading up to Dec to work on effects, then they should use all of that time appropriately.

But if they are pushing for a Summer release it could be that the effects will take nowhere near that long. Often times films *do* sit in limbo waiting for the appropriate release dates with effects and the like done way in advance. JJ probably knows more than we do about the state of the film, afterall...

There may actually be minimal CGI needed as compared to the Prequels since they went as practical as they could.

Imagine if they used mostly miniatures for the space fights much like they did for the OT. That would be very boss. And cut down on the needed post.
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