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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


If they can honestly make a summer release that would be incredible.

Ideally it would come out the weekend closest to May 4th, but that's probably a pipedream.

If they need all the time leading up to Dec to work on effects, then they should use all of that time appropriately.

But if they are pushing for a Summer release it could be that the effects will take nowhere near that long. Often times films *do* sit in limbo waiting for the appropriate release dates with effects and the like done way in advance. JJ probably knows more than we do about the state of the film, afterall...

There may actually be minimal CGI needed as compared to the Prequels since they went as practical as they could.

Imagine if they used mostly miniatures for the space fights much like they did for the OT. That would be very boss. And cut down on the needed post.
that rumor was debunked you know...


that rumor was debunked you know...

Okay. Well I'm still open minded about rumors that get repeated on various sites. I never thought it was likely, just that it was possible. We are literally less than 3 months away from May 4th anyhow, that would be pretty incredible if they managed to release it anywhere near that timeframe.

It's just fun to speculate!


Okay. Well I'm still open minded about rumors that get repeated on various sites. I never thought it was likely, just that it was possible. We are literally less than 3 months away from May 4th anyhow, that would be pretty incredible if they managed to release it anywhere near that timeframe.
Even if we ignore it was debunked in what universe would Disney release the movie at the same time as they are releasing Avengers? That would be a disaster.


Maybe some first publicity photos of Han, Luke, and Leia at Celebration, first trailer is still probably releasing with Avengers 2.

Perhaps another teaser, this time including the old big three? (With the full trailer debuting with Avengers as suggested.)


Maybe some first publicity photos of Han, Luke, and Leia at Celebration, first trailer is still probably releasing with Avengers 2.
Age of Ultron comes out internationally only a week after that event so it makes since that they could possibly release the trailer online at that time.


LEGO stuff:

75099 Lead Hero Craft 26,99 Euro
75100 Villain Craft 49,99 Euro
75101 Villain Starcraft 69,99 Euro
75102 Hero Starfighter 89,99 Euro
75103 Villain Transport 99,99 Euro
75104 Lead Villain Vehicle 119,99 Euro
75105 Hero Vehicle 149,99 Euro


26,99 EUR set will be the "bicycle"-thing from the Trailer
150 EUR will be the MF, nearly the Same as 7965
?? EUR a really big TIE fighter . I showed here my retailer the pics from 75095, but be Said it was Sommething different, but nearly the same..?!
The X-Wing will be grey, black, white.

The speeder is the only bike vehicle in the trailer.

That bottom piece of information comes from Sir von Lego @ Eurobricks. His location is noted as Germany on that forum and English may not be his first language. He has a track record of breaking LEGO news.



X-Wing Gray, black, white? It is white grey blue in the trailer. Of course, if it is a preliminary version, as it may be this early...

Big TIE fighter? Perhaps it is that "TIE Shuttle" we saw concept art for some weeks ago?


X-Wing Gray, black, white? It is white grey blue in the trailer. Of course, if it is a preliminary version, as it may be this early...

Big TIE fighter? Perhaps it is that "TIE Shuttle" we saw concept art for some weeks ago?

We've seen a black, grey, orange and white X-wing in the "spy" pics.





Just toys from NYTF2015 called Star Wars Bladebuilders, hopefully nothing this wild will be in the films... hopefully.



Alien stormtroopers?
Hutts are funding the rebellion's superweapon to combat the empire's superweapon?
Gwendoline Christie is the Chrome trooper (shock trooper) who pilots a huge ship Imperial Hand. She can cloak herself using the suit and in one scene kills two Jedi Padawan (if true, Luke has definitely established some new Jedi training program, yay)
It's really weird that none of these rumors up to now have mentioned ANYTHING about Oscar-Winner Lupita Nyong'o.

She's gotta be doing SOMETHING in this movie, right?



Ray, Finn, Poe....All those names suck. I swear these are not real names, I hope they are not real names, but imposed upon us so we could be surprised when the movie comes out.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Ray, Finn, Poe....All those names suck. I swear these are not real names, I hope they are not real names, but imposed upon us so we could be surprised when the movie comes out.

They already sound normal to me. It's just because they are new, Han, Chewbacca, Lando, what's the difference? They sound like Star Wars names.


It's really weird that none of these rumors up to now have mentioned ANYTHING about Oscar-Winner Lupita Nyong'o.

She's gotta be doing SOMETHING in this movie, right?


There was that rumor she was Luke's first apprentice and she's with him, right? But you are the Star Wars prophet so I guess that has been debunked haha.
There was that rumor she was Luke's first apprentice and she's with him, right? But you are the Star Wars prophet so I guess that has been debunked haha.

The only rumor I remember being attached to her is that there was a Kenobi connection - and that she'd likely begin as a bad guy.

Apparently none of that has panned out, though. Or maybe it has, who knows.


Turns out Apple's Jonathan Ive inspired JJ to add the uneven lightsaber blades. Was reading a New Yorker interview with him.

And Ive once sat next to J. J. Abrams at a boozy dinner party in New York, and made what Abrams recalled as “very specific” suggestions about the design of lightsabres. Abrams told me that “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” would reflect those thoughts, but he wouldn’t say how. After the release of the film’s first trailer—which featured a fiery new lightsabre, with a cross guard, and a resemblance to a burning crucifix—I asked Ive about his contribution. “It was just a conversation,” he said, then explained that, although he’d said nothing about cross guards, he had made a case for unevenness: “I thought it would be interesting if it were less precise, and just a little bit more spitty.” A redesigned weapon could be “more analog and more primitive, and I think, in that way, somehow more ominous.”


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Okay now I want a pretentious Apple-style video of Jony Ive talking about the Lightsaber 7 Plus against a white background.


A lot of awesome sounding stuff in there. I'm a bit confused about
Domhnall Gleeson and what's going on in that Luke scene,
but it's sounds good.


It's really weird that none of these rumors up to now have mentioned ANYTHING about Oscar-Winner Lupita Nyong'o.

She's gotta be doing SOMETHING in this movie, right?


Maybe she has a smaller part in 7 and a larger part in 8, maybe she's the new trilogy's main antagonist, who shows up in the last reel of 7 and her story is concluded in 8 & 9


I doubt Making Star Wars would post it if they didn't buy into it. They take their nearly flawless track record pretty seriously.


So not worth it
Still the thing I'm most excited about thanks to a new Star Wars coming out: there will be a new Star Wars Soundtrack by John Williams. I can dream the other six front to back (in their various iterations) and I still enjoy everything about them all. The prospect of getting a whole new soundtrack in that same vein.

I'm hyped guys, fucking hyped.


The Kylo Ren stuff sounds off to me. How does his scene in the trailer show that he is injured? Did anyone get that impression?

On the whole a lot of that stuff sounds cool. Though I feel like I've read so many rumors for this movie I'm not going to remember half of them by the time December comes around.

The Ren stuff sounds like he saw the very zoomed in pic of the pilot that looked like Driver at Greenham Common and has just run with it.

If you think that's him it's believable.

Alien stormtroopers?
Hutts are funding the rebellion's superweapon to combat the empire's superweapon?
Gwendoline Christie is the Chrome trooper (shock trooper) who pilots a huge ship Imperial Hand. She can cloak herself using the suit and in one scene kills two Jedi Padawan (if true, Luke has definitely established some new Jedi training program, yay)

Luke getting beaten sounds lame, theoretically he should be able to beat pretty much anyone introduced in this film. I just want badass Luke dammit.
Luke getting beaten sounds lame, theoretically he should be able to beat pretty much anyone introduced in this film. I just want badass Luke dammit.

He sounds like he's powerful enough to guard this old tomb. He can't be too powerful like a god though, otherwise what's the threat? I don't know how e are going to see Chewie pull someone's arm out of their socket. Is that going to be bloody or what?
He sounds like he's powerful enough to guard this old tomb. He can't be too powerful like a god though, otherwise what's the threat? I don't know how e are going to see Chewie pull someone's arm out of their socket. Is that going to be bloody or what?

The threat should be what's in the tomb when it gets out. That should be what challenges Luke, Ren should get his ass beat by him but be a challenge to the kids.
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